𝗗𝗜𝗦𝗛𝗢𝗡𝗘𝗦𝗧𝗬 | 𝗲. 𝗷...

By funnyfairies

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Marley Boarding School is full of spiteful snakes, and Y/n L/n as one of them. When Eren Jaeger transfers to... More

𝟑𝟐-Christmas Chapter
surpirse surprise


8K 214 3K
By funnyfairies



(there's a little wlw in this chapter 😏)


Mr. Ackerman, oh where to begin with him.

You were in your currently in your World History class, Mr. Ackerman was going on and on about some topic you could give two shits about.

Majority of the girls in your class could care less about what Ackerman was saying because they were all focused on the hot teacher standing in front of them. I mean, who wouldn't stare at him? The man himself looked like a greek god.

From what you overheard, Ackerman had been teaching at Marely Boarding School for nearly five years. He wasn't married, and had no children. But, there were rumors going around the year you came to school that he has a personal relationship with one of the other teachers here, which was Professor Hange.

Nobody knew if it were true or not, but people continue to talk about it. To you, you didn't care at all because you only cared about the stuff you were involved in.

You were staring at the sheet of paper Mr. Ackerman gave out to all of you, which was about some trip that all the seniors would be taking at the end of the year.

The trip you all would be taking was a two day trip to all the historical landmarks and places in Kensington.

The first thing that came to your mind was, boring.

But, atleast you would be able to get out of school for a few days, so that was a plus.

Ackerman went on the explain the details of the trip but you weren't paying attention, your eyes were on the people around you.

Mikasa Ackerman was sitting to your right, she was writing something down on the sheet that was given to all of you. When she moved her hand from where she was writing, you realized she wasn't writing. She was drawing little doodles all across the paper.

You wrote on your paper in the corner, "Cute drawings." and slid it towards her.

Mikasa looked at your paper and her face turned red, giving you a warm smile.

She was blushing at you.

Mikasa took your paper and wrote, "I can draw you something if you want. :)"

You returned the smile and gave her a small thumbs up, and she turned back to her paper, continuing to doodle on the page.

Your eyes traveled across the room once more, landing on someone in the first row, their right arm propped up on the table, their chin resting on their hand.

It took you a moment to realize who it was, which was Eren. No guys at school kept their hair that long so you could easily tell who it was.

In Eren's other hand, he was twirling his pencil around between his fingers. Eren looked as though he could care less about what was going on.

Makes two of us, you said to yourself.

Class continued going on, and Mr. Ackerman's talking was the only thing that filled up the quietness of the classroom. Whenever he would ask a question, nobody would answer so he would have to result to calling on random people.

You hated when he did that because most of the time you weren't listening, luckily he didn't call on you.

11:57 A.M

Class was finally over and it felt like time fucking stopped because it was so long.

You collected your bags, throwing it over you shoulder and began walking towards the door. But as you stepped out the doorway of the class a hand in your shoulder stopped you.

You turned around, ready to blow up on the person who stopped you but you realized it was none other than Eren Jaeger.

Today, his hair was up in a bun and he had a navy blue sweatshirt on, with the standard white colored shirt poking out of the sweatshirt. Along with that he had black pants on. His fingers were decorated with black rings. Not to mention, the veins in his hands poked out.

"Well, well, if it isn't Eren Jaeger." You crossed your arms.

"Hello to you too Y/N, just wanted to say, I saw you looking at my instagram last night. Didn't know I already had a fangirl on my second day." Eren put his hands in his pockets, waiting for some grand reaction from you.

You knew what angle you he was playing at, and you weren't afraid to do it as well.

"Don't flatter yourself Jaeger, by the looks of it, you already have a fangirl that acts like a lost puppy and follows you around all the time. Looks only get you so far in this world. When your puppy decides to leave you, don't say I didn't warn you." When you mentioned the fangirl part, you meant Historia because she was walking towards Eren ready to take him away.

You smile at Eren and turn back around to see Annie and Pieck waiting for you.

While walking towards them you said, "Goodluck Jaeger, people at this school aren't who you think they are."

"What was that about?" Pieck asked.

"Just Jaeger thinking he can get the best of me, but he doesn't know what's coming for him." The three of you all walked side by side, making way towards where you were going to eat.

"Ugh, is she bothering you Eren?" Historia asked.

"No she isn't. I just had to tell her something." Eren mumbled, watching you walk away from him.

"What did you say?" Historia kept going.

"Nothing, don't worry about. Let's go?"

Historia nodded and followed Eren towards the cafeteria, taking a seat by Mikasa and Armin.

The words you said to Eren stuck in his head for the remainder of lunch.

Eren's POV: Did Historia screw Y/N over? Or was it the other way around?Either way, I'll eventually find out.

Eren paid barely any attention to the conversation going on in front of him between Armin and Mikasa, all he could think about were the possibilities of what could have happened between the two of you.

Normally, you and your friend group would sit outside on the courtyard but today, the weather was horrible.

It was constantly cold and rainy outside, so there wasn't much to do. Although you enjoyed this type of weather usually, you sorta missed the sun.

Annie was telling you all about the date Armin took her on, she even mentioned some of the things that occurred after the date. All you did was stare at her wide eyed as she told you and Pieck some of the juicy details.

"He did what?" Pieck's mouth was agape in response to what Annie just said.

"He used handcuffs? It's always the quiet ones that are the kinkiest!" You sounded baffled.

"Yes he did! But you guys cannot tell anybody. I just wanted to brag about last night." Annie giggled, taking a sip of her water.

"Got it, but I honestly cannot believe that. I mean go ahead Annie, get that dick!" You said, causing Annie to choke on her water.

Annie slapped your arm, putting her in front of your mouth to shut you up.

"So, you guys are going to that party thats Saturday, right? I don't want to be by myself there although the guys are going." Pieck spoke up, grabbing your attention.

"I'll be there, I'd never leave you hanging Pieck." You responded, turning towards her.

Annie agreed, "So we saw you talking to Eren before lunch, what was that about?"

"You guys cant make fun of me but I liked one of his instagram posts last night on accident and he called me a fucking fangirl for it." You rolled you eyes.

Pieck ended up making fun of you while Annie just claimed how he was just full of himself.

"He literally just got here and he's acting like a cocky bastard." Annie crossed her arms and scoffed.

"I knew he wasn't a goody two-shoes. But I seriously have to find out some deep shit about him. There's no way in hell he has a clean record."

"I'll help you, but Pieck probably won't."

Pieck agreed with that statement.

Pieck was always the one to back out of drastic things that you came up with, she strives her hardest to be the "good" one out of your friend group. You consider her a good role model.

"Yeah, but I have no idea how I would find anything on him."

"You could always look up who his parents are and go from there, or even better, you could sneak into the school and look at his file." Annie shrugged.

"Annie you're a fucking genius!" You grabbed her face and kissed both of her cheeks, causing Reiner and Porco to look over at the two of you.

"Oh my god I always knew you two were gay for each other." Reiner joked.

"Reiner when is the last time you got some? I bet everything down there is dusty by now." You pointed at his dick and laughed.

"Reiner she nailed you with that one, you better stop before she rips you apart." Porco patted Reiner on the back.

Annie and you looked at each other, sharing the same smirk you two always do whenever you have a plan.

You knew if you could carefully pull this off, Annie's plan would probably be the best thing that's happened to you lately.

The thought of you succeeding in doing this made your insides go crazy, you knew this would be amazing.

Hopefully, nothing would happen.

Eren Jaeger, you're in for a rude awakening.

8:38 P.M.

You sat in your dorm with your laptop propped up on your lap, the sounds of rain pattering against your window.

You thought it would be creepy to look up "Eren Jaeger" or "Jaeger family" on Google, so you strayed away from that. But, you thought back to when Annie said you could always sneak into the deans office and look at Eren's file.

Since there would be a party off campus tomorrow night, you thought it would be a great idea to go into Mr. Erwins office during the party. You doubted there would be anyone at school at those hours, so it sounded like a great plan to you.

The party you would be attending was at some frat that was about 20 minutes away from campus.

To you, parties were a waste of time and whenever you got to one, you couldn't wait to leave. But, you always put on that signature fake smile and acted like you were having the time of your life.

The thought of parties made your skin crawl, drunk teens and young adults swarming the area, and people literally having sex everywhere.

The last time you went to a party like that, you ended up walking in on a couple while they were getting down with it. After that, you couldn't get the image out of your head. To say the least, you were scarred for life.

You closed your laptop and pulled out your phone, looking through all your socials.

Just as you were closing out of on of your socials, a notification popped up on your screen.

"erenjaegerr18 has messaged you"

This motherfucker just can't get enough of me, you smiled to yourself, opening the notification.

You scowled, thinking it was almost like he wanted to talk to you.

After todays encounter, you would have thought he would have wanted nothing to do with you. He must've thought you were dumb enough not to think something was going on.

You began typing, trying to think of the best response.

y/nhatesyou: i'm starting to think you might be my fangirl, you just can't stay away from me.

Shortly after your response, Eren began typing from his dormroom. A smirk tugged at his mouth.

erenjaegerr18: ah yes, the amazing y/n l/n has a effect on me, but anyways you should really tell me what went in between you and historia

You scrunched your eyebrows at the text, having to double read it to make sure you were reading what you were reading. What a bastard.

y/nhatesyou: i don't think that's any of your business jaeger, maybe if you get into historias panties she'll open up to you? good luck with that though because if she tells you she'll probably end up acting like the victim

Back at Eren's dorm, he pondered. He was hoping to get a answer out of you but he miserably failed. Maybe he shouldn't have gotten straight to the point. But because of his failed attempt, he began to form his own plan that he would execute at the party tomorrow, and he knew for a fact it would work.

He was going to do what you suggested, and use Historia for information.

Eren had already began feeling slightly bad for what he was going to do, but he just had to learn what you were hiding from everyone.

But what he didn't know was that it would come back to bite him in the ass.

erenjaegerr18: well that's too bad, would you tell me if i got into your pants?

y/nhatesyou: in your dreams, you just got here and you're acting like you have the upper hand. i hope you know i have a few tricks up my sleeve

erenjaegerr18: whatever, goodnight y/n, i'll find out somehow

y/nhatesyou: sorry to disappoint, but you shouldn't stick your nose in others business. in that case, call me sometime, (***-***-****) goodnight jaeger ;))

You giggled to yourself, you knew Eren was up to something. But, there was that thought in the back of your head that if Historia told Eren what you did, you were literally the definition of screwed.

Historia held something over your head, and you held something over hers. If either one of your little secrets got out, there's no way either one of you would be accepted into college.

If worst came to worst, you'd say what she did in a heartbeat, and you were willing to go save your ass if it was on the line.

It was an extremely peaceful night, and you tried to enjoy it but Eren had to go and mess it up with this game he wanted to play.

You brushed it off and continued doing what you were doing, eventually dozing off to the sound of the rain outside.


Saturday, October 10th
9:37 A.M

Since Annie had made breakfast the previous two days, she told you that you had to make it this morning. You had a black apron on with your hair tied back, flipping a pancake on the stove.

"So what are you wearing tonight?" You asked Annie.

Annie looked up from her phone and shrugged, "To be honest, I don't really know. I don't want to look flashy."

"Well I'm sure you'll look great, you pull off everything you wear."

"Thanks, but I know for a fact that you're the one who's the real show stopper." Annie grinned.

Annie walked over to the cabinets, pulling out two plates for the both of you.

Armin is one lucky mother fucker, Annie is such wifey material.

"Annie you're making me blush. I might just kiss you." You teased.

Annie respond to you by giving you a peck on the cheek, "Sorry babe but I don't want Armin suspecting anything."

You pouted and plating a few pancakes on Annie's plate, taking a seat by her.

The two of you enjoyed the rest of your morning, and  you and annie thought it was a great idea to clean around the dorm.

You turned on some music, connecting it to your speaker as you and your best friend sang along to the song, wiping down the counters and sweeping the floor.

Annie took your hand and began dancing with you, spinning you around and picking you every so often. You two laughed at each other, but a knock on the door stopped your little dance party.

"I'll get it!" You yelled over the music, Annie giving you a thumbs up.

You walked over to the door to reveal Eren Jaeger, a towel covering his lower half, his hair down and damp, along with beads of water on his body.

Eren looked at you, you're outfit only consisting of a sports bra and a pair of extremely tight shorts.

You eyed Eren up and down, taken aback by the fact he was standing in the middle of the hallway of the dormitory like this.

"Like what you see Y/N? I wish I could stay and chat but I'm here to ask you to turn your music down. Some of us don't like their morning ruined by loud music." Eren spat, peering down at you.

He was literally towering over you, his blue-green eyes staring you down.

You put your hands on your hip, "I didn't know we had a fun police in the building, but last time I checked, nobody else has given us a noise complaint."

Eren scoffed and looked to the side and back to you, "Just turn your music down, kay?"

"Sure, but you might want to get back into your dorm before you get any odd stares." You closed the door before he could even reply.

"Annie, Eren likes our music a lot! He wants to know if we can turn it up." Annie nodded and turned the speaker up a bit louder.

What a dick.

You smiled and went back to cleaning the remainder of your dorm. Little did you know, Eren was still knocking on the door, fully changed,still asking to keep it down, but you never heard him.

7:38 P.M.

You were standing in your closet, shuffling through the dozens upon dozens of clothes that hung on hangers.

Reiner and the others were going to pick Annie and you up around eight, so you tried to hurry up in finding what you wanted to wear. Annie was already done getting dressed, but you were completely stumped.

You didn't know if you wanted to wear bright or dark colors, go all out or just do something mild. You didn't dress to impress anybody but yourself.

You stopped your intense clothing search when you stumbled across a black silk dress, after all, black was your color. You pulled the dress out of the closet and lined it up with your body just to get a feel of how it would look on you.

You were satisfied and began slipping the dress on, also taking out a black leather jacket to go with your outfit.

After doing so, you walked to your vanity and pulled out a small jewelry box, taking out a few silver rings and slipping them on your fingers.

You sat in front of the vanity and applied your makeup, which was literally just you putting on mascara, a simple winged eyeline, some eyeshadow, and lip stick because you didn't even want to go to this party in the first place.

You got up and grabbed a pair of black Doc Martens, slipping them on your feet.

You didn't do anything fancy with your hair so you just let it down.

Before leaving, you grabbed your bag, making sure you had money, your dorm key, a taser, and pepper spray. You never know when you might need it.

You walked out into the living room, to see Annie on her phone. Once she saw you enter the room, her mouth was agape.

"Let's make out right now, the party can wait." Annie joked.

"I wish we could, but Reiner is about to be here." You frowned, checking the time which read 7:56 P.M.

Annie's outfit was a long sleeve baby blue mini dress accompanied with her all white Doc Martens and a pearl necklace.

(kind of how i imagine her dress)

You weren't even going to deny that she looked absolutely stunning.

"You look great, by the way." You complimented her, grabbing her hand and twirling her around.

There was a honking noise outside of your room and you went to the nearest window to see what it was.

It was Reiner in his car, sticking his head out of the window. Pieck was also in the car because she rolled her window down and waved at you.

You had no idea how all six of you guys were going to fit in your car, you just assumed someone would sit on someone else's lap.

Annie and you made your way down to his car, opening the door to everyone in the car greeting the two of you.

Reiner and Bertholt sat in the front two seats while Porco and Pieck sat in the back seat.

"Okay so how are we doing this?" You questioned.

"I'll sit on Porco!" Pieck shifted herself onto Porco's lap, earning a grunt from him.

You sat in the middle while Annie sat on the right side of you.

"You guys just made it right in time, we were about to start smoking." Reiner began, taking out two pre-rolled blunts and lit one of them, giving the other to Bertholt.

"I cant believe you would smoke without us, asshole." Annie snatched the blunt and put it to her lips.

Reiner started driving and all of you began having side conversations with each other, both of the blunts being passed around.

Currently, Reiner was smoking and so were you. The car quickly began smelling like marijuana.

Pieck began coughing because of all the smoke in the car, so Bertholt rolled his window down for her.

Bertholt was probably the quietest one in the group, but he was the closet to Reiner, so whenever he was around him he would usually talk a lot. You definitely weren't the closet to him in the group, but he was a pretty good friend to you and you both had hung out a few times before.

You inhaled the smoke for a few moments, holding the smoke in your mouth before exhaling.

You could already tell you were getting the munchies, so you passed the blunt to Porco.

The rest of the drive went smoothly, but Annie and Reiner ended up arguing over who should be controlling the aux. Reiner always used the same excuse which was "It's my car, so my music."


Shortly after your little smoke sesh, you all finally made it to the frat. The house was huge.

You got out the car and observed your surrounding. The frat house was filled with people, there were people going in and out of the house. There were cars everywhere, parked in front of the house and even on the road. You prepared yourself for the worst when you saw somebody throwing up by the side of the school with a beer in hand. You quickly recognized the person as Connie Springer, accompanied by his trusty companion, Sasha Braus.

All six of you made your way into the house, the smell of alcohol hitting you like a wave.

The music in the house was extremely loud, so Reiner had to yell over it. "I'm going to get drinks with Bertholt, text me if you guys need anything!"

You nodded, watching as Reiner and Bertholt passed the crowd of people. Porco and Pieck went upstairs, about to do god knows what. You stuck by Annie's side.

You didn't plan on drinking tonight because you were usually the one driving everyone home, and plus you wanted to be sober for the plan tonight. You planned on slipping out mid party and returning shortly after.

You knew exactly how you were going to get into the school, aka you're just going to use a bobby pin or a paper clip.

You were 99% sure that nobody would be at school this time at night so you thought you would be in the clear. The one thing you were concerned about was the cameras in school, but you would just come up with something when you needed to.

Annie grabbed your hand and took you to sit on a couch where Ymir, Marlowe, and Hitch were at.

"Hey guys!" Annie sat by you on the couch.

"Oh hey! We are so glad you could come." Ymir said, taking a sip of the beer in her hand.

Annie and the others had a conversation with each other while you just watched everyone at the party.

There were couples making out, people playing beerpong, and some people were even doing body shots.

But your attention went to three people that entered the house.

Mikasa Ackerman, Armin Arlert, and Eren Jaeger. You could've even lie, all of them good good.

Mikasa stood there with a black lace crop top, baggy jeans with rips that allowed you to see the fishnet stockings under her jeans along with black boots. Her nails were painted black, and her hair was down.

You refocused your eyes on Armin who was just wearing a dark green sweater with black jeans. Annie immediately saw Armin and walked up to him, kissing him. Armin returned the kiss and hugged her.

Last but not least was Eren Jaeger, and boy did he look hot. He wore a white shirt that had a few rips in it that he covered with a back jean jacket, and baggy black jeans. The shoes he wore were just regular black high top converse, yes it was a basic outfit but he pulled it off so well. But what you didn't see was that he was wearing two black cross earrings along with two chain necklaces on his neck.

You went feral just looking at him.

Eren saw you looking at him and sent you a smirk, casually waving his hand. In response, you flipped him off and he put his hand on his heart and pouted.

You returned to the conversation that was going on right by you, but you noticed Ymir looking the the crowd for someone.

"Who are you looking for Ymir?" You asked and Ymir turned to look at you. She seemed like she was annoyed.

"Nobody..I was waiting for someone to show up but I don't see her."

"I can help you look for them if you want." You suggested, but Ymir just nodded her head no and watched as someone approached Eren and hugged him. Eren didn't return the hug because he was uncomfortable.

It was Historia Reiss.

Ymir got up from her seat and ran off to bathroom. You could have sworn you saw Ymir start tearing up before she got up.

You felt bad for Ymir. It was clear that something was going on between her and Ymir, but it seemed as though Historia couldn't give two shirts about Ymir's feelings.

Annie returned with Armin, Mikasa, and Eren. There was no surprise that Historia also followed them.

Annie sat on the end off the couch with Armin, while Mikasa sat next to you. Eren and Historia sat across from you on the other couch.

Eren looked like he wanted to die when Historia sat by him. You almost pitied him.

"I was thinking we should play a game!" Historia piped up.

"What kinda of game?" Mikasa said, leaning back into the cushion of the couch.

"Truth or dare? With shots of course."Historia shrugged.

Immediately after Historia said that, Hitch and Marlowe got up and left your little group.

You almost wanted to say "Take me with you."

"You've got to be kidding me. This game happens at every fucking party." You leaned your side on the side of the couch.

"Did any of you guys hear that?" Historia ignored you.

Petty bitch.

You rolled your eyes and everyone else agreed to play the game, so you kind of felt forced to play aswell.

Historia quickly got up and went to the kitchen, bringing back six shot glasses with a bottle of straight vodka.

"I'll ask first. Annie, truth or dare?" Mikasa looked at Annie.

"I'll do truth." Annie shrugged.

All eyes were now on Annie, including yours. You really didn't talk to Mikasa so you had no clue what type of question she would ask Annie.

"Do you top Armin during sex?" Mikasa chuckled, taking a sip of the drink she had.

A few laughs erupted between all of you and Armin looked extremely embarrassed.

Annie whispered something in Armin's ear and he nodded. You assumed she was asking him if it was okay if she said her answer.

"Of course I do."

"I fucking knew it!"

It was now Annie's turn and she had chosen Historia.

"Alright, truth or dare Historia."

"I'll choose truth just to be safe for this round."

Annie nodded, and you could almost see the gears in her head turning trying to think of something to say.

"Why did you stop hanging out with Ymir as soon as Eren came to our school?"

Your eyes widened a bit at Annie's question, you were also dying to hear what Historia had to say.

Things were slowly intensifying.

Historia cleared her throat, "We just had a falling out.."

"It didn't look like that a few days ago at tennis practice when the two of you were all up on each other." You spoke up, now all eyes were on you because of your sudden intake.

"Whatever..Y/N, truth or dare?" Historia shrugged it off.

Since you weren't a pussy, you chose dare.

"Oooh we have a daredevil within our midsts." Annie said.

"Y/N, I dare you to make out with Mikasa." Historia crossed her arms and leaned back into her seat.

She most likely thought that you would chicken out, but of course, you didn't.

Eren watched you intently and you asked Mikasa if it was alright with her, which she replied that she was up for it.

You climbed onto Mikasa's lap, facing her,putting both of your knees on the side of her thighs and cupped her face. Mikasa gripped your ass and pushed you closer to you.

You leaned into her and slammed your lips into hers, letting her tongue slip into your mouth. Mikasa began giving you sloppy kisses, and she moved her arms to the back of your neck.

You would gasp for air every once in a while, but you were taken off guard on how she became the dominant one really quick.

The two of you both ended the kiss, but right before you ended it she gently bit your bottom lip and let go.

You sat back down in your seat, receiving a few "oooos" from people around you.

Eren sat there in awe, his eyes wide at what you just did. Eren shifted in his seat like he was trying to hide a boner, running his hands through his hair.

Eren's POV: I know I'm supposed to hate Y/N, but is it bad that I really wanna be Mikasa right now?

Historia looked pissed and she crossed her arms over her chest and left to a room upstairs.

"I'm gonna go check on her-" Eren said.

But Eren had you all fooled. Eren didn't give two shits about Historia, his eyes were on you and your secret. The only reason he went to check on her is so he could get answers out of her.

Eren was about to put on the act of his life, playing the "supportive friend role."

Eren was a dishonest and manipulative liar.

Back at the couch, the game ended and everyone quickly scattered out, leaving you alone on the couch.

It was now or never for you to leave and head to school. You grabbed your bag, and hastily made it out of the frat house.

What you didn't notice though was, Eren saw you leave the house in a hurry before he headed in the room the check on Historia.

He knew something was going on, and he intended to find out as soon as he was done with Historia.

You grabbed your phone and texted Reiner.

Forgot something at home, can I take your car? I'll be back quick.

To which he quickly responded with, "Go ahead, my keys are in the car."

You smiled to yourself, knowing you were about to execute your plan.

You made your way towards Reiner's car, hopping in the front seat.

It's all falling together.

Or was it?

What's lengths are Eren going to do in order to get the answers he is looking for?
Is Y/N's plan going to miserably fail?
Also SHIT IS GONNA GO DOWNNNNN NEXT CHAPTER like i cannot tell you guys how excited i am to write it, anyways THANK YOU GUYSS FOR READING! I love you all

check out my new eren story: masked
it's a modern eren story and he's in a band 👀

-reece <3

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