By mythozero0

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A new world, new things to experience, and new people to meet, that's the things zero knew the moment he alon... More

chapter 0
chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7 (End of S1)
Chapter 1 S2
Chapter 2 S2
Chapter 4 S2
Chapter 5 S2
Chapter 6 S2
Chapter 7 S2
Ramdom note
Chapter 8 S2 (end of S2)
Just a Q&A
EX chapter 1: remnant of memories
Sliver Bullet
EX chapter 2: Christmas
Chapter 1 S3
Chapter 2 S3
Chapter 3 S3
Chapter 4 S3
Chapter 5 S3
Chapter 6 S3
Nothing here, just something i want to share
Chapter 7 S3
Chapter 8 S3 (end of S3)
EX chapter 3: the foundation
EX chapter 4: multiverse of craziness
Small announcement
Chapter 1 S4
Chapter 2 S4
Chapter 3 S4
Chapter 4 S4
Η αρχή ενός σπασμένου ήρωα
Chapter 6 S4 (end of S4)
EX CHAPTER 5: Hello world
EX chapter 6: red chocolate and white chocolate
EX chapter 0: Diary

Chapter 3 S2

521 13 6
By mythozero0

(Issei POV)

Me: well  we're here, you sure you dont want to come in?

Zero: for the best issei, if thing gone out control, i will intervent, okay👌

Me: okay, come on asia

Asia: okay

Well last night was expected, well rias know about them came to our house which she was very worry about us, but zero said that thing didn't go wrong and told her that tomorrow they will came to meet us which rias already knew that, but when she ask him how he knew consident that i didnt knew too, he just make a mysterious smile and said dont think much about it, well knowing him, i dont think i can get a word out from him

I open the door to see all of them even kiba already in there with both irina and the girl before, irina upon seeing me have a shocked face on her and ask me:

Irina: issei?!, what are you doing here ?! dont tell you actually-

Me: sorry irina it true im a devil too

Irina: oh how could you become a devil? Was it my leaving that turned you to this? Oh how cruel can fate be, that God had not been able to protect you, surely if I stayed you would have remained pure. Or could it be that devil corrupted you and made you abandon the purity God gave you?

OUCH! i really need to ask zero to get rid of this headache!

???: enough Irina, we still have a work here, so keep quiet

Rias: oh course, so why are you two here?

Xenovia: before we get to that i believe we need to state our name, im xenovia quarta and she is irina shidou, as for your question, you already knew that the church is responsible for holding 6 of 7 pieces of excalibur

rias: Yes of course

Irina: recently, 4 of the Excalibur were stolen and we have tracked down the sword to this place, we know who took the 4, because of that, we worry about what they will plan with them, we have come here with 2 of Excalibur which is Excalibur Destruction and Excalibur Mimic

Rias: Ah, so you come here to ask for our help?

Xenovia: on the contrary, we came here to tell you to stay out of our way, as for help we already have it

Rias: really?

Irina: wait we had?

Xenovia: oh i forgot to tell you Irina, last night i have contact with the Angel of Death and he have accept to help us

Irina:ehhhh?!, why didnt you tell me?!

Wait a damn minute, did she just said Angel of Death?!, Zerooooooo!!!

Rias:(sweat drop) i-i see.....

Xenovia: if there are nothing more then we're leaving

Akeno: would you like some tea?

Xenovia: no thank, we still have work to do so sorry

Both of them then get up and move to the door but not until

Irina:.....now that i see closer, are you Asia Argento?

Asia: heh?!

Irina: so it was you!, the nun who healed the devil. To think that she also become a Devil, i though you have some form of self-respect

What the?!, Irina what are you saying?


Xenovia: Irina what are you doing?!

Irina: what are you talking about xenovia?!, dont you see, she is a witch, didnt you alway hate them?

Xenovia: this is not the place irina, let's just-

Irina: i ask you asia the witch, do you still love god? But i doubt that you still love him, after what you did

Xenovia: Irina.....

Okay irina, what the hell?!, you didnt know anything, how can you say all that word when you didnt even there?!

Asia: Yes, i-i still love him, even if i cant pray for him, i still long for his love and support

Irina: well then.....

Irina then pull a katana out of thin air!, shit! it she-

Irina: then let me exorcise you and free you so you may be forgiven by god, AMEN!!

Xenovia: Irina stop!!!

She then bring down the katana to slash Asia, but i ran before her and hugged her closed my eyes prepare to get hit but....


That slash never came down to me, i opened my eye to look back and see him....


He have the kanshou on one hand with bakuya gun one aim on irina, speaking on her right now she have a pure shock face on her

Irina: w-what?! , zero-nii-san?!

Zero: good grief kiddo, next time try to think faster a bit, you know that sword hit you and you're done, right?

Me: sorry brother....

Xenovia: im really sorry about her!!!

As for xenovia, she just grab Irina head and bow before him, i think she's freaked out right now

Zero: well lucky for you that no one get kill so no worry, but you also have mistake for not tell her about our condition

Rias: wait what condition sensei?

Zero: i help them in exchange that none of them hurt any of you or .......i going to kill them

Yike, no wonder she seem that freaked out, being threated by him is the last thing you want to have in your life

Zero: as for you two, dont worry our contract still intact but next time try not make thing mess up, got it?, then go, we will meet tonight

Xenovia: yes!( bring irina out of the room while she scream)

Irina: wait xenovia, i need to ask him let me go!

Their two then move out of the building while xenovia still drag irina behind her, they two move until we no longer see them anymore

All of us then just dead silent trying to process what just happen, after that all of us then look at zero with eyes call for explaination

Me: brother.....

Orc: sensei.....

Zero: hehe i guess i own you an story right


Zero: okay okay no need to shout at me!, it all start when then came to our house last night

(Timeskip with zero tell them what happened last night)

Me: really zero, atleast you could tell me or rias about that, you know

Zero: sorry sorry, but then again, you do realize the problem is very big right?

Rias: is it true, kokabiel....., you know him before right?

Zero: that bastard once try to fight me which in the end he lose, i know one thing for sure, he only desire war

Rias: then what are we going to do?

Zero: call Sona and her peerage, i have a plan but i need all of us together

Rias: on it!

Me: so what is your crazy plan, zero?

Zero: just wait kid and it's not that crazy, got it


Right now me, zero, kiba and koneko are on way to meeting, which we are in middle of the street now

Me: so where are they now?

Zero: tell the true kid, i dont know

???: what?! You dont know?!, where are we supposed to find them?!

Zero: easy saji, right now we are in the middle of the city, i bet we will find them in no time

Oh right, i forgot that saji go with us too

Saji: what will they do, call for help? There is no way-

Koneko: there they are

Koneko said pointing to other side of the street to she irina is begging for donation while xenovia just sit on the line, zero seeing this cant hold his laugh while i try to say a word but

Saji: dont, just dont

Zero: oh how the church fall so low

Zero then move to them which they still not noticed him, when he close enough, he said

Zero: did you really come here with no money?

Irina: eh?!, zero-nii, wait a minute its not like-

Xenovia: she was the one make us lose all money to a fake art (showing the picture)

Irina: what are you talking about, it it a real one!

Zero:.........(shake head in disappointed) well we cant go back in time now, so did you eat anything yet?

Irina: ummmm (stomash start growling) no?

Zero: lets go to that restaurent, my treat


Right now all of us are sitting and watching both exocrist eating like no end, i noticed that Zero have a pain look on him too, wonder what is he thinking right now

(Zero's mind)

Farewell Vitch, Oberon, i cant bring you to my chaldea ever again (ノД')・゜・。

(Back to Issei)

Well i cant, both of then now have a satisfied face but xenovia then get serious and talk to zero

Xenovia: we are sorry for this, we didnt intend to take your time like this

Zero: no is okay, cant go hunting with empty stomash

Irina:but still its true zero-nii!, are you really the Angel Of Death?!

Zero: first keep it down, second yes, didnt xenovia already tell you that?

Irina: i refused!, how can a person who once alway bring endless trouble to other were the rudeless and coldblood warrior, i refused that!, oh is this a god trial that bring to me?

Ouch!, Again?!, but well i cant blame her anyway, zero once a huge troublemaker after all

Kiba: endless trouble?

Me: well back there everytime he go home, almost half of them alway have teacher or police behind him to tell his crime

Zero: well cant i atleast live for myself a bit, well i may have gone too far that time, but i have no regret

Me: yeah yeah whatever

Zero: but still honestly, only you two get here?, with how big this problem is, i thought there must be more than 2 of you right?

Xenovia: yes we do have a priest that lead the way for us but he have been killed by the time we came

Zero: yike, who could kill him?

Kiba: i think it might be Freed sellzen, after all, i do engage with him and he also have a Excalibur sword with him too

Zero: i think i make a mistake not kill that bastard

Me: you think?

Xenovia: now that i see, why are you here, didnt i tell all of you not to intervene?

Zero: i let them come, they came here as my student, not as Devil

Irina: you are their mentor?

Zero: yes i am, got a problem?

Xenovia: no we dont , so what is the plan Mr Angel of Death?

Zero: call me zero first, second, as for now we dont know their current place and because of that, we need to spill up to various place and also....

Me: what is this Brother?

(Timeskip, 3rd POV)

Right now aside for xenovia and irina, the rest of them are gather at a alley and everyone except for zero were just give a black robe for each person

Issei: so why we have to wear priest robes anyway, zero?

Zero: well that crazy Priest like to kill those from church right, so i guess we can use those robes to drag him out from hiding spot

Saji: and how are you so sure of that?

Zero: Xenovia told me about that so you know what i mean

Kiba: speaking of her, where are them now?

Zero: might be in other place, i will go and check some place too, remember found him, call eachother right away got it?

Koneko: got it

Saji: leave it to us!

Issei: dont mess up

Zero: oi! Have some faith on me! Well take care

Zero then turn to his eclipse form and fly away leave them behind

Saji: you know i still cant get used to seeing this, i mean we have a full pair wing while he have only one, then how did he can fly so smooth?

Issei: that better left aside, come on

All four of them then walk to many place to find anything that related to that priest, after a few minute of searching, they came across a place that issei kiba and koneko once knew

Issei: well i guess we came to this place again

Saji: wait you came here before

Kiba: well we once came here to take out a stray devil, that day issei get zapped up by sensei who follow us too

Saji: yike, so how did it feel to fight with a stray

Issei: all i can tell is dont trust it looks

Koneko: .......did you feel it?

Kiba: you feel it too?

Issei: so am i, that freak is here, saji call zero we're going in

Saji: oi oi!

Issei, kiba koneko just rush in the building leave saji who is calling to zero, they look around inside the room to find freed until issei laid eye to the ceiling

Issei: there you are! Dragon Shot!

Issei fire the dragon shot to the ceiling to reveal freed who drop down with Excalibur Rapidly on his hand

Freed: again you just have to ruin my surprise!, but lets get to the point shall we? Die!

Freed then charge to Kiba who now bring the gram and those two are now clash with each other

Kiba: dont even think that you got away this time!

Freed: oh yeah take this!

Freed then make a horizon slash on kiba, but the blade got reflect away by a sword and few of bullet that launch to freed, all of them look back to see zero with bakuya aim with saji behinh him

Freed: what the?! You again?!

Zero: last time i let you off, this time i will make sure a bullet with be in your head

Freed: heh try all you want

Zero: well then look at your legs

Freed then feel something just grab on his leg, he look down to see a line that attach on him

Freed: what the fuck?!, get off me!

Saji: this is my sacred gear, absorption rope , it power is to drain your power, dont try to run away for it!

Freed: dont get cocky!, i will kill you all as soon as i......cut......through.......those FUCKING robe!

Freed trying to hacking the line but no avail, kiba decided to take this chance stabbing the sword to the ground and shout

Kiba: dont think you got away, Sword Birth!

A bunch of sword then rose from the ground and aim at freed who is slashing those sword while getting away from it

???: Sword birth eh? A sacred gear that can bring the wielder invincible power if they know how to use it


A voice then suddenly came out surprise all person in the building, all eye then turn to see a man wearing a robe, a white hat and glasses

Zero: you......

???: oh freed, you seem to be a bit of "bind" your holy sword wielding still need help

Freed: well isnt that old man valper, how about you stop flapping your elderly gums and get me outta here

Kiba: you're Valper Galilei?!

Valper: hmph, the one and only

Just when he said that a bullet sound then hear, valper then feel blood that fail from his cheek, he look to see Zero who just fired at him with a really piss off face

Valper: Who-.......oh to think i will get a chance to meet with the infamous Crimson Demon, how honored i am

Zero: so you know me after all, good, then remember it when i deliver you to hell!

Valper: Freed! Pour all your power in the sword to slay the line now!

Freed: thats it, one energy cocktail coming right up!

Freed then glow a bright yellow with Excalibur sucked in the glow, he the swung the sword cut through the line and jump in front of valper and slash all bullet that fire at them

Saji: Damn it!

Zero: (keep firing) dont think you got away!, Xenovia now!

Behind Zero, Xenovia then jumping over him and clash with freed with her Excalibur destruction

Xenovia: you two, you're all traitors!, i condemn your soul in the name of our God!

Irina: sorry guy! We're here!

Issei: took you long time Irina!

Valper: tsk, Freed we're done here

Freed: huh?

Valper: you were supposed to take out the people from the church, but now they're here with holy sword, and they also got help for the devil and that person too, we are out matched and outnumbered, its time to pull back

Freed: fine, see you later you shitty devil!

Freed then pull out flaskbang and throw it to the ground created a flash of light make them cover their eyes, when it died out, freed and Valper isnt here anymore

Xenovia: damn it, come on irina!, we need to after them

Irina: wait for me!

Xenovia and irina then run to the wood that they might run in, Kiba want to go too with but he cant leave easy like that

Zero: just go Kiba

Kiba: eh? Sensei?

Zero: i will cover for you, just go

Kiba just silently nod and follow there two, leave them behind

Issei: what the?! Where is Kiba?!

Zero: he already run away with them, but i think he will be fine, dont worry for him

Koneko: are you sure

Zero: yes koneko, yes i am, well i guess we should go home now

Saji: wait we really dont go after them?

Zero: we cant sure of anything saji, so all we can do for now is wait

(Kiba POV)

Right now i am searching for valper and freed but right now i cant see them

Croire: so mind if i go with you

Me: (surprise) oh croire! You're here!, Sensei ask you to follow me right?

Croire: not entirely, i go for my own, i also hold some grugde for that person too.....

Me: oh i see....

Croire: well i think that we should go now shall we?

Me: yeah

Croire: well then hold on tight (go behind kiba and hug him)

Kiba: wait croire what are you-woah

Did she just lift me up to the sky, in less than 3 second?!, i look back to see her have two pair a black and white wings

Croire: surprise?, well i actually a half angel and half devil, so its normal for me, i dont have wings like dad though....

Me: well i dont think so but, you know i can fly too right?

Croire: well this is faster so hang on tight, since this is gonna be a sonic ride!

Now she just carrying me while go with a high speed, with this we definitely can found them, and i can finally revenge them

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