The Lion's Plan. (Chat Noir X...

By Author_J_

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Chat Noir X OC This story centers around Ophelia who has been gifted the Miraculous of the Lion. Hawkmoth has... More

My Beginning
First Attack
Sick Day
Growing Trust
Special Night
Halfway There
Just Relax
Phase 2 Planning
Finally Done
My Mother
Mommy Issues..
Closer To Chat
Sick Day
Nightly Talks
Scared Of The Dark
New Line
Into Motion
Pulling Through
Growing Pains
The Thought of Us
Finally, We Dance.
Return the Stolen
Just When I Thought..
Keep moving on..
im done
Too many thoughts
Its all back
Rewarded with it all
A Happy Ending

New Friends

625 17 9
By Author_J_

It's been a couple days since I got my miraculous. Leon is an amazing friend, we have more in common than I'd ever think. He helps me get through the tougher nights. I'm pretty low on money but I finally got a new job. I'm a waitress at a seriously fancy restaurant and my bosses are so sweet! It's family owned and they make the environment so nice and calming yet crazy somehow. It reminds me of home.

"Think Chat Noir will ever like me?" I asked Leon in wonder while I laid on my stomach on my bed typing up a paper for my class.

"Yeah, I doubt it. He thinks you stole his partner. You're dead to him" Leon told me bluntly.

"Thanks, that makes me feel much better Leon" I looked at him with a cheeky grin.

"Ha," Leon sighed and relaxed, "you're the only holder of my miraculous that I actually like, y'know? You can take a joke" he told me happily.

"I don't suppose there were many more holders, were there? Maybe it's just cuz I'm that cool of a girl.." I grinned and kept trying.

"Thousands, maybe millions of Cubs I had.. You feel much different from them. Maybe it was always me though.." Leon wondered while I looked away from my screen.

"Millions, huh?.. Not everyone gets people like us. Most people think I'm pretty harsh sometimes but I don't mean any harm. I believe you're the same way as me. We'll probably fight a lot since we're so similar though" I giggled and pushed my work to the side to talk with Leon.

"Huh? Wouldn't that mean we won't fight?" Leon asked as he flew up. I turned to lay on my back and held out my hands for him to sit on. While we talked.

"You'd think so, right?" I smiled as I watched him fall into my hands. "My grandma is Italian and we're very alike. We fight way more than I'd like to admit to but we also get over fights easily. We aren't people who hold grudges. We still love each other too, fighting is just normal. I think it shows you care" I smiled as I watched Leon get more confused.

"Fighting shows you care?.. I never thought about it that way.." Leon muttered before he grew a big smile, "Ah, you'd love to meet Plagg! Him and I fight all the time!" Leon shouted.

"Who's Plagg?" I giggled as I sat up with Leon in my hands.

"Chat Noir's kwami! I wish I could go see him but I have no idea where they could be" he sighed and looked all sad.

"I'll try and talk to Chat Noir about letting you two visit but I don't think Chat likes me much so don't hold your breath" I gave a crooked smile.

"Thank you!" Leon shouted as he flew up to kiss my cheek.

"We could go on a walk and look for him. I haven't explored ground level Paris yet" I asked as I stood up.

"Yeah! C'mon, let's go!" Leon shouted and was trying to pull me up. He's definitely a strong little guy. I was already dressed in some nice clothes so we got going quickly. I had a purse hung over my shoulder that Leon could hide in while we traveled.

"Hey, why is your sketchbook here?" Leon asked while we went outside and started going down the sidewalk.

"So I can draw if I feel like it. Paris is beautiful, Leon" I smiled as I looked around me.

"Yeah, I guess.." he sighed to me. This walk was really just a sightseeing thing. There were so many small stores and places to explore. The first place we stopped at was a bakery for a little snack.

"Welcome in!" A woman called happily to me behind the counter. Oh hey, isn't that..? "Oh, it's you!" The girl with pigtails, how could I forget?

"Hey, I didn't know you worked in a bakery" I gave a smile as I walked closer.

"My parents own it and I just decided to stick around till school is over" she rolled her eyes while she took off her apron. "Where are you going today?" She hummed.

"No where, just looking around I guess" I shrugged happily.

"Oh, well me and some friends are going for a boat ride today, you can join if you want. We'll all be having a little band practice, most of us anyway" she giggled and took out the pigtails in her hair for some reason.

"Oh really? That sounds awesome but I don't wanna intrude or anything" I shook my head nervously.

"Come on, I know they'd love you! They all are going to our school too, you could make some more friends, maybe get a date?" He hummed cheekily at the last part.

"A date?" I couldn't help laughing, "do I look like the kind of girl who's good at dating? I haven't had a boyfriend in years" I giggled as I looked at the Macarons. I've never had authentic ones before..

"I'm not the greatest girlfriend or anything but it gets easier as you grow up." Marinette shrugged as she grabbed a long box, "let's take some snacks with us and we'll all share" she suggested and started picking out each of the flavors. That's a lot of cookies!

"I've never had authentic French desserts. Well, I think.. I used to like in New Orleans when I was little and they had some amazing snacks.." I explained to Marinette as she finished grabbing the cookies.

"What's in New Orleans? That's not a state, right?" She asked and seemed confused.

"Nope, New Orleans is a city in Louisiana. Louisiana is the state. There are a lot of French people who live down there too" I explained a bit.

"Wow.. Is it like that all over America?" She asked as she started walking with me outside. She held the box of cookies while we walked side by side.

"It depends where you go. New Mexico, Cali, and Arizona have really great Mexican food. The south by Florida has some great cassian food, then the Midwest is really plain. New York has about everything though" I told her all that I could really think of off the top of my head.

"So you've traveled all over America? Isn't it kind of huge though?" She asked more and was getting more confused.

"I've been to over 20 states. One including Alaska. My father was in the military so I moved every couple years" I explained a little more. I always liked traveling though.

"Whoa! That's so cool! I've only really lived here but I've been to Shanghai a couple times to visit family" she told me a little more about herself as well.

"This is the only place out of the US that I've visited. I love traveling though" I sighed at the thought. I could see Leon out of the corner of my eye really listening to my stories.

"Yeah, it sounds amazing" she nodded and smiled as we found our way towards the canals. There's this giant pirate ship docked on the side and it looks amazing!

"Wow, that's a cool ship" I smiled as I looked up to it.

"That's where we're going" she told me as my eyes widened and my mouth opened wide. "Come on, it's super cool!" She giggled and started to jog up closer with me quickly following behind. I pushed my hair back out of my face and could feel it puff up a little bit. I had to push my glasses a bit further up my nose. I haven't been able to get more contacts since I moved here but I'll be getting some in the mail soon!

"Marinette!" A boy with blue hair called out to my new friend. Marinette handed off the box of cookies to me before she went and hugged the guy. I guess this must be her boyfriend, they're pretty cute together. "Hey, you brought someone new" he looked at me as sudden nerves set in. I tried to hide it though. Suddenly the face of this guy changed to fear just before someone bumped into me.

"Whoa!" This person shouted and knocked me down. When I fell, I hurt my wrist and scraped my palms. I let out a quiet sigh as I checked Leon, he's alright I think. "Ah, I'm so sorry!" This guy who knocked me down apologized and came in front of me to help me up.

"No, it's fine" I shook my head as I pressed my lips together and gave him a smile. That hurt a lot more than I'd like to admit to.. He gave me his hand than helped me up. I picked up the box of cookies. It looked like they were okay inside. As if pushing me down weren't rude enough, he just stopped and stared at me..

"Ophelia, are you okay?" Marinette shouted to me from up the ramp.

"Yeah, fine!" I shouted back as I looked at the blonde boy who knocked me down still staring wide eyed before walking around him to go to marinette.

"More importantly, how are those cookies?" The blue haired guy asked, which made me smile, "my name is Luka and that guy was Adrien." Luka looked behind me to the blonde who was coming over here.

"I'm Ophelia, I just moved into town" I gave a crooked smile.

"Where did you come from?" Luka asked as the others on the ship came over. There's a girl dressed in black with long hair, a girl in pink with short hair, a guy with a shaved head and a skull shirt, a girl with dreads, a boy with headphones, and finally a girl with brown and orange hair.

"She's from America! She's here to study with us at school" Marinette shouted before I could say anything. I smiled and couldn't help a laugh.

"Hey girl, it's nice to meet you, I'm Alya" a girl came up to me before all the girls crowded.

"I'm Rose and this is julika!" The pink girl shouted next.

"I'm nino" he wrapped his arm around alya.

"I'm Ivan and this is my girlfriend mylene" the shaved head guy went next.

"Oh and there's kagami!" Mylene shouted and pointed to a girl on the sidewalk nearing the ship. Her and Marinette almost look related but this girl seems a little more.. mature? Meaner?

"It's nice to meet you guys" I smiled awkwardly as I looked around me.

"We also brought some cookies," Marinette reminded me as she came over and opened the box... to find most of them crushed.

"Uh.. most of the cookies" I muttered as I looked at Marinette, "I'm sorry" I sighed.

"No, it's my fault they're ruined" adrien stepped closer from behind me. He makes me... nervous and mad.. why'd he have to push me down?

"It's fine guys, I can always make more," Marinette assured, I almost gasped.

"You made them?.." I muttered and felt fluttery for some reason.

"Uh oh, looks like we have two sweets addicts" Kagami, the girl walking onto the ship said as she came and kissed Adrien's cheek. He looked like he didn't like that but they seem like they're dating in a way.

"No, I just-.. I tried baking them a couple times when I was little. They only turned out okay once" I explained as I looked back at Marinette.

"They are kinda rough to make," she giggled.

"Hey, today we're setting sail! Did you bring a swimsuit?" Rose asked me happily. I filled my cheek up with air and didn't know what to say. No, no I didn't bring one... And it looks like Marinette is in the same boat.

"I still have yours here Marinette" luka chuckled and took Marinette somewhere inside the boat.

"I might have one you can borrow.." Julika mumbled when she talked to me. She must be more shy than anyone.

"Oh, really?" I smiled, "I'm sorry, I didn't exactly plan on butting in on your party today. I found Marinette at the bakery and in 2 minutes we were on our way here" I gave an awkward laugh.

"It's okay, come on.." Julika smiled. Rose took my hand suddenly and was very excited.

"I can't believe we have another girl! Finally!" Rose shouted as all the girls followed me. Well, not kagami, just rose, julika, Alya and mylene.

"Yeah, we've all been friends since high school. Kagami was actually last to join years ago only because her and Adrien dated for like two seconds" Mylene spoke while I followed the girls inside the ship. It looks like a real home!

"They've been off and on since then but I think Adrien is just stuck with her because they're parents are so strict" Alya hummed to me which made me confused.

"Huh? Why would that matter?.." I asked in confusion as I looked at her.

"Because Adrien is the top model in Paris and Kagami's mom is super important!" Rose exclaimed without a thought.

"Oh.." I muttered when I realized who Adrien was. His last name must be Agreste. I guess I understand the strictness though. "That must suck" I said bluntly.

"Yeah, especially for poor adrien. Did you see his face when she got close again?" Mylene giggled which made the others giggle. I can't say I feel bad for him though. That's just his way of life. Besides, I'm still mad that he knocked me down.

"Let's see those cookies!" Rose shouted and took them from me while we stopped at one of the rooms. It must belong to juleka. She went to the dresser and found a bikini while the girls ate the crushed cookies. I looked down at my hurt wrist. I might've sprained it when I fell again. It's so fragile after I broke it when I was little.. I've always been a sickly kid, there's so much wrong with my body that just feels normal now.

"Hey, is your wrist okay, girl?" Alya asked me as I looked back at the girls.

"Huh?" I hummed as I looked at how tightly I was holding it straight before letting it go and smiling, "yeah, no, I'm totally fine" I shook my head smiling.

"It was when Adrien and you fell, right?.." Julika asked as she gave me this swimming suit.

"Yeah.. I just have weak wrists, I'm fine" I assured the girls.

"Well we'll get out of here so you can change. Come back when you're ready, okay?" Mylene said as everyone went out the door and shut it back.

I let out a sigh as I looked at the small suit. A black bikini. While it may fit julika, that does not mean it'll fit me.. It's very nice, just very small for me. I'm basically a medium all the way around, maybe bigger.. and this was an extra small. I'm just glad I got fit before coming to Paris. A little bit of my everything is sticking out but I'm okay. I put my jeans back on just to cover up till we get swimming. My jeans are loose and have a ton of holes and things so it's not hot thankfully. I only wore the swimming top and jeans.. but while I was pulling up my jeans.. someone opened the door.

"Ah-.." there's a boy at the door. Adrien.

"Your timing is impeccable, Agreste." I looked at him with a blank stare and smile and was severely pissed off.

"I-Im sorry! This was the wrong door and-" he stuttered like a little boy walking in on some naked lady.

"You're fine, you're just not too aware of your surroundings are you?" I hummed with a tiny grin and lifeless eyes as I pulled my pants up and buttoned them. I stuffed my extra clothes in my purse with Leon as I walked to the door where Adrien was still stuttering.

"I swear I don't do this often-" he tried to tell me while I put my hair into a quick ponytail.

"Mhm," I hummed as I walked right by him. Once I was passing him through the doorway, I glanced at him with the side of my eye and spoke, "it sure seems that way."

"Ophelia! Hey, you look great!" Marinette called from down the hall which finally took me away from that conversation.

"Thanks although it's a little bit tight" I gave an awkward laugh as I stepped away from adrien.

"Yeah, you don't look like you can breathe" Luka said which Marinette hit him for.

"I really can't," I sighed but kept smiling. "It's my fault for not bringing one anyway." I giggled.

"Yeah but it's my fault for not telling you.." Marinette sighed as we went back to the surface.

"Don't worry, I dropped in on you out of nowhere" I shook my head.

"Oh!" Rose hummed once we got to the girls. Everyone was staring at my chest...

"Yeah, I know.." I sighed and pulled my purse up to cover my chest. My face is bright red. It's hard for me to get embarrassed but this is horrible. It's bad when everyone else sees it.

"You go girl!" Alya shouted out of nowhere. I blanked when I heard that.

"Yeah, you look totally hot! No fair!" Mylene shouted next. Okay.. Well now I'm embarrassed for a totally different reason.

"So do you Mylene!" Ivan shouted and gave her a thumbs up and wink.

"You too, babe!" Nino shouted next to Alya. She rolled her eyes at that.

"And it goes without saying, you're just as beautiful" Luka came over and kissed Marinette's head. The look on her face was so adorable!

I started giggling when I looked around me. "What?" Alya asked with a short, confused laugh.

"Your group is so sweet. I've never been around people like you. Everyone I knew was so mean and nasty but you guys are just adorable" I kept giggling to myself out of pure joy. They're just-.. Pure!

"She's really adorable.." Julika mumbled to Rose with a smile.

"I know! You've been so sweet!" Rose shouted happily next. Uh.. to most of you I have. Adrien may have seen a sneak peek of what's inside me..

"I hope I stay that way, if I get a little too much just push me or something" I awkwardly laughed and truly meant it. I am too much sometimes.

"Don't worry, dudette, we're all a little much" Nino told me as he put his arm around Alya.

"Yeah, you'll see soon" Luka nudged my arm with his as he went to Marinette's side.

"Hey look, there's 2 more girls than guys now" Alya pointed out as everyone looked around. It looks like everyone's dating, or at least friends. Even Rose and Julika won't leave each other's side. I'm the odd one out..

"Well, we could invite Kim and max?" Adrien suggested to the group.

"Or we could add another girl? Let's invite Zoe! It's been so long!" Marinette suggested.

"Oh! Yeah, I totally miss her but she's mayor now" Rose frowned. They're friends with the mayor? That's amazing.

"Yeah but she hasn't had a break in a while, I'll call her" Alya suggested as she stepped away with her phone.

"So how long has everyone known each other again? Since high school?" I asked as I looked around.

"Yeah, since we were 14 or 15 but that's just us as a group. We all grew up together" Mylene told me happily. Wow.. I've never had a friend for that long.

"That's really cool.." I smiled at everyone but I felt sad. I even noticed Leon peeking up at me.

"Do you have any friends you still hang out with? You've traveled everywhere so you must have a lot" Marinette asked as everyone began to take seats around. Marinette guided me to a little couch near where we were so I sat with her.

"Yeah, you'd think that" I gave a weak laugh.

"Oh.. Don't you have a best friend?" Rose asked as the girls came a little closer than the guys.

"Yeah, I um used to it. We just, we can't really talk anymore" I shook my head a little and kept smiling. I don't want to talk anymore.

"Why not? You aren't friends anymore?.." Julika asked in a sad mumble.

"I'm sure we would be.. We went out for my birthday last December at night and um, a drunk driver hit us. I made it, she didn't.. I guess that's really why I decided to move to Paris. It's different here" I looked around at everyone who slowly grew more sad.

"That's horrible, I'm so sorry.." Nino said as everyone looked down.

"Well.. you have us now." Marinette said as she suddenly hugged me. Me being hugged was new. After my best friend died, I didn't get any physical touch anymore. No hugs or anything..

"Thanks guys.." I smiled and leaned into Marinette's hug. All the girls joined in on the hug too. Even Alya, I guess she heard some of the story while on the phone.

"Zoe said she can't make it today so it'll just be all of us. Is that alright?" Alya asked as she looked around.

"Awe, I guess she just couldn't get away again" Mylene sighed.

"Let's set sail then" luka smiled and nodded to everyone. Luka actually drove this boat! This thing is so incredible, I've never been in a boat like it. It was slow and fun. "We'll be going about a mile and a half out if you're alright with that, Ophelia. There's a little island that way" luka gave me a heads up.

"Go right head. I don't mind even if I were being kidnapped and brought out to an island" I shrugged which made everyone laugh. I liked to hear their laughter, how easy it was to make them do it. I selfishly really want to keep being the center of attention, to keep making them laugh. I've never been around a group like this before and I really like it. I hope this won't end.

"You've got a really nice carefree attitude, '' Kagami told me. She's been staying next to Adrien this whole time and hasn't tried to talk to me till now. I guess I didn't either though.

"I've been known to have a bad habit of not caring about certain things in the past by accident. Carefree isn't always good.." I admitted as my mind flashed to the past.

"Like what?" She asked in confusion but kept smiling.

"Like.. ignoring bullies. Ah man, I sure got my butt kicked for that one.." I sighed and couldn't help a laugh. It must feel dark to them but I try to ignore it.

"Wait what?" Marinette asked quickly.

"You were bullied?" Adrien asked and sounded in disbelief.

"Yeah, it was pretty rough in high school for me" I laughed a little at the memories. "I think I've got more bad stories than good. I could talk forever about myself but that's not very fun" I just feel awkward honestly.

"We've had our fair share of bad.." Nino smiled and shook his head.

"Yeah, just about all of us have been akumatized." Rose said as I looked around. Some are holding each other as they remembered their past.

"I'm sorry to hear.. I didn't realize it was so easy to be akumatized. I kinda doubt I'll ever be akumatized, not in a bragging way but.. After a while, you learn to just laugh at your downfalls even when you're currently at your lowest, right?" I explained as I looked at the girls around me, "In a way, it eases the fall, y'know? You're sort of protecting yourself" I tried to explain myself but it just kept getting worse and worse.

"After we got akumatized for the second time, ladybug gave us these charms" Alya said as most people took out different colored ladybug pendants, "this helps lessen our falls. We've learned a thing or two over time as well though" she smiled at me and sat on my other side.

"I've never met the superheroes but they've always been on my social media pages and news sites" I smiled as Marinette and Alya hugged me from my sides. I feel.. I feel like I'm going to cry. This is nice..

"Hey, did you hear there was another roaming around lately? A new girl" Ivan pointed out. Me.. they noticed me too?

"Yeah a lion I think," Adrien said as he crossed his arms.

"Did ladybug give it to her? I thought she stopped.." Alya asked as she looked at Marinette. That's when it clicked...

"Oh!" I hummed in surprise as my eyes widened and I looked around. "You guys used to hold them! I remember now" I smiled and grew more excited.

"Yeah but shadow moth ruined our superhero lives" Rose sighed.

"A suit doesn't make you a hero and besides, you were given the miraculous for a reason! Someone thought you were a hero! That hasn't changed just because you don't have a suit!" I exclaimed as I looked around. Everyone looked at each other with smiles. I can point out all the old superheroes here. "No wonder you guys are so amazing, I sure found the right people.'' I smiled as I looked at Marinette in pure joy.

"If I didn't know any better, I'd say you'd be the new hero" Mylene giggled.

"What?" I laughed, "that'd be amazing if I were. Swinging up high is probably so nice" I sighed and remembered myself doing just that.

"I wonder what that new hero will call herself. She's a lion without a name," Kagami wondered.

"Hey! What about Leo?" Luka shouted from where he was steering the ship.

"A female name!" Marinette shouted back.

"How about The Huntress? Hunter for short" Alya suggested.

"Ooo" I hummed and kinda liked it.

"Roary?" Nino added in. I scrunched my face up and didn't like that.

"Lame!" Rose shouted.

"Uma?" Ivan hummed.

"Venus!" Luka shouted out.

"No!" Marinette shouted again making everyone laugh.

"lauva? It means lion in a different language" Mylene suggested after looking at her phone.

"That's kinda nice," Marinette nodded.

"I guess it'll be up to the public what she's called. Who wants to pick their own hero names anyway?" I shrugged.

"Chat Noir.." Alya muttered. I giggled hearing that.

"I'm sure the ladyblog will-" I gasped when I realized another thing, "that's you too!" I shouted looking at Alya.

"How do you know so much?" She laughed at my enthusiasm.

"I had to study about where I wanted to live! I just know the basic stuff!" I shouted out.

"Oh? So the ladyblog is something everyone should know about when coming to Paris?" Nino asked happily.

"I guess, in a way, that's the only way I was about to learn about the villains and heroes and what to do if something attacks" I explained off the top of my head.

While we were all talking, I noticed Leon fly away somewhere on the boat. I couldn't exactly tell him to come back so I had to make an excuse to go inside. "Hey Marinette, I hate to ask but is there a bathroom on board?.." I asked quietly.

"Oh! Yeah, go inside and right down the hall, it'll be on your left" she told me quietly. I nodded and smiled as I got up with my purse then went in. After the door was shut and I was alone, I searched for Leon.

"Leon? Where did you go?" I called quietly as I looked around.

"I'm right here!" Leon called. I brought him into the bathroom with me and shut the door so we could talk in private. "Sorry cubby, I was just getting cramped. Can I stay out here? I promise I'll hide!" Leon begged.

"I don't mind but don't let anyone see you, okay?" I whispered back and smiled.

"You can always trust a lion-" Leon began saying but hid when.. the door opened..

"Ah.. adrien.." I called in confusion before he bumped into me.

"I-I'm sorry!.. Ugh, how do I keep doing this?" He sighed to himself and stepped out.

"Yeah, I wonder.." I muttered as I stepped away, "I'll be outside" I said as I went on my way. I hate assuming things but is he just following me? It's making me nervous..

Before I knew it, the door smacked me in the nose. It was Marinette. "Oh god! I'm so sorry, Ophelia!" Marinette shouted which made Adrien look over.

"Are you okay?" Adrien came back over to me.

I rubbed the sting from my nose and tried to keep smiling. Am I just having a rough day? "I'm fine, guys" I told them as I let out a soft breath.

"I'm such a clutz, I'm so sorry.." Marinette sighed and hugged me.

"Don't worry, seriously" I giggled and hugged her back. This makes it better at least.

"Marinette did you hit her with the door too?" Luka called with a sigh and came from the opposite side of the hall. "She's done it to all of us, you're not that special, Ophelia" luka smiled and put his hand on Marinette's head.

"I don't know, being knocked down and hit in the nose with a door makes me feel pretty special. The hugs make it even better" I giggled as I rubbed my nose one more time.

"I'm sorry about that still.." Adrien sighed, "and for the other stuff.."

"They're both pretty bad.." Luka whispered to me as he and Marinette went up the deck. I couldn't help a little chuckle. Adrien looks guilty as ever.

"You look like a sad puppy" I told Adrien and gave him a little smile, "stop pouting or at least pout to your girlfriend up there" I nodded out the open door where others were talking.

"Girlfriend?.. " he asked in confusion like he couldn't guess who I was talking about.

"Come on, little puppy" I hummed and walked up to the deck again.

"Who's a puppy?" Rose asked as I met back with the girls.

"Take a guess" I nodded to adrien who was very pouty.

"He looks more like a sad kitty cat.." Julika mumbled. I narrowed my eyes a little and smiled when I noticed it.

"Yeah.. Maybe" I smiled and could see the kitty part.

"Land ho!" Ivan shouted out. It had taken us about 2 hours of all that talking to make it out so far here. We sailed down some sort of river I think, there's a sort of lake close by us but I think the water is too shallow to reach over there.

"Whoa! The beach is empty today!" Mylene shouted in surprise.

"Oh wow, this almost looks like Florida" I smiled as I looked around. Nice white sand and for the most part, nice water.

"You've been to Florida? I wanna go!" Nino shouted out.

"I've been just about all over America" I giggled at his happiness. "Oh! If you guys ever wanna take a trip there, I'll totally be your guide! I grew up in a ton of different states!" I got excited when I realized that.

"No way, really? I wanna go!" Rose shouted.

"I wish we could travel all over but America is really big, isn't it?" Marinette asked me.

"It'd probably take about a month if you only stayed in one state at a time," Adrien told her.

"It might actually take a couple months, there are 50 states and staying just one day in each is still 50 days. Not every state is worth visiting though" I told them as I watched us get closer to the beach.

"Alright, we jump out here!" Luka shouted after throwing out the anchor.

"Let's do this!" Nino shouted as everyone undressed to show their suits.

"Wanna swim?" Marinette asked me happily.

"I don't know, you don't happen to have any sharks this way, do you?" I giggled as I slid off my jeans.

"Not that I've seen," she giggled back.

"Wahoo!" Rose shouted and jumped off deck. I grew more excited by seeing that!

"Last one is a rotten egg!" Alya shouted as she jumped in next. I watched luka jump from the top deck!

"Whoa! Can I jump from there?" I asked Marinette and looked up to the top.

"You'd really jump from that high?" Kagami asked as she took off her shirt to see her one piece.

"Wouldn't you?" I smiled excitedly.

"Uh, I don't think I will," she said as she carefully climbed over the edge and jumped in.

"Go ahead, I'll watch" Marinette nudged me along. My smile grew a bit more before I went up to the top. I climbed a bunch of stairs to reach the top deck. Marinette was filming me so I had to put on a show. I took a couple steps back before jumping on the railing and diving in. The water was strangely warm and so nice. The deeper you went, the colder it'd get. I warmed up when I came back up.

"Haha! That was awesome!" I shouted through my laughter as I came above water again.

"Wow, that was great Ophelia!" Luka complimented me.

"Not even I do that.." Julika mumbled in awe.

"Yeah Ophelia!" Alya shouted in pure joy from the shore.

"My turn!" Adrien shouted out of nowhere before he dived in near me. He came up laughing like I was.

"This is great" I giggled and floated on my back.

"Hey, let's play chicken!" Marinette shouted right as she jumped in the water, she was the last one.

"Chicken?" I giggled and grew more excited. I swam a little closer to the shore to everyone.

"Do they not have that in America?" Nino asked with a smile.

"No, no, we do, I just never played before" I smiled and shook my head.

"You've never played chicken?" Mylene asked with a laugh as she got on Ivan's shoulders.

"Nope, never" I shrugged and crossed my arms as I watched everyone join teams, "don't mind me though, I'd like to see who wins out of all of you" I hummed happily and sat down in the shallow area.

"Oh c'mon, you've got enough energy to beat everyone here," Kagami said as she came and sat next to me.

"Energy maybe but not strength. I'm not exactly a balanced person... although I bet you could do some damage" I smiled as I met her eyes, "go join adrien, he looks pretty desperate to play.." I said quietly as I nodded my head towards him.

"Yeah, I don't know" she rolled her eyes.

"Go on, you've got this" I giggled and watched her. She thought about it for a second before she grew a smile and stood up then joined adrien.

They're all great teams. All the teams had their predicted members and worked well together. The first team out was Mylene and Ivan. That surprised me, I thought they'd last. Next was juleka and rose.

"Ophelia you should totally try it! I'll be your partner if you want!" Rose shouted as she ran through the water to me.

"Oh," I giggled watching everyone who lost come over to me, "no, don't worry I'm alright" I told her happily as I watched the last 3 teams.

"I bet Adrien and Kagami wins," Mylene said.

"My money is on Alya and Nino" Rose said next.. Ivan and Julika agreed with that.

"5 bucks says luka and Marinette wins" I grinned as I looked at my friends.

"You're on" Ivan nodded and held out his hand that I shook. I shook everyone else's hands next then we watched. First to go down were Adrien and kagami. They were so balanced from the start but I knew it wouldn't work.

"Hey we have a bet going on. You just cost me 5 bucks!" Mylene shouted at Adrien and kagami.

"You guys bet on us?" Adrien asked with a laugh as Kagami came and sat by me to watch again.

"Who'd you bet for?" Kagami asked me as we watched.

"Marinette and Luka" I smiled and watched Alya almost toss Marinette but she held on.

"Why's that?" She asked with a smile as we both watched.

"They're different from all the other pairs. Alya and Nino have the best relationship I think but Marinette and Lukas are.. It's strong." I explained the best I could.

"Oh my gosh, are you a love doctor?" Rose asked with sparkles in her eyes which made the others look at me.

"I lean towards fashion designer" I smiled and giggled.

"Yes!" Marinette shouted. I looked back to find my team won.

"I win" I smiled and looked around.

"Awe man.." those who bet sighed.

"Who's next? Ophelia, maybe?" Marinette grinned and sat proudly on Lukas shoulders.

"Yeah right!" I laughed and denied.

"Hey, I'll be your partner!" Mylene volunteered as she got up.

"What? C'mon guys" I giggled as I was pushed up. "Can you even carry me though?" I asked because I think she was trying to be on the bottom.

"Uh yeah, you're tiny!" She said which was not true but okay. "Hang on!? She said before going under and getting me on her shoulders.

"Ah!" I shouted before laughing out. "You're going down!" I shouted at Marinette.

"Let's go babe!" Ivan shouted to Mylene.

"Knock her down, Marinette!" Adrien cheered while I giggled to myself.

"I don't think you're ready for this," Marinette grinned at me.

"Don't underestimate your opponents before you even start" I grinned back before we got started. I have to say, Mylene and I were really kicking butt! Marinette and Luka put up a good fight but I had the upper hand. I got Marinette right at the last second and she and Luka both fell.

"Yeah!" Mylene and I cheered.

"Whoa!" Alya shouted as I noticed her filming.

"I knew you could do it!" Kagami shouted to me. I laughed the whole way back on Mylene's shoulders before we fell into the water giggling and coming back up together. Things were so much fun.. till they weren't.

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