By Somber_Storm18

92 9 18

It is an urban suspense thriller about a man who gets entangled in a bank heist, in which his close friend is... More

Pursuit Of Power
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
TEARS OF RAGE 2: Clash Of Killers
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3

Chapter 7

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By Somber_Storm18

Within a world of desperation, despair, and deception a man will sacrifice his entire life without thinking twice, how such action may set other wheels in motion.

Circumstances will arise in his life that will make him realize that his existence is a priceless prize.

When Swaylo stepped through the threshold of Broderick's apartment, he was impressed by its plush decor.

The front room was decorated in a variety of beige, cream, and brown.

Earth tones that brought to life the plants, wallpaper, and aquarium.

There was a strong African culture influence intermeshed with the design.

Broderick had a portrait of himself, hanging above the couch that displayed him as a Zulu king.

It was a bachelor's pad that made it clear that he was a man with money.

Women would yearn to take control of such a dominion.

There was nothing in the decor that would lead a woman to believe that they would do anything more than just spend the night.

"My cousin Broderick is the one that I was telling you about. He's originally from Montel Holmes, though."

"What's his hustle, he a dope boy or something?"

"Nah. Cuz be robbing fools... Even that fool Kenny doesn't violate the boundary with cuz."

Following behind Pluto, Swaylo was lead into a spacious bedroom.

Along the wall was a broad gun collection.

Laid out across the bed were painter outfits, chemical masks, goggles, and a pressure washer box propped against the dresser.

The decor in the room was charcoal gray, black, and chrome.

There were floor-to-ceiling mirrors over the closet and master bathroom door. The carpet was a deep black, with a smoke gray throw rug at the foot of the bed. Thoughts of having a place like that of his own began drifting through his mind, fused ideas of living with Charmaine under the same roof.

A quick survey of the apartment- minus the bathroom- was enough to arouse a touch of envy to descend upon him.

It was an alien feeling, but it was enough to identify will its presence.

Pluto caught the expression on Swaylo's face and smiled.

"I felt the same way when I walked into this place.."

Pluto handed him a jumpsuit used by professional painters. "After today we can both have a place like this."

The prospect of walking away with a hundred thousand in cash was weighing heavy on his mind.

It set his imagination on fire like a kaleidoscope of desire...

There were so many things that he could see himself doing, he pondered in silence.

His entire body was pulsating.

"I've never been this amped in my life, Kid," Swaylo stated massaging a hand across the pistol in his palm.

"I'm just glad that I found you to watch my back...You and me homey, ride or die!" Pluto exclaimed.

Swaylo dapped him up with an unspoken pledge of loyalty. "Ride or Die..." He stated.

As they began to get dressed neither of them could imagine how sudden death can pull up at a person's doorstep.

But turning back was not an option...

After having dressed in their gear, and concealed their weapons inside of the pressure washer boxes, Pluto drove to a commercial district within Kennesaw county.

He gave Swaylo a thorough rundown on the route, that was to be taken, and the backup route, that would give them a fifteen-minute window before the cops could rally a response to cover the area.

When he swerved into Shonda's apartment complex, driving the van that was to be used for the heist, D-Money saw them.

"Bro you're not going to believe this... The kid just pulled up with some outsider."

Kirkwood Kenny was in the kitchen, drinking from the orange juice container.

He strode from the kitchen in time, to see Pluto park and exit the van.

The outfit that Swaylo was wearing made it obvious that they had introduced a fourth man, Kenny brooded in silence.

They watched the two of them approach the apartment, and we're there to receive them upon entry.

"What the hell do you think you're doing?" Kenny spat at Pluto; opening the door to allow them to enter into the apartment

"I specifically told y'all not to introduce some random stranger into this job. It compromises our security..."

"We needed a fourth man and I wanted to make sure that there was no room for error." Pluto stood his ground with Swaylo off to the side clutching a Glock 9mm.

"My partner, Swaylo, is a thoroughbred from the Meadows. I trust him with my life." Pluto proclaimed.

Kirkwood Kenny shifts his gaze over the duo with a look of utter disgust...

If looks could kill, Pluto would have had his head chopped off, and pickled like a science project.

"I don't know this dude from a blade of grass in a cornfield, but you're trying to tell me that you've sabotaged my safety because you feel like this dude is solid..." Kenny glared at them both with a furious expression etched upon his face.

He had the look of a man who was on the verge of losing his grasp on patience and reasoning.

"So I don't get a say in the matter, is that what you're telling me, homey?

Shonda was in the bedroom checking her makeup, listening.

Her nerves were frazzled.

She was caught between asserting herself as the leader of the crew or being diplomatic...

But something had to be done.

The way things were going she wanted to make it clear that she stood with her cousin, without appearing to betray Kenny.

The job required a functioning team.

"Just stop with the complaining..." Shonda spat in frustration, as she stood in the hallway, holding her purse.

"He did exactly what needed to be done. You keep talking like you know MY plan better than me." Shonda strode to the door. "It's showtime. Save the bickering. This isn't up for discussion or debate. Either get with the program or get the hell out of the way of our progress."

The look that Kenny cast in her direction was like a laser-ray of hatred.

He held his tongue and remained silent.

There was nothing to say...

"Give me a ten-minute window, and get in motion," Shonda added, before leaving.

Her gaze shift to Pluto.

To avoid any useless confrontation Shonda strode out of the apartment, without allowing Kenny to rebut her instructions.

Kirkwood Kenny glared at the trio.

The message was clear...

Deal with it, or make a move to stop it.

Kenny shook his head, as his gaze took in Swaylo.

"I don't know what these two have told you, Tough Guy... But I don't think you have any idea of what you're getting yourself into..."

"For a hundred thousand in cash, I could care less what's required; I want in..."

Kirkwood Kenny stared at Swaylo with the grin of a cat on the trail of a canary.

"If the pressure comes and you fold... just know that if you slip, you sleep."

After gathering their gear and going over what each person would be expected to do, the team of bandits got into traffic and drove to their destination.

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