Red vs blue (female OC) seaso...

By maddiebear17

16.3K 381 94

Tex is gone and the reds and blues have been relocated but sarge and Thea stayed behind at blood gulch. A new... More

OC bio 6
Other oc bio
Recovory one part 1
Recovory one part 2
Recovory one part 3
Recovory part 4
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19

Chapter 14

539 16 2
By maddiebear17

Director: Dear Chairman.

Fade in to the jeep being chased by the Hornet

Director: Sir, while I appreciate your concern, allow me to correct you in one area. I value all our subjects' well being, but I revere above all else our ability to continue as a species; our ability to survive. And no committee, no bureaucrat, will ever convince me otherwise.

Grif: Hey I have a question, why do we agree to come along on these things if we're just gonna be the decoy the whole time?

Thea: Shut up!

Washington: Looks like you have it under control. I'll be right back.

Cut to inside the base with Church calling for Tex.

Church: Tex? Tex, are you here? Tex, come on. Tex! Allison?

Sound of a gun cocking

Guard 2: Alright, freeze.

Church: Ahw, what?

Guard 2: They told us to be on the lookout for someone acting odd, and you're acting odd. So, hands up.

Church: Hehey, buddy, come on. You don't need to be like all...

Wash enters behind the guard and knocks him out.

Church: ...knocked out. Thanks Wash.

Washington: Church, is that you in there?

Church: Uh yeah, one sec-

Church appears next to the guy he was previously inhabiting

Church: There.

Guard 1: What happened? I feel kinda...

Guard 1 falls over

Washington: What do you think you're doing in here?

Church: I had to see Tex's body I uh, ...she's like me Wash.

Washington: I know all about her Church. Come on, you're not gonna find anything in here.

Church: But where is she? She should be here, right? I mean, shouldn't she?

Washington: We've all lost people Church. What's important is that you remember her. And what's even more important is that you don't slow me down while I'm in the middle of a mission!

Sound of explosion

Washington: What now!?

Cut to Wash and ghost Church standing outside the base watching the chase

Washington: What is going on out here?

Sarge: What does it look like?

Grif: We're running from the stupid plane!

Thea: I'm not dying a virgin! That's Simmons job!

Simmons: Hey!

Thea: You know it's true.

Washington: Well, we need to leave. We have a Warthog at Blue Base. We'll take that and you follow me.

Sarge: What about the ship!?

Washington: Well, take it down!

Sarge: Not that simple!

Grif: If it's so easy, why don't you do it?

Thea: What?

Washington: Fine.

Wash fires at the Hornet to get its attention, and starts running.

Church: Should we help him?

Grif: We could, or we could take bets on how long he's gonna live. I got ten bucks that says it's less than a minute.

Church: I'll take that action.

Shawn: He's a freelancer, pretty sure he'll make it.

Wash manoeuvers himself up on a cliff and shoots a barrel into the 'man cannon', which hurls it at the Hornet. Washington fires at the barrel as it nears the Hornet, exploding the barrel and bringing down the Hornet.

Thea: You freelancer's need to stop being badass's all the time.

Washington walks back to them.

Washington: Okay, now can we go?

Cut to everyone gathered outside Blue base

Washington: Alright, I need suggestions. The Freelancer Command Facility is an underground complex of secure bunkers and fortified chambers. Let's put our heads together and see if we can figure out a way to get in there.

Grif: I have an idea.

Washington: And "let's not do it" is not an acceptable plan.

Thea: (To Grif) That's your suggestion for everything.

Grif: Oh. Well you probably should have said that before you asked for suggestions.

Washington: Next idea.

Simmons: Why don't we call Command, and ask them what the proper procedure is for invading their headquarters?

Thea: Your supposed to be the smart one.

Washington: Next.

Sarge: How about we build a makeshift nuclear device, and blow the entire place to kingdom-

Thea: (Sighs) Should've seen that coming.

Washington: No. We have to get in there.

Simmons: Why?

Washington: 'Cause we need to unlock the Alpha.

Simmons: The what?

Church: It's the main A.I. from Project Freelancer. You know all the A.I.s that we've been dealing with over the years? It's where they were all copied from originally.

Simmons: You can't copy an A.I.!

Thea: (Grimly) We know.

Grif: The main one? Screw that. Those things have caused all of our problems. Why would we go looking for the main boss one?

Church: That's a good question. Agent Washington? Do you wanna answer that?

Washington: You'll understand everything soon enough.

Shawn: That's not reassuring.

Simmons: We're not going.

Washington: What? You have to go.

Simmons: Not really.

Washington: We can't infiltrate Headquarters with just three people. You're coming. That's an order.

Grif: Order? You're not our Commanding Officer. We don't even know what rank you are.

Washington: I'm a Freelancer!

Grif: Not a rank dude.

Shawn: He's got you there.

Simmons: The other Freelancers never gave orders, they just offered to trade favors.

Thea: Yeah, that'll get them to come Wash.

Washington: Okay, then let's bargain. What do you want?

The Reds conference, with random mumbling between the real words

Grif: Three words guys,

Sarge: New base-

Grif: Gold plated vagina.

Simmons: Shut up.

Sarge: Lasers.

Simmons: Always with that.

Grif: Nudie mags.

Sarge: Robots and lasers. Lasers, and robots.

Grif: Milkshake.

Thea: I didn't even understand half of that and I heard what they were saying.

The Reds turn to the Blues, Thea and Washington.

Sarge: Alright, we talked about it, and we figured out what we want.

Washington: Alright, let's have it.

Sarge: We want you to demote Grif.

Washington: Done.

Grif: What!?

Simmons: Another wasted opportunity.

Washington: Congratulations. You are now Private Grif again.

Thea: What was he before?

Simmons: When we went to rats nest, Grif was promoted. It was going to be you but you stayed at blood gulch.

Thea: Oh, guess Sarge didn't take to well but hey! I have one thing that i don't regret leaving the canyon.

Simmons: Why?

Thea: Because the day I became a leader of a group is the day I grow my hair out, never gonna happen.

Simmons: Oh.

Sarge: Got anything lower?

Washington: Private... Junior Grif?

Sarge: I was thinkin' something with an insulting adjective, or... maybe a demeaning adverb...

Washington: How about, Minor Junior Private Grif, Negative First class?

Sarge: Heh heh, I like the way you think.

Grif: You realize you just doomed us to certain death just so you could insult me, right?

Thea: What'd you expect? It's Sarge.

Sarge: Hey, if we do get killed, at least we'll go out on a high note. Well, everybody but you. That's to be expected, you haven't had a high note in five years! Why break the God damn streak.

Washington: We still need to figure out how we're getting in there.

Caboose: Mister Washington? Me and Shawn have an idea.

Washington: I really shouldn't even bother asking, should I?

Shawn: No, it's really good.

Church: I don't know, Caboose with Shawn? An idea? I think their bluffing.

Caboose: No uh, it's a really good idea. We drive there.

Church: Yeah, he was bluffing.

Caboose: We're going to Freelancer City, right? The place where Freelancers are from. And this is a Freelancer car! If they think that we are Freelancers, because we are in their car, they will just let us right in!

Washington: But you don't look like Freelancers. Or Recovery Agents.

Caboose: ...They can't see inside of a tank.


Shawn: Dibs on driving!

Cut to Project Freelancer - Operational Command Center. Wash and Church are in the Warthog, everyone else is in the tank.

Church: There's no way this plan is gonna work.

Washington: Just stay quiet. Follow my lead.

From inside the tank everyone was taking.

Sarge: Grif! Get off me, you weigh a ton.

Grif: Stop pushing me! Ow!

Thea: Ow! Who elbowed my breast?

Caboose: Tucker did it.

Shawn: Stop moving around! It's hard to drive with you moving.

Simmons: Okay guys, it's hard enough to fit in here oh! Wh-Who did that?

Grif: Alright, whose hand was that? Is Donut in here?

Caboose: I can't breathe.

Guard: Alright. Uh, story checks out. Looks like there was a new incident at Outpost 17-B. Glad you fellas made it out okay.

Washington: Yeah, thanks.

Church: Yeah, it was crazy. We lost a lot of good men. Especially Joe... Joe Johnson. He was a great guy. I remember he had a girl back home named... Fritzy.

Washington: Stop embellishing. They already believe us.

Church: He also had a dog named Mister Chomps. Anyway he's dead now, it's sad.

Guard: You're clear now. So drive on to Building Three.

Washington: Understood. Thanks, soldier.

Church: Can't believe that worked.

Washington: Yeah. Seemed like it was too easy.

Church: Wash, you're gonna learn when you work with us, there's no such thing as too easy. You're just being paranoid.

Washington: Yeah. You're probably right.

As they roll into the compound the Meta is seen hanging off the back of the tank and Thea got another chill up her spine.

Thea: I have a bad feeling about this.

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