A Heart of Fire gxg

By brettmanng

179K 7K 270

After the arrival of supernaturals the world began to change. More and more creatures come out of the shadows... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chspter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33

Chapter 8

5.3K 219 4
By brettmanng

Celine's POV
After the whole thing with Kyra and Ezra class was the same as normal.
And the rest of the week seemed to be just as boring.
Nothing else exciting happened in PE like the first day. We mostly had to do physical testing.
I've also noticed some things about my mate, throughout the week.

One, she never takes her mask down, not even to drink or eat.
That's something I've also noticed. She never eats, at least she doesn't eat lunch. She just sits there with Ezra and Fallon listening to them talk.

Two, she doesn't talk. I have yet to hear her even say one word. The closest I've gotten to hearing her speak, was when she laughed a little when Ezra mentioned Fallon setting the kitchen on fire.

Three, she never shows her arms. Normally I don't have a problem with this but, it's every day. Not only that but it's still the beginning of the year, and the summer heat has yet to turn into the cool autumn weather. Even her PE outfit is a long sleeved shirt.
She'll wear shorts and show her legs but won't show her arms, which got me more and more worried.

Not only that but I've also been worried about Zion. So as it turns out that fae fairies don't have scents which is why Zion couldn't smell Ezra.
However that makes it harder to know if their mates or not.
In order to really know they would have to touch each other to see if there's a spark. He's been worried about approaching Ezra and it's pretty obvious to all of us.
It was now Friday and finally school was over. Though that wasn't the only reason we were all excited.
It was the schools first football game, and Zion was the team captain and quarterback.
He was super pumped for the game, which was nice because he could use a good distraction from the whole mate thing.

I was at the stadium with my parents and Zions parents, while Zion was on the field warming up with the team.
I was talking to my mom about the game, when I had smelt it again.
Kyras scent. I could feel Aria getting excited.
My eyes must have changed because my mom looked  surprised for a second before looking behind me and she smirked a bit.
The rest of the students must of noticed them because it got noticeably quieter.
I found it ironic how despite a week passing the three fae's were still the center of attention.
Not to mention the fact that I'm pretty sure everyone knew Kyra was my mate, since I said it aloud on the first day.

Though it wasn't just the students that had their attention on the three.
I'm assuming that most kids told their parents of the three, so the parents were just as interested in the three as their kids.
Kyra stood in the middle as Fallon was on her left and Ezra followed on her right.
Kyra had her mask on and a jacket covering her upper body, despite it being a humid night, which just worried me more.
The three walked through the crowd of people and found an opening with little people crowding them.
Soon enough we could hear the warmup music start over the stadium speakers so we all made our way to bleachers to get a seat for the game.

I could not believe my luck.

The three fae's sat right in front of us on the bleachers.
I was so happy.
Ezra must have noticed our group because he waved to Loise and both girls followed Ezra had he made his way over.
Ezra and Fallon both said hi, and seemed excited to know someone to sit with.
Kyra just waved as she sat in between the two, who made room for her.
I almost awed when my mate waved to us, it was cute.

Eventually the game began and cheers could be heard from students from both schools.
I matched my gaze to watch Zion.
I noticed he looked up in our direction. Though I couldn't tell who exactly he was looking at, I had a good guess.
I guessed that Zion could feel his mate watching him, which is probably how he figured out that Ezra was here.

As the game continued cheers could still be heard. The score was close, and we were ahead by a couple points.
I was so focused on the game, that I didn't snap out until I heard the familiar voice of Ezra speak up.

"Inustuedos, akrabav, minuo listielo,?" (Do you think we will win?

Since everyone around us including my friends and parents were all supernatural we could hear him, and the area where we sat got quiet quickly.
No one was really used to the fact that there were fae's and hearing Ezra speak in the foreign language was painstakingly obviously intriguing to everyone.
All eyes were turned to the three, and I could faintly see Kyras head move to the side to move her eyes to see the group listening.
It was quieter until Fallon spoke up,

"Ofrastio calistey potravali jistu quintu diaban yuloi." (The game is close, but it is exciting to watch)

I obviously had no idea what they were saying, but I didn't miss it when I saw my mate nod her head, in what I was assuming in agreement.
'Why won't she talk?' Aria asked in my head. She was annoyed by the fact of not being able to hear our mates voice.
'I don't know, but we'll just have to deal with it' Aria responded with an annoyed huff and went into the back of my mind.
I chuckled, she acted like a child at times.

I could see Ezra go to speak again when he was cut off by a voice. It can from the stairs next to us.

"So you really do exist."

I would recognize that voice anywhere.
I turned my head to the rouge standing by the stairs his 'friends' next to him.
Jax, he was once a member of my pack but my father kicked him out, for drug dealing, and abusing his mate.
I growled at the sight of him, as did my mother, we equally hated him.
He let out a chuckle and put his hands up defensively.

"Hey I ain't here to start something just to admire the pretty flowers."

He said this while looking at the three. Which got me  angrier. At this point the game was over though not many people left the stands.
Since the stadium was filled with supernaturals they could here our argument, as well as sense that a rouge was in the stadium.
Zion came up and got noticeably angrier upon seeing Jax so close to Ezra.
If Ezra stood up they would be right next to each other.

"Is something going on here?" Zion asked his Beta side coming out.

"Nope, nothing at all," Jax responded his voice filled with sarcasm.

"What are you doing here?" This time Fallon asked the question.

I noticed that the three were now turned around and facing Jax.

"Like I said, I'm just here to admire the pretty flowers,"

He winked at Fallon and she visibly gagged, to which I almost laughed at.
Jax seemed to notice however as his smirk was replaced by an angry frown.

"You got a problem with me fairy?" Jax asked angrily.

Fallon seemed unamused with the insult. If anything she looked like a disappointed mom.

"Yes we do"

Ezra spoke up this tone, in a surprisingly angry tone.

" now listen here you little-"

Jax was getting angrier and angrier but before he could speak, Ezra did first.

"If you wanna continue this conversation can we at least not do this here?" Ezra spoke his voice sounding calmer.

"Tch, fine come on then,"

Jax began going up the stairs.
No one really knew if they were going to go or not, and no one moved until Kyra stood up.
She followed up the stairs, Fallon and Ezra behind her.
I looked to Zion who shrugged and followed.
Eventually we all made it out of the bleachers and to the front of the stadium, where the concessions were.
I turned around and looked at the scene in front of me. The three stood together as Jax and his group stood a couple of feet away,

and boy was he mad.

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