๐€ ๐“๐ก๐จ๐ฎ๐ฌ๐š๐ง๐ ๐˜๐ž๐š๐ซ๏ฟฝ...

By thelovelyghostwriter

42.2K 1.9K 467

"You've already loved me for a thousand years. Would it hurt to love me for a thousand more?" "Yes. Yes it wo... More

Author's Note
1st Petal
2nd Petal
3rd Petal
4th Petal
Forget Me Not
Find Me on Quotev!
I'm Back!
5th Petal
6th Petal
7th Petal
8th Petal
9th Petal
10th Petal
11th Petal
Last Petal
It's Out!

12th Petal

1.3K 87 11
By thelovelyghostwriter

He loves me not.


When Aguero raided his father's treasure house, he became familiar with many rare treasures that exists within the tower. The more his father cherishes the treasure, the farther back it will be stored.

Aguero once walked to the very back of the treasure house, curious as to what his father cherishes the most among all those artifacts strewn about. In the very end, he stumbled upon a painting.

A painting of a woman with a torn face. But what caught his eye the most was the accessory on her head.

A blue lily hairpin starkly contrasting with her beautiful red hanfu adorning her body.

Aguero never thought much of it. But it wasn't something he easily forgot, especially that blue lily.

The very same blue lily that adorns the woman's head.

Aguero couldn't pull his eyes away from the dominating aura the woman held. Her violet jeweled eyes glowering at his father who stood before her.

But what he was most shocked by was the woman's face.

It was Lilith's face.


The loss of her powers had always been a hinder to Lilith throughout the climb, both physically and mentally. But the epiphany had never hit harder until this very moment.

The moment she stood before the power of Khun Eduan and her former self.

She shielded her eyes as she tried to catch a glimpse of the two who immediately locked into combat, blowing away land and rubble with each strike. She noticed that majority of the sworn enemies are defeated, except for hers.

Every time Eduan released a strike of lightning, he was countered with a sword of blood red flames* from the woman. Lilith could tell he's getting frustrated as the woman looked like she wasn't the least bit interested in their battle.

Her eyes were on Lilith, and Lilith alone.

Raising her arm, Lilith could immediately tell what the woman is about to do.

"EDUAN BEHIND YOU!" The said man turned just in time to destroy the incoming projectiles before Lilia's* lighthouses surround him.

But he failed to notice her coming at him with her sword. The man clicked his tongue as he barely averted her attack from his heart to his shoulder. The electricity surging throughout his body was scarcely protecting his robust body.

It was obvious who was stronger.

With every strike, Lilith felt her heart clench with nostalgia. Had she always held such a powerful aura about her like every other member of the Ten Great Warriors she encountered? It never occurred to her how powerful she truly was as she was used to spending her time looking up at those stronger than her than down at the weak.

And she's paying the price for her ignorance.

Everyone else was at a loss for words as they watch the powerful family leader who went toe to toe with Jahad struggle against a woman who looked exactly like Lilith.

"Oi... is that thing really the jewel turtle's sworn enemy?" Rak muttered.

"It should be... but they look exactly alike," Bam replied, unable to tear his eyes away from the sight.

"Maybe they're twins?" Endorsi suggested.

"No." Aguero stated, confident in his answer. All eyes averted to him temporarily, but his own cobalt eyes were still on Lilith watching the battle on the side with a longing expression.

"It's her. It's Lilith. Her sworn enemy is herself."

Things are starting to make sense to Aguero.

The reason why she was so avid on avoiding his father.

The reason why his father confronted her alone.

His father's portrait in the back of the treasure house.

It was a portrait of Lilith.

All Khun could feel right now is upset and betrayed.

If this woman before them was really Lilith.

Then Lilith isn't who she claimed she is.

"A sworn enemy is someone you dread in your heart, and summoned here yourself." Bam muttered, forcing Khun to tear his eyes away from the battle.


"If that woman fighting Lord Eduan is really Lilith's past self. Then she must really resent it right?" The brunette stated as he held sadness in his golden orbs.


"I wonder what could have happened to make her change like that."

Before Aguero can reply, they were cut off by an incoming projectile that caused them to disperse. The boy watched as the familiar looking woman skillfully trapped his father in a vortex of lighthouses before making her way to Lilith. The said woman still in a trance as she watched her sworn enemy approach her, sword in hand.

Aguero clicked his tongue before screaming. "LILITH! RUN AWAY DAMNIT!"

But sadly he remained unheard. Thankfully Bam got there just in time to whisk her away.

"Lilith!" Bam's voice snapped Lilith out of her trance as she found herself staring longingly at Lilia.

"... Bam?!"

"Who is-" the boy was cut off as he barely dodged an incoming bang from behind him.

"She's me." Lilith answered sadly as the two continued to get away. Bam looked behind them to see the same jeweled orbs as his companion's staring right back at him. But instead of warmth and kindness, it was filled with cold ruthlessness.

"Who you once were... sure was quite different huh?"  Bam muttered, trying to lighten the mood as the woman next to him look more distressed.



"I have something to tell you. Once this is over."

"... I see."

Lilith smile as she touched his should, signalling him to let her down. "Good. Now not even if Eduan can beat me, I'm supposing the rest of us can't too."


"Put me down, Bam." Lilith ordered as her voice went from soft to stern.

Bam wanted to argue, but the look in her eyes tell him otherwise. Nodding, he chose a safe place to land before backing away to Khun and the others, leaving Lilith to herself. He watched as the look-alike destroy everything in her path to get to his companion.

"BAM!" He turned to see it was Khun running towards him along with the rest of the party.


"What happened?! Why did you leave Lilith there!?" Endorsi exclaimed as she grabbed him harshly by the shoulders.


"Forget it, Endorsi." Khun stated coldly. Everyone's eyes widened at the male's outburst. Of all people, they'd expect Khun to be the one complaining the most about Lilith's safety.

After all, the two were close since the beginning.

But no one said anything as they eyed Lilith wearily as she surrounded herself with as much bangs as she can make.

The woman smiled as she gestured towards her former self to come closer. "What's wrong, Lilia? Come on and kill me. Isn't it what you want?"

Lilia didn't even bother giving a verbal response as she commanded her lighthouses around them, creating a dome trapping just the two of them inside. She drew her sword and assumed an attack stance. Her brow arched at Lilith who made no movement to protect herself other than the few bangs she formed around her.

They were now isolated from the others.

"What are you doing?" Lilia's voice calmly asked, but the woman only smiled.

"I'm waiting for you to kill me. It is your objective isn't it."

"So you're willing to just die like this? You've really become weak."

Weak. The term Lilith labeled herself with more and more as they continued to ascend the tower. To the point where she began to accept it.

But it hurts more to hear it from her own self.

"Well, there's no point in fighting anyway. I won't even last against one of your blows."

Her opponent grimaced as she lowered her sword. "I hate you. You've fallen so low it disgusts me."

"Then kill me."

Lilia hesitated. Lilith only smiled as she saw right through herself.

"You don't hate me. You're just upset."

"You're right, I don't hate you," Lilia quickly admitted, the same jewel eyes staring back at her. "But you hate me."

Lilith noticeable tensed at the statement. Does she really hate her? Does she really hate Lilia Belle so much that she appeared as her sworn enemy?

Or is it that the whole time she was just longing for the past, and the mirror decides to bring it to her.

"I don't hate you," Lilith stated, though it sounds more like to reassure herself.

"Then look me in the eye and tell me."

The same pairs of violet eyes clashed as Lilith looked at Lilia with a genuine confidence she hadn't felt in a very long time.

"I don't hate you, Lilia."

At that moment it felt like something surged through her body, making her shut her eyes. She felt light as a feather when the dome of lighthouses around them shattered.

Lilith looked at the place where her former self once stood.

Lilia had disappeared.

So she was right all along. What brought her former self here wasn't hate. It was longing.

The longing she constantly denied having, trying to convince herself she made the right choice. That she was happier than before.

Once she admitted to that longing, she defeated her sworn enemy.


Eduan nearly destroyed his arm when he was about to release another attack towards the barrier that shattered before he can make impact. Despite his exhaustion and pain from his wound, his cobalt eyes frantically scanned for a certain woman in hopes that she is safe.

In the corner of his eyes he found her standing lonesome on a tiny floating island, staring longingly at an empty space before her.

"Lilia!" he exclaimed as he rushed to her side. The woman snapped out of her trance as he approached her. The male felt himself tense up at the sight.

Pools of tears were flowing down her amethyst eyes.


"Eduan..." the woman weakly muttered as the man slowly walked up to her. He was caught off guard when she didn't hesitate to hold onto his sweatshirt when he stood right in front of her. He could tell she was futility suppressing her tears.

"I'm sorry..." he heard her whimper quietly. At that, he didn't hesitate to wrap his arms around her, bringing her smaller frame into his own and ignoring the wound on his shoulder.

"Don't worry. You're free to cry, it just us alright?" Eduan hushed as Lilia buried herself deeper into his chest to muffle her cries, though watchful of his wound. The male noticed the regulars in the corner of his eye, still a distance away and unaware of what happened.

Well, neither did he, but comforting Lilia comes first.

The woman managed to compose herself rather quickly as she quickly wiped away her tears before eying the blood staining his yellow sweatshirt

Eduan noticed her gaze and chuckled. "What can I say? Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned."

Lilia sighed before a thankful smile graced her lips. "Thank you, Eduan. For everything."

Ah, there it was again. The butterflies in his stomach he hadn't felt in years. The same feeling he felt when she first smiled at him*.

Lilia immediately turned away from him to face Bam and the others, signalling that she is alright. She felt relieved upon seeing the rest of the group, but the bitter look on Aguero's face caught her attention. Knowing how he is, he must have caught onto something.

'Well, I've got nothing to hide anymore at this point,' Lilia thought to herself as she and Eduan approached the rest of the party.

"Lilith!" Bam exclaimed as he was the first to approach her on his floating disk. He didn't hesitate to embrace her as she immediately hugged him back.

"Bam..." She uttered before Rak decided to join in too, followed by Endorsi.


"Quit it Alligator! Lilith! Are you alright? You didn't get hurt, did you?"

Lilith awkwardly chuckled as she peeled herself away from the others. "Hah... Don't worry, I'm alright. And to answer your question, Rak, not really. I lost that power long ago..." She finished off solemnly.

The party was silent at what she said. They couldn't imagine losing their powers they work so hard to achieve.

"Anyways, Aguero! I see you managed to make an ice spear!" Lilith exclaimed, noticing the weapon resting on his shoulder.

The boy was surprised at the sudden attention, but only coldly nodded.

"Hmph! I made something too!" Rak yelled as rocks gathered on his arm. Lilith's eyes widened at the feat.

'Is he a native one?' she thought to herself, but decided to brush it off and began praising him for his achievement.

"It looked like things are settled everywhere else too," Eduan interrupted before gesturing towards the battle between Irure and her uncle. Bam noticed the girl staring at him but decided to brush it off as he turned his attention back to Rak who was chasing him for teasing him about his abilities.

Everyone else soon gathered to where they all left off.

"Ah-- that was brutal," Candy complained as Hansung offered everyone coffee.

"Oh, Bam, is it okay if I talk to you now? It will be really quick and then you can get back to your training," Lilia said as she approached the brunette. He nodded and just as he was about to follow her, the woman turned towards the other boy as well.

"You too, Aguero."

Khun stared emptily at Lilith for a moment before deciding to comply, following the his two companions to somewhere more isolated.


Once the three of them were along, Lilia decided to cut to the chase as to not waste any more time.

"Bam, tell me. When you talked to Garam, or even Lord Eduan about your parents, have you ever came across the name Lilia Belle?"

The said boy's eyes widened.

Lilia didn't give them a chance to respond before continuing.

"I loved your parents dearly. I really did."

The three of them stood in silence before she continued.

"But even to this day, I still couldn't figure out if it's them I cherished, or what they represent."

"My mother... she really loved you too. I could tell from her diary that you two were close."

Lilia smiled. "We were. I would do anything for her. She would do anything for me. Sadly our selflessness led to both our downfall."


"As you already learned, I helped your parents rebel against Jahad."


"And that ended up with me being here, with you."

Bam's eyes lit up at the statement. "Is it because you lost your powers?"

"Kind of, hah... It's a little more complicated than that..."


"You see, Bam. You are here because of your mother's prophecy."

"Yeah..." The boy became glum at the statement. The knowledge of him being here solely to defeat Jahad and nothing else bothered him. Does that mean he will no longer serve a purpose once that goal is achieved?

The woman sensed the negative emotions radiating off the boy at her statement and offered him a reassuring smile. "And I'm here to make sure you achieve that prophecy."

"Does that mean you'll leave me once the prophecy is fulfilled?"

"Of course not."

"Huh? Really?"

Lilia smiled as she gently ruffled his brown hair. "I promised Arlene I would take care of you. I won't leave your side any time soon. Jahad will have to kill me twice to take me away."

Bam lightly smiled at her attempt to lift his mood.

"Can I ask you something, Miss Lilia?"

The woman's eyes widened when Bam referred to her by such a name, but nodded nonetheless.

"When Garam told me about you on the Floor of Death, she said by going against Jahad, you were forced to leave the one you loved behind."


"... Is that person Lord Eduan?"

A sad smile graced itself upon her face. She held a rather solemn look in her amethyst eyes as she met Bam's golden ones. "Yes... he is."

The boy nodded. "I see. So why don't you go talk to him?"


"If you're scared that he no longer loves you, then you have nothing to fear. Even I could tell and I don't know anything. He still cares for you, Miss Lilia. Maybe if you and him talk it out, both of you will feel better."

The woman chuckled at the boy's innocent remark. "Thank you, Bam. I'll keep that in mind. You should probably get back to your training now."

"Oh! You're right!" The boy exclaimed as he began jogging away.

"And Bam?"


"Just Lilia is fine. Drop the Miss."

"Yes ma'am!"

'I'm sorry, Bam. I can't talk to him the way you hope to. It's because he still cares for me gives me all the reason to stay away' Lilia thought as she watched Bam run back to the training grounds. She sensed the bluenette next to her still standing there.

"Now now, what's with the solemn face, Aguero?" she cooed in a motherly tone as she turned towards the boy who was looking anywhere but her.

"So it's true... you and my father?"

Lilia sighed. She knew he wouldn't be happy.

"Yes. But it was something of the past."

"It clearly didn't look like it," the boy snapped. Memories of his father putting his life on the line to protect Lilia and the way he held her after flood his brain.

How could the woman he loves the most* be in love with the man he hates the most?

The thought of it just makes him so... angry. Hurt... or was is fright?


"Do you hate me?"

Lilia arched a brow at the question. What is the chance of her being asked the same question twice in one chapter?

"Of course not. Why would I hate you?"

So that's why Khun was upset. He wasn't mad at her for being lovers with Eduan. But scared of the thought of her resenting him.

"Because I am just another product of my father's infidelity."

He looked down on the ground with clenched fists, waiting for her response. Praying that her answer won't be what he thought it would be.

But the tension immediately broke when Lilia could no longer hold in her laughter.

"Huh?! Wh-What are you laughing at?!"

"Geez, Aguero. I never knew you would be bothered by something like that. It's cute!"

The boy felt his face heat up in embarrassment. "I- Of course I'm not bothered! I was just-"

He was cut off when Lilia gently cupped his face with her palms, offering him the same reassuring smile she always gives him when he's in doubt.

"Thank you, Aguero. For worrying about me."


"And don't you worry about me hating you for something like this. If I did, I wouldn't have stayed by your side all this time, right?"

This time, it was Khun's turn to smile as he calmed down from his panic. He held her hands that were currently over his face and buried himself deeper into the warmth of her palms.

"Promise me. That you won't leave me. You won't leave Bam."

"I won't. I promise. After all, I love you guys too much to leave."

"... I love you too, Lilia."


"How did it make you feel? Hearing about all those rumors about my father?" Khun asked as he struggled to hold the shinsu in his hand. The two had returned back to the training field with everyone else. Eduan had made a makeshift 'rice pot' to fully teach Bam about the revolution, leaving the rest to themselves.

Lilia sighed as she rested her head in her palms. She was currently sitting on a boulder next to him and Rak who were training. "Actually, I wasn't very surprised."


"In fact, I kind of expected it from him..."

"... It was that bad, huh?"


"Why did you even fall for him anyway?"

"Hmm... now that I think about it, I was probably drunk on alcohol or something."

"Wow, you should get that checked."

*Meanwhile in the rice pot*


"Did you catch a cold, Lord Eduan?"

"Ah, no. I'm fine. Keep practicing."

*Back to Khun and Lilia*

"To be honest, I never thought you would be able to make an ice spear," Lilia commented as Khun sighed.

"What can I say? He's a great father."

"Of course he is."

Khun was deep in though for a moment before perking up to the woman besides him.

"Say, Lilia. You were a lightbearer, right?"

"It was my main position."

"Can you teach me?"

Lilia arched a brow at the request. "I can try, but as you can see, I'm no longer a light bearer. Why would you want to learn from me anyway?"

"Because I saw the way you, well your sworn enemy, fought my father with as a lightbearer3. And you were even able to defeat him."

"I see, so you are still keen on defeating Eduan with lightbearing huh?" Lilia smirked.

"Of course."

"Well, you have a good eye if you could tell I was a prominent lightbearer. Dare I say I was better than Tperie back in the days."


"Mhm!" Lilia smiled as she stood up. "Back in my days-"

"You're starting to sound old, Jewel Turtle" Rak butted in, taking interest in their conversation.

"Quiet, Rak. Anyways, back in my days I can control up to 3,000 lighthouses and create 5,000 bangs no sweat."

"Woah!" Rak exclaimed and Khun's eyes widened.

Lilia smiled triumphantly. "And the lighthouses were all of Opera level too. Actually, the Opera that Tperie created were based off of my lighthouses."

"And yet you're now so weak- OW BLUE TURTLE THAT HURTS!"

Lilia immediately slumped at Rak's unfiltered statement. 

"Oh how the mighty has fallen...." Hansung added out of nowhere causing another invisible arrow to stab her in the back.

"Guys... please stop rubbing it in."

"I mean, it's not impossible for your powers to have returned, right?"

All eyes were now on Khun who made the revelation.

"What do you mean?"

"I don't know what happened between you and your sworn enemy, but you clearly didn't defeat it."

"Thanks, Aguero. You really boosted my confidence there."

"Geez listen. What I mean is you could've absorbed them like Bam did."

"Bam absorbed Viole?"


"That boy needs to be more careful about what he's absorbing into his body, what if he gets a tummy ache?"

"Anyways, the point is that what if you absorbed your powers too?"

*Fun fact - Lilia's shinsu attributes prior to her reincarnation were wind and fire.

*Lilia in bold is to refer to the sworn enemy. Lilia without bolded is referring to Lilith herself. So when Lilith said "I don't hate you, Lilia" she is saying that to herself, not her sworn enemy. Sorry if it's confusing for you guys ;-;

*I realized I forgot to clarify, but the special Forget Me Not is part of the actual story and is indeed the first time Lilia gave him a genuine smile, which is the smile Eduan is referring to.

*Khun does not love Lilia in a romantic aspect just to clarify. I realized the term "love" is thrown around a lot in the story because it holds different meaning to each character.

A/n: When Eduan fought Lilia, the reason Lilia was stronger was because she was at the level as when she and the other warriors reached the top of the tower while Eduan's level was at when they were on the hidden floor. Outside the hidden floor, the current Eduan is definitely stronger.

Also, I will be referring Lilith as Lilia from now on.

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