A Bonfire Unlit

By Hiiambob77

14K 202 52

The Ashen One finally thought his journey was to end. But it seems like fate had other ideas. Join him on thi... More

The Beginning to an End
A Misunderstanding
A New Quest
Freeing the Sun
A Hunter's Dream
A New Enemy
A Never Ending Fight
Back To Olympus

A "Harmless" Prank

1.5K 22 3
By Hiiambob77

I DO NOT own Dark Souls, Bloodborne, or Percy Jackson. Dark Souls and Bloodborne is owned by FromSoftware and Percy Jackson is owned by Rick Riordan.

I could feel my body getting transported to Olympus. It felt like my body was being ripped apart and then being formed back. I reached my destination, stumbled, and fell flat on my face as my feet touched the ground. I groaned as I tried to get on my feet only to get kicked in the face as I was halfway up. The left side of my face was stinging and my eye was aching like hell. Whoever kicked me managed to get me good. I tried to get to my feet again and managed to get up without anyone kicking me down this time. I looked to where the kick came from and I saw Artemis laughing her butt off at me. I stared at her not amused before realizing that I wasn't in Olympus.

I was in another forest except for this time it wasn't snowing. The sun was out and there was a nice breeze going through the air. I could hear the rustle of leaves as the breeze went through the air. I could hear the chirps of the animals, the light steps of people as they walked through the forest. Wait people in the forest? I thought no one would be in the middle of nowhere. I looked around and saw that Artemis had disappeared from view.

I brought out my Dragon Crest Shield with the Uchigatana. It doesn't seem like a good combo but it had saved me in the past. I looked around and strained my ears to pick up the slightest hint of enemies. After staying still and not hearing anything I relaxed and looked around once more. Just like the Forest in Anchorage, I could see nothing but trees upon trees in the distance. I was not in Olympus it seems like, Artemis must have found it funny for me to be teleported to a random place with no way out. I grumbled under my breath about how stupid she was before walking west towards the setting sun.

As I walked through the forest I swear I could see flashes of silver through the trees as well as hear giggles. I narrowed my eyes before moving more cautiously through the trees. I looked at the ground and noticed traps. My lips slightly turned upwards as I saw them. So this was Artemis' plan? To teleport me here and embarrass me by placing traps around and hoping I would run into them. I let out a small chuckle before walking around the different traps. Most of them were pitfalls, some had bear traps hidden in leaves, and even a spike fall where if you triggered the trap a set of metal spikes would fall on you. I raised my brow at that one.

As I continued further into the forest I saw something that made me sigh in relief. A bonfire was up ahead and I was so grateful that it was here but was also confused on why it was here in the first place. I shrugged it off and moved to the bonfire. And because my attention was solely on the bonfire I didn't notice that I had run into a trap until it was too late. I could hear a swooshing sound and I looked at it before realizing that it was a log swinging at me. My eyes widened and I got smashed right in the face, flying a few meters back before hitting a tree. I held in a groan and tried not to get too angry. Now the right side of my face hurt. It was aching and I clutched it trying to stop the pain. As I did I could hear laughs through the forest. Artemis and some sons of bit-female dogs had rigged this trap for me.

It was just a harmless prank by Artemis, there was nothing more to it, I told myself, calming down. I let out a deep breath to calm myself down before drinking my Estus to repair the damage done to my face. I let out a growl before getting up and going back to the bonfire this time making sure to dodge the traps. I finally reached it and I put my hand over the coiled sword. The flame burst into life illuminating the forest around me. I sighed in relief as I put my hand over the flame and muttered a few words before stopping myself.

I would get payback by the people who had the audacity to set the traps up and laugh at me when I was hurt. I thought about what I could do and realized that any form of trying to hurt Artemis or the people who did this, I would be the only person who would get in trouble. I groaned at the thought before going back to the task of teleporting out of here. But just as my hand went over the flame, I heard a scream deep in the forest. It wasn't a human sound, no it was more feral, more beast-like. I quickly got up and rushed towards the sound.

It was slightly far but I managed to reach the spot after a few minutes. I had reached some sort of clearing and there was no sign of a fight anywhere. I looked around before I heard heavy breathing coming from the left side of me. I reacted and rolled away from the sound and away from the claws that barely missed me. I got up and looked at what attacked me. My eyes widened at the beast in front of me. It looked like a wolf that had turned hollow and then had been beastified. Its eyes were red and it stared at me hungrily as if it hadn't had food for a very long time. It had some sort of rag on its head that was covered with blood and it the beast was also incredibly thin, I was surprised it could still move.

It growled at me before rushing towards where I was. I quickly rolled to the side and got out my Twin Blades. It rushed me and I rolled towards it going underneath it and stabbing upwards. The swords missed as the beast rushed past me faster than I thought it would. I got up again and sidestepped the creature and tried to hit it once more. But it dodged my attack and backed up. I also backed up and narrowed my eyes at it. It seemed like this beast was fast, so fast that I am not able to attack it. I let out a deep breath before getting out a green blossom and eating it. I could now feel my senses heighten and could feel myself filling up with energy. I quickly ran to the beast and attacked it. It didn't see my attack coming in time and I got a solid strike on its side. But blood didn't come out of the wound, in fact, nothing did. It was just a cut on the creature's body. It yelled in pain and backed away from me slightly whimpering. It stood still for a moment before yelling out an unearthly sound. As it yelled it stood up on its hind legs and murky liquids started to come out of its body.

It shook its head at me before rushing me once more. It swiped at me with its claws and I moved out of the way, trying to get an attack but it moved out of the way from my slash. It rushed back in and started to slam its fists on the ground and started to swipe the air trying to hit me. My eyes widened at the speed of the creature and I couldn't react in time as I was hit multiple times, and was sent back 20 feet. I let out a soft groan as I got up before getting out my Estus Flask and taking a sip. Thank god I rested at the bonfire earlier.

I licked my lips before taking off my Firelink Set and replacing it with the Master's Set. It was light, flexible, and I could move fast in it, just the thing I needed for this fight. I got into a fighting stance before taking a deep breath waiting for the beast to attack me. It growled at me before launching its body towards where I was. I let out my breath before rolling forward to go underneath the attack. I got out my Pontiff Curved Knight Sword and tried using its special slicing the abomination's body in half. The sword got through the skin but didn't manage to get through the entire body.

It yelled in pain and moved away from me once more this time more unsteady. It only got so far before I rushed it using the special again. The sword got further into the body but still didn't manage to get through everything. I gritted my teeth before ripping my sword out and trying once more. But it missed as the wolf moved further back from me. It now started to stagger around everywhere trying to stay still and steady. But it was done now, I knew it and the beast knew it too. It staggered around a little more before falling onto its back it's breathing barely being distinguishable anymore. I went up to it before getting my sword and cutting through the body one more time. This time the sword went through the body cleanly and the Beast was finally dead.

I stood back feeling proud that I had managed to finally best this beast. It was a hard foe, a fast one at that, but nothing can beat me. While I still wondered what type of creature it was, I was happy it was dead. I let out a smile and a breath before seeing that the sun was starting to set. I smiled at the beautiful picture that was created as the sun hit the skyline. The colors of night and day clashing and contrast with each other. I praised the sun before falling back onto my back admiring the view. I wondered how much Solaire would have loved seeing the sun once more.

I shook my head before getting onto my feet and going back to the bonfire feeling slightly sad about Solaire. I finally reached the fire and put my hand over the flame muttering a few words before teleporting out of there ready to go to Olympus now and inform them on what had happened.

Somewhere else in the world...

A man breathed heavily as his prey finally fell to the ground dead. This huge beast was covered in armor ,that was badly dented, that had frost emanating out of it with a huge mace lying next to it. The man wiped away the sweat on his head with a gloved hand. His other hand held what looked like a saw crudely attached to a wooden handle. It was a very brutal weapon and it looked like it could cut through anything. The man wondered what type of beast this was, he never saw it back where he came from but shrugged it off. In this new world, there was bound to be a new type of beasts and enemies. He went back to what looked like a lit lamp coming out of the ground and put his hand over the object before being teleported out of there. He was now ready to inform what had happened to his mentor.

Ohhhhh... I wonder who this new man is. Its pretty obvious but anyway, I just want to thank you so so so so so much for making me reach 100 reads. It feels so nice to know that 100 people went out of there way to read my story. Sorry that this part is late, I was a little stuck on whether to do a little filler chapter or another action type part. So in the end I kind of chose both and made this. Hope you guys enjoyed and see you on the next part. Bye!

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