
By A_pple_Pi_

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She had committed a horrible crime as a child and now is the kings executioner by force. Her powers are again... More



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By A_pple_Pi_


From my tower window, I could see guests arriving for the ball.

    I hadn't been invited to the suitor ball. It wasn't a surprise obviously and I knew it was important for my identity to be hidden. If people knew who i was then i would have probably been assassinated which is ironic since I am an assassin or executioner as the king liked to say.

    Multiple people flowed into the palace with their expensive jewelry and gowns. They each had unique masks on and gear that was in fashion in the capital of Doragon. Akari had chosen to make the suitor ball a masquerade party and there were bunnies and birds and some used welding masks and goggles like Mizu's. Mizu would be down there and I was missing out on the party. I was used to it. Mizu would bring me some cake and a cup of punch after the party was over and she would fill me in on the nobles gossip and drama.

    This party was for Akari and for the douche she  was going to marry. Just the thought of Akari with someone else.

 A man. 

   Made me cringe and I would slit his wrists before he ever touched Akari. She never liked being touched by others and I was the exception.

    Even her own father couldn't touch her or she would break down in a fit of shaking and indistinct mumbling. I didn't have a clue how she would fare in married life but I had to see the prince of Oznea or whoever Akari chose for myself. I knew if I was discovered I would be whipped raw but I didn't care. Akari did that to me. I couldn't think clearly when I was around her and she took up most of my thoughts since she became part of my life. I hated that I had become soft towards her over time and that I couldn't do anything about it before she had my heart firm in her grip.

     Mizu could tell me about the party later and for the most part I couldn't care less about it. what I had to know was if the man Akari was to marry was a good one and that she could be happy with him. I wouldn't be able to bear seeing Akari in a loveless relationship and seeing her miserable face every day of my life. I wouldn't. I would die before that happens.

     I planned to sneak into the party and it would be easy for me since it was a masquerade. I had a particular gown that Mizu convinced me to buy even though I knew I would never use it. Well I guess I would use it now. But first I had to find a mask and a way to get in. I knew I didn't own any masks and it would be too late for me to go buy one so the only option I had was to use my ki.

    I really didn't want to. The thought of using my power was so tempting and I would be sane for the party but it felt like all the suffering and pain I felt for months on end would be for nothing. No, not nothing. I would do it. For Akari. She was worth it and I would do it several times if it meant it was for her.

    Carefully I took Canaria into my hand and slit a seizable gash into my palm. It sting and I could feel and smell the blood pooling into my hand and dripping onto the floor. I have to use it. A small hint of regret clouded my mind but it faded when the thought of blood cleared my mind. There's no turning back now. I lifted my other hand and willed the blood on the floor to float into the air. The rest of the blood in my palm floated up to join the stray drops. Together they swirled into a mask that I had pictured in my mind.

     It hardened and I placed it onto my face. It fits like a glove. It had a brilliant red tone and covered my eyes. Resembling a butterfly wing on my left eye it had finely carved flower engravings and looked shiny in the room's light. It's perfect. I felt dainty in my hand but it wouldn't break if even iron crashed into it.

     I layed the mask on my bed and I felt the whispers disperse from my head the moment I used my power. It was refreshing but I wouldn't allow myself to get used to it. After the whole masquerade ordeal was over I would never use it again. At least it was my blood. I wouldn't use anyone else's. that was the line I had drawn for myself.

     In the corner of my closet was where the dress was. I never thought I would use it so I left there. Pulling it out of the closet from the hanger I could see why Mizu thought it would look good on me. It matched the blood red from the mask I had made just seconds ago. When I had it on I felt pretty, just like Mizu told me. The pretty where you were comfortable being you and nobody could tell you otherwise. It was a nice change. The dress itself was snug on me and it felt right. It had a V-neck that was bordered with black butterflies and sequins. Not too much but just enough. The sleeves swirled with threading and black sequins that matched the neckline and looked a little like the familiar smoke pattern from Kaen's arms.

     The skirt fell down to my feet and had the same butterfly pattern and sequins on the waistline and faded into the red fabric that the dress was made of. The silk was smooth and comfortable on my skin and I actually felt ok wearing something so extravagant. I looked in the mirror and pinned a strand of hair on each side to the back of my head. Overall I looked like I was supposed to be at the party. The shoes were just as comfortable but it didn't matter because the dress covered them entirely. They did not match the dress like the mask did. They were an entirely different colour and style. I laughed a little at the thought of Mizu seeing me like this. she would have really;l tears and she probably would have taken a gazillion pictures before I could even move from the room.

      I was ready for the ball. I just needed to get an invitation. I walked down the steps of my tower and placed the mask on my face. I could see the guests still entering the palace gates a little farther away from my tower. The lights from the windows of the ballroom shone bright and the thought of what I was doing made my nerves jolt with excitement. This is the first party I've been to. They walked to the entrance and at the back of the line to enter the ballroom. The dress was heavier than I thought and made moving a little harder.

     I had a dagger strapped to my thigh just in case.  after a few minutes of searching I found the closest couple near me. The girl looked so excited and she looked just enough like me that I could pass off as her. Luckily no one would know my face because of the mask. I took to the back of my dagger and hit the girl's head. She fell to the ground with a thud and her partner turned around surprised. He looked at me, comfiest and angry and lunged with his fist. I ducked and hit him in the head. He dropped to the floor next to the girl he came with. It wasn't hard but the dress was a little dirty now. I hid the two guests in the ally in between the castle buildings and snatched the girls' invitation. Kaitlyn Langer. I guess I'm Kaitlyn Langer now. I held the invitation close and stepped back into line. It was a miracle no one heard me. The line moved slowly but soon enough I was next to enter the ballroom. I tucked the invitation into the neckline of my dress and wiped my hands clean.

"Invitation?" the soldier said. I pulled out the invitation from my dress and handed it to him. He looked at it and then at me. My pulse was getting faster and the nerves were spiking. This was exhilarating.

"Kaitlyn Langer?" he questioned.

"Yes that's me" I tried to change my voice to something more sophisticated but it came out in a strange way. The soldier simply looked me over once again and stepped aside. I made it. Stepping past the soldier I could feel the dagger rubbing against my leg and I felt like I was on a job. I loved this feeling. Like anything could go wrong in a split second. It made my blood rush and it felt exciting to have a change in scenery. My tower was getting too boring for my tastes. The dress trailed behind me and was introduced into the party once I stepped onto the set of stairs that lead down to the dance floor.

"Lady Kaitlyn Langer!" the man shouted. Some people looked up at me and whispered to each other. I curtsied and stepped down the stairs as dainty as I could. As I walked down the steps I spotted Mizu standing next to the king. She wore a navy blue cocktail dress that cut just over her knees. It had a white lining and she wore her signature goggles on her head and a white lace mask over her eyes. Her hair had been styled into a half bun and the rest of her red locks fell down to her waist. She looked stunning. Well, just as she always was.

    I made my way down the steps and made sure to walk over to the edge of the ballroom to make sure not to be too conspicuous. There were guards from the sea and fire clan on the ends of the room carefully watching the festivities. They each wore masks that corresponded to the colour of their uniform.

    I stood next to the buffet and ate some confections from the snack bar while I watched the people dance and chat. From where I stood I had a clear view of the thrones and Akari. She sat next to the Queen and she looked beautiful. Her arms were without the usual bandages and she wore a dainty white dress that fell down past her feet and trailed behind her. It had a golden lining that complimented her eyes. She's perfect. The fact I had given her up hit me like a air ship and I wanted to cry and beg her to choose me but I couldn't ask her to choose me over the kingdom she loved so much.

    She is to be queen and I am just an executioner. A little tiara sat on her golden brown locks. The stone glinted in the light and made Akari look like an angel. My stomach filled with butterflies and my palms began to sweat. The cut on my palm stung and I drank some champagne to ease my mind. It burned my throat a little but warmed my belly just after.

    The Queen sat next to Akari looking as indifferent as always. She had a ton of cosmetics on her face and stared into oblivion as she usually did. The king was chatting with a noble and laughing obnoxiously. I hate that man. Straightening my gown and walking around the room I got a better look at the guests. There were too many masks and I wouldn't even be able to get a good look at the so called "Prince of Oznea".

    I was starting to feel annoyed when the king announced the first dance was about to begin. He and the queen got up from their seats and Akari followed behind them quietly. Both the King and Queen stood ready to dance and Akari was paired with a man I assumed was the prince she was to marry.

    He stood straight and I couldn't see his eyes from behind his mask but he didn't seem all that bad for Akari. When the dance began he touched her with gentle hands and I could see Akari visibly flinch but she eased into the dance soon enough. The future king and queen and the current king and queen were dancing to the slow music the orchestra played. And everyone in the room was mesmerized by the sight. Akari looked absolutely radiant and I wished it was me that was dancing with her instead. I wanted more than anything to run away with her and live in a small cabin with all her stuffed animals. Away from everything.

     Both the pairs stepped and swayed with elegance and precision. They both swayed like birds flying swiftly through the night sky. Before everyone knew it the dance was over. Akari curtsied and walked back to her chair and the king and queen walked back to their thrones. The crowd filled up once again and the usual festivities continued. I felt a little but at ease seeing Akari living the life she was meant to. Maybe she would forget about me one day and live happily.

      The dancing was commencing and everyone had themselves a partner. I even saw Mizu dancing with Sunaro. They were adorable. A warm feeling gushed into my stomach and I felt warm and fuzzy watching them. They looked at eachother and glowed. It was like they were the sun in a field of stars.

      I stood in the stop next to the buffet and watched the people dance and chat. A warm heavy hand rested on my shoulder and I flipped around to see who it was. A fire soldier stood behind me and had his hand on my shoulder. Kaen. His gloves made it obvious. He wore a mask that matched his armor and looked. . . stiff. He retracted his hand from my arm and fiddled with his gloves. He was on duty and as the general of the fire clan his responsibility was to make sure no one uninvited would enter. Someone like me.

"A dance?" he stretched out his gloved hand once again. Did he know who I was? I had to blend in.

"Of course, General, it would be my pleasure" taking his hand we walked to the dance floor. He placed his hand on my waist and felt kind of awkward. I didn't know how to dance so this was going to be a royal trainwreck. My hands found their way to his neck and he led the way. I was a stumbling mess but he didn't seem to care. He simply kept his hand firm on my waist and swayed to the music.

"Why are you here Akane? You know what the king will do if he sees you here." Kaen whispered, leaning close to my ear. His hands tightened around me.

"I know what he will do and frankly I don't really care, not that's in any of your business General Hano" I leaned in closer and our faces were almost touching. I stood firm but he pulled away. I could see the flush under his mask. "You can't be here" he repeated "i . . . can't have my partner injured the day before the job" the song ended and he took my hand and kissed it. His gloves smeared with the blood I used to make the mask. 

"You're bleeding!" he said a little too loudly. The people stopped and looked at me. He was holding my hand in his and looking me up and down. I'm screwed. The king lifted himself from his chair and gazed at me from atop his throne.

"Young miss, are you alright?" he yelled from across the room and everyone looked at me with disgust and pity. I ruined their party. Kaen was looking at me with his eyes squinted in confusion and he let go of my hand and stepped back to his post. He left me alone. Of course he did. Everyone does, why did I let myself think he would be any different. I knew the king would know my voice. I panicked. Nodding a curtsied the best I could and tried to walk away without causing a ruckus.

"Come here child" the king beckoned me forward with his hairy hand. Shit . I walked forward to the thrones and from the corner of my eye I could see Akari looking at me questionably. She picked at her fingers and her mother slapped her hands away from her. I was standing in front of the king and just behind stood Mizu. She knew it was me. She picked out the dress I wore here. She looked horrified under her goggles and she started stringing her hands through her hair. I'm sorry Mizu. She would watch this unravel. I knew she didn't want to.

"Who are you child?" The king reached towards my mask and I pulled away from him. He didn't like that. He snatched the mask from my face and when he saw me he threw it to the floor. It fell down to the floor with a clank and before I looked up he grabbed my face with his hand and pulled me closer to him. I could smell the extremely strong cologne he had on and when he spoke his breath smelled like salt and onions.

"You are not supposed to be here Miss Alberola '' he spat. throwing my face away from his with his hand. I said nothing. I didn't have an excuse for being here. Akari was on her throne, gazing at me. The sky was getting dark and in the moonlight Akari's eyes looked almost angelic. She looked confused but I could see the softness in her eyes when she looked at me.

"Your majesty if i may i think that the... girl should be punished for ruining the party essential to her majesty's future and the kingdom's future." the shadow behind the king's throne stepped into the light of the ballroom. He had snow white hair and black eyes. They stood taller than the king and held himself with a dignity the generals should have but they never used. The air general Kazuki Ushu. Out of all the generals, I liked them the least of all the people in the palace. Other than the king of course.

"Yes she will be punished, General Ushu but first I have a small job she must do to get back into my good graces." the king smirked at me and gestured for the guards.

"Miss Alberola, you know these people, yes?" said the king. The guards walked to the centre of the ballroom holding two people with covers over their heads. I already knew who they were. The covers were taken off of their heads and I saw their terrified faces beneath them.

"Please have mercy on us , your majesty?" The man said he was clutching the woman next to him in a protective way. He seemed to be trying to calm down her sobs and she looked like every face I had seen before they were killed by me.

"You are to execute them both for allowing an imposter to enter the selection party for the crowned princess." The king looked bored and he sagged back down into his chair. Akari was visibly trembling in her seat beside her mother.

Damn it why did it have to go like this. I never wanted to make Akari scared on her day.

I was to execute innocent people for the things I did. No this is wrong, I couldn't do it.

"Your majesty please I'll take the punishment for them, it's my fault, they didnt do anything" this was the only thing I could do about it.

"Oh trust me darling you will still be punished" the air General spoke as he stood behind the king. he wore a smirk and he twirled his mask around his finger as he stared into my soul. his eyes were so dark I couldn't find his pupils. maybe he really is a monster, just like I thought.


     Holding Canaria in his hands, a soldier walked into the ballroom. I hate it when people touch Canaria. I walked to the soldier and yanked Canaria away from their grasp. Giving them a final glare before turning away and walking back to stand before the king once again. I clutched Canaria in my hands and felt the strangers' blood it was made of in every atom and particle in the blades making.

The couple in front of me kneeled and the woman was still sobbing in the man's embrace. How many times had I seen this exact scene play out before I took another life.

Another innocent life.

Another ghost in my head.

Another unavoidable voice.

     This was my fault. These people were in this situation because of what I did. And the king was punishing me by killing these people. I almost felt bad for them. They didn't choose to be in this situation and they most certainly didn't deserve what they were about to get. There was no way out.

"I'm sorry your majesty" I swallowed my pride and knelt before the king and his court. Dipping my head to the ground. "It is my fault, please don't punish them for my bad decisions. The king sighed and gestured for me to look up. I complied and lifted my head to look in his cold dead eyes.

"General Ushu, execute the traitors at once. My personal executioner has failed me" the general stepped down from his spot behind the king and unsheathed their sword. Behind them a woman with hair as dark as night and warm red eyes followed him down the steps of the ballroom. I froze. It didn't matter what I said or what I did, I could never escape the clutches of death and the trail of blood I left in every place I went. They would die anyway. Why am I surprised?

    The air General lifted his sword as the two bowed their heads they smiled at me. it was like they were silently forgiving me for causing their deaths. His brilliant white wings flung open as they swung the sword down. Blood splattered on his wings and the brilliant white was tainted with red. Two heads fell to the floor and soon the ballroom's shiny floor was dirty with spilled blood.

      A shrill scream escaped Akari's lips before she collapsed in her seat. The soldiers at her side lifted her off and carried her away from the gruesome sight. She trembled in their grasp and I wanted nothing more than to rip her away from their arms and hold her in mine and tell her I was sorry and that it would okay. I would beg her to take me back and run away from everything but In the end she was only a dream I could never have to myself.

     I clutched Canaria where it rested in the creases of my dress. The red and black still ginting the chandelier light of the ballroom. Two soldiers took me by arms and lifted my limp body from the floor. I swayed in their grasp and the world seemed to spin. The ballroom lights spun and flashed in my vision. They tore away my dress from my back and bound my hands. In front of me my dress lay ripped and ragged. Only in my undergarments kneeled in the center of the room. All eyes were on me. I felt vulnerable and bare. I could distinctly gear Mizu's cries and the lashes whipping my back. The warm blood pooled around my knees and the sting of the lashes rippled throughout my back. The pain.

     Seven-teen lashes they gave me for crashing Akari's party and begging for mercy on the people that still died in front of me. I could see their faces before they died. The fear in their eyes. I could feel the blood that poured out of the wounds they got. the warmth of their forgiveness slipped away there was only cold.

      The small girl that trailed behind the air general took his sword in her small hands and whipped away the blood on the shiny blade. She handed back the sword to them and he patted her on the head and gave her a charming smile. Her face visibly reddened and she looked at the ground.

     Kazuki stood there for every lash and cut they gave me with a smirk on his face. The lashes were finally finished and I kneeled on the floor bloodied and smiling. At least Akari didn't have to see me this way. Then my mind began to blur.

"Come along Rain. The shows over and I want to have a cup of tea and some cake" Kazuki took the girl's hand and led her back to the spot behind the king. I looked up at the king with my favourite smile and laughed. Once it started I couldn't stop. The laughter poured out of me like the blood that poured out of the gashes in my back.

     The king looked at me with absolute disgust while I laughed and swayed his hand in dismissal. My laughter filled the room and concerned and disgusted whispers blended with it. Soon enough I felt a familiar strength lifting me off the ground and throwing me over his shoulder. Sunaro was trailed by Mizu who just petted my hair and shushed my laughter. The laughter didn't stop. I left the room in a fit of cackles and giggles. I could clearly see the shadowy figure of my dreams standing over the bodies of the couple I failed to protect.

The sight of death was overwhelming and I knew I couldn't have a heart, not anymore. Not when I've stopped the beat so many more. I think for a long time I detested death and feared it. But after some time I think I became death. . . in a way they and I were one in the same.

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