
By Megabucks

134K 4.1K 853

Love shouldn't be ignored. It's an emotion of the utmost importance and value. No matter what obstacles the... More

I Wanna Be Down (1)
Brighter Than Sunshine (2)
Sexy Ladies (3)
Try a Little Tenderness (4)
Damn, I Wish I Was Your Lover (5)
Honey (6)
Exhale (Shoop Shoop) (7)
Hey Baby (8)
Tonight is the Night (9)
Rocketeer (10)
By Your Side (11)
Fallin' From the Sky (12)
Get On Up (13)
Bubbly (14)
We A Family (15)
At Your Best (16)
Casualty Of Love (17)
Closer (18)
Little Bit (19)
Groove Me (20)
Cruisin' (21)
Universe & U (22)
In Repair (23)
Playing Your Game, Baby (24)
Feels Like Home (25)
Closer (26)
Your Body is a Wonderland (27)
Everybody Hurts (28)
Everchanging Times (29)
Do You Realize (30)
You're All I Need to Get By (31)
How Can You Mend a Broken Heart (32)
Into the Mystic (33)
Number One Hit (34)
Butterfly (35)
Compass or Map (36)
Put Your Hands On Me (38)
Hey, Soul Sister (39)
Dirty Laundry (40)
Girl On Fire (41)
Marry You (42)
Crazy (43)

Carry On (37)

2.4K 78 17
By Megabucks

"Carry On" -- Fun.

Cause we are

We are shining stars

We are invincible

We are who we are

On our darkest day

When we're miles away

So we'll come

We will find our way home...


Jaden and Nina had managed to find nine friends and family members to take part in the prayer, which held a total number of fifteen people. Holding hands, they formed a perfect circle along the grassy area near the merry-go-round. However, it took some minutes for the group to figure out who would clasp hands with whom. It didn't matter to most who they held hands with, but just about everyone sensed the tension between Mackenzie and Sharon, which might not have been there or so apparent had the latter of the two not seemed so close to Sierra. How did they get so chummy so quickly?

Avoiding eye contact, Mack ended up between Jaden's dad Kevin and Riley who started to flirt until he caught on that he was the incorrect gender. His eyes roamed around the circle as he silently counted. Ten gorgeous women in this group (even Jaden's mother was a hottie--older hottie but hottie regardless) and half of them were lesbians. Might have been six, but the jury was still out where Nina was concerned. What a shame for him. Riley smiled to himself. But what a delight for other women who played for the same team. He always tried to locate a silver lining.

Before Nina started the prayer, she suggested that everyone briefly introduce themselves (full names, where they were from, why they were riding or volunteering...) since Jaden and Georgie were the only people in the group familiar with the other thirteen. She began and then tagged Vanessa who stood to her right. After Vanessa introduced herself, Georgie, Jaden, Maxine, Heather etc. followed until they finished with Sharon about ten minutes later.

Asking that the group bow their heads, Nina inhaled deeply before beginning, mindful of keeping her soft voice loud enough for them to hear. "Lord, we thank You for our being able to gather here on this beautiful November day. We thank You for the kind-hearted and generous nearly two thousand people participating in this event, whether they be volunteers or riders like most of the individuals in this group.

"The main reasons for the Spirited Saddlers Ride are to raise money to provide medical services for those who are less fortunate and living with HIV/AIDS and to raise awareness and education. Lord, we pray that a cure will soon be discovered so that HIV/AIDS can be eradicated. So many lives...too many lives have been affected by and ended much too prematurely because of them. We pray in particular for Eduardo Torres and Evan Morrow, two beautiful people who were called home at such young ages. Although they are missed and loved by so many, we are aware that they are now in Your tender embrace, that they are no longer afflicted, that they now have everlasting happiness and peace.

"Please keep everyone safe during their 470-mile journey in automobiles and bicycles to Las Vegas. This most imperative journey will be challenging at certain points so provide them with strength to continue when they are feeling weak. Give them faith when they believe that they have come to an impasse. Give them courage when fear makes itself known. When their minds are riddled with negativity, help them to focus on the positive. Please guide them to remembering why they are here in the first place and that through You they can and will conquer anything. In Your name we pray. Amen."

Concerned, Georgie leaned against a tree while observing her partner as she polished an already gleaming blue helmet with a handkerchief, which had been in her fanny pack. If Jaden continued to rub it much longer, the paint might begin to wipe off onto the currently white cotton cloth. Unable to take it any more, Georgie gently pulled the handkerchief from the busy fingers as she asked the other woman if anything was bothering her.

Jaden hadn't uttered much after their group of fifteen finished praying, through the opening ceremony and during their goodbyes with her parents, Heather and Vanessa. Dark tinted shades shielded her eyes, which made it that much more difficult for Georgie to read her expressions.

The musician mustered a smile. "No, sweetheart. Nothing's wrong." She put her hand out, palm upward. "May I have my handkerchief back?"

The cloth clutched within her palm, Georgie folded her arms over her chest, obstructing Jaden's view of it. "You may when you tell me the truth. Jae, what's wrong?" she softly inquired, moving away from the tree and closer to Jaden. When her friend failed to speak, Georgie used her empty hand to remove the shades. A crack marred her heart upon seeing the watery film covering azure eyes. "Baby..."

Allowing her helmet to drop onto the grass, Jaden pulled the smaller woman to her and held on as though her life depended on the intensity of that embrace. Neither of them immediately speaking, Georgie rubbed along the length of a back that was warm despite the chilly air. When she soon felt the tears staining her neck and the back trembling beneath her hands, she led them to a nearby bench, keeping her arms around Jaden.

Several minutes had passed when with a shuddering breath, Jaden removed her head from her partner's shoulder, although she kept contact with an arm around both of her shoulders. She fiddled with one of the zippers on her fanny pack, a silent tear falling down her cooling cheek as she observed her fingers slowly moving the zipper back and forth along the tiny ridges.

"I miss him," she whispered through a thickened voice. "I know God has a plan for all of us, but he should still be here -- alive. He was so young and he went through so much in the short time that he was given." Done playing with her zipper, Jaden was about to run a hand through her hair when she recalled that she had put it into a ponytail. She settled for sliding the plastic purple I.D. bracelet around her wrist.

Having placed Jaden's shades and now folded handkerchief next to her thigh on the bench, Georgie pulled a hand into her lap, intertwining their fingers in the process. "I know you miss Evan, sweetheart," she began, her voice quiet...gentle. "I've seen it written on your face everyday. But, Jae, you could think of this...his passing as a reward."

"Reward." Based on her expression, she didn't comprehend how that was possible. How?"

Georgie nodded. "Yes. I've given it a lot of thought and have concluded -- realized actually -- that death isn't an end to life. It's really just the beginning of the next chapter. Your life could be depicted as a novel perhaps and death is the epilogue. True, an epilogue's place is at the ending of a book, however, that is when your sequel begins. Your sequel could be titled 'The Afterlife'. Are you with me?"

"Are you high?" Jaden's unexpected yet welcomed smile accompanied the teasing retort. "Kidding, Georgie. Yes, I'm with you."

"Hey watch it, J-Co." Smiling back, she nudged the brunette's shoulder. "I'm endeavoring to wax philosophic here. Oh and for your info, I've only taken Midol today. It had caffeine in it thou -- oops." Appearing like someone wanting to be excused, Georgie raised her free hand into the air. "That was my first caffeine slip. I swear. Didn't even think about the ingredients in those pills."

"Because I'm so nice, I'll pretend your slip didn't happen." Winking, Jaden squeezed the palm against hers. "Please continue your waxing."

"It's especially terrible when a child passes. It's terrible for us because you know they're fine." She smiled. "They're wonderful -- Evan is now in a wonderful place. He is onto his sequel, which is guaranteed to be so much greater than the first novel that took place on this earth. You said it yourself -- he went through so much during his short time here. Now all of that is over and Evan has started anew."

Using the back of her hand to wipe away fresh tears, Jaden then pressed her lips to her friend's cheek. "You wax well. Thank you, baby. You've eased the ache."

"It'll get better. Just take it day by day." Needing to return that kiss, she chose to deposit hers within the center of Jaden's palm. The musician's ringtone interrupted any further conversation.

One upping Georgie, lips smacked her cheek again a second before Jaden answered her phone. "Hello?"

"Okay. We surrender and will wave the white flag. We can't find you," said the voice pretending to be more exasperated than its owner actually was.

As though someone had put smoldering coals underneath her, Jaden shot up from the bench. "Joey? Where are you?"

"That's what we're wondering about you." The nurse tsked through the speaker. "You try to surprise some people..."

Jaden chuckled. "I am surprised!" Turning around, she hopped onto the bench, her eyes scanning the crowd for them. She assumed Joey meant only herself and Kat in that 'we'. "Okay, what are you standing by?"

"We're near the head of the gigantic starting point. Under a rainbow colored flag proudly waving on top of its long white pole. Does that help?"

Jaden spotted the flag, which would be difficult to miss. Studying it for a moment, she estimated that she and Georgie were about five hundred feet away. "Stay where you are, Joey. We're on our way."

Collecting the few belongings they had with them, Jaden and Georgie walked their bicycles toward the colorful flags. There were two of them positioned on either side of the extensive paved path, which they would shortly use to ride out of the park and onto Los Angeles's streets. They located the couple huddling under the flag nearest them. Excitedly greeting them, the younger pair took turns hugging the longtime-partnered duo.

"Great to see you guys!" Jaden beamed at Joey and Kat who were wearing matching roomy jackets large enough to cover their upper bodies from view. Apparently, they were both cold natured. It was nippy that morning. Soon she, Georgie and Co. would warm up either bicycling or working their tushies off with respective jobs.

"We've been wanting to see you off one of these times and we finally managed to get away for a while this year," Kat mentioned as she grinned. Busy around the clock with Lil' Angels, she and her partner never attended a Spirited Saddlers event, yet had wanted to support Jaden. Evan's passing prompted them not to miss this year. Joey and Kat thought that it was especially important for them to show up. "We're going out for breakfast after you thousands of wonderful folks leave. I've forgotten what it feels like to get waited on."

Jaden chuckled. "Well no matter how much you and Joey may want to get out of your seats and help, just sit there relax and enjoy your morning away from your three dozen children." She pulled the older women into another hug. "Thank you so much for coming. It means so much that you're here." With her arms wrapped around Joey, her eyes blurred until everything was fuzzy. A tissue from an unknown source was tucked into her hand and Jaden used the soft aloe containing paper to dab at her eyes.

The small group slipped into conversation for the next few minutes and then a booming voice that carried over many speakers through Griffith Park alerted riders to proceed to the starting point since they would depart shortly. Another round of embraces, cheek and forehead kisses and well wishes, the RNs blended into the crowd of those who would watch the riders exit the park. Many of them held cameras and video recorders as they waited with excitement for Spirited Saddlers 2008 to officially start.

Helmets secure and Merlins at their sides, Jaden and Georgie moved under the thick rope separating riders from observers. At the end of a row of bicyclers with Georgie seated on her saddle next to the rope, she was about to say something when tiny music emanated from her fanny pack. Removing her cell, she put it up to her right ear while pressing on the tab of her left so that she could hear better.

"Hey, Van," she greeted having noticed her best friend's ID on the screen. "What's up, honey?"

"Dude, I forgot to ask you before we left the house. Did you bring your inhaler?" Throughout the last week she constantly reminded Georgie to pack her medication, so there was no way that she should forget.

A smile bloomed on Georgie's face. The CNA would make an excellent parent. "Yes ma'am." She knew that her friend would want proof, so she unzipped the compartment closest to her abdomen to be certain that her asthma medication was inside. There it lay capped, new and ready to use if needed. "It's on my person. I'm looking at it right this moment."

"And you packed an extra one in your duffel bag?"

"Yes ma'am."

"Are you sure?"


"And you'll spray a puff or two at the first sign of tightness or wheezing right? I don't want you having an attack, Georgie."

"I promise that I'll use it if I need to. You don't need to worry, honey. Did you remember your vitamins?"

"But of course! Okay, that's all I wanted with ya. I love you, be safe. Could you put hot stuff on the phone a sec?"

Sending an 'I love you too' back to Vanessa, she handed the phone to the musician. "Hello, buttercup. How are you?"

"Couldn't be better, babe. While I'm on the subject of checking medications, did you bring all of yours?"

"Yep. I brought a few doses with me just in case and the medical team has them stored. I've never had any problems."

"You and Georgie are quite responsible. I'm proud of ya, dude!"

Jaden laughed as she rocked back and forth on her bike. "Thank you, little mama. We like making you proud."

"Alrighty, I'm signing off now. I love you too, Jaden," she sweetly added.

The musician had an attack of the warm fuzzies. "Aw, I love you back." The call ending, she returned Georgie's phone. "You couldn't have selected a better best friend."

All smiles, the blonde dropped the cell into her fanny pack. "I can't disagree. Jae, I'm not exactly aware of your intentions, but we both know that you're faster than me, so don't let me slow you down. I don't want you to feel obligated to travel at my pace."

Jaden stuck her bottom lip out as though she were pouting. "But I wanted to stay with you during our first day. This being your first time, I wanted to stick close by. Show you how to navigate the road stops and whatnot."

"I'll be just fine. We'll probably get separated before we can leave the L.A. city limits. No worries, okay? We'll keep in touch by phone and perhaps we could meet for lunch later."

"You sure? This isn't a race so I'm not in a hurry to reach camp."

"I know that, but I will not hold you back." The blonde grinned. "If you refuse to cycle the twenty-twenty two miles per hour I know you're capable of, I'm gonna ditch you. I don't know how, but I'll figure out a way."

Laughing, Jaden nodded. "All right. But I doubt I'll reach or stay at 22 mph for long. I want to pace myself."

"Cool. As long as you go at your own speed."

Jaden snapped her fingers moments after their conversation lapsed. "Oh yeah. There's something I wanted to tell you as well."

"I'm listening."

Straddling her bicycle, Jaden leaned toward the other woman and whispered in her ear. "I love you, baby." While Georgie just positively glowed, she took advantage of her muteness by tenderly kissing her lips.


She could have wept the happiest tears when she noticed the sign, which informed her and other bicyclers around her that Road Stop #3 was now a quarter mile away. Her throat had become so dry that she entertained ideas of swallowing a bucket full of ice water. So intensely were her legs burning that there simply had to be smoke emanating from them. She removed her eyes from the road long enough to check. No, they were just glistening with perspiration.

Yes, this was strenuous. Very strenuous. Despite her internal complaining, Georgie displayed a grin. But man, was she overjoyed to be a part of that event! Also, she was riding high on what Jaden had declared minutes before over a thousand bicyclers took off down L.A. streets. She had stated it again and Georgie could swear that those words sounded even sweeter. The incessantly grinning blonde didn't care if passing riders glanced at her as if they might have been wondering why she wasn't locked up in a sanitarium. She...loved...her! Nothing had ever sounded so incredibly amazing.

So involved in her thoughts, Georgie almost whizzed by R.S. #3, which the Eagles Team was in charge of. She knew two out of the dozen consisting group -- Jack, Mack's twin brother and Gabriel, Sierra's younger brother. Making a u-turn, she steered her Merlin toward the bicycle parking lot where she had to check it in with Gabriel. As she approached, she smiled while observing his outfit. The two road stop teams that she visited earlier had been dressed in a specific fashion. Obviously, the teams discussed having motifs before the event started.

Georgie was enjoying discovering each one. R.S. #1 (the Lions) had an Old West theme going. Each one--male and female--was dressed up like cowboys. Or perhaps to be more politically correct, the ladies were dressed as cowgirls. They wore ten-gallon hats, plastic pistols in their holsters and even spurs on their boots. R.S. #2 (the Sharks) caused her to miss her surfing lessons with Jaden. Most of the men were shirtless (some buff, others not so buff) and had on colorful pairs of board shorts and sandals. The ladies were dressed in various styles of swimsuits. Some wore one-piece swimsuits; others two-piece with sarongs and a couple had chosen to wear board shorts. Positioned near their welcome sign was a gleaming surfboard with a smiling shark painted on it.

The Eagles had decided on a Hawaiian theme. Of course each member had a lei around their neck. Most of the ladies wore swimsuits with grass hula skirts and had a flower in their hair. The guys were either dressed in white pants or shorts with floral printed shirts. Having chosen pants, Gabriel wore a bright red short-sleeved shirt with large white flowers covering it. His red lei matched perfectly.

"Hiya, Gabriel," Georgie greeted as the young man took her bicycle, inserting it in an empty slot.

"Hi, Georgie. How's it going out there?" He jotted down her I.D. number and name on a ticket before giving it to her. She would need the ticket to reclaim her bike when ready to exit this road stop.

"Not too bad." Georgie carefully put the small ticket away in her fanny pack. "How is everything going here? By the way, I love that shirt."

"Thanks." He offered up a smile, which to date had caused quite a few ladies to swoon. "Everything is great. There was this one guy in need of an attitude adjustment who couldn't find his ticket, but we eventually straightened it out." Gabriel pointed toward the row of porta-potties, which had a line before them. "My sister checked in not too long ago. You might be able to catch her over there. She'd asked if I'd seen you."

Thanking him, Georgie practically sprinted toward the temporary bathrooms. All the Gatorade and water she had drank today was coming back to haunt her in a most wicked way. And this wouldn't be the first time. Earlier, she had almost convinced herself to pull over so that she could seek relief behind a bush. Georgie's fear of being caught and snakes appearing out of nowhere stopped her from going through with it. The last thing she wanted was to be bitten on an exposed butt cheek.

Standing behind a tall muscular man whose arms were larger than her thighs, she looked around hoping to find the aromatherapy expert. She wouldn't be able to look more thoroughly until her blaring bladder was satisfied. She was thinking about calling her when her cell alerted to an incoming call. Pulling it from the fanny pack, Georgie sent the tiny screen a smile.

"Hello stranger," she greeted warmly. Hulk turned around with a bright smile on his face until he realized she had been talking on her phone. Displaying a smile that plainly read "too bad", he presented Georgie with his broad back again.

"Where are you?" her caller inquired. She must have been in an awfully quiet place because Georgie couldn't detect any background noise.

"I'm fairly certain that I'm in Charter Oak--Road Stop #3." Georgie's smirk was good-natured as she asked, "Where are you? San Bernardino?" She estimated that she had around fifty miles to go until she reached that coveted city. Then it would be time to rest until they started again tomorrow morning at roughly seven o'clock.

Jaden laughed. "You think I made it to camp in less than three hours after we took off from Griffith Park? I doubt Lance Armstrong could pull that off!"

The blonde chuckled. "So where are you? It sounds quiet."

"That's because I'm inside a single person bathroom at a gas station in Upland. Which is approximately...twelve miles from you. Wanna meet here for lunch?"

"In the bathroom of a gas station? As tempting as that sounds, I'll pass, J-Co."

"Haha." Jaden produced a smirk of her own. "If you decline, I'll just have to ask my other girlfriend."

"Can't. Van's in a well...van on her way to San Bernardino. You're stuck with me."

The musician sighed as though that was the last thing she wanted to hear. "So are you going to meet me? I'll take you to a restaurant, although this is a nice Arco station."

Chuckling again, Georgie moved forward in line. Only three people were ahead of her now. "Is there a restaurant near you? And are you sure you want to meet me for lunch? It's going to take me close to an hour to reach Upland."

"I'm a patient person, so I don't mind waiting for you. Take your time and be careful. What are you in the mood to eat?"

"Anything edible." As if knowing that the topic had switched to food, Georgie's stomach growled. "I'm dang near starving. A girl can only eat so many energy bars!" Asking her to hold on, Jaden grew quiet except for occasional murmuring only meant for herself to understand. Georgie asked what she was doing as she purposefully walked toward and into the next available porta-potty. She would have preferred getting off the phone first, but her bladder wouldn't wait any longer. Besides, it wasn't like Jaden could observe what she was about to do.

"I'm using my PDA to locate nearby restaurants, Flip. Let's see what we've got about Mimi's Café? I've been there before--not the one in Upland, but the food has always been enjoyable."

"Is it close to your Arco station?" Her business completed, Georgie exited the surprisingly clean porta-potty and made a beeline toward the hand washing station.

"Yep. Less than half a mile." Jaden proceeded to give her the restaurant's address and the directions to get there.

"I hate for you to wait an hour."

"Don't worry about it. I'll spend the time exploring this area. See you soon, sweetie."

Georgie smiled as she wiped her hands with a paper towel. "Bye, Jae." Just as she put the phone into her fanny pack, warm palms covered her eyes. She chuckled, although she didn't know who was behind her. This person was a female though based on the umm...two soft lumps pressing against her back. The words 'guess who' were whispered into her right ear. Grinning, she asked if she could have a hint.

The stranger used a whispery voice again. "I'm the sauciest, sassiest and let's not forget, sexiest Latina that you know."

Laughing, Georgie turned around and pulled the other woman to her for a hug. "Hey, Saucy! I've been looking for you. Your brother told me you were around here. When did you arrive?"

Sierra glanced at her watch. "Almost half an hour ago, so I better get my saucy butt moving. I don't want one of those sweeper vans picking me up later." All bicyclers had to check in by 5:00 each evening with their allotted color team. They could leave the camp area if they chose afterward, but it was mandatory to check in by five o'clock. Those found on the road when the deadline was approaching and it was obvious that they wouldn't make it to camp on time would be picked up. "How're you holding up your first S.S. Ride, babe?" Sierra hooked an arm around her friend's shoulders as they walked toward the lot to pick up their bicycles. In return, Georgie's arm circled her waist.

"Legs aching a bit, but I'm fairing well. And you?"

"Same goes for me."

"I'm meeting Jaden in Upland for lunch. Care to join us? We're going to this place called Mimi's Café."

"Good food there but no thanks chica. I'm straight."

With her head shaking, Georgie clucked her tongue. "I don't know what it has to do with eating, but in that case remind me to repossess your toaster when we go back to Los Angeles next week."

Laughing, Sierra explained what she meant. "No, please leave my toaster alone 'cause I'm a proud member of Lesbian Inc. I'm declining your lovely lunch offer because my sweet little brother Gabe surprised me with a Subway turkey sandwich when I checked in." She patted her stomach. "So I feel well fed and I'm ready to pedal outta here."

"Then unless I see you at another road stop, we shall meet again at camp later." Bicycles retrieved, the pair rolled them toward the road. Another embrace and they headed out, losing sight of each other within a matter of minutes.

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