Joyce, My Love ~ Sirius Black

By deadbr0therlov3r

8.5K 216 53

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403 13 4
By deadbr0therlov3r

" the hidden treasure „

    EVER SINCE THE PARTY, James made sure to keep an extra eye on his little sister and best friend. He tried to act nonchalant but failed miserably. He was attempted to ask Remus about it but was stopped by Lily. After the conversation had finished, he was so mesmerised by the redhead, he had forgotten what he was even doing.

So when Jocelyn and Sirius were paired together in Defence Against The Dark Arts, James was over the moon, knowing Sirius would make sure Remus and Joss would stay apart.

"That is enough!" Professor Tunick cried angrily. "This class has gotten out of hand! Everyone take your things and stand up! I'm moving the pairs around." She shrilled in a strong Irish accent. "Did I stutter?" She barked after no one went, "move!"

Once everyone had stood next to the older witch she began to yell names.

"Evans and Pettigrew."

"Meadows and Smith."

"Rosier and McKinnon."

"Longbottom and Snape."

"Bones and Fortescue."

"Lupin and Potter."

As the teacher said that, both twins began to walk over to where the werewolf sat. Realising the mistake, the Potters looked over their shoulders, silently asking who she meant.

"Oh, I apologise, you two. Mr Potter, please take the seat next to Mr Lupin."

After another few minutes, the people left standing next to the teacher was Jocelyn, Theodore Nott, Petunia Parkinson and Sirius Black. Jocelyn was most definitely screwed, having despised each of them equally. She crossed her fingers behind her back, hoping to get Parkinson but no, to just her luck, the teacher announced to the class,

"Potter and Black, go to the corner and Parkinson and Nott please go in front of them."

Sighing deeply, Joss began to walk to the corner, making eye contact with Remus, who smiled sympathetically. Before she could sit, "M'lady," Sirius took her chair out from under the table.

Jocelyn placed her books on the wooden desk before glaring at the boy. Rolling her eyes, she began to mumble a quiet, "thank you," until the chair under her disappeared. Acting on impulse, she grabbed the closest thing next to her, which so happened to be her ink and quill. Jocelyn yelped.

"Miss Potter!" Professor Tunick scolded before gliding over to the girl, "oh my," the woman examined the scene before her.  Jocelyn Potter was lying on the floor, groaning in pain, with a large black splotch in the middle of her white button-up. Next to the girl laid a broken ink bottle.

The class broke out in quiet snickers before, "you are excused Miss Potter, please go clean up," The teacher said, clearly not impressed. "Freaking Potters," the teacher rolled her eyes, muttering under her breath.

Getting up, Jocelyn looked at Sirius, who was reading the textbook casually. Noticing she was glaring at him, he mocked, "such a clutz! Joyce, you're supposed to sit on the chair," He smiled sweetly.

Taking her things off of the desk aggressively, before leaving she coughed fakely, saying the words, "supremacist," so only Sirius could hear. Knowing it would get to him, she left.

Out of frustration, Sirius's tongue travelled against his bottom teeth, taking a deep breath with a clenched jaw. James smiled at him and as a response, Sirius winked, smiling victoriously.

Walking out of the class, she found the nearest bathroom. The Potter girl groaned, taking in the sight of the black splotch that has now ruined her only good school shirt. Unbuttoning and taking the shirt off. She began to wash the ink off the material.

"Jocelyn?" A voice called out to her. Turning her head, scared it was a teacher or someone she didn't know.

Pandora Malfoy smiled softly. Questioning why the 5th year was topless. Sighing, grateful it was a friend, "I got ink on my top, it was my only good one. Tomorrow's wash day," Jocelyn explained suddenly feeling very exposed and self-conscious, only in her white bra.

Pandora chuckled as she walked towards the younger girl. Pandora took her sweater off and handed it to Joss, before taking out her wand.

First, the girl silently jerked the tool, making the soaking wet top float in the air. Then, with an elegant flick of her wand, the black pool in the centre of her top, vanished, as if it was never there. Drying it and adding a slight shine to the Gryffindor crest, she handed the top back to the 5th year, with a motherly smile.

"What am I going to do without you?" Jocelyn smiled up at Malfoy, buttoning up her top, "Oh shush, you'll learn that next year."

The Potter girl admired Pandora dearly. A platinum blonde beauty, Pandora glided with elegance and grace, not letting her horrid past represent her. The two girls formed a relationship in art. A sort of connection only found in sisters. But, Pandora was graduating at the end of this school year and it saddened the brunette deeply.

"Go to class Joss," "Bye Pand."

    CURIOSITY KILLED THE CAT, they said and Merlin, were they right. James and Sirius decided they had to know who was sending the letters.

James wanted to know for sibling purposes. He had to know who he was protecting his little sister from. Sirius, however, needed this for blackmail purposes.

It was the perfect plan, he needed to expose her, confront her. To say, "Stop pissing me off and I won't tell anyone what I know." The truth is, Jocelyn really knew how to rile him up. And he had nothing on her. No material, no blackmail. No nothing, he had to resort to petty pranks and sarcastic insults. It wasn't enough for him. Not after what they had been through.

James and Sirius were sitting by the fireplace, skipping class, deeming this was more important.

Their first obstacle was, "How were they going to get inside?"

Well, they could ask one of the girls but boys weren't allowed past the third step and either way, Sirius doubted that Jocelyn would keep them out in the open or even tell anyone where they were.

Their next idea was to use broomsticks but after asking themselves "What would happen if they got hurt?" and "How would they explain how they got hurt" and "Why they weren't in class."

So again they booted that idea.

They could crawl up? But slide burn is something they didn't want to experience. They could push each other up or use the railing? Surely that wouldn't work. Can they jump? all the way up the spiral staircase without putting their feet down? No, that's physically impossible, unless they're flying but they already tried flying?

"What about floating?" Sirius suggested with a sly smirk on his handsome face. As soon as the question slipped from Sirius's lips, James's entire face lightened.

"THAT IS BRILLIANT! BLOODY HELL!" The two teenagers sprang up from their discouraged state.

The two boys stood up at the bottom of the spiral staircase. James took a deep breath.

"Ready?" Potter asked while Sirius put his hair up in a man bun. "Let's do it."

"Wingardium Leviosa!" James swished his wand. Sirius stood there, waiting. "Prongs!" Sirius groaned, "Ok! Ok! Shut up! Give me a minute, I have stage fright!"

"You can do it, buddy," Sirius patted James on the back, somewhat jokingly. "Thanks, pads," James replied before taking a deep breath and trying again. Before a moment of silence, Sirius began to fly. A triumphant laugh escaped both boys lungs.

Sirius landed softly, although he looked highly dishevelled, he felt amazing.

"Nice one, James!" Sirius said joyously before doing the same to his friend.

After the two landed safely, they walked through the door. Thinking that they may be the first males to enter this hallway.

Striding through the door, they were met with a hallway. They walked for what was like forever. Having to go through each year's corridor, it took some time before getting to the 5th year corridor. It was now lunch and the boys were hungry but they were hungrier for the goal they were about to achieve.

"How do we know which one it is?" They looked around at the doors each painted or decorated.

Sirius tried to think, how would the girls decorate their door? Sirius stopped in front of one on the far right, the closest to the bathroom.

He tilted his head, thinking. The door was wood, like every other but this door had a hanging crystal suncatcher, a picture of David Bowie with a lipstick kiss on his cheek and two paintings, one of a field of strawberries and another of a lily flower.

"James! I found it!" He yelled back to James, who was looking in some random girls room. James gasped before going to open the door, "It's locked," he grimaced.

"This is an adventure, I suppose. Come on Prongsie use those Gryffindor thinking skills."

James observed his surroundings.

A tall, bright green plant sat next to the door comfortably. It moved slightly as if there was a breeze pushing it side-to-side. As the plant continued to glide slowly, it began to sparkle slightly, the shiny flakes falling onto the scratchy carpeted floor.

A lightbulb metaphorically appeared above the bespectacled teen. He crouched next to it, digging into the dirt. The plant began to slap his hand away, every time he tried to dig through the soil. "D'you mind petting the plant," He asked like it was a normal request, "kinda' like a dog," James continued, noticing Sirius's hesitance.

The plant immediately calmed, as it leaned into Sirius's soft palm. James shot up, holding an old fashioned, rusted key.

The two boys grinned at each other before Sirius snatched the key from his friend and opened the door.

The boys were slightly disappointed, expecting a large difference between their dorms. But nevertheless, they hugged and cheered winningly.

"Ok, Ok," Sirius exhaled, "Where would your sister put the letters?" James put his hand to his chin, tapping it lightly with his pointer finger. Stepping out of his spot next to Sirius and walking around the girl's room. Sirius mirrored him, trying to find the hidden treasure.

The boys looked around, opening all cupboards, draws, bookcases and bedsheets. Even to the point where Sirius had to stop James from going into their bathroom. The girls' dorm became a mess. Books everywhere, the perfectly done bedsheets ruined, everything was just slightly out of place.

Sirius stepped to the desk. Taking a firm grip on the desk, Sirius jiggled the draw whilst James laid on his stomach, his head halfway under his twin's bed. With a little more frustration and a flick of his wand, the draw opened aggressively.

A large successful grin grew on Sirius's face. "That little thief! She stole my jumper! Oh, I knew it! I asked her about it and she lied straight to my face!"

"Prongs, as unfortunate as that is, I have found our hidden treasure."

The letters were stacked perfectly, the parchment paper laid delicately on top of one another. Sirius picked the most recent one up. The cursive, romantic writing read:

To my one and only,

This sounds so cheesy but I know you love the romantic letters so I thought I would put in some effort. I miss you, a lot. I know we talk every day but It's not the same. I miss holding your hand and kissing yo-

"OK! That's enough!" James said covering his eyes, "This guy is talking about snogging my sister! Can we just find out who wrote it and get out of here?" "Yeah, yeah but I can't read the signature-"

"Oh shut up, that was ages ago!" The distant sound of a feminine voice and light footsteps echoed in the boys' ears.

"Shit, shit, shit, shit, fuck it's Joss!" James whispered harshly, "She's gonna kill us! Merlin's eyebrow! I don't wanna die, I don't wanna die!"

"Stop!" Sirius said, pulling his friend.

"You know, whenever I'm up here, I always think what would happen if the others found out," a deep voice chuckled behind the door. The clinging of keys and the sound of the crystal suncatcher joined together as Jocelyn opened the door.

"That would be hilarious- what on earth?"

Jocelyn looked around her room, her things everywhere and the draw open.

• Hey y'all shits about to go down :P
• This chapters kinda long buts it ok :)
• also we met PANDORA!! I love her and i've got some much for her so it's gonna be great!
• Also, I have like a whole head cannon where she and lucius are siblings so I put it in here for funsies
• also sorry for posting this a day late but hope you enjoyed !!

• 2052 story word count •

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