Where You're Meant To Be- Lar...

By hipthrustharry

17.2K 459 218

"There's no where you can be that isn't where you're meant to be" John Lennon. This is my third and final bo... More

Where You're Meant To Be- Larry Stylinson
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Four
Very quick update!!! PLEASE READ
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter 10

Chapter Three

1.3K 43 18
By hipthrustharry

hey guys holy shit it's been a month. im sorry if you hate me i dont blame you rly id hate me too tbh

anyway heres chapter three i wrote it literally three minutes ago and yea hope yas like. 

little side note fyi type thing: uh the things in caps are like what harry is thinking in his head of what louis' saying. js. ha .ok bye see u guys :)

thanks for reading!!

please pleASE comment and vote it means the world to me and i love it and u and wow im getting emotional i need to stop loving u guys it hurts i

ps: sorry its so short as i said i just wrote it :) love Britt

Four weeks later

"Are you even going to speak to me?" 

I stayed silent, listening faithfully to the voice in my head, Louis' voice, that was telling me not to. 

"Harry, we've been sitting here for an hour and you haven't uttered a word?"

It had been a long while since the day I'd ran out of the visitor's area and left a confused Ty behind. It had been a long while since I'd heard Louis get mad at me from inside of my head. It had been a long while since anyone had came to see me at all. So I asked my supervising nurse to call Ty and have him come while having absolutely no clue as to why I had done so.

"If there's been a mistake, mate, I'll gladly go."

Ty's voice carried an ice that I couldn't remember ever being so cold, his syllables tipping me off a sharp edge to somewhere deep below. He was finished if I didn't jump in- finished trying with me. I could feel it linked between the horse vibrations of his words, threading itself through the sound waves that struck my aching ears.

Another goodbye I couldn't handle.

"No," I snapped a hand over his. He tensed a little, though he tried to hide it.

WHY DO YOU CARE IF HE STAYS? Louis' angry voice familiarized in my head, shooting calming tingles throughout me.

"Stay," I smiled at Ty, almost feeling the heat of Louis' anger as it bubbled inside of my mind, finding it to be a relaxing discomfort and a fight within myself between ripping apart my skin and bursting out in tears of happiness.



I could hear muffled voices coming from inside of the office. I couldn't tell if they were just angry or if they were hysterical. Brad's voice was the most prominent coming from the vibrations of the walls. He had promised me that he could convince them to let me go. 

"They have no right to keep you in LA for the rest of your life," He'd said, "I'll swear to them that I'll keep an eye on you. They should trust me to keep you away from him."

Apparently, from the raised voices and huffs I could hear as I paced in the hall, there were surrounding circumstances that neither Brad or I had been aware of. Or, perhaps, Brad had been aware and just chose not to crush my dreams too early on. 

"Just remember, Louis... He isn't going to recognize you." He'd made sure this point was clear many times. Throwing in the occasional "New You" or "Old You" here and there. 

The voices from the office subsided, and seconds later the door clicked open and Brad walked out. I opened my eyes, wide, and stared at him, waiting for a reaction. Without stopping, he gripped my arm and took me with him down the hall.

"Don't stop walking until we get to the car," he demanded, hardly moving his mouth and staring straight to the floor.

We speed-walked us down the long hall, twisting out of the path of the elevator and instead heading down the stairs- pedaling us down five flights. I felt dizzy by the bottom, but Brad kept his pace and we dashed through the parking lot. I could feel the grip he had on the top of my arm bruising me, but his determined glare kept me from protesting. We reached the car and he dropped my arm, going around to his side of the car and getting in as I did the same. 

"So?" I urged, feeling my temples pulse with anxiousness.

"They said no."


"Want to do something fun?" Ty was leaned comfortably back on the couch. He twisted a gum wrapper between his fingers, smirking lazily at his hands.

"Look around, mate. Nothing fun here." He glanced over at me, his smirk widening.

"Maybe I didn't mean here," he laughed when he saw my face go blank.

"What? You know I can't lea-"

"Exactly, we're sneaking out today, Mr.Styles," he whispered, so quiet I could only hear his S's and T's. 

HE IS INSANE, HARRY. STAY HERE, WITH ME. Louis' voice wasn't angry anymore. It was desperate and it made my heart ache.

"You're insane!" I whispered back, my eyebrows raised.

"Sticks and Stones, Harry. We're going to the cinema tonight."


I turned around on the couch to catch a glance of the only nurse on duty. She was sat in the corner of the room with a crossword puzzle on her lap and a mug of coffee on the table to her right. I may have very well been mistaken but it seemed as though her eyes were drooping closed and her bottom lip hung gaping open, looking a bit moist. 

"She looks pretty tough, you think we'll make it?" Ty nudged my arm with his elbow, smiling into my eyes. I shrugged.

"Looks can be deceiving." 

Ty stood up, taking off his sweater and handing it to me. 


"Mate, you're wearing a Chapel Springs shirt. Take it off, shove it down the side of the couch, and zip up. It's cold out."

My mouth hung open for a slight second, it only just sinking in that Ty was completely serious. 

"Alright." I did as he told, tucking my shirt down the side of the sofa and pulling on the sweater. 


"Put your hood up and follow my lead," Ty grabbed my hand and pulled us over to a couch a few feet away where a girl, Lannah, sat alone staring at her legs. I'd spoken to her once or twice and had silent lunches with her. I considered her my only friend there.

"Hello, Harr-" 

"SH!" Ty held up a finger and shook his head quickly, leaning down and whispering something in her ear. She nodded uneasily, obviously unsure of the consequences. Nevertheless, she stood up.

"I've missed you two so much! Thank you both for the lovely visit!" She exclaimed, entirely too loud and obnoxiously fake. Ty smirked. She pulled us both in for a hug and then sat back down.

"Lannah!" The nurse hissed from the corner, "say goodbye to your guests without disrupting everybody else, please."


Lannah nodded, her face heating up red. Ty whispered a thank-you to her and put an arm around my neck, darting for the exit.

Besides an occasional walk in the hospital's garden (not so much of a garden, if I do say. More of an excess of grass and weeds with a moss- ridden walk way and a bench) I hadn't been outside for months. So when I stepped outside, the wind hitting my face and blowing through my hair, I felt as if I had been freed from a cage.


"Now we run," Ty snatched my hand and pulled me towards his car, on the other end of the lot, yelling a cry of something like "WEEAAOORAAOOAW" and laughing like a complete idiot. But I joined in.

As I climbed into Ty's car, I felt a ringing in my ears. Louis' constant hum had disappeared, leaving my head empty and confused. The car spun slightly, and I gripped the seat beneath me for comfort.

"Harry?" Ty put his hand around my neck, using his thumb to calm me down. "Harry!" 

"He's gone," I breathed, "Louis' gone now."

His thumb stopped, and his eyes burned into the side of my face. 

"I know."

I let out a laugh, suddenly feeling ridiculous.

"I bet you're pretty fucking relieved that he's gone, aren't you?" I tried swatting his arm away, but he caught my wrist, which made me even more aggravated. 

"No, Harry, I'm not," He tightened his grip on my arm, his eyes dead staring into my own, "all I am is sorry."

He held his stare for a long minute. So long, I could have taken the time to count the ripples in his eyes or the stubble by his chin. I broke the silence with a loud sob, my body erupting in shakes and sounds I didn't know I could still make. 


"No?" I felt everything drop. My heart, it dropped. Water from my eyes. My hope.

"I'm sorry. I tried, Louis. I swear, I tried." His voice was thick.


"You know that you could never tell him who you are, right?" He added. I turned to face the window, unsure of why he would say that.

"Ya. I know." 

"It wouldn't be fair to him, Louis."

"I know."

There was a long silence.

"I did try."

"I know. Thank you."

Brad started the engine, pulling out from the lot.


hope that you all understood that, if not i get it i dont undertsand some parts either,

ill put ty and harry's date in the next chapter and stuff maybe and yea itll be like a continuence of this chapter but in another chapter if you catch my drift idk ok haha 

give me feeback :) comment and vote  :)

feel free to talk to me too because believe it or not (ha) im a loner so ha 

love britt :) 

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