A second sunshine

By Nobodyblinks

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A squeal to Haikyuu about Natsu first year in Niiyama high. As she works hard to stay on top. A cannon compli... More

Welcome to Niiyama
First Pratice
Number Ten
A Pratice Match
Training camp

The Starting Jump

101 1 0
By Nobodyblinks

Going to sit on a bench. Natsu tied her volleyball shoes. The first matches were finished. Due to the spring Interhigh national and the team winning before while Natsu was in her third year of junior high, the team was exempt from the round. Matsumomo was on her left stealing glances at her. Opening her mouth to say something she faced the orange haired teen.

Matsumomo didn't get her opportunity to speak, "Drink about a quarter of this before you go play." Maruyama advised shaking the bottle in front of Natsu. Maruyama was helping Hayashi get everything situated before the two girls would separate, before she offered the bottle to Natsu.

"Thanks." Taking a couple of sips, Natsu placed the bottle on her side.

"Shirato isn't that insane of an opponent. But still don't play with puppy effort because they're still your opponent." The two first years nodded as the manager continued. "All opponents have their own tricks even if they aren't high on the food chain remember that. I'll see you after the game. Hayashi keeping score."

"Natsu you good?" Matsumomo asked as Maruyama walked away.

"Yeah. I was just thinking about the challenge I gave you. You haven't gotten far, maybe I should lower the number."

"I think I may know one of the reasons but I'll wait." Matsumomo tied her shoes. Natsu tightened her ponytail before brushing it to smooth it out.

"I'll tell you later." Matsumomo leaned in closer to Natsu. "You're Niiyama's number ten, ignore those assholes. Hinata Natsu made it as a starter in her first year to the best female volleyball team."

"You've known me for a short period of time. How the hell did you figure it out?"

"When you're happy you tend to scrunch your nose. But, when something bothers you'll scrunch your shoulders along with it."

"Are you stalking me?"

"A setter knows her spiker." Alongside them, the other first years with a roller coaster of emotions. It was their first high school match, even if all of them had played in practice matches. Naito was finishing Oka's braid. While the others stretched.

In the far corner lies the third year's.

"You guys want to know something? I didn't expect time to go by this quickly. After this we're done with volleyball as a team." Amanai sighed, tilting her head onto Asano's shoulder.

"Don't remind me captain. I'd like to be here just to see the underclassmen improve." Asano commented pushing, Amanai off of her.

"You can always go see them at nationals. I mean, aren't they in Miyagi next year?" Ono laughed at the auburn haired ace.

"I remember when your older sisters did that for us." Ogawa whispered. "So I feel it's another tradition right? Just like buying snacks for the first and second years. We come back in our first year of university." The Vice-captain tucked her knees into her chest with only her green eyes remaining visible.

"That's a funny coincidence, ain't it?" Mina chimes in.

"What are you talking about Hano?"

"That both Amanai have been captains for Niiyama."

"I guess so. Funny how things turned out that way." Amanai commented standing up.

"That wasn't why we chose you to be captain."

"I'd hope so. If you did , I will send Kanoka and your sister to make you do one thousand receives." The first years looked over to the second years quizzingly, their only response was a shrug.

"Girls, we have a couple minutes to practice before the game starts. So make sure to use it wisely." Coach Kojimama said as they walked to the court. Shirato Girl's academy had finished warming up themselves. Looking over to the other side of the court the team wore pink uniforms with white on the side. The liberos and Mori stood opposite to the setters. Who would toss the ball up and have a spiker hit it, where they would pass it back to the setter. Letting the process repeat itself. After ten minutes the officials finally came out.

Amanai and Shirato's Captain walked to the net. The official on the left flipped the coin. Niiyama won.

"We'd like to be receiving first." Both captains walked back to their side. Shirato's manager tossed a volleyball over in her direction. Right now on the current rotation is Natsu in front right corner, Amanai as her opposite, Ogawa between the two girls. The back row consisted of Rin behind Nastu, Mina in the middle and Asano behind Amanai. From the video they watched before leaving practice, Shirato didn't seem to have a fierce server. 

Three breaths in, three out. As soon as that whistle blew, the game started. As soon as the whistle blew Natsu needed to forget everything in her brain except for volleyball. The whistle blew, Shirato number two was serving. Her light brown ponytail swung after six seconds and she went with a simple overhand serve. Mina shuffled up, the ball remained in the air. Rolling to the right she made space for Ogawa. The ball touched her hands. Sending it into the air Natsu went for the approach.

Let them think it's for me. Be a decoy. She thought to herself as the blockers jumped up.

The blockers weren't able to jump back up for the back attack from Asano. The ball slammed into the right hand corner of the court. The official standing in the corner of the court signaled that it was a point for Niiyama.

"Nice kill!" Niiyama yelled out to their ace. She gave a thumbs up. Rotating to the front. Amanai's turn to serve was now. The ball was in the captain's hand. It bounced methodically as she walked to the serving line. Nastu turned facing the net, placing her hands on the back of her head. The whistle blew, the officials hand moved. The ball was in the air, Amanai had released the ball into the air. The slap against it was loud, it had sent the ball flying over to their opponents side. Number eleven moved to get the ball. Taking the challenge head on. The ball broke the form of the libero sending it to the wall. Second point down. Shirato was able to score a point after seven more of Amanai's serves. The teams switched sides. Natsu's eyes glazed over all of her opponents once again. She stopped making eye contact with number three who has long black hair.

Dropping her hands over her thighs, Nastu bent down. The serve touched the net. Natsu reached out with only her right arm. It bounced off her arm. Mina called out, and in a moment she was on the ground sending it up into the air. Amanai bumped it over.

On the other side of the court the yells of chance ball were heard. Natsu took a breath, the ball was still in play. She wouldn't let the nerves of the ball almost hitting the ground get to her. The volleyball was with Shirato's number seven, she set it toward the left. Natsu jumped up for the block with Asano and Amanai. It was back to Shiratos' side of the court. The ball bounced three times before going out.

"Nice kill." The court chanted. In the crowd, the Niiyama banner was hanging. With the cheer squad performing. The red and white Pom Pom hitting against each other as the crowd did another chant. Niiyama was now serving. Mina had rotated off while Ono came onto the court. Ogawa had mastered almost every style of serving. Only the third year players could usually guess what serve was happening when. The whistle was blown signaling for an exchange. Looking behind her, Matsumomo stood with the number two card. Tilting her head towards her fellow first year curious to why Ogawa wasn't serving. Natsu didn't receive an answer. Taking the card from her hand, the two setters switched out.

Matsumomo served an overhand. It was targeted toward Shirato number six who was shown to have shaky receives. The target dove for the ball. It hit her arms, proceeding to fall to the ground between her arms. Niiyama clapped. Natsu turned around reaching out her right hand where Matsumomo slowly high fived her back. As the ball came back to their side, Natsu could see the other first years eyes, strictly on the court. Halfway left in the first set. Matsumomo hit the ball to the ground three times. Her tiny dark brown ponytail barely had any sway as she walked behind the line to serve. It rested in her finger tips, the official whistle blew. For the first three seconds Matsumomo took a breath in. On the fourth the ball was released, in the fifth second the ball was still in the Niiyama side of the court, on the sixth it was over the net, the seventh the ball was heading towards Shirato's number four. Second number eight the ball was saved into the air. Shiratos libero, number eleven dug it up. Shiratos number five went to set but her timing with the ball was off. It crashed into the top of the net. The ball slammed back into the losing team's court. The two girls working the scoreboard added another point to Niiyama's side. Fourteen to one. The libero hit her hands against her thighs, Natsu couldn't tell if it was out of frustration or anger. The captain knew, she helped the girl up before she went off court and number eight entered. Matsumomo created another beat with the yellow and blue ball in her hands. This time the serve was a second after the whistle. The ball went to the front line. The setter had first touch, number eight ran up passing it to number two. The brunette jumped up, swinging at the ball that was passed to her. No blockers were placed on her. Natsu shuffled her feet back, a receive, right to where she started with volleyball. She made perfect contact with the ball. Matsumomo was behind her, the orange haired teen rolled out of the way.

"Nice receive." Momo shouted as she shuffled forward to get the ball. The setter had the space she needed now. Niiyama's number eleven made contact with the ball, a first tempo set towards the left side of the court for Asano. The ace slammed the ball across the court. The crowd above the red and white team roared, the box of players cheered. Natsu brushed her elbow prospurly into Matsumomo as she got into her spot again. The higher of the two numbers just rolled her eyes. This was Matsumomo's last serve, maybe it was caused by the fact the ball only met the floor twice instead of thrice before being held to be served. The ball had been easily saved compared to the others, and as the captain of Shirato was spiking. She caused it to go out by hitting against the blockers hands. The officials whistle blew calling for an exchange. Ogawa held up the number eleven card. Matsumomo hustled over, taking it from the older setter. The two whispered something to each other which made Matsumomo cheeks flush a little and Ogawa to have a light smile. Shirato only managed to make up two points. Before Natsu got the chance to serve, a time out was called by their opponent. The players drank two thirds of the bottles given to them. Not finishing the whole thing so the water wouldn't slush in their stomachs. The time out was called to an end. Neither of the coaches said anything to the girls. That would come between the first and second set. The tangerine teen bounced the ball in a circle around her before going to the serving area. Natsu decided to go with a jump serve.

Spinning the ball, Natsu released her breath. Her only thought other than what was her opponent's next move was how Momo was so calm when it was her first serve on a high school team. The whistle blew and the referee's hand moved. First second Natsu spun the ball, second second she held it one hand before tossing it into the air. She jumped in the third second, fourth the ball went over the net, fifth it landed in the corner of Shirato's court. Niiyama earned the point, but Shirato made the wrong call. It was still playable. While Natsu was serving, the team scored five more times. Twenty to three. After Shirato earned two more points, both teams' liberos were on the court. Only their opponent's captain was still on court. Amanai was whispering to the players not on court. With Mina's amazing skills and Ogawa fast attacks that were developing with Natsu and the already established ones they easily took the first set twenty five to three. So this is what a powerhouse meant.

"Tangerine." Matsumomo slapped the water bottle against her back. "You looked like a puppy early, want me to explain what caused that or, let the cat live out of curiosity?"

"What made me look like a puppy? Tell me momo."

"Coach thinks there's people watching, the upcoming teams will compete against. So she wanted to keep Ogawa's serves under the bush."

"Ahh, makes sense Momo momo."

"You're doing great out there by the way. If I was from a different school I'd think you were a second year student."

"Good thing you aren't. Who else is supposed to be with me all day?"

"Maybe you'd find someone different."

"I wouldn't wish to do that." She took another sip of her bottle. Natsu smiled and waved to the other first years. "I mean Momo you know you wouldn't want to be away." She bumped her hip into the other girl.

"Sadly you're correct. Get your head back in the game mode you always talk about. The second set is about to begin." Matsumomo held out her hand while taking Natsu water bottle. The seven players who would be playing in this set walked over to the two coaches.

"You can stay more relaxed for this match. However don't shy off using what you've done in practice. Just make sure we'll have a surprise attack with our future opponents." Coach Matsou said. Kojimama nodded her head in agreement. Hayashi had walked over giving the officials the starting rotation sheet for this set. In the next minute the teams were called back into court.

For Niiyama they weren't having Mina start on court this round. In the front from left to right was Ogawa, Ono and Natsu. Behind Natsu was Kaya Rin, her opposite was the captain and in the middle of the captain and second year stood Asano the ace. Across from Natsu was Shirato's Captain. The two girls locked eye contact as the whistle blew signaling the start of the second set. Asano served into the left hand corner of their opponent's court. Number eight touched the ball, it hit her arms going out of the court. Niiyama had scored the first point. From the lead off of Asano, the team scored five more points. Shirato was able to sneak through the blocks. The score was in Niiyama's favor, six to one.

Shirato rotated. Their captain was now in line with Ono. Number seven served the ball. It was going in the direction of Ogawa. The ball hit the net, it fell towards Niiyama's court. Ogawa dropped into a low lunge, setting the ball high and towards the right. Natsu approached the ball with two steps. She swung her left arm. The ball spun in the air as she hit it towards the opposing team. The ball stayed in the air. Number eleven had gotten control of herself from her earlier frustration in the previous set. Natsu saw her sly grin and piercing look from under her bangs. She was back on the ground, the setter had the ball. Ogawa, Asano and Ono all went for the block. The ball fell between Niiyama's three blockers and the net before hitting the ground.

Natsu pinched her skin, telling herself to ignore that previous play. A point loss wasn't a big deal for Niiyama. Shirato wasn't a powerhouse let alone a tough opponent. Natsu shook her arms, letting her first game nerves shake away from her once again. The blue and yellow volleyball was in the palms of their opponents number seven hands again. Three seconds after the whistle the ball was in the air. Ono dropped her left knee, getting the ball into the air. Ogawa shuffled to the middle more, her arms told her the ball was going in the direction Natsu was in. She jumped up, across from her Asano was going the same. The ball didn't go in either of their directions. It went backward towards Rin. Niiyama's number six over anticipated the amount of power she would need to be put in the swing.

On the other side of the court. The libero for Shirato called an out. The call was correct. The captain slapped the second year's shoulder as a ressuaince that she would get them next time. She was correct, Rin scored on Shirato stopping them from getting a fourth point. Nastu was up to serve now. As she bounced the volleyball around her in a circle, she walked backwards, eyeing their opponents' court. She knew who to target her serve at. The whistle blew. The first second Natsu held the ball within her palm. Second number two the ball was in the air, the third second Nastu jumped up. The fourth second was in Niiyama. Second number five, it was in Shirato's court heading straight towards number eleven. She prepared herself for the ball.

The libero wasn't prepared, the ball was going down quickly. She dove, her black hair getting frizzy. The timing was off, the ball landed on her back before bouncing onto the floor. Natsu gave the team five more points. She wasn't able to give them a sixth because she accidentally touched the net with her pinkie while blocking. The score was now twelve to four. The teams had switched sides. Mina had gone onto court, switching out with Amanai. Shirato number three was serving. It had no aggressiveness to the ball, making it extremely easy for Mina to get. The pass went directly to Ogawa. The setter jumped for a set, Natsu looked back at Mina realizing it wasn't a set. Number two for Niiyama pulled a setter dump ok Shirato. The players on court high fived her. The remaining players who weren't on court were cheering louder.

Niiyama has earned twenty points now. Shirato's trailing by fifteen. The team who was losing by a great mass had called a time out. Natsu chugged on her water bottle while standing next to the first years. Ogasawara placed a towel in her hand.

"I thought you may want this. You're doing an amazing job out there Natsu." Her grey eyes locking with Natsu chestnut ones.

"Thanks." Natsu paused and laughed, slightly tilting her chin up. "For the towel and the complement."

Ogaswara looked to the floor, "You're welcome." Matsumomo came up as the other first year walked away. She bumped hips with Natsu.

"Tangerine, I think we should celebrate how well you're playing in your first high school game on a powerhouse after this."

"You just want to come to my house don't you."

"Why wouldn't I?"

"Fair, I mean tell me a reason you wouldn't want to be surrounded by me. And to have the opportunity to do it longer than just school."

"It's not that. You still have to earn that."

"We then, I'm inviting the other first years too!"

"It's your house. Plus more of a celebration." She squeezed the bottle in her hands so it sprayed water on Natsu. "Earn at least one of these five points."

"I don't have control of that."

"I doubt the fact you won't score one of the five." Natsu rolled her eyes in retort.

"We'll Momo Momo cheer me on. I have to finish this set."

"Then go. Stop standing around." She shooed Natsu off with her hands.

Ogawa would resume her serving once the time out finished. The officials blew the whistle. The setter threw the ball up in the first second and jumped firing it off into the other side of the court. Ogawa had one of the most powerful serves on the team. It came to a shock, for their opponent. Their libero stumbled, number eight came to cover it. The ball came closed to hitting the ground, number eleven was the third touch. The ball went back over into Niiyama's court on the fourth touch. The official blew the whistle signaling that there was a four touch. Amanai caught the ball after it corssed into their side knowing that they wouldn't be making a play. Niiyama earned their twenty first point off the other teams mistake.

Matsumomo was right, Natsu would get the twenty second point. Their opponent sent the ball back because they didn't want to make the same mistake twice. Ogawa set to her and Natsu spiked the ball between the blockers. Number three and eight hadn't been the strongest of blockers, they had jumped up at different times making Natsu's window of scoring easier. A new ball was put into the court. Asano bounced it on the ground and it was in Ogawa hands next.

The third year setter dribbled it to the setter line. Instead of going for a jump serve like the previous ones she went for an overhand. Number eleven took it overhand, sending it number five. The setter bent, sending it to number two. The spiker put all her power into the game. It wasn't enough. Amanai, Ogawa and Asano had shut the ball down. It bounced in Shirato's court three times. Their eleven didn't make it in time to dig it up.

The match point came through a jump serve, service ace. Mina and Ono switched again. Natsu took a breath, she was neve subbed out permanently. A second year never finished the game where she started. Not letting the happinesses of being a first year starter at the best powerhouse volleyball school get to her she turned her eyes back into the game.

Their opponent had picked up speed. The libero's receive wasn't perfect but she kept in. The captain set it to a stronger pass. Number three spiked it into Niiyama's court. Ono leaned forward to get the ball, and Ogawa set the ball. Asano and Natsu were both on her right where the ball was coming. It went past Asano and Natsu scored the final point. The team cheered. Amanai came behind her ruffle Natsu hair. Niiyama's number ten high fived her fellow first years. She wore a smile brighter than her hair.

On the other side of the court Shirato had gotten up. Their captain was reassuring her underclassmen it wasn't their fault and there were future tournaments. Shirato's captain turned to the other third year's number five and two smiling weekly so she wouldn't cry now.

The two teams lined up. "Thank you for the game." Was yelled at by both sides of the court. Niiyama then thanked the crowd who came to support them.

Outside the courts. Shirato sat on the benches letting the game's ending finally hit them. The third years we're doing their best to hide their tears. On the way to the bus the libero Chiba Hisa spoke. "Captain Domen, Vice-Captain Asai and our setter Beppu. Thank you for the year. I'm sorry I couldn't receive strong enough for you to play farther." The third years stopped.

Domen spoke, "You still have two years ahead of you. Don't feel bad, we made it this far and with an amazing team. We should be the ones saying thank you. We're retiring now but we'll come back for all your first and second years when the next year of Interhigh comes around." The atmosphere on the bus was sad, but the captain's last pep talk had cheered them up. When Shirato left the bus, the three third years walked together letting their tears finally fall. Domen Aki, Asai Aneko and Beppu Haia all walked away from their last moments on the Shirato high school volleyball club.

However this wasn't the mood for Niiyama. On the bus music was playing and laughter chimes throughout the bus. In the first year group chat Natsu had already invited them and they were going to her house for an hour. She leaned onto Matsumomo.

"Use the window tangerine."

"The windows are cold though."

"Bleh." Was the only response she got from her fellow classmate before laughing. While at her house Natsu passed around Gatorade's. Tamiko pulled on Sango's ear. Mori elbowed her.

"You were amazing Natsu." Sango said before taking a sip from the Gatorade in front of her.


"Man, I can't wait to play."

"You'll get there soon." Tamiko snapped back. "Natsu, you should donate some of your skills to all of us."

"Oh shut it, you're on Niiyama you have enough for yourself." Mori jabbed. Matsumomo shook her head while Nastu and Ogasawara laughed.

"Tangerine here would probably accidentally give you some of her academic skills instead of her athletic ones. Trust me you don't want the switch up." Matsumomo commented. Natsu kicked her under the table.

"I sadly can't pass around my skill." Nastu laughed. The teens watched a volleyball match before everyone began leaving her household. Matsumomo and Ogasawara were the last to leave. As she stood in the door saying her goodbyes to the trio who attended Chidoriyama Junior High left together. "Ogasawara thanks for the towel earlier. The lack of sweat on my body made it easier for me to play."

The other girl looked up from tying her shoe. "Oh you're welcome. I just did what felt right." She grabbed her bag. "Bye Nastu, Matsumomo see you tomorrow."

"See you tomorrow." Matsumomo came back from the bathroom beginning to tie her shoe.

"Momo we're meeting at the intersection before walking to the school together right?"

Matsumomo switched to her other shoe. "Of course. You don't need to ask this every night. If something comes up I'll text you."

"Bye. See you tomorrow."

"Get enough sleep tomorrow so you can play even harder than today."

"Or what?"

"I'll untie your shoes before you have to return to court."

"I'd rather you rip up my homework."

"Bye tangerine."

"Bye Momo." Natsu showered, throwing her jersey and shorts into the wash. Her mother ruffled her hair as Natsu walked off to bed. The orange haired teen checked her phone making sure her friends got home okay. Her phone chimed with a message for Shoyo.

'I was able to see some of the game you played well Proud of you' The text read.

She typed out her text. 'Thanks! Watch tomorrow too, if you can. I'll be stronger, the first game nerves aren't there.'

'I'll try'

'Night, love you!'

'Love you too! Good luck for tomorrow!"

There'd be two matches today. Natsu walked with Matsumomo on her right. Yawning, playing with the sleeves of her jacket. The team didn't talk much on the bus. It was quiet except for the hushed whispers of those who were fully awake. Natsu turned on some music and fell asleep leaning on Matsumomo's shoulder. The girl she was sleeping on was mainly awake watching videos of a softball team her older sister was on. The weight of Natsu on her shoulder didn't bother her. The orange haired teen shifted away not long after ten minutes. The bus ride was still another thirty minutes. Number ten's head still rested on the number eleven shoulder. Watching the softball game. Natsu didn't know much about this sport other than there's three outs before the teams switch.

"Which team is your sister on?" Natsu asked, looking up at Matsumomo.

"She's on the blue team." The other girl whispered back.

"Which one is she?"

"She's the pitcher."

"How long do thr games go to?"

"The seventh inning. As long as someone winning the game will end."

"Do you know how to play?"

"Yeah, before she went to college, I'd practice catching with her."

"I'll check if you're able to, but do you want to maybe come over next weekend?"

"I wouldn't mind."

"We can play around with the volleyball. Watch some matches. Maybe we can even watch some softball." Natsu beamed, she was upright now in her own seat. Matsumomo's sister threw another pitch striking out the current batter. The bottom of the fifth inning ending.

"That sounds fun. If we do that, we also study together."

"Deal." Natsu bumped Matsumomo's hand in agreement. The two girls watched the softball game the rest of the way to the gym. The rest of the team slowly started to fizzle awake. The team exited Niiyama's bus. They entered the building and went to an area to get ready. Natsu tied her hair into a ponytail, splitting it in two to ensure it was in place. Once she finished she held her feet against each other before bending down. Maruyama walked over lightly tapping Natsu on the shoulder.

"Good job yesterday."

"Thanks. I think what you mentioned earlier about how even if they weren't the hardest opponent to still treat them like it." Natsu confessed, smiling at the second year manager.

"You're welcome." She sat down on Natsu left opposite of Matsumomo. The manager smiled at her underclassmen. Behind them the Kaya sisters were arguing about something. Her ashy hair touched her shoulders. "That's the advice I was given by my former captain last year, it worked. Not just for me but you too."

"Are you going to go back?"

"That's still up in the air, I like it here." The second year leaned back, her knead faced the ceiling and her arms were straight holding herself up. "Maybe if you first years weren't so likeable I'd easily say yes." She laughed. Matsumomo was busy tying her shoes before she went to interact with Oka and Sango.

"All that really matters is which one your heart wants you to do." The younger of the two said tying her left shoe.

"I'll be back. Hayashi's going to be down with the coaches during the first game. I'll be keeping score for the second one." The second year manager stood up. "Have fun with Tokonami." And with that Maruyama left going to the stands where the rest of the Niiyama crowd was. Natsu scooted her way over to the other first years joining in conversation.

The third years were deep in conversation. Amanai looked over to Hayashi knowing she was going to say something.

"I plan on finding a first year manager." She moved her dirty blonde hair behind her ear.

"Is it because of Maruyama?" Mina asked while stretching.

"Yeah, she won't even consider going back if there was no one here to take her place."

"Ah." Amanai chimed in. "It always shocked me. Still does sometimes that she didn't manage for the team she played for."

"Instead she went to another sport completely." Ogawa finished the sentence for her.

Asano took the silence as a chance to chime in. "Ask one of the first years. I'd recommended checking with Nastu, Matsumomo or Oka first."

"I think I'll do that. Before the Interhigh Nationals I'll talk to one of them." She stood up. Her hair fell to her right shoulder.

The second years were the loudest of the team. With the Kaya's fighting back and forth for Rin's glasses. Ida and Iwai were laughing their asses off to their antics. Himiko was too busy pinning her bangs back to acknowledge them while Maizono broke them up.

In another corridor was Tokonami high. They wore jerseys with a top baby blue half and white on the bottom. Matching with baby blue shorts. The libero, number eight was in a grey uniform with black shorts.

"I wish we were going against a different team. Ya know?" Takahashi Natsuki, the captain, whispered to her fellow third year.

The vice captain, Serigaya Kanata replied,"At least we get to play. Even if it is against Niiyama."

"You're retiring too after this right?"

"Yeah, the sparks from when we were first years and second years are gone." The two talked before it was time to compete against Niiyama.

"Even if that isn't there. Let's have this last game for us to have fun."

"That's what sports are about right?"


"Are we still going to have fun when we lose by single digits to twenty five?"

"I said we'll have fun. So even if the games are painful and a gap the size of the Grand Canyon. You, Serigaya Kanata, are going to have fun with me for our final high school volleyball game."

Amanai walked near the net. Reaching out her hand to shake with the Tokonami's captain. After a few seconds she walked back, joining Niiyama on the line. They would be serving first. Natsu was in the left corner in front of the line with Ogawa behind her. In the middle front stood Asano, to her left Ono. The current server was Rin. Niiyama's libero was on the court.

Rin stood there bouncing the ball. Down once, up once, down for the second time, back up. She clinched it one more time before waiting for the whistle to blow. The ball went up in the air, number six was jumping. The blue and yellow volleyball made contact with her hand. When it crossed the net Natsu realized what serve she went for. The first point of the game was scored by a service ace from a jump serve. Niiyama cheered.

Across the court Tokonami took a few steps back. Rin bounced the ball, silently taking her place back behind the court line to serve. She knew to take advantage of the spot left open by their opponent. The blue and yellow mikasa ball was in the air, it made contact but didn't have as much power as before. The ball flew close to the net, going down quickly after passing. Tokonami's captain moved up to bump the ball. The volleyball and Takahashi arms met. The ball went up hitting the net. Asano moved forward to prepare if it went down on Niiyama's side of the court. The ball fell from the top of the net, landing next to two Tokonami players who tried to save it. The ball went back to Niiyama's side of the court.

Niiyama scored three more points, just based on her serves. On Kaya Rin's sixth serve, Tokonami's number two received, the ball went to number four who set up for a spike. Tokonami's captain jumped up for the spike. Ono jumped up for a single block, it hit against her hands going backwards into Niiyama's court.

Ono yelled out signaling for Mina, "One touch."

Mina shuffled to the direction the ball was going. Bending down, she received the ball before rolling to the left. Ogawa got to where the libero once was, setting the ball. It was in the air. Nastu approached, jumping up with the net to her collarbone, striking it down into their opponents side. The ball made contact with the ground, right behind the libero's arms.

"Nice kill." Niiyama cheered. Natsu ran backward, slapping hands with Mina.

"Do that all game, first year." The libero said laughing before pushing Natsu back into the spot she was in. Natsu put her hands over her knees. Rin was still serving, she didn't jump this time. Natsu was hunched over watching the ball go over the court. The libero had the first touch, their captain was the second passing it over to number three. Rin and Ono jumped up for the block. The spiker hit the ball their way. The ball landed back in Tokonami's court. Niiyama didn't receive the point. The first referee signaled a net touch. Ono slapped Rin on the back.

"It's only one point. It was a mistake, you can score one go even it out." The ace whispered into the second year spiker's ear. The score was in Niiyama's favor, six to one. Tokonami's number four held the ball preparing for the serve.

It was a simple overhand. Natsu and Ogawa shuffled to the side, letting it go straight into Mina's direction. Mina moved forward, receiving the volleyball. It was high in the air, towards the right in front of the line. Ogawa was under it, the ball hitting her finger tips for a slight moment before it was sent behind her. Rin ran up for a two step approach, she sent the ball across the court. It was received, but no one was there to get the second hit causing number three to double touch. Niiyama rotated. Seven to one.

Niiyama's number ten was in line with the captain of Tokonami. The player in blue and white looked over to the younger girl in white with red accents. Her calm look was reciprocated with a cold stare. Ono was serving. Keeping her stare into Tokonami's captain eyes as cold as she could until the ball crossed the net. Takahashi called for the ball running backwards. She prepared for it coming her way receiving and then passing it high and towards the middle. Three was there for the ball, setting it underhand. Tokonami's number two Serigaya, right hand made contact with the ball. Yellow and blue volleyball came down, Mina was a few inches in front of the court's line.

Niiyama libero number fived called loudly, "Out!" as the mikasa volleyball went above her head and outside of the court.

Ono turned to her left, slapping her hands atop Mina's. "Good call." The libero turned back to face the opponent's side of the court. Natsu faced the third year libero with a smirk as the other four gave a thumbs up.

Ono was serving again, she bounced the ball alongside her as she walked behind the lines of the court. The first referee blew the whistle, and then signaled for the ball to be served. She spun the blue and yellow volleyball in her hands twice before jumping up and hitting her palm against the ball. It hit the net, the ball didn't cross over into the other side of the court. A point was given to the Tokonami's girls  volleyball team. Takahashi brushed her hands against the sides of her uniform. With the blue spandex shorts, the white on the bottom of the shirt with blue to the top. The volleyballs were switched out.Takahashi held the ball in her hand. Niiyama was serve receive  on their side of the court. The girls volleyball captain in blue and white waited for the whistle to blow. It did, taking a breath in she jumped up and put as much force as she could into the ball letting it go short.

On Niiyama's side of the court their number ten with bright orange hair shouted the four letter word, "Mine!" As she runs forward before getting back into position to receive. Ogawa, Niiyama two were in the middle following the ball. It was starting to make it curve down, on the right side of the red and white players court the player in the middle number three, left the captain, and the right number ten. Takahashi looked over at her fellow third year student for a brief second. She saw the curve of the ball it was heading in the direction of the orange teen.

Another pair of shoes was heard hitting the ground with the approach, Asano spiked the ball straight downward, letting it waterfall the two blockers. The ace turned to the first year on her right.

Their hands met in a low five.

"Nice kill." Niiyama congratulated the ace.

The score was now Niiyama 18 and Tokonami 7. They found holes in Niiyama defense and offense that would be sharpened for the next set, and games of the preliminaries. They were on a time out.

Natsu gave all of her first years a fist bump. Matsumomo passed her a towel.

"I hate how sweat seeps into my hair." Natsu said, taking a sip from her bottle as she turned to face her first year setter.

"I know, you're practically drooling about the idea of a shower on the way home." Matsumomo said, handing her a towel while trying to stifle her laughter.

"I do not."

"If I remember correctly you do."

"You're remembering wrong." Looking over from her conversation, Natsu took a quick glance at the third years surrounding Hayashi for strategy tips. Natsu and Rin made their way over before the time out ended. The timeout came to an end, with Tokonami and Niiyama on their sides of the court. Sango went to the ball bin, calling for Natsu who caught the ball. She took a deep breath, the volleyball pushed between her palms touching it to her forehead. Natsu held the ball, spinning it, taking her steps and sending it over the net. The volleyball flew down right behind the ten foot line, hitting the ground a second before Tokonami's number two got to it.

Niiyama nineteen to Tokonami's seven. The point gap was wide. Their opponents prepared for the ball to go short again.  Natsu bounced the ball twice, standing behind the line she aimed it towards the fifth spot on Tokonami's court. Number three was there to get it, sending it directly back to Niiyama's side to the court.

"Free ball." Mina called out, following with a second call of "Mine!" She shuffled forward two steps, getting the ball high in the air. Ogawa prepared by putting a little bend in her leg and setting behind her to Rin. The second year hit the ball, it landed on the line proceeding to go out.

Five more points and the first set would be over. Natsu tossed the ball into the air, jump floats weren't her strongest but this single loss of a point wouldn't hurt Niiyama. The ball went towards the back of the court, Tokonami's number two received the ball, the captain bump set. Two players made an approach, Natsu shuffled up to the left side of the court joining Amani on the block. Tokonami's number two spiked the ball, it was shut down back into their opponents court with the block.

Four more points to win this set. As the ball was rolled under the net, Natsu tightened her ponytail. Serving the ball over the net. Eyes tracing the opponents. The libero receiving it, the set towards the opposite, the spike.

A two person block was formed with Amanai and Asano. The two soft blocked the ball. The ace and captain shouting "One Touch!"

The second call from Niiyama's ten, "Mine!", digging the volleyball up. Ogawa was there she set it for the middle, Rin approached, sending the ball right into the middle of the court.

"Nice kill." Niiyama cheered. The volleyballs were switched out. Going for a standing serve pinpointing it to Tokonami's number four who was one of the weaker defenders on the team. The ball hit the arms of number four for Tokonami but the ball immediately went out.

Twenty three to seven.

Natsu served again, Tokonami's number two received the ball, number four set, and the captain jumped up to spike the ball. Asano, Ogawa and Amani formed a block with Mina behind. The ball was back in Tokonami's court. The point wasn't awarded to the girls in red and white. It went to Tokonami because of a net violation. Serigaya of Tokonami was serving, the ball was going short and to where Natsu was. She received the ball, and Ogawa jumped up, preparing to set.

Tokonami's court was wider open due to the two blockers on both sides of the court. The ball didn't get sent to any of the spikers. Instead it landed on Tokonami's side of the court. Niiyama smirked, they snuck in a setter dump.

Rotating, Natsu was now in the sixth spot. Standing behind Amani in the middle back. The whistle was blown. Ogawa waited four seconds before tossing the ball in the air and jumping up. She sent it over the net, the libero kept the ball in play. Tokonami's setter tried getting a setter dump but Mina pancaked the ball. Ogawa crouched down, setting the ball towards the left side of the court. Nastu swung her arm through like she was spiked hard, but delayed it so she could tip the ball over the net.

The whistle blew, the point and set award for Niiyama. The girls walked to the other side of the court bending down under the net. They had a five minute break in between. Natsu chugged some water down, wiping the sweat off her face and neck. Emi would be starting off, and after Niiyama scored fourteen points had been scored Natsu would be subbed back in.

Tokonami would be receiving first. Natsu sat next to the two coaches. The orange haired teen took a breath in, Niiyama was leading by five to nothing at the start of the second set. Emi was serving. On her sixth serve the blue and yellow ball unfortunately didn't cross over the net. It hit the top and fell back to Niiyama's side of the court.

Niiyama six, Tokonami one. Eight more points from Niiyama till Natsu would be put back on the court. Her hands creeped up her soft face, tightening her ponytail. Watching as the volleyball was being served by Tokonami's number two, a standing serve, it went over and long. Mina called out receiving it. Ogawa set the volleyball in a c-set. Emi was there tipping the ball over the net. Six more points from Niiyama till Natsu was subbed in. Niiyama, third year setter, was serving as one of the strongest jump floaters of the team. No one called it on Tokonami's side, it landed at center court, no one moved for it. Their feet being trapped like a fly on flypaper. Seven to one Niiyama favor. Tokonami's number two rolled the ball back under the net for Ogawa. Tokonami prepared for a ball that was going short. The setter took it walking back behind the court line to serve. She spun the ball in her hands twice. The first referee blew the whistle, the ball was tossed in the air, the approach was made, a palm and a volleyball made contact. It was over the net, and sent before the ten foot line. Tokonami's Libero received it, another player setting it, the captain in blue and white hitting it over the net.

"Mine!" Mina called out as the ball made its return to Niiyama's side. Ogawa ran to get under the ball, setting a slide for Rin. The spiker in number six went up in the air, hitting across the court.

"Nice kill." The team shouted. Natsu's hands brushed against each other. An eighth point for Niiyama. Ogawa served again, sending the ball short, the float made the libero get a weak receive. The setter didn't get a high ball to overhand with, forcing her to go for a bump set, Amanai and Asano were forming a block. Number two came up to hit the ball, she hit over the block to where Mina was, keeping it in play. Ogawa took the second touch with a set to the antenna with Emi hitting a line shot. Nine points for Niiyama. Every serve, the point gap continues to grow. Ogawa served again going with another jump floater. The captain of Tokonami received the ball a tad bit stronger than her libero. The setter was under the ball sending it in a slide to number two. Asano and Amanai were there to form a block. They sent the ball back into Tokonami's court but weren't awarded the point, it went to Tokonami due to a net violation. The score was now nine to two, Niiyama still in the lead.

Number five for Tokonami served. Going with a regular stand serve, it made its way over to the net. Mina was able to get a strong receive high in the air for Ogawa to set, Asano hit the set but it the ball was kept in play by the libero. The setter, set the ball from the back of the court to Tokonami's number two. It was becoming more apparent to Nastu as the play went on that the set usually went to one of those two girls. The middle blockers probably figured that out awhile ago.

Amanai was single blocking, with a soft block. "One touch!" Vibrated from the captains lips. The ball went far from her hands. Mina ran to keep it in play, she made contact with the ball but it didn't go behind her back to the court. Emi took the second touch diving down right next to the line keeping in play. Ogawa set it, with Rin hitting it. Another mistake by Niiyama, one that would be polished out again once practices resumed after the preliminaries. Nine to three.

A new ball was taken from the cart and given to Tokonami's five. She went with the same serve as her last, Mina wasn't the first touch this time, that was Ogawa. Amanai took position with her arm going up to set overhand. Since the ball was high in the air the captain had time to decide where to go, sending it towards the middle Asano tipping it over the net.Tokonami kept the volleyball in play. With the set behind delivered to number three. Amanai, Ogawa and Asano all went up for the block. The ball landed in Tokonami's court with no net violation. Ten to three, four more points from Niiyama and Natsu would be subbed in. The next person in the rotation to serve was Niiyama's Ace, Asano. The third year in the number four jersey went with a topspin jump serve. It made it over the net, right into the back corner, the libero had dived for the ball but missed it completely. Niiyama was at eleven to three with the newest point coming from a service ace. Asano went with the same serve again, sending it long and toward the middle, Tokonami's number five prepared to bump it but wasn't fully in position so the ball went off her left off and out the court. The third time the ace went for the serve it was kept in play, set towards number three for Tokonami; she sent it deep into the court. Mina kept it alive. Ogawa jumped up like she was going to set behind her to Emi however the ball was over the net and bouncing on the other side of the court on the second point.

Thirteen three, Niiyama needed to bring in one more point and the orange-haired girl would be back on the court. Sadly that point didn't come right away when Asano's serve didn't make it over the net. The current score was thirteen four, in Niiyama's favor. There was a whistle blown as another player was switched in to serve.

Natsu pondered to herself about how it seemed a little late to throw in a pinch server but if she was the coach of a team losing that gravely she'd probably go that route too. Tokonami's number eleven walked onto the court with a new ball. Spinning it in her hand as her feet made their way behind the court's end line. Number eleven however didn't go with a jump serve, that had topspin to it, she went with a jump float serve. Since Niiyama was prepared for the jump serve and not a floater, the player in number five quickly rushed back, sending the ball over the net. Natsu didn't miss the small smirk that grew on the pinch server's face. She received the ball after yelling free and a chance ball. The ball was set, Tokonami's captain hit the ball directly on the line, right next to Amanai who didn't time her dive correctly.

Niiyama thirteen and Tokonami five. This would be the last point they snuck in when the ball was sent back so Niiyama wouldn't have four touches, number two had directly hit it sending right back into Niiyama's court in front of the line. Mina slapped her cheeks as a note for making the wrong call. They were able to limit number eleven to three serves though, because Emi got the fourth point through a cross court shot. Natsu stood up from her place next to Coach Matsuo and Kojimama. She held the card that had the number eight on it, Emi walked off, the second year took the card from her switching out.

Whispering in the first year ear, "Play smart and keep going. I want to see your impressive attacks Hinata." She walked back to the box with the rest of her teammates to cheer on the rest of the girls in red and white. Natsu jogged onto the court, after taking a ball from the ball cart and giving it to Rin. As she walked on court the other girls gave her a thumbs up and Ogawa gently smiled at her underclassmen. She stood in front of the court, in the middle, placing her hands gently behind her head. Number six bounced the ball a singular time before the whistle blew, the girl took a short breath tossing the ball into the air and sending it over the net. Number six feet stayed on the ground the whole entire time. The set had been to number two, Amanai joined Natsu at the block signaling with a whistle to jump up.

The ball was shut down, Niiyama fifteen and Tokonami six. The ball was rolled under the net back to Rin. She kept her eyes on the court walking backwards, still using a standing serve she sent it over. Targeting number four, she poorly received the ball and the set was weak. The captain Takahashi for Tokonami spiked the ball. Mina who was near the end of the court watched the ball's trajectory closely.

"Out." Number five yelled. This time her call was correct, securing Niiyama another point.  Nine more points till they won. Rin went for another serve, the captain received the ball stepping in front of number four, the ball was then set and sent to number two. Asano and Amanai formed a two person block, but unfortunately it went out. Niiyama still had nine more points to win. Tokonami was now serving, number four held the ball biting her lip. She tossed it in the air, her feet staying on the ground, it went right into the netting nerve making it over the net. Eight more points until the match was over. The first referee blew his whistle, hands signaling for a substitution. Amanai placed the ball down and walked over taking the card for Matsumomo. The first year setter took a deep breath as she entered the court, bouncing the ball hip level. The first year setter went with a jump serve, aiming it to number four.

The Tokonami player had her arms art and was low but the ball went off her right side and went out of court. Matsumomo's first point of the game was a one touch ace. Nastu bounced the ball to Matsumomo in one pass. The brunette walked behind the court again, not aiming for the same player but the captain. She received the ball, having it be set to number three, Mina received the spike. The third and first year setter looked at each other with a nod, both running to the ball, however Ogawa ran past her. Matsumomo set the ball in a c-set to Natsu. Who slammed it right into Tokonami's court. Natsu peered over her shoulder looking at the scoreboard eighteen to seven.

The orange teen grabbed a new ball from the ball cart before handing it to Matsumomo. Her dimples showing as her cheeks expanded, "I really enjoy your sets, don't stop setting to me in the future Momo." She smiled back, pinching her fingers together. The setter in number eleven went with a standing serve. It was sent back after the receive as a free ball. Asano had the first touch, leaving Ogawa, Mina and Matsumomo open to serve. This role went to the first year. Who set it to the left side of the court where Ogawa was beginning her approach. The third year setter spiked the ball right into the line like she was a meteorite hitting earth's atmosphere.

Unfortunately that was Matsumomo's last set for this match because of a net violation and Tokonami now having another point. The score being twenty to eight. Matsumomo switched off and Amanai came on.

Nastu could hear the manager, captain and coaches all discussing something offsides. Not knowing it was a choice of punishment for mistakes, complementing the players or a talk or strategy for their next match.  

Before Niiyama could fully prepare for serve receive, the Tokonami coach signaled for a time out. The teams walked off the sides of the court. Natsu took a deep sip of her water bottle before wiping the sweat off, most of the other players did the same.

Matsumomo poked her cheek. "You missed a spot of sweat right here. Wipe it off." The setter giggled.

"Thanks." Natsu responded before squirting mist at her teammate. Before the setter could get anything in, Coach Matsuo stood up.

Clapping her hands together she sternly spoke, "Girls I believe that Tokonami will throw in another pinch server. They don't have many moves yet and probably want to get as many points as they can. Make sure you limit whoever they put out there to one point."

The whole team collectively, even those who weren't playing went, "Yes ma'am." The ones who would return to court took a couple more sips from their water bottles.

The teams returned onto the court. Tokonami's new server was number seven. Surprisingly she went with an underhand serve. The ball came up around the net, Amanai called the ball, then it was passed to Ogawa who went with a setter dump. Niiyama did stay true to their word, keeping the server to one point.

As number seven left the court, the captain called out, "Don't feel bad, there's two more years for you to win games." The ball rolled under the net, and Natsu bit her lip. Whatever the Tokonami captain just said wouldn't be leaving her. Mina rotated off, while Ono made her way onto the court.

Natsu's first serve of the second set was a jump serve. Sent towards number four who sent it out immediately. The twenty second point came from Natsu Hinata's one touch ace.

"That first year's something." Mina whispered to Matsumomo.

"Something you enjoy watching play and be in her element." Matsumomo responded as Natsu made another serve. Tokonami's number two, who Niiyama figured to be the vice captain, received the ball overhand. It went directly back to the other side of the court. Ogawa was the first one to touch the ball, Amanai went to where the setter stood covering for her with a bump set. "Rin."

Number six made her approach from the right side of the court. Arm swinging through and sending the ball to the opposite side of Tokonami's court. Two more points till a win. The twenty fourth point came from a block by Ono and Amanai. Natsu's last serve wasn't the game winner. She made it hard to receive, Tokonami's number two Serigaya and Asano were in a joust which the ace lost. Tokonami put their last extra player, number ten, for a pinch serve.

This point could be the last for the game. Niiyama was staggered and ready to receive the serve. There was none to receive, the ball hit the top of the net and rolled back down into Tokonami's court. Niiyama won again. The teams lined up at the end of the court bowing over.

"Thank you for the game." Tokonami's team was holding back their tears as they thanked their spectators. Niiyama went over to cheers from their band and cheerleaders as they thanked them.

Serigaya and Takahasi walked with their underclassmen. The captain looked at the girls, "Don't feel bad. There's always more games, and the two of us will be there to help you with practice."

Serigaya joined in, "I'll buy you all meat buns on the way back." Tokonami began to remove their equipment and jersey and walked to the gym the boys were in to support them.

Niiyama walked full of joy back to where they left their stuff. Hayashi talked to the coaches and captains about strategies for their next game against Date Tech. Natsu slid off her elbow pads as she felt something wet hit her face.

"That's revenge for earlier." Matsumomo grumbled, untying her volleyball shoes to get her knee pads off.

Coach Kojimama turned to the team, "We have a break, girls make sure to eat a light lunch. You'll need energy to fuel you through the games." Once they had gotten their elbow and knee pads off, the first years walked to get something to eat. They passed Maruyama who looked a little somber.

"Congrats girls. I'm excited for the next match, hopefully most of you will get to play even if it is pinch serving." The second year manager said.

Natsu spoke for the group. "Thanks."

"Do you know where Hayashi is?" Maruyama asked, biting her nail.

"Yeah she's where we put out stuff. Talking with the coaches and captains."

"Thank you."

The first years split up getting food. Natsu was with Matsumomo and Sango.

"Is it just me or does she always look a bit sad when we're playing? Whether that be in matches or practice." The middle blocker asked.

"Maybe she's just upset she's not the one down on the court like Hayashi." Matsumomo responded.

Nastu jumped in, "I don't think it's that. I know she was a part of a sports club when she was a first year. Maybe that's why."

Sango hummed, "Do you know why she's not apart of it anymore."

"I wish."

"Maybe she doesn't enjoy the club anymore, and just wants to be playing something but can't do volleyball or the others are too full." Matsumomo pondered.

Niiyama sixteen glowed, "Maybe. I don't, I'll find out some day. Sango Nii will search for why."

"You're not a detective, let her tell one of us. Instead of snooping."

"Fine." They got their food, ate and went back to the group watching some other games before the second match of the day.

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