Stronger Together [Book 1] [C...

By BroQuitStalking

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When Barry Allen gets Struck by lightning, he wakes up nine months later, to find he is faster than the speed... More

Authors note
Chapter 1: Pilot Part 1
Chapter 2: Pilot part 2
Chapter 3: Pilot part 3
Chapter 4: Pilot Part 4
Chapter 5: Fastest Man Alive
Chapter 6: Fainting at its finest
Chapter 7: Multi-plex
Authors note
Chapter 8: Things you cant outrun
Chapter 9: Plastique
Chapter 10: The Flash And Bolt Are Born
Chapter 11: Power Outage
Chapter 12: Flash and Arrow vs Bolt
Chapter 13: The Brave and The Bold
Chapter 15: Revenge Of The Rogues
Chapter 16: The Sound And The Fury
Chapter 17: Crazy for you
Chapter 18: The Nuclear Man
Chapter 19: Fallout
Chapter 20: Out Of Time
Chapter 21: Rogue Time
Chapter 22: Tricksters
Chapter 23: All Star Team Up
Chapter 24: Who is Harrison Wells?
Chapter 25: The Trap
Chapter 26: Grodd Lives
Chapter 27: Rogue Air
Chapter 28: Fast Enough
Awesome Trailer
Happy rest of summer!!!

Chapter 14: The Man In The Yellow Suit

372 5 2
By BroQuitStalking

My name is Barry Allen, and I am the fastest man alive. When I was a child, I saw my mother killed by something impossible...My father went to prison for her murder. Then an accident made me the impossible. To the outside world, I'm an ordinary forensic scientist, but secretly, I use my speed to fight crime and find others like me. And one day, I'll find who killed my mother...And get justice for my father...I am The Flash.

It was Christmas time, people were putting up their decorations everywhere....In their homes and even outside of stores. One man was finishing hanging up the lights when a red and yellow streak come flying past him, which caused all his lights to turn off.

Barry was chasing down the man in yellow...


One Day Earlier....

At Joe and Iris's house...Barry was helping Joe put the Christmas decorations on the tree.

"There's only two boxes left." Joe said.

"You know, at this rate, we'll be finished by Easter." Barry said.

Joe Chuckles.

Barry looks up at Joe and smiles.

"Don't even." Joe said.

"Okay, the only red-suited dude I want in this house right now is Kris Kringle, you got it?" Joe said.

Then Barry zooms around the tree and puts it back how it was.

Barry sighs.

Joe laughs.

Iris walks into the room with Caitlin and Daniella carrying two cups each.

"Hey, look who I ran into outside and Uh, these ornaments are not gonna hang themselves." Iris said.

"Mm-hmm." Caitlin said.

Iris hands them the cups and says, "Grandma Esther's recipe... Light on the bourbon."

Joe drinks it and says, "Mm...I always loved her definition of light." His phone rings and he looks at it. "And the Christmas tradition continues." He answers his phone. "Detective West. Yeah? All right." He hangs up. "Sorry, kids, the D.A. wants to ask me some questions. Make sure there's some nog left for me when I get back."

"No promises." Barry says, as he continues to drink his egg nog.

Then as soon as Joe is out of the house, Iris quickly turns off the TV.

"What's happening?" Caitlin asked.

Iris takes away Barry's egg nog away.

"Hey." Barry said.

Iris pulls Barry and Caitlin to the floor and says, "Come on."

Daniella sits in the corner...her face made it known she was sad about something.

"Oh, come on, we're doing this already?" Barry asked.

"Christmas isn't for a few days." Caitlin said.

"I couldn't wait any longer." She hands each of them their present they got for each other. "Caitlin, you first." Iris said.

"You didn't have to do this.." Caitlin said.

"Nonsense. You saved my best friend and now your in our best friend circle, so open it. It's from Barry."

Iris hands the gift that Barry got for her...Caitlin opens it up...

"Oh my god....the engagement ring Ronnie gave me?" Caitlin asked.

" told me how you were sad when you lost it in Star labs." Barry said.

"How did you find it?" Caitlin asked.

"Oh, you know me, anyways, Ronnie was a big part of your life and I didn't want you to go without it." Barry said.

Barry puts the ring on her finger.

"Thank you, Barry." Caitlin said.

"Yeah." Barry said.

"I don't know what to say." Caitlin says, as she gives him a hug.

"That's a great gift, Barry." Iris said.

"Thanks, I try." Barry said.

"My gift so sucks in comparison..." Caitlin says, as she hands him the gift she got him.

"No. You didn't have to get me anything." Barry said.

Then he opens it up and it was a microscope. 

Barry smiles. 

Caitlin laughs then she says, "It's supposed to be the best one on the market. I thought you could maybe use a new one...It's lame, I know."

"No, no, this is great. I love it." Barry said. 

"Yeah?" Caitlin asked.

"Yeah, of course." Barry said.

Iris stands behind Caitlin and mouths, because she could clearly see that he liked her, "Tell her...tell her now."

Barry shakes then says, "'s your your present."

Iris gives him a look then says, "Fine."

Barry hands Iris, her gift....She opens it up and it was a ring on a chain.

"My mother's wedding band?" Iris said.

" thought you lost it at the zoo, but..I was looking through some of my old things from 5th grade..and you know how I never throw anything away." Barry said.

"Yeah." Iris said.

"Well...I opened up my old back pack and there it was wedged between an old binder of mine...I had it clean and...Voila." Barry said.

"Oh my god..Barry! Thank you." Iris said, as she hugs Barry.

"No problem." Barry said. 

Caitlin looks back at Daniella, "Daniella, don't you wanna come open your gift?"

Daniella clears her throat and then stands up, "Uh, no, no I'm good, I think I'm gonna go home. I'm not in the Christmas spirit."

Iris puts on the chain with the ring around her neck and then there was a knock at the door and Iris answers it..and it was Eddie.

"Hey, babe." Iris says, as she quickly gives Eddie a kiss.

"Hey, Barry..Hey Daniella." Daniella walks past him not saying a word, He notices the ring around Iris's neck. "Nice ring." Eddie said.

"It's beautiful, isn't it? It's my mom's. Barry found it and gave it to me." Iris said.

"That's amazing, Who's this?" Eddie asked.

"This is Dr, Caitlin snow, she helped Barry during his and Danis coma." Iris said.

"It's nice to meet you...nice ring, yourself." Eddie said.

"Thanks, Barry also gave me it." Caitlin said.

"Oh congratulations." Eddie said.

Both Barry and Caitlin tense up as the deny it and push past them awkwardly.

"So are we tree trimming?"Eddie said.

"Yeah...Come on." Iris said.


Later...Caitlin and Barry arrive at S.T.A.R Labs....

"Merry Christmas. Just a small token of my gratitude..." Barry said.

"You two walking in together? Where's Dani?" Cisco asked.

"Don't know." Caitlin said.

Barry hands Cisco and Wells their Christmas gifts.

"Aw." Wells said.

"For everything you guys have done for Dani and I this year." Barry said.

"I think I speak on behalf of me and Cisco when I say you two have been the gifts for us." Wells said.

Barry takes out a thermos.

"What's that?" Cisco asked.

"This is compliments of Iris...Grandma Esther's famous eggnog." Barry said, as he smiles.

"That's what I'm talking about." Cisco said.

"Maybe later for me. Wouldn't want to drink and drive." Wells says, as he wheels out of the room.

"Did i say something wrong?" Barry whispered.

"No...He, um... this used to be his favorite time of year, but the accident happened before Christmas, so... Kind of ruined the holidays." Cisco said.

"I'm gonna go get him a present. Maybe that'll cheer him up. See you later, Barry." Caitlin said.

"Yeah." Barry said.

Caitlin smiles at Barry and walks out of the lab.

"Okay. You two walk in together, She smiles, she says bye to you. Oh my god you two like each other." Cisco said.

"What? No. No. No I don't." Barry said.

"Your lying. Just like Daniella is with Iris." Cisco said.

"Wait, you know about that two?" Barry asked.


At Jitters with Eddie and Iris....

"The fact that I asked you for your shirt size should in no way indicate that I am getting you something shirt-related for Christmas." Iris said.

"That was some ring Barry gave Caitlin." Eddie said.

"I know." Iris said.

"So, you know then?" Eddie asked.

"Know what?" Iris asked.

"About the feelings he once had for you, but now he has for Caitlin." Eddie said.

"What? Feelings for me?" Iris asked.

Eddie nods, "Yeah."

"Huh? No, I only have ever thought of Barry as my brother. But I'm glad he found Caitlin, hopefully she likes him too." Iris said.

"And Daniella?" Eddie asked.

"What about her?" Iris asked.

"Does she have a thing for you?" Eddie asked.

"Of course not..." Iris looked down.

"Okay, then...In the mean time..." He puts a blue velvet box in front of Iris. "A bit early, but I couldn't wait." Eddie said.

Iris opens the box and inside was a key.

"I figured we've been together a year now. You pretty much stay there most nights anyway." Eddie said.

"I Love You." Iris said.

"That's a yes, I take it?" Eddie said.

Iris Chuckles and they both look into each other's eyes and just hold each other's hands.


With Caitlin, she was walking in the parking lot of the mall as she was on the phone with Cisco.

"It was that or Stephen Hawking's new autobiography, and we both know how he feels about Hawking. Okay, I'll talk to you later. Bye, Cisco." Caitlin said.

Then when Caitlin was walking towards to her car, but she felt like someone was following her..When she finally reached her car, she saw a reflection of a guy standing behind her.

When she turned to look at the guy, her was, she followed him. When she finally catches up to the guy...his hands and head were on fire...then he turns around to face Caitlin.
Caitlin didn't know what to do, so she ran then stopped and leaned against a wall...She had no idea what she just witnessed.


Then at Mercury Labs...the man in a yellow suit killed two security guards...While a doctor witnessed the whole thing from a locked room.


Hours later after the police arrive...Daniella who still looked sad, and Barry were at the scene when Joe walked up to them.

"Hey. What are you two thinking?" Joe asked.

"The blood splatter patterns and trajectory of the remains... only a high-speed collision could have done this." Barry said.

"But to cause this type of damage to a human in this space? Whatever hit them would have to have been moving fast." Daniella said, but her face dropped when she remembered the man in yellow.

Eddie walked up to them and he says,"Get this. The witness says all he saw was a blur. Sound familiar?"

Then Joe, Daniella, and Barry walked over to the doctor that saw everything.

"You saw a blur? W... What was it?" Barry asked.

"Whatever it was, it was looking for something." He Said.

"Well, what did it look like?" Barry asked.

"Like a-a man in some kind of yellow suit." He Said.

Barry's face widens and he says, "Okay."

Then they walked away for the doctor.

"Barry, listen..." Joe said.

"I have to check my files. Joe, you heard him, all right? The man that killed my mom... he's back." Barry said.

"I know. He's been in town for a few weeks now. He paid a visit to me and Daniella at the house. He took all the evidence from your mom's case. The files are gone." Joe said.

"Why wouldn't you tell me this sooner? And you knew and didn't tell me? I'm your best friend." Barry said.

Daniella clears her throat, "I'm uh sorry. I have to go. I'm no use in this state. Sorry." Daniella says, as she hurriedly walks away.

"I couldn't." Joe said.

"Why?" Barry asked.

"Because he threatened to kill Iris." Joe said.


At S.T.A.R. Labs....

"The witness described seeing a yellow blur just like the one that killed Barry's mother." Joe said.

"Then we need to get cracking and stop this speed psycho. That... I wasn't trying to give him a name." Cisco said.

"The crime scene at Mercury Labs was on a floor with highly secured vaults, and the witness said he was looking for something." Barry said.

"Whatever it was, he wanted it badly enough to kill for it." Wells said.

"Doctor, what do you know about this Mercury Labs?" Joe asked.

"Mercury was one of S.T.A.R. Labs' major competitors until our little setback, and then it catapulted to the forefront led by Dr. Christina McGee, brilliant but egocentric physicist." Wells says, as he puts her picture on the screen.

"It says here Dr. McGee has secured half a billion dollars in private funding to develop, and I quote, "prototypes for the technology of the future." Cisco said.

"Well, I'll be...Tina's messing with tachyons, superluminal particles." Wells said.

"Of course. So what could someone do with one of those..." Joe said.

"Tachyons." Wells said.

"Thank you." Joe said.

"Well, I don't know. Become invincible? if you could devise a matrix stable enough to harness their power, you could travel faster than light." Wells said.

"He's gonna try to get them again, so we need to get what Mercury has and use it as a lure." Barry said.

"Exactly right. Cisco, Caitlin, let's start engineering a trap." Wells said.

"You got it." Cisco said.

"Of course." Caitlin said.

Barry started walking.

"Bar, where you going?" Joe asked.

"There's something I need to do." Barry says, walking away.


With Daniella she was watching a little girl play with a few other kids in the snow...

"I found you." Barry says, sitting down.

"How'd you find me?" Daniella asked.

"I'm fast remember." Barry said.

"Cisco hacked my phone?" Daniella asked.

"Cisco hacked your phone. So do you wanna tell me what's wrong with you?" Barry asked.

"That little girl, over there with the brown hair. That's my little girl." Daniella said, as Barry's jaw dropped.

"I didn't know you had a daughter." Barry said.

"No one does. Not even Cisco." Daniella said.

Daniella explained to Barry her daughters situation, how she was at a party in starling city and woke up the next day and didn't remember anything, how she became pregnant and later gave the baby up for adoption but has regretted it ever since.

"What's her name?" Barry asked.

"Olivia." Daniella says, softly, "Her name is Olivia."


At Jitters, Caitlin walks over to Iris.

"Iris." Caitlin said.

"Caitlin, hey." Iris said.

"Oh, it's been a long day." Caitlin said.

"It's only noon." Iris said.

"I didn't sleep much last night." Caitlin said.

"Yeah, me neither." Iris said.

"Um, so I was catching up on your blog, and this story caught my eye... about a man whose head and hands burst into flames?" Caitlin said.

"The burning man?" Iris asked.

"Yeah." Caitlin said.

"I haven't really updated that story in a while, but there are some reports that I could send you." Iris said.

"That'd be great. Thank you." Caitlin said.

"Can I ask you something, girl-to-girl?" Iris asked.

"Sure." Caitlin said.

"Barry and Daniella have been acting different around me lately, especially Daniella, like they're keeping some sort of secret from me. is there anything that you know about that I should know about?" Iris asked.

"Not that I can think of. However, if you feel like Barry and Daniella are keeping something from you, you should probably just ask them yourself." Caitlin said.

"Yeah..thanks." Iris said.

"Of course." Caitlin said.

Iris chuckles and says, "Yeah, okay."

Caitlin walks away as she says,"Gonna get some caffeine."


At the Central City Police Department with Barry and Daniella walked in...

"You sure you can do this?" Barry asked.

"Yeah, you helped me, Barry." Daniella said.

They both walked up to Wells and Tina McGee.

"Barry Allen...This is my friend Daniella Ramon...Thank you for coming in." Barry said.

"Dr. Tina McGee. I assume this is about last night's break-in?" McGee asked.

"Well, yes and no." Wells said.

"That's usually how things are with you, aren't they, Harrison?" McGee said.

"We believe that whoever broke in was after one of your prototypes." Daniella said.

"You'll have to narrow that down. We have literally hundreds of projects in development." McGee said.

"One containing tachyonic particles." Barry said.

"We've had encouraging success with tachyons, yes, but there's still a significant gap between our prototype and any real-life application." McGee said.

"We were hoping you would lend us your prototype to use as a lure." Daniella said.

"Us"? You're assisting the police now, Harrison?" McGee asked.

"I'm consulting on this particular case. Listen, Tina, once this man is apprehended, your prototype will be promptly returned. You know nobody wants to ensure the future's technology more than me." Wells said.

"I appreciate the CCPD's concerns, Mr. Allen, Ms. Ramon, but Mercury is quite capable of protecting its own assets. Good luck with your manhunt." McGee says, as she leaves the precinct.


Back at Star Labs, Caitlin was looking at her engagement ring, that Barry found, as she was sitting on the treadmill when Cisco walked in.

"Hey, Caitlin, check this out. I think we can fashion an electronic barrier, right? We set up a ton of super capacitors. We smooth out the inflection points, and voila... a kick-ass force field to trap the opposite Flash. That was me testing out a name." He Chuckles "What do you think? Are you okay?" Cisco asked.

Caitlin sighs then she says, "Ronnie's alive. I saw him, Cisco. I think he was following me."

"Caitlin... Ronnie died. He was vaporized in the accelerator when it went critical." Cisco said.

"Ronnie's alive, and he's out there alone and scared, and I need your help to find him." Caitlin said.


Back at ccpd...Barry was looking at his mother's board as he remembered a memory from when he was younger.

Barry snaps out of the memory as Iris walked in.

"Barry." She Chuckles. "I called your name, like..." She sees the bulletin board in front of him. "Your mom's case." Iris said.

"I used to study this board every day. Lately, I haven't looked at it as much as I should have." Barry said.

"I didn't know you did that." Iris said.

"I guess there's still some stuff about me you don't know." Barry said.

"Eddie asked me to move in with him. I said yes." Iris says, as she chuckles.

"Wow." Barry says, as Iris chuckles.

"You guys are moving pretty fast, huh?" Barry said.

"Well, I mean, it's been a year." Iris said.

"Well,I'm happy for you guys." Barry said.

"Thanks...You know I would love to be happy for you too...if you just admitted your feelings to Caitlin." Iris said.

"Iris.." Barry said.

"Come could be your Christmas gift to me." Iris said.

"I can't." Barry said.

"Barry...You gave the girl the wedding ring of the fiancé who died.....You like her, right?" Iris said.

Barry nods.

"You even got over your feelings for me, because of her." Iris said.

"You've been talking to Eddie?" Barry asked.

"Yeah...and you should tell her...Before it's too late." Iris said.

Barry sighs.

"Well, I guess I should get going....Just think about what I said...Bye." Iris says, as she walks away.

Barry sighs deeply, he then walks over to the window and thunder strikes, Barry looks out the window and was shocked when he saw the man in yellow standing on the building across from his...And he was staring at Barry before he took off.

Barry followed the man in yellow into an empty alley.

"It was you. You were the one in my house that night. You killed my mother! Why?" Barry asked, angrily.

"If you want to know that, you're gonna have to catch me." The Man In Yellow said in a deep voice.

Then he takes off and Barry runs after him..They ended up running all the way to a football stadium that was in town....and all the lights turns on and Barry was face to face with the man that murdered his mother.

Then once the reached each other...Barry gets flipped over on his back.

"Not fast enough, Flash." The Man In Yellow said. 

They both started to run around the stadium until Barry got kick to the ground by him.

"Who are you?" Barry asked.

"You know who I am, Barry." The Man In Yellow said. 

Then punches and throws Barry around on the ground.

"I don't know who you are." Barry said.

"But you do, Barry....We've been at this a long time, you, Daniella and I, but I'm always one step ahead." The Man In Yellow said.

Barry tries to punch him, but he blocks it and pins Barry to the ground.

"It is your destiny to lose to me, Flash, just as it was your mother's destiny to die that night." The Man In Yellow said as he zooms out of there.


The next day at S.T.A.R. Labs.....

"He acted like he knew me, like we'd done this before." Barry said.

"He was antagonizing you, bar." Daniella said.

"I would get close, and he'd just pull away. I mean, this was just some sick game to him. He even said he'd been doing this with Daniella." Barry said.

"Wait. Me? What do you mean? I'd never seen the man in yellow until he stole your mother's case file." Daniella said.

"I don't know." Barry said.

"You'll both catch him. We'll help." Wells said.

"No, you don't get it, all right? His speed, it is... it's beyond me. I'm not the fastest man alive. He is." Barry said.

"Barry." Caitlin said.

"So how do we catch somebody that even I can't keep up with?" Barry asked.

"The beautiful thing about force fields, Mr. Allen, is they're impervious to speed. Now, we're almost finished fabricating the trap, and all that remains is for detective west to procure the bait." Wells said.

"I'm on it...Barry, why don't you stay here?" Joe asked.

"No, Joe, today is not the day to tell me to stay behind." Barry said.


Later at the precinct...They called McGee in to give her a warrant.

"If Judge Hankerson was gonna sign this, he would have done so already." McGee said.

"Look, I'm sure you don't want this investigation to get any more public than it's already been, do you, doctor?" Joe said.

"This has Harrison Wells written all over it in big, black letters. I am not giving you my tachyon prototype."McGee said.

"It was quite the tour of your facility, doctor. You were fine to let us dumb cops walk around, but I majored in physics and chemistry, and I saw a whole lot of stuff that Sciencie showcase Magazine would love to hear about. So should I call their editors directly or just leave a few posts on their website?" Barry asked.

"You'll have the tachyon device within the hour. I see why Harrison holds you in such esteem, Mr. Allen. You're very much alike." McGee says, as she walks away.

"Nicely done." Joe said.

Barry says nothing and he and Daniella walks away.

Eddie walks over to Joe and says, "Hey, Joe, you got a second?"

"Not now, Eddie." Joe said.

"I read the witness statement. The Flash was there. He can lead us to Bolt...Come on, I know you got something in the works." Eddie said.

"Yeah, but you don't want any part of this." Joe said.

"I've got a task force approved to capture him and Infrared...and I want in. I'm not asking permission, Joe" Eddie said.

"Excuse me?" Joe said.

"If my task force isn't a part of this, I'll go to Captain Singh. I'll tell him something's going on, and you're not talking... I'm sorry. You'd do the same thing if you were me." Eddie said.

"Fine." Joe says, as he turns and walks away.


With Caitlin and Cisco...they were out searching for Ronnie.

"We follow the ionized particles, and that should lead us right to him. The CPMs are increasing. We should have told Dr. Wells, Daniella and especially Barry." Cisco said.

"No, not until we're sure it's him." Caitlin said.

They were walking down a tunnel it what looked like a basement.

"Oh,wow." Cisco said.

"Look, Ronnie is not like you remembered him." Caitlin said.

"What does that mean?" Cisco asked.

"Just don't freak out when you see him, okay?" Caitlin said.

Then the device that Cisco was holding completely shuts down.

"Oh, I really wish that was because the batteries were dead." Cisco said.

Then they see Ronnie step out into the hallway.

"Ronnie? Ronnie, it's me, Cait. Look, I brought Cisco with me. We're here to help you. You were in an accident. Do you remember?" Caitlin said.

"I'm not Ronnie." He Said.

"Yes, you are. You're Ronnie Raymond." Caitlin said.

"I'm not Ronnie. I told you that. Now get away from me." He Said.

Caitlin grabs his hand and says,"Look, we just need to take you back to S.T.A.R. Labs. We'll help you remember who you are."

He puts his hands on each side Caitlin's face and says, "Firestorm."

Then he lets go of her, lights up in flames then runs away.


Back at S.T.A.R. Labs...the trap for the man in yellow was finally ready.

"The tachyon device is in place." Cisco said.

"You think it'll work?" Barry asked.

"It'll work." Cisco said, as he walks away.

"So how do we advertise to him that the prototype's here?" Daniella asked.

"We'll take care of that." Wells said.

Barry looks at everyone, sees that they're quite and says, "What's the problem?"

"Look, Barry... Me and Dr. Wells have spoken, and... We think it would be best if you weren't here for this." Joe said.

"What are you talking about?" Barry asked.

"You're too close to this." Joe said.

"Or maybe you're not close enough. If you and Dani hadn't been too scared and warned me that he was here weeks ago, I could have been prepared for this." Barry said.

"I think we can all appreciate Joe and Daniella's concern for Iris, Barry." Wells said.

"That's why I have to be here! I'm the best chance at catching this guy!" Barry yelled.

"Not right now, not in this state." Joe said.

"This man stabbed my mother through the heart and sent my father to prison for it. This is my fight." Barry said.

"Not today, son." Joe said.

Barry sighs and storms off.


With Caitlin, she was sitting on the floor, looking at her engagement ring...when Cisco walked in.

"Caitlin... Don't worry...Hey. Now that we know he's out there, we will find Ronnie again." Cisco said.

" we can throw him in there with all the other meta-human psychos? I used to play this game in my head. What would I give up for just one more minute with him? My house, my career... The rest of my life? Today I finally got that minute. And I wish I hadn't. Seeing him like that, what he's become... Dear God... I wish he had just died that day." Caitlin says, as she cries.

Cisco pulls Caitlin into a hug to comfort her as she cried.

"Hey, go home. We have Daniella, she's fast. We'll be fine." Cisco said.

"No. I have to stay." Caitlin said.

"I'm not taking no for an answer." Cisco says, as Caitlin smiles and then leaves.


Then at Iron Heights....Barry went to visit his dad.

"Merry Christmas, Slugger." Henry said.

"Merry Christmas." Barry said.

"You all right, Barry?" Henry asked.

"I screwed up, dad. After years of searching... I finally found him. I found the man who killed mom... The man in yellow, the one in the lightning. He's out there, and I had him. He got away. I... I was so close. I promised you that I would get you out of here. Every day you spend in here has been because of him... Until today. Now you're in here because of me, and I'm so sorry. I..." Barry says, as he breaks down and starts crying.

"Barry. Barry, this is not your fault...Look at me. I know what you've given up. Every decision you've made in the past 14 years has been because of me and your mom...what you studied, why you became a CSI, even with that girl Iris and Caitlin." Henry said.

"Iris and Caitlin?" Barry said. "You're my son. You don't think I know how you loved Iris and love this Caitlin? But you never pursued Iris because you were too consumed with what happened to me and your mom to let yourself have a life. And this Caitlin who I've never met, but feel like I know, because of how much you talk about her. Well, let it go now, Barry. Hear me now. The man in the yellow suit...Has taken enough from us already. Don't let him take any more." Henry said.


Later, Caitlin was in her apartment when there was a knock at the door....She opens the Door...And Barry was standing at her door step.

"Hey." Barry said.

"Hey...Come in." Caitlin said.

They walked into the living room and sat on the couch together.

"Cisco made me leave, and... I went looking for you after you left Star labs..Where did you go?" Caitlin said.

"I went to see my dad." Barry said.

"I should have guessed that....Well, I hope what ever advice the great Henry Allen gave...was quite the good advice and that you listen to him." Caitlin said.

"I will." Barry said.

Caitlin saw the look on Barry's face and says,"Are you okay, Barry?"

Barry gives her a hug, takes a deep breath and says, "I love you, Caitlin."

"Oh, I love you too." Caitlin said.

"When i was a kid, I thought loved Iris before I even knew what the word "love" meant. And growing up I thought she was the only one I could ever love. There were so many times that I wanted to tell her...Junior prom, when I went away to college, when I came back from college, nights that we stayed up talking, all the birthdays, all the Christmases, but I... I never did. I just...I kept it in. After I lost my mom and my dad, I thought I was afraid that if she didn't feel the same way, I would lose her, too. And then I got struck by lightning and there was this new girl in my life. Who every time I was running was all I thought about, who every time I went to Star labs she'd be the first person I wanted to see. Who every time I'd go out and stop a meta she'd tell me to be careful, I thought I knew what love was, but I didn't, not until I met you. And I know it's crazy it's only been a couple months but I love you Caitlin." Barry said, as his eyes were watery.

"I'm sorry... He sighs. "Okay." Barry said.

Then Barry looks at Caitlin one last time before he gets off the couch and walked out of the apartment.

As soon as Barry is gone, Caitlin breaks down and was overwhelmed with Barry's confession.


Later at night at S.T.A.R. Labs....The police were there along with Joe and Eddie.

"Sending out another pulse." Cisco said.

"Are you certain this trap will work?" Eddie asked.

"I've sent up at least three charges into open satellite. if anyone's looking tachyonic particles, they'll know we got them." Cisco said.

They were all looking at the live video feed when they see the man in yellow get trapped in the cage they set up for him.

"Let's see what we caught." Wells said.

They all go down to the cage where the man and yellow was in.

"Cisco? Lights." Wells said.

"Sure thing, Dr. Wells." Cisco says, as he turns on the lights as he was watching from the lab.

"Detective Thawne, would you like to read him his rights?" Wells said.

Joe starts walking towards the cage.

"Joe, what are you doing?" Eddie asked.

"Getting some answers....14 years ago, you murdered Nora Allen. I want to know why. Why?" Joe said.

"Dr. Wells, we meet at last." The Man In Yellow said.

"What do you want with the tachyonic particles?" Wells asked.

"My goals are beyond your understanding." The Man In Yellow said.

"Oh, I don't know, I'm a pretty smart guy. I knew you were exceptionally fast, so any trap we manufactured would have to be invisible. I knew your cells could repair themselves at extraordinary speeds, so you could withstand the damage this is doing to your body right now." Wells said.

With Cisco and Daniella, as Caitlin walks in, wiping the tears from her eyes.

"The super capacitors... the containment field is fluctuating. They need to get out of there now." Cisco said, as he looked at the computer screen.

Daniella looked at Caitlin.

Back with the other's....

"The reason I know all this is because your powers are almost exactly like those of The Flash." Wells said.

"Oh, I'm not like The Flash at all. Some would say I'm the reverse." The Man In Yellow said. 

Then the computers start to go haywire.

"Dr. Wells, evacuate! Get out of there now! Dr. Wells!" Caitlin said.

Then the man in yellow escapes his cage and pulls Wells off his chair..then pulls him into tar barrier with him and starts to beat up Wells.

"Cisco, turn off the barrier!" Joe yelled.

"If I turn it off, that thing's gonna get out." Cisco said.

"Cisco, he's gonna kill Wells!" Joe yelled.

Wells was getting brutally beat up by the man in yellow when Joe smash the machine...The barrier breaks and the man in yellow takes the tachyonic particles then zooms out of there.

"Find him!" Eddie said.

With Caitlin, she sends an S.O.S to Barry...they quickly head to star labs. 

"I'm going." Daniella said, as she turned invisible.

Back at S.T.A.R. labs, everyone was pointing their guns at the man in yellow.

"Don't move, or we will shoot." Eddie said. 

In seconds, the man in yellow takes out the other cops and zooms up to Eddie, but then Joe starts shooting at him.       

The man in yellow zooms up to Joe and pins him up against the wall.

"I warned you not to hunt me." The Man in Yellow said. 

Then Daniella zooms in and throws a punch at the man in yellow outside, but he threw he against the wall.

"Hell, Daniella. It's nice to see you again." The man in yellow said.

Then Barry zooms in and he and the man in yellow fight outside.

Cisco and Caitlin were outside as they witness the fight...and Barry was losing.

"Barry!" Caitlin yelled.       

Then Daniella zooms and tackles the man in yellow to the ground.

"It's not our time to fight just yet." The Man In Yellow said.

"You leave him alone!" Daniella yelled.

He punches Barry again then Daniella and him run towards each other... Daniella begins throwing punches and she gets in a few shots until the man in yellow punches her in the face repeatedly then kicks her in the stomach before he rips her mask off and grabs her by her throat.

"No!" Cisco yelled. 

The Man in Yellow throws Daniella across the ground as Barry zooms over to the man in yellow and punches him in the face...and when he was gonna do it again, the man in yellow flipped Barry over on his back.

He starts to walk over to Barry when he gets hit with a fireball. 

Barry turns and sees Ronnie.

"Our race is not yet done. See you soon, Flash, Bolt." The Man in Yellow said. 

Then he zooms away...Caitlin run over to Barry and Cisco runs over to Daniella. 

Barry grunts as Caitlin helps him stand.

Cisco helps Daniella stand, as Caitlin runs over to Ronnie.

"Don't look for me again." He Said.       


Later at the precinct with Joe and Eddie...

"Why did it... Not kill me?" Eddie asked.

"I don't know, Eddie." Joe said.

"But you know more than you've been telling me." Eddie said. 

Joe sits next to Eddie and he says, "They're called meta-humans."

"Meta-humans"?" Eddie said.

"People with very powerful abilities. You and me are the only guys on the force that know what's really going on. And we need to keep it that way... So nobody else gets hurt. Can you do that?" Joe said. 

Eddie nods then says,"The Flash and Bolt? Do you know who they are?" 

Joe sees Barry walk by and says, "Yeah, I do...And The Flash..He's the guy that saved both of our lives tonight."


In Daniella and Barry's lab...Iris walks in.

"Hey, you should be getting ready for the Christmas party." Iris said.

"I will be." Daniella said.

"Good." Iris said.

"What's up?" Daniella asked.

"Ive been going crazy all day. Eddie said something to me." Iris said.

"Really? What'd he say?" Daniella asked.

"He, now get this, he asked if you had feelings for me." Iris said.

Daniella chuckles.

"That's crazy right?" Iris laughs.

Daniella stayed silent.

"Right?" Iris asked again, this time with no laughter.

"Yeah, Eddies right." Daniella said.

"What?" Iris asked.

"Ive been in love with you since the day you walked in here, and I know I'm a girl and your a girl and that's why I didn't say anything Iris, you have a boyfriend, you couldn't possible be with I didn't say anything...uh I should get going." Daniella says, as she walks away from Iris.


With Cisco and Wells...

"I've been going over the data, and I still don't know why the containment system failed. I must have missed something..I'm sorry." Cisco said.

"It's not your fault, Cisco...But if you both feel the need to apologize for something, you might start with the not telling me that Ronnie is still alive." Wells said.

"I asked Cisco not to say anything. Once I saw what Ronnie had become, I needed... I needed time to see if I could make him whole again. I'm sorry. I know you're mad." Caitlin said.

"No. I don't know what I would have done differently in your situation. I know I have made you a lot of promises. I know I've not been able to keep them all. But on my life, I promise you this...We will bring Ronnie home. If that's what you still want." Wells said. 

"Still want?" Cisco asked.

"Barry told me he loved me." Caitlin said.

"About time." Cisco said.

Caitlin walks away.


Later at Barry and Daniella's lab...Barry was looking at a snow globe from London when Joe walked in. 

"Hey, barr." Joe said.

"You know my mom traveled around the world twice? She spent a semester abroad in Spain, and she loved it so much that after she graduated, she went to Europe. Didn't stop till she'd been to a few dozen other cities. She always wanted to go back, but she never got a chance." Barry said.

"I offered to send you abroad when you were in college." Joe said.

"Yeah, I know. I remember. I... I couldn't take off. I mean, the truth is I'm stuck here... in Central City. Fear has kept me in that living room for 14 years." He Sighs. "Joe, I... I was mad at you for being scared. But I mean, the truth is I was the one that was scared. I've been afraid of the man in yellow for my whole life. That's why I lost." Barry said.

"When you first moved in with us, I thought it was gonna be too much. I'm already a single dad. Finances were tough. And you were a little boy who just lost his mother. But, man, was I wrong." He Chuckles. "Within two weeks, you had changed the whole dynamic of the house. Suddenly, the house was filled with this... Light.. This energy. I mean, you brightened up everything. You'd seen more darkness than any man will in a lifetime, and you never let it dim your soul. So there I was, thinking that I'm changing your life by taking you in, but... The truth is... You changed mine. So don't lose that light now, Bar. The world may need The Flash, but...I need my Barry Allen." Joe said. 

Barry nods softly.

"Let's go home." Joe said.

"Yeah." Barry says, as he and Joe quickly give each other a hug. 


Minutes later at Joe and Iris's house...Barry and Joe walk into the house as they see Iris, Eddie, Daniella, Cisco and Caitlin there was well.

"Hey." Joe said.

"Oh." Cisco said.

"Hey. What are you guys doing here?" Barry asked, really wanting to know about Caitlin.

"I invited them. Where's Dr. Wells?" Joe said.

"Uh, he wasn't feeling up to a social gathering, but he appreciated the invitation...Eggnog?" Caitlin says, smiling at Barry, but he didn't notice.

"Yes." Joe said.

Barry walks into the living and Daniella stands next to him.

"Merry Christmas, Barry. Daniella." Eddie said.

"You too." Daniella says, staring at Iris.

"You too, Eddie. Hey, I heard you're moving in together, and I'm really happy for you." Barry said.

"Thanks,Barry." Iris said.

"Merry Christmas." Barry says, as he chuckles. 

"Um, congratulations." Daniella says, walking away.

With Joe, Cisco, and Daniella who just entered, in the dining room...

"Mm. Day like today, grandma Esther's eggnog seems a little light on the bourbon." Joe said.

Cisco chuckles then he says, "Hey,Joe."

"Hmm?" Joe said.

"I saw something weird tonight." Cisco said.

"Yeah, Cisco, I saw it too." Joe said.

"No, I mean, when The Flash and the man in yellow were going full-on bumper cars on each other, I was watching the electricity coming off of them... yellow and red electricity. When Barry was a kid, he said he saw red and yellow lightning in his house the night his mother died." Cisco said.

"There were two of them." Daniella said, entering the conversation.

"The man in yellow may have killed Barry's mother, but... There was another speedster there that night." Cisco said. 

Joe nods.

"Dad, it's time." Iris said. 

Then everyone walks into the living room, it was time to put the angel on top of the Christmas tree.

"Okay, let's see." Joe said. 

Joe puts the angel up on the tree and it lights up, as Iris glanced at Daniella.

Everyone laughs.

Barry looks over at Caitlin and she looks at him...then she slides her hand into his and they go back looking at tree.  Barry smiles.

With Wells, he walks into his secret room and pulls out a ring...

He walks over to a wall and opens up a secret compartment....It was on a display case and he connects the ring to a button on that display case.

Wells was the man in yellow...who killed Barry's mother and sent his father to jail.

Then Wells puts a metal device on the suit and turns it on.

The whole suit lights up and vibrates.

Wells in a deep, distorted voice says,"Merry Christmas."

Wow, what an episode, right. And how about those two love confessions? And Wells being the reverse flash. What do you guys think will happen with Daniella and Iris? And what will happen with Barry and Caitlin, now that Barry knows Ronnies alive?

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