Serendipity || ✔️

By 0Kellic0

8.5K 465 5.8K

Famous lead singer Kellin Quinn journey to value himself while having to learn to let go of the things that d... More

O3 : tiMe to party, i guess?
O6 : the plan, spoiler it's bAd
O8 : the least You could do
11 : shouldn't Be forgotten
13 : in time it'll gEt better
15 : closer through the paIn
17 : late night craviNgs
18 : jealousy is a disEase
21 : ignoring won't solVe the problem
23 : sEcond nature
29 : CAREFuL dOll
3O : won't belieVe the excuses
31 : FIrsT DAtES and love unrEciprocated
34 : the enDing was so cruel
35 : the realitY of lOve
36 : will be happier withoUt you

28 : jealousy neveR feLt so good

213 7 180
By 0Kellic0

Poison Ivy
1:05  ───|────── 2:51
|◁              II             ▷|

don't forget to comment and vote!

Kellin woke up with a start, flinching before his tired eyes slowly started to open. He shifted slightly and froze for a second when he felt arms around his waist. Something about this felt familiar but also strangely unsettling. His eyes shifted down to see a bare tanned arm, different from the tattooed arms that were wrapped around him just a day ago.

The other day Oli had left to go back home to California. The goodbye was anything but good, it left Kellin sadder than he'd felt in a while.

It was awkward at first since both remembered what happened the day before and also waking up in each other's arms. But the awkwardness faded once they had gone to breakfast at the restaurant Kellin frequently visited. It was becoming clearer that Oli was leaving in four hours, three since he had to be at the airport three hours before his flight.

Kellin had, for lack of better words, been acting like a pouty child leading up to Oliver leaving. It was cute and something the older of the two didn't expect to see.

"You're acting like you'll never see me again, Kells," Oli chuckled, looking down at the singer who was clinging onto him.

The two stood in front of the hotel entrance waiting for the Uber that would take Oliver to the airport. Kellin was holding onto the hoodie Oli had given him to hold onto for him, it was the same black hoodie he wore the day before: "Change up the other one from time to time, yeah?"

Kellin stood in front of the taller man, arms wrapped around his torso in, almost, a death grip at this point, with a pout on his face. "You'll see me after your trip is over."

"That's like, so far away," he mumbled.

"You could always just come home with me now..."

Of course, that was the end of the conversation since Oli's cab had shown up before Kellin could say anything else. He had to leave. The two said their goodbyes and Kellin watched as the cab drove away. The entire day after was quiet and awkward. He didn't know what to do and he definitely wanted to steer clear from him that day.

Kellin didn't know if he had to deal with an angry Vic and he didn't want to find out. Though with a surprise once Kellin was back in his room, the black hoodie held tightly in his arms he heard a knock coming from the door that connected their rooms.

Kellin really debated on opening the door but, honestly he would rather just get it over with. The singer unlocked the door before stepping away and headed to his bed just as Vic let himself in. He was more than ready for an argument but all he got was a hug from behind and a sweet kiss on his cheek before he had the chance to get into bed.

"Did you have fun?" He asked softly as he kept his arms around Kellin's frame. Kellin silently nodded and Vic hummed, "You're sad?"

Kellin once again nodded as he placed the hoodie he still had on the bed. "Yeah..." Kellin trailed off and turned in Vic's arms to face him. Vic hummed softly and hugged him closer letting Kellin rest his head against his shoulder, "Thought you were mad at me."

"Not mad... just slightly annoyed but I get it."

That was the end of the conversation and the rest was spent quietly and awkward as they watched movies and ordered room service. And that was how Kellin found himself laying on his bed with Vic hugging him just like that first night. He sighed and moved as slowly as he possibly could so as to not disturb Vic's sleep.

Though it was for nothing since Vic started to stir in his sleep until his tired eyes fluttered open and smiled looking at Kellin. He pulled him in closer and nuzzled his face into the crook of his neck. Kellin felt a surge of warmth spread through him at the sight.


Kellin smiled at the roughness of his voice before gently combing his fingers through his hair, "Morning."

"Wha' time is it?" He asked in a muffled voice and Kellin reached over to the right where the bedside his phone was on. He turned his phone on, blinded by the sudden bright light to his eyes:

"Almost noon."

Vic hummed as Kellin continued to scroll through his phone after checking the time, just updating himself on any news and his fans. They didn't say anything after that, settling themselves into peaceful silence. There wasn't much news aside from the usual bull crap on twitter. Fans were doing alright and there wasn't any sign of those two girls spreading what Oli said.

Which made Kellin relieved and a bit proud, weirdly enough. Proud that it didn't blow up into news and he'd have to deal with the press again. He'd steered clear so far—surprisingly to Kellin to be honest—and he'd like to keep it that way.

"I'm gonna go shower," Vic finally said before scooting away from Kellin. The older man stood up and stretched, his bones popping back into place. He glanced over with a mischievous grin and wiggling his eyebrows, "Wanna join me?"

Kellin laughed and in a sing song voice, "Boundary rule #3~"

Vic nodded as he smiled. Before he placed one of his knees onto the bed and with support of his arms he leaned in to kiss Kellin's cheek. "I know, I'll be right out," after Kellin had nodded his acknowledgement he left the room and went to his.

Kellin let out a sigh and stared down at his phone once again. He hadn't received text messages from anyone. And it was weirding him out. Even before this trip all of his group chats were busy and always sending random memes and texts.

Now it was drier than the Sahara. It left an uneasy feeling in his chest. Aside from Oli, he hadn't contacted any of his friends nor had they contacted him. He frowned at this thought and sat up, going to his group chats.

With his band members the last he spoke to them was when he told them he'd be staying. Not as surprising since they weren't the texting type. Still given the circumstances... although this is essentially better for Kellin. He was a horrible liar and one right question would have him word vomiting about what he'd been doing in New York.

And honestly speaking about his band; they would not take it well and hightail it over here.

Kellin sighed and shut off his phone, placing it back on the bedside table before getting up to go shower as well in his own bathroom.

Vic has said he didn't know what love was until he met Nicholas.

It was partly true since he didn't understand until Nicholas. But he knew. In his own freak way he'd known what love was the minute he set his eyes on Kellin. Their little love story was sweet in the beginning and innocent. It was everything one could want in a relationship. Friends in the beginning, slowly but surely loving and appreciating everything about the person. Getting to that point where the first thing you think of after waking up was them. It was sweet. It was... too good to be true.

It was exhilarating without Vic processing it. It was quick and it was hard.

Kellin was Vic's first love and vice versa. But of course, all good things come to an end and it was Vic's fault. He wasn't perfect—of course, no one was—but he chose to push it to the breaking point. And it was his biggest regret. In life he pictured it to be simple; Kellin at his side touring and being happy sharing their love story to the world. The high school sweethearts.

Plans change. People change. Without warning and noticing it all too late.

Kellin noticed too late.

Vic was trying to fix it though. He really did mean it when he said he hated hurting Kellin and that he didn't want to anymore. Vic had a funny way of showing it considering the train wreck they were currently wrapped up in thanks to Vic. But he was terrible at holding back his feelings when it came to Kellin. When it was just going so well between them.

And god has he tried to move on. He did move on. But his feelings were a funny thing and he'd just gone along for the ride. Completely ignoring the inevitable consequences that were waiting for them at the end of the road. It was selfish the way he clung to him. But Vic was a selfish person, always had been, always would be.

And Vic would always be selfish and possessive when it came to Kellin. Only wanting him for himself no matter what. And it was a horrible mindset considering he did love Nicholas and wanted to spend his life with him. But he didn't want to give up on Kellin. In other words, this man was fucked and didn't know what the hell he wanted.

It was the question he asked himself every time he woke up next to Kellin. He asked himself today and he continued to ask himself after they got ready to go out. When they ate breakfast, lunch, and adventured around the city. When they went to the same damn club, which Vic truly needed to find another place to go to at night.

The club they frequent isn't bad. It was fine just like any other damn club that existed. But Denis was there. And Vic was possessive and selfish. Which was stupid since Denis was simply just a friend. But Vic's had friends before.

So Vic was extra handsy with Kellin when they were at the club—of course after a couple of drinks—he wouldn't think of doing this sober. Too risky. So easy to get caught. But right now after a couple of drinks he didn't give a shit and wanted to put a message out towards the damn bartender that was talking to Kellin.

Kellin on the other hand was trying to subtly push him away and he was drunk too. Unlike Vic he was always paranoid in public whether he was drunk or not. And Kellin was definitely panicking at the way Vic grabbed at his hips and buried his face into his neck from behind without shame. Denis—poor confused Denis—was trying to continue their conversation without questioning anything.

And boy did he have a lot of fucking questions for Kellin right now.

"So uh... your friend was here?" Denis awkwardly asked and watched as Vic's lips attached themselves to the pale skin of Kellin's neck.

My god could Kellin kill Vic right now. He elbowed him gently and got him to stop kissing his damn neck. Denis really didn't want to judge of course, but dear god what the fuck was going on right now?

"Yeah, Oli," Kellin could feel Vic's grip tighten around his hips, "He was here for like a day before having to go back."

"Oh... well that's good," Denis said, giving an awkward smile, "Um..."

Denis didn't even know what to do in this situation. On one hand, wasn't Vic dating that one actor? On the other hand... When had Vic and Kellin even become a thing?

"I'm sorry, can you like... give us somewhere private to talk?" Kellin asked and Denis could see him progressively getting annoyed.

"Yeah let me uh, go check if it's empty," Denis said and turned to walk away down the bar.

Kellin instantly turned around and placed his hands against Vic's chest pushing him away enough to give themselves breathing room. "What are you doing Vic? We're in public," he hissed and Vic gave him a pout, "Uh uh, no pouting. We talked about this."

"I know," Vic mumbled and he was surprised Kellin even heard him under the loud music, "I just really wanna kiss you."

"Can't you wait until we're alone," Kellin huffed, removing his arms, deeming it safe to stop pushing him away, before crossing them against his chest. Vic shook his head, making Kellin roll his eyes, "What is up with you tonight? You're clingier than usual."

Of course, he was. Oli being in the same room—the same bed—as Kellin had Vic in the clingiest mood he'd ever been with the singer. It had only been since the other day the taller man was here and Vic could only just get Kellin to stop being sad and dragged him out of the room. He hated that. Hated seeing the effect Oliver had on Kellin.

Because Vic knew. Vic saw the looks.

He wasn't unfamiliar to those gazes they gave each other when Oli and Kellin saw each other in the hotel room. Vic had been on the receiving end of it and also giving the same look back all those years ago.

"Can't I just want to kiss you?" Vic asked, trying not to give away the fact that he was just clingy out of jealousy.

Vic saw the blush coming up onto Kellin's cheeks and it made his heart do a flip. 'He's the cutest when he blushes.'

"Well you can but, Vic... we're kind of ya know... hiding?" Kellin said and it came out more like a question. They hadn't been completely subtle when they were out in public but they made sure to hide their identities while out. They weren't Angelina Jolie, Robert Downey Jr., or BTS famous but people certainly did recognize them from time to time.

One example was when Oli and Kellin met with fans randomly... and this club the two singers are at so often, fans know they were there. Fans could be here right now. Staring at them. But Vic in his state of inhibition couldn't give a shit. He wanted to make sure everyone looking at Kellin knew he wasn't on the market—but... he technically was...—and that only Vic had the pleasure to kiss and touch him.

Yeah, he was very possessive right now.

"No one's looking," Vic said and placed his hands back on Kellin's hips. Half a lie since he didn't check to see if anyone was looking. But honestly, he didn't care. Well... right now he didn't care.

Kellin's eyes scanned the area and he didn't see anyone actually looking at them. Denis wasn't back yet and everyone was in their own little world. "Fine but just one."

Vic gave his lopsided grin that Kellin oh so loved to see before leaning in giving him a kiss. The younger man's eyes fluttered shut and kissed back as his arms looped themselves over his shoulders. The kiss was sweet and short-lived—enough to calm down Vic until they went somewhere private to talk.

Kellin was the first to pull away and backed off—eyes flicking around the area to see if anyone saw them. Kellin's shoulders relaxed, seeing as no one was looking at them.

"Hey," Kellin turned and saw Denis walking back to them, eyes flicking between the two singers, "Follow me, the employee bathroom's empty."

Kellin nodded and looked over at Vic to see him giving a slight glare towards the bartender. He didn't comment on it and followed Denis until they met at the end of the bar. Denis lifted the wooden slab that blocked the entrance and let them in before nodding towards the hall right next to the entrance. Kellin walked down the hall until he got to a door with the bathroom sign.

Vic grabbed onto Kellin's hand as Denis passed them to unlock it for them and let them in. "Just lock it from the inside, I'll make sure no one comes back here," Denis said softly with the awkward smile still ever so present.

"Thanks," Kellin said with a matching smile, "We won't be long."

The two singers walked in and locked the door behind them.

The bathroom was big. A row of sinks on the left side with a wall separating a shower head with a curtain in front and on the right side a row of doors that most likely led to toilets. The floor was black tile and the walls matching the brick walls the rest of the club had. It was brightly lit, a contrast from the dim lighting outside.

Kellin went to the sinks to lean against the counter and Vic followed. Once he settled himself against the sinks he was caught by surprise as Vic leaned in to kiss him again. He hummed in surprise feeling his cheeks heat up when Vic's tongue made its way into his mouth and his hands grabbing his ass.

"W-Wait," Kellin stuttered, pulling away, "That's not why we're in here."

"It's not...?" Vic asked, confusion written across his face. Vic backed off and blushed, "Sorry..."

"What's up with you?" Kellin asked with a frown, "You've been acting weird since Oli left."

Vic could laugh really. He knew Kellin was a bit oblivious whenever Vic was jealous before but Jesus he thought he grew out of that by now. It made Vic feel a surge of nostalgia at the confused look he gave him. "You're cute, Kells," Vic said with a breathy chuckle as he grabbed his hand slowly lacing their fingers together, "Haven't changed one bit, hm?"

Kellin continued to frown not knowing how to necessarily answer, "What do you mean?"

"You really don't know what's up with me?" Vic asked and Kellin shook his head, "I didn't like that Oli was in your room for the night because I know you, baby, you shared your bed with him, right?"

"I... well, yeah..." Kellin said still confused about where he was going with this. Of course, he shared his bed. He wasn't going to make him sleep on the floor or that hard-ass couch.

"He held you?" Vic asked and his gaze turned into a glare when Kellin nodded, "Did you like it?"

Kellin heard the edge in his voice and that was when it clicked in his brain. He'd heard this tone before. It used to be rare in their relationship—only happened when someone was being too touchy with Kellin. Like the time Justin carried Kellin around when he was too drunk to walk back to the apartment he shared with Vic at the time. Or when Gabe had his arms around the singer in a friendly hug. He was jealous.

"Oh," Kellin finally said, "You're jealous."

"Maybe," Vic said as he walked closer, moving his hands to his waist and nuzzling his face into Kellin's neck to start planting kisses along it.

"There's nothing to be jealous of," Kellin sighed—but not out of annoyance—as he tilted his head up to give him more space, "Oli's just a friend."

"Don't be so dense, Kells," Vic said as he nipped at the skin making shivers run down Kellin's spine, "I know you're not that blind and you know that I don't like to share."

Before Kellin could respond Vic had pulled away and turned Kellin around so he was facing the mirror. "Vic..." Kellin warned but didn't stop Vic as he reached around to unbuckle his belt to pull his pants down.

And just like that, they broke boundary #3 while chaos was stirring up online again.


Hello hello! It's been quite a bit since I last updated 😅

I'll try updating a lil more frequently hopefully :') no promises but we're basically diving head first towards the end so buckle up and enjoy the train wreck!

Thanks to sadistfied for once again creating amazing edits for the story 😭 appreciate her always <3

I hope you guys enjoyed the chapter :D! Questions, comments, and concerns are always welcomed!

Thanks for reading and stay safe! 💜

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