Transformers: Cybertron: Robo...

By SethEaton1

1.7K 54 7

The Autobots go back in time to when the the Cyber Planet Keys first appeared on Earth. There, they meet a yo... More

Chapter 1: Disguises and Going Back in Time
Chapter 2: The Base
Chapter 3: The Cyber Planet Keys and Arendelle attack
Chapter 4: Southern Isles
Chapter 5: Adjusting to the Autobots
Chapter 6: Corona
Chapter 7: The Allies
Chapter 8: Back up Comes
Chapter 9: Omega Lock
Chapter 11: Cybertron Defense Team
Chapter 12: Corona Cyber Key
Chapter 13: Settlements in a New World
Chapter 14: Galvatron

Chapter 10: Mudflap

46 3 0
By SethEaton1

Elsa walked through Arendelle, and looked at the sky. "I just wish I wasn't the one who everyone wants," she said. "It's okay Elsa," said Landmine, "it can be a burden, but the whole universe is counting on us." "I know," said Elsa, "I just have so much to do." "You should get home now Elsa, you never know if a Decepticon is lurking around." Elsa nodded, and walked back. Unknown, someone was watching her. Until she felt something pick her up, and she screamed. "ELSA!!!" yelled Landmine, as he ran off to find her in the hands of a Decepticon. "YOU, PUT HER DOWN!!!" The Cybertonian turned around, and revealed him to be a face that Landmine knew all too well. "M-M-Mudflap?!?" Anna, Kristoff and Olaf came out, and saw Landmine looking in shock. "What are you doing? You're no Decepticon!!!" "Landmine," said Anna, "Do you know him?" "I-I practically raised him as a son," said Landmine, "And he's working for Megatron!?!?" "Landmine, you and I go way back, but, I..... I don't want to hurt you. But I gotta do what I gotta do." Mudflap then transformed, and raced off. "NO!!" said Landmine, transforming himself


Anna then climbed on, and Landmine raced away. On the way, Anna heard Landmine crying. "Why? Why would he betray us like this?" he asked. "I know what it feels like to be betrayed," said Anna, "I once thought that Hans was the one for me. My true love, even though I just met him that day. I was foolish, but I know Mudflap is just confused. You can show him he needs love. Go to him." Landmine thought hard while he was driving after Mudflap.

Mudflap arrived at the hideout, and presented Elsa. Elsa had gotten braver against Megatron, and stared at him with disgust. "Well," said Megatron, "It seems we have a guest. Starscream, make her comfortable." "Yes my lord," said Starscream. Starscream then took some strong, flexible metal, and bound Elsa with it. "Hope you're comfortable, because we need you to track the keys." "I won't help you!!" said Elsa. Megatron just smirked, and he looked at her, and said, "You might not know this, but you are the final key to powering the Omega lock for my plans. Your soul will be the main power source." 

Landmine told everyone about the kidnapping, and everyone was surprised. "Why would Mudflap just drop everything and join the enemy?" asked Jetfire. "I don't know," said Optimus, "But we need to find Elsa. Vector said that if someone who wishes to use the Omega Lock for evil, then they need Elsa to power it with the Cyber Keys. So, we need to find Elsa now! AUTOBOTS, TRANSFORM!!" 

(0:09-0:24, 2:53-3:06, 3:33-3:45, 4:00-4:09)

(0:26-0:36, 0:36-0:52, 0:52-1:10, 1:41-1:53, 2:23-2:44, 2:55-3:09, 3:18-3:30, 4:20-4:37)

"I never get tired of watching them change into magnificent machines," said Anna. "Princess Anna," said Optimus, "We actually have something for you. So you can join in on the fight. We call it, the Knight of Arendelle." Anna looked at it, and said, "Oh my, do I....?" "No," said Jetfire, "You pilot it from this control seat." "Oh," said Anna, "Well, let's go save Elsa." "AUTOBOTS, ROLL OUT!!!!" The Autobots drove, ran and flew all out of the base, looking for Elsa.

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