Azur Lane:My Oc Q&A

By shadowgamer254

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Tide:guys it's Tide here,I managed to hack into the authors phone and make this story so you can ask all of u... More

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Q&A is back

128 4 11
By shadowgamer254

Blitz:*drops in from a portal*what the fuck,where the hell am I,what-

Shadow:oh look,a new guy appeared,I guess that makes us 3 people now

Ladon:yeah,that means something should happen

Blitz:who the hell are you both and where am I

Shadow:relax buddy,if we knew we'd tell you but clearly we don't

Ladon:we've been here for more than maybe 4 hours now,we still haven't found a way out of here,names Ladon by the way

Shadow:I'm Shadow


Ladon:come on now,no need to be shy,we're the only people here

Blitz:you're bravery for a Destroyer exceeds you but my name is Blitzkrieg

Shadow:nice to meet ya,how'd you end up here


Ladon:yup,just like us,any ideas as how to get out here

Blitz:if I had any,we'd be out of here,real quick

Shadow:cool then,so we're still stuck

*letter gets Chronosphere'd into existence"

Ladon:what the hells is that

Shadow:looks like a ethereal yoga ball after some ethereal cat played with it,shredded


Ladon:you have any idea what that is,Blitzkrieg

Shadow:there's a letter with it

Blitz:that's...........something that should not be possible,not yet at least,this does give Me an idea however

Shadow:let's see what's in the letter first

Ladon:I'm doing it then,YOINK *opens the letter*

Letter:*shines brightly like a hundred light bulbs*

Ladon:*covering his eyes*what the hell

Shadow:*covering his eyes*what's in that thing

Blitz:*covering his eyes*something important most likely 

Everyone:*receives the memories of the previous timeline*




Shadow:Tide better have a good reason for bringing us back here

Ladon:it's as  white as I remember it

Blitz:I'm going to clobber him

Ladon:be realistic,we probably won't remember this,when we get out


Shadow:so,where are the questions

Question List:*appears into existence*

Ladon:huh?,there are only 4 questions this time?

Blitz:probably because we've been gone for a while

Shadow:let's get it over with then with the first question being from, @reyestheghost  with,are you ok with me snitching on you to the author

Ladon:absolutely not


Shadow:you risk our stories,the destruction of our universes and the sanity of the author,next

Ladon:the 2nd one comes from @Sgt_Jibz who asks,for the Peacekeepers,would you consider stealing an FV4005 Stage II Tank Destroyer and use it's shell L1 hesh round

Shadow:what the hell is a FV4005

Ladon:pretty sure it's a tank from the Royal Navy,what the hell is ship going to do with a tank

Blitz:no,stealing is bad,don't steal,I have no use for tanks

Shadow:you ask the 3rd question Blitz

Blitz:well it's from a long time reader and participator, @WonShen asks,for the Peacekeepers and the children,how are we doing after our remaking and what are their inner most thoughts about Kasumi,Z46 and Fortune

Ladon:hold up,aint those Destroyers about their height and maybe age,body wise

Shadow:looks like the children have been busy in their own worlds but who goes with Fortune

Blitz:most likely a new child who will join us here soon,apart from that,I feel indifferent,i will still massacre the Sirens

Shadow:for our last question,it come from @Educated-Weeb ,asking Tide,TELL ME THE LOCATION OF YOUR CLASSES CUBES

Ladon:well...........Tide ain't here,so-

Blitz:it seems that you won't be able to know,since he's not here,better luck next time

Shadow:yeah but that does it for all the questions so far

Ladon:feels refreshing to do that

Blitz:let's just end this already

Shadow:well,that will do it then,hope you all are satisfied with this answer session,if you have anymore questions for us,leave them in the comments and we'll answer them next time and hopefully we'll have the whole gang with us by then

Ladon:yup,just like how I remember it

Blitz:goodbye readers,until next time

Shadow,Ladon & Blitz out

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