The beginning of Kerr/Mewis

By alinaprice99

39.4K 473 101

You know the drill. The flirty comments. The viral field photos after the bronze game. The epic Polaroid kiss... More



3.5K 42 2
By alinaprice99

Sam woke up slowly, she'd forgotten to close her curtains the night before and the early morning sun drifted into her room and across her closed eyelids. She didn't mind, waking up to sunshine made her feel happier and more optimistic about the day ahead - which sounded like a load of crap but her mum swore by it and her mum's enthusiasm was infectious.
She sat up and stretched her arms out, her head wasn't foggy, she didn't drink enough the night before for that, but she felt uneasy.
Oh shit, Sam thought remembering the comments she left on Kristie Mewis' Instagram the night before - and she could hardly blame the small amount of alcohol she'd had. She had fucked up. What will Nikki think of this, Sam wondered, but cursed herself for caring about what she would even think.
She looked at her phone, it was flat, she had forgotten to charge it the night before, typical.

Her watch read 5:14am, breakfast would start soon and people would surely make comments. God, she wanted her phone to charge faster.
She raced to the bathroom and washed her face and brushed her hair in an effort to waste time. When she came back, her phone was finally turning on but it felt painfully slow.
"Oh for fuck sake, hurry up." She complained
"Impatient are we?" Mackenzie called from her doorway, "what are you growling about."
Sam poked her tongue out like a child mocking her, she didn't have time to reply further because her phone suddenly booted up enough to ask for a passcode. She typed it in quickly and scrolled to Instagram.
"My phone died last night, I have no idea if Kristie replied."
"Isn't it too early for that, who would be awake Sam."
"It's literally a different time zone in America." She laughed as Mac rolled her eyes.

"She liked both comments." Sam sat down on her bed.
"And- did she reply?"
"Not yet. But I have a lot of DM's."
She scrolled through a list of people messaging her about the comments and asking if it's official, she ignored them all, only looking for one name.
"No, she didn't message me."
"So message her!"
"I already made the first move."
"No Sam, you made a move, make another one. She liked your comment."
"This is ridiculous, I need to go eat something."
"You're procrastinating."
"I'm hungry." Sam shrugged, grabbing her phone and pulling her friend down the hall to breakfast

Not many people were at breakfast yet, hell, Sam was rarely up this early, but she was glad for it. She sat with Hayley and Mac, eventually Tameka joined too.
"I saw your thirst comments last night, Sam" Tameka said, sitting beside Hayley across from Sam and Mac.
"It wasn't a thirst comment, come on." Hayley sighed but Sam sat there quiet and stared at her food. Eventually she laughed and shoved a whole spoonful of oats into her mouth, gesturing that she couldn't comment since she had her mouth full. The other women laughed for a moment too until Sam swallowed and caught her breath.
"I mean, it kinda was, wasn't it?" She put her hands up defensively, "I'm not mad about it."
"Do you think Nikki has seen it yet?" Hayley said grinning.
"Hayls really? Way to avoid the elephant in the room." Tameka jokingly punched her in arm and rolled her eyes in somewhat exaggerated frustration.
"I mean that's why you did it, didn't you?" Hayley pushed on.
"I mean, I guess but Kristie is cool. She came up on my feed, she's hot-"
"See, it was meant to be." Mac finished for Sam.
"If it was, she would have DM'd me by now."
"And say what, thanks for thirst commenting, want to actually get to know each other now?" Tameka stabbed a piece of apple into her mouth, "how romantic."

The group paused to eat more, and Sam rolled Tameka's comments over in her head. Had she been too creepy, too forward? What if she'd fucked up already with Kristie? There wasn't really anything to fuck up, but she still cared for some reason.

"You should message her and just say 'hey, sorry about the comments...' and then i don't know, some kind of cheesy pick up line. You're good at those right?" Hayley suggested.
"See, I told her to message her first too! Come on!" Mac exclaimed.
"What do you think Tameka?" Sam asked, turning the focus to her friend.
Tameka shrugged, "I think you're annoying as hell and you're gonna need one good ass pick up line for her to look past that. But it can't hurt." Tameka gave her a wink while Sam flicked a blueberry at her.
"Okay, okay fine. I'll message her first." Her three friends stared at her intensely. "I'll message her when I'm alone, thank you."
They looked disappointed but continued eating. The conversation changed topic to soccer and the last game. Sam zoned out, only thinking of what she was going to say to Kristie.

She finally made it back to her room and lied on her bed with Kristie's DM open but a blank message bar. She didn't know what to say, she wasn't the best at that - especially over text and after some weird out of the blue comments. But her fingers started typing, apparently they knew what to say.

Sam: Hey
Kristie: ...
Kristie: Hey stranger

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