All Grown Up

By beenbreezy

110K 2.7K 358

*Read Lay Me Down, Lay me down 2: Yours forever, Lay me down 3, and Lay me down 4:Without you* Ashlen Was Aug... More

Getting you up to date
Jesus Take The Wheel
The Visit
When The Devil Speaks
Very Sexual
Home For The Holidays
You Chose me
Anjoley And Ashton
It was all just a dream
April Fools
Die With You
Leaving Too soon
The Card
Be Grateful
this what im gonna do
Pray for him
Quality Time
Im so done with love
Attention stunt
Not what it Looks like
Only For my eyes to see
Wardell • Stephen Curry. •AU•
A few days of Happiness
Golden State Lets Go!
Few days of happiness part 2
Too late to Apologize
Take what's mines
Baby muva
Fathers Day
When He's on the Road
Jesus Christ
Triple Win
Say Yes to the dress
You're so beautiful
No hiding
I'm grown
I know so
The arguement
Added noises
Minions everywhere
Her Approval
Bad offspring
We need each other
We need each other

Time To Let You Go

3.3K 68 10
By beenbreezy

Ashlen Pov.

It Was My Last Night Before I Went to College. I Was On The phone With My Bestfriend Steph,and We were talking about Finally going to college,while I Just got finished packing my stuff.He Was on the Varsity basketball team with Aiden.

Daddy Knocked on The Door disturbing Stephen and I conversation."Come In" I Said.

My Dad Came In And hopped In Bed With me.I Laughed And Said"Watchu Want August?" He Chuckled And Said" I Just Wanted To Talk To Ya Babygirl,So Tell curry chicken bye cause its daddy daughter Time."

My dad knew about stephen and he didn't mind.He Knows That I Don't get along with girls and drama.I chuckled and said"Bye steph,Talk to ya Later."

"Ashlen I'm So Proud Of you and I Know Ashley is beyond proud for you too.You've Grown up into a smart beautiful young lady." Daddy said."Thanks daddy." I Said."You Welcome,Wow I Just Can't Believe You're Leaving me,Lord Knows I Wasn't Prepared For This.My Baby Grown Up.Its Bout Time I Kick You Out The Nest(laughs) ."He Said.

I Laughed And Said"Well Dang Daddy,How You Just Gon Kick Me Out The Nest And I Never Learned How To Fly? Thats just Cruel."

He Laughed And Said"You Got A Parachute." I laughed And Said"Ugh." There Was A Silence.I Was Debating If I Wanted To Ask This Question Or Not.

Dad Broke The Silence And said"Wow.....You're no longer a baby." Thats When I just blurted it out."Daddy Can You Hold Me,Like You Use To?" I Said.

He Looked surprise like I said Words for the first time."Yes I Can."He Said.He Sat up And Lean On The Leather Backboard of the bed.He Held me like a baby.As our glossy eyes stared at each other He said,"Behind All the makeup you wear,I Still see my baby girl,The Little girl who put eyeliner on her lips,and claimed that she knew what she was doing.The Little Girl They Called Shadow because Everywhere I went she followed.The Little girl who I called smiles." A Tear escaped our eyes At the same time and we both wiped each others at the same time.He Began to sing Butterfly Fly Away.That night I Fell Asleep in his arms.

Today was the day I Left For College.I woke up still in my dad's arms."Smiles Wake up." My dad said."Its Time for me to let you go now." he Said."Can You Hold me Just A Little bit longer?" I whined as I Yawned. I Never Wanted to Get Out of his arms because To me the safest place was in his arms "Yea I can Do That." He Said as he moved a strand of my hair.So we just laid there in silence,and I Ended up dozing back off to sleep.I Few minutes Later Aiden And Ansley came in and jumped in bed.They showered me with kisses as They said"Wake up college girl ,wake up!"

I chuckled and said "I'm Up." Ansley then said"P.s. When you leave I'm Taking your room." I Chuckled and said"Alright." "I'm Really gonna miss yal." I said As I teared up."Were gonna miss you too." They said in unison.Aiden,ansley,daddy and I Group hugged.Thats When Val Stood at the door with Ashton In her arms."Can We Join The Group Hug?" She said.

Lord Knows I Wanted to say hell no only ashton can, but since its my last day I mind as well be nice."Yea You can." We then all hugged. We Hugged for about a minute in a half."Ok yal stop hugging me before I Change my mind about leaving." I said.They laughed and let go.

They Left the room As I got dressed.I slipped on some gray sweats and A gray crop top,with my gray and black jordans.Then I Did My Personal chores And Went Downstairs.Once I was There everyone was downstairs waiting for me,by surprise my Goddaddy Chris Was There."Hey Goddaddy" I said."Hey bighead." He Said As We Hugged and he kissed my forehead."I'm So proud of you Ashlen."He Said "Thanks" I said.While I was talking to my Goddad,Aiden And Daddy They put my bags in side of my car.

Once They Were Done They Came in And Dad said"Well All your Stuff is in the car,You Ready?" I Sighed And Said"Yea I Guess." So We All Went outside.Aiden Handed Me Ava Marie."Hey Ava Marie,Auntie Is Gonna Miss You,I Love You."I Said As I Kissed Her Chubby Cheek And She Smiled.

I Hugged Aiden."I'mma Miss You Baby Brother,And If I Find Out You Got Another Girl Pregnant Im Gonna Come Back for you and cut your Penis off."I Said As He Chuckled."Yes Ma'am "He said Laughing as he gave me a Hug.I Then Kissed his cheek and Said"Love ya lil Bro.

I Went To Ansley And Said"Ansley I love you and if you need to talk call me,You continue to worry about your education and sports not boys alright?" She then Said"Alright." I Also Gave Her A Hug And A Kiss.

Then I Went To Ashton And Val."Bye." I Said Giving Her An Awkward Side Hug And kissing ashton's cheek."Bye,You Have A Nice Time and Stay Focused." She Said.

Next I Went To My Goddaddy."Goddaddy I Love You and thank you for all the things you done for me and the secrets you kept that I told you. Also keeping a smile on my face You're The best goddaddy ever."He Pulled Me Into A Hug."I'm gonna miss you little girl and I Love You Too." He Said.

Last but not least, I Went To My Dad.No Words Could Explain How Much Im Thankful For Having A Father/Friend Like Him.Lord Knows I'm Gonna Miss Him.The Silence Spoke For Us As We Hugged Tightly.Tears Streamed Down both of Our Face.He Kissed my Forehead And Said"I'm Gon Miss You Smiles,I Love You So Much." My Voice Cracked As I Said"Im gonna Miss You And I Love You Too." We Were Still Hugging.I Didn't Want To Let Him Go and He Didn't wanna Let Me Go.

We Eventually Let Go.He Walked Me To The Car And Opened The Door That Raised Up,I Got In And He Closed The Door.He Leaned Inside The Window And Said"Stay Out of Trouble,Don't Do Drugs,And Don't Get Pregnant By No Boy." We Both laughed on The Last One. Cause Daddy Knew,boys Wasn't My Problem.

Yea I had a boyfriend in high school, but he switched up on me. Said after I get out of college he was gonna marry me , but ended up dating someone else. After him I just didn't really care for having a Boyfriend, no nigga grabbed my attention.

I turned into The Girl Every boy Wanted,But I Never Found A Boy Who Meets was like or better than my ex. I loved him, he had Goals, Intelligent, liked to Stimulate My Mind,And Our relationship didn't Revolve Around Sex.You Can't Find many like him.So I Never Made It A Priority to find a man.Plus I Care More About My Education Then Being With Anyone.

Anyways My Dad Gave Me A Kiss And Stepped away from the car as I Backed Up.Everyone Waved Goodbye To me as I Left. As I Drove I Began To Cry,Thinking About All the memories.I Miss Them All.I Drove For Hours Since Daddy moved us back To Atlanta And I Wanted To go to college in my hometown.

Finally Making It, There was A Sign that said"Welcome To Leo University ." I Got Excited instantly.As I Drove People pointed and stared at my car.You Didn't See much Cars Like Mines Here. Once I Parked My Car I Went To The Main Office.As I looked I Couldn't Help But Notice this Girl Giving a boy head behind a tree in the far back.This Is Gonna Be A Very Interesting College experience.

p.s. Its a Fake college,I Think

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