𝔶𝔬𝔲𝔯𝔰 𝔱𝔯𝔲𝔩𝔶 [gonkil...

By tataxzs

16.8K 902 583

rewrite !! ➪ when almost college dropout Killua attempts to drink away his problems, unemployed Gon suddenly... More

im back!


440 29 14
By tataxzs


Ever since I graduated months ago, my friends and I've been fooling around almost every day. Like hanging out, drinking 'till dawn, partying like there's no tomorrow, everything to celebrate our graduation, suffering, and hard work during college.

I remember the conversation about what my friends are going for the next stage of 'life', you might say. They all responded similar. There's some that they said they already had a job, and working at some places.

It turns out that when I thought we were all just fooling around, my friends had all gotten jobs, some even started a small business.

Had I known that they started thinking about their future, I would've done the same. I started searching for jobs, as expected, I didn't really find any.

And today...

Killua told me that there's a job opening here? But would they even accept me?

I was told to wait here, when is he coming back? I'm so nervous.

"Gon!" A familiar voice shouted. "Oh, hi, Kalluto! Are you done with your class?" He smiled. "Yeah. Why are you here though?" He asked.

"Killua and I have some business to do here, and additionally pick you up too!" He nodded with understanding and took something out of his pocket.

"I have something, too. I made during class, it's a paper boat. I have too many of this papers though..." I need something to do anyway while waiting for Killua.

"Do you want me to make it for you? We can swap!" He beamed with joy. "Sure, let's do this!"


I was walking with the principal of the school. "Sure, Killua. Casual is fine. Work performance is the most important thing, however, he was the one who helped Kalluto get back here when he got lost, right?"

I nodded. "I'm sure he'd be able to work well. Other than getting along with students, he's also good at teaching. He's currently waiting there." I pointed at him at the bench.

"Ah, is he? Oh!" He turned to Gon playing with the students. "I see.."


"Alright, I'm done! Who wanted a crane bird?" I showed the pink bird towards the students. They were amazed by such small things like this.

"Calm down, everyone. I'll make sure I do enough for all of you."

Being surrounded by children feels nice. I feel like snow white.

"Hey, Gon." I heard Killua call my name. "Oh, Killua! Give me a minute," I pointed to Killua. "I need to talk with this gentleman right here." They all said 'aww' with a sad tone.

"Bye guys!" I waved at them while walking away with Killua. "You're like a magnet with those students." Killua said. I smiled with glee. "We were just making origami!" He nodded with understanding.

I stopped walking and turned to him. "So, how did it go? What did the headmaster say?" I said, curiously. "We talked about it, he wants you to bring your CV and come to the interview the day after tomorrow. How does that sound?" He waited for my response.

I immediately got my eyes big and gleamed. "Interview?! I can even do it tomorrow!" I made little hops like a bunny. "You look so spirited. But don't worry, he saw how good you were with them," He smiled warmly. "I'm happy for you, Gon. Go ace that interview."


Gon looked so cute being excited. He even looks like he's about to cry in joy. "Thank you, Killua!" He jumped to hug me. "You're my savior, I won't let this go to waste! Thanks to you, I feel like all my burdens went away!"

I was so embarrassed, I liked... that feeling. The warmth Gon gave, his hands covering my back, I feel so protected. I slightly pushed him away, flushed with bright red.

He flinched a bit, realizing what he did and got away. But he still smiled, like a cute kid. "Y-you're welcome..." I stuttered, lost for words.

"Aww, that's so touching!!" I heard Ms Retz, just enjoying the 'view'. "I don't know what's actually happening, but Gon, are you thinking about working here?"

"Yep, I plan to, anyway." He smiled sheepishly. "That's such good news! I hope everything works out fine, they'll hire you for sure. When's the interview?" Retz asked. Gon answered while placing his hands behind his neck and also laughed with his pink shaded cheeks.

My heart was thumping like crazy and I felt weird in my stomach. What's with that..?

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