๐€ ๐“๐ก๐จ๐ฎ๐ฌ๐š๐ง๐ ๐˜๐ž๐š๐ซ๏ฟฝ...

By thelovelyghostwriter

42.2K 1.9K 467

"You've already loved me for a thousand years. Would it hurt to love me for a thousand more?" "Yes. Yes it wo... More

Author's Note
1st Petal
2nd Petal
3rd Petal
4th Petal
Forget Me Not
Find Me on Quotev!
I'm Back!
5th Petal
6th Petal
7th Petal
9th Petal
10th Petal
11th Petal
12th Petal
Last Petal
It's Out!

8th Petal

1.2K 81 35
By thelovelyghostwriter

He loves me not.


"So starting now, we have to beat the hidden quest and go meet one of the Ten Leaders."

"That's great! Lilith it seems like things are moving forward again!" Bam exclaimed as Lilith flashed a small smile and nod. 

"Bam, now that we're out of the quarantine area, check your gauge." The irregular did as he was told and see that his gauge is completely black.

"Considering that we beat your sworn and enemy and fought big breeder, you're now qualified to take on the hidden quest. Now hold out your gauge and order for the grand quest to come out."

Bam did as he was told, and a scroll with an image of a rat appeared before him. "Is that the villain I have to beat?" Just then squeaking can be heard from outside.

"Looks like the villain's in town, I'll head over to the quarantine area. You guys go beat the villain before big breeder returns," Hansung orders. Endorsi teleported them to the streets where Boro, Sachi, and Hockney were already fighting the rats before returning to teleport Hansung to the quarantine area. 

It was an easy feat for the group to fend off the rats, but one escaped to the alleyway. "I got it!" Bam exclaimed as he flew towards where the rat is headed. Knowing that the rest couldn't catch up, they'd just leave it to the slayer.

"Now what? What's the purpose of us beating this quest?" Boro asked as he stared at Lilith and Khun expectantly. 

"Well..." Khun began as he explain everything. And exactly everything, to Boro. Everything from how they were on this floor before, to the hidden floor, to the great family member. No secrets at all.

And it's an underestimate to say that Boro's limited brain cells can only do so much. But his ramblings were cut off as Bam and Endorsi came back from their ventures. "Where's the people in quarantine?" Khun asked as Endorsi and Hansung looked grim.

"They were killed," the princess simply stated.

Hansung decided to cut through the atmosphere by saying that they have no time to waste. As the party gathers around Bam's scroll, Lilith caught a unfamiliar figure looking at them in the corner of her eyes. 

"Bam, do you--" but the woman was cut off as soon as the mirror began to transport them to the next stage.

"People from the outside! Congratulations on passing the stage!" the mirror excitedly exclaimed. "Please choose which of the following stages you wish to go!" 

Just as Bam was about to select one, Hansung Yu interrupted him. "Hold on! I'll do it! We don't want to end up in the wrong one." He began towards the panel in a swimming motion. "I know the shortest stage route to get to Khun Eduan!"

Wait, what did he say?

"WHAT?!" Khun exclaimed as he made Hansung turn towards him. "W-W-WAIT A MINUTE!! You mean the data family leader you're trying to meet is...?!"

"Ah, yes. The leader of the Khun family. The data of Khun Eduan." the ranker responded calmly.

Lilith was still motionless. Her mind blanked out upon hearing the name.

Leader of the Khun Family.

Khun Eduan.


"Fuck." Lilith uttered as she stared blankly into nothing. 

Thank goodness nobody heard her.

"What's wrong? Is it because you're from the Khun family? Don't worry, this is the data from back when he was a regular. He won't recognize you anyway," Hansung explained, in attempt to soothe Khun of his worries. He agreed to the logic of it, but he still wasn't happy.

"Now, shall we split up into teams first?" the ranker suggests. "A team to look for Eduan and a team to look for our companions. That way we'll be able to avoid drawing the big breeder's attention to an extent."

"Yeah, that makes sense.."

"Okay. Then me, Bam, you, and Endorsi will be team A and look for our companions. The rest of the people will be team B that looks for Eduan."

"Waitwaitwaitwaitwait--" Lilith began but was cut off by Rak. 


"Oh is that so? Then you can join team A too. Now that's even better since our teams are evenly matched," Hansung said as Rak hurriedly joined their side. Lilith was just standing there with a deadpanned expression.

"Um... Hansung, can I join team A too?" she asked as the ranker looked at her.

"Huh? But then our teams will be very unbalanced."

'I don't care if it's balanced or not. I'm gonna throw myself at the mercy of Jahad's blade before I even meet Eduan again' she internally screamed but kept to herself.

"Well... it's just that..." she looks at the members of her team. "... Boro scares me."

"I WHAT?" Boro exclaimed as Sachi held him back. Lilith was looking at the blonde man with her best puppy dog eyes, something that Arlene and Eduan would tease the hell out of her if they ever learned that she resorted to something as lowly as that.

"You heard her, Boro. You're scaring the lady," Sachi explained as Hockney stifled a laugh. 

"Well, alright then I suppose you can come with us then," Hansung gave in, ignoring Boro who was throwing a fit in the background about how he isn't scary.

'Sorry Boro... but it's for the best,' Lilith apologized in her head. But she wasn't sorry. 

"Well now that our teams are sorted out we shall head to the 'Cold Land' while team B heads to the 'Sweet Castle'. We all must move together within our teams by scanning the stage card. Even if we split up now we will still meet up in the same stage so don't worry."

"But would he even talk to us if we meet him? Knowing my father..."

"Well, he's not interested in data humans. But you guys will be different."


"When I first met him I promised him something. Though it was more like a one-sided announcement. So he'll talk to you, don't worry."

"A promise?"

Hansung smile sadly to himself. "Yeah, but it's a bit of a sad promise.." His golden eyes then briefly glanced at Lilith who was talking with Endorsi, before looking away.

"Well, let's get going. Batis, be careful okay?"

The data human nodded as both teams exchanged their farewells. 


And they were consumed by a blinding light.


"So this is the Cold Land? It's cold," Khun stated as he wrapped his arms around himself. Lilith noticed and quickly wrapped one of her arms around his, sharing some of her warmth. 

"Come on, it'll be warmer once we start moving," she gave Khun a reassuring smile as the group trudged ahead.

Lilith could tell that the boy was worried about seeing his father, and she wanted to make him feel safe; even if she was just as nervous, if not even more. After all, she loved the young boy dearly. Just as much as she loves Bam, Endorsi, Rak, and the others. 

If comforting them meant pushing her own needs aside, then she will.

Even after all these years, she still hasn't changed.

Gustang would used to tell her that this kind of thinking would lead to her downfall. And how right he was.

"Huh... is that the big breeder?" Bam asked as they approached the tower. Two of their companions seemed to be continuing their grand quest.

"We should stop it-"

"Wait Bam!" Khun stopped him. "We might not be able to beat him right now. Out best bet would be to interrupt their grand quest and delay it as much as possible."

"Yes, and while we out our first quest without the big breeder noticing, it would solve everything," Hansung continued. Bam and Lilith looked between them, both seeming to share the exact same thought.

'These two suit each other way better that we expected...'

"Okay then let's split into two teams. I'll go with Bam and Lilith while you go with Endorsi to disrupt the" Hansung suggested as Khun frowned.

"Why am I going with the princess?!" He exclaimed childishly as he pointed at Endorsi. "I don't get along with her at all!"

"Well I don't get along with her either!"

Endorsi had enough of the two geniuses pointing fingers at her and kicked both of them in the head."YOU SHOULD BE TRYING TO RISE TO MY LEVEL, YOU LOSERS!"

In the end, Endorsi and Bam are going to beat the quest. 

Lilith is currently standing with Rak from his position afar. They are both staring at the lighthouse Khun lent them, watching the blue haired boy and Hansung confront the big breeder. The woman had evident worry on her face as Rak became restless. "Tsk, I'm gonna have to get involved, Jewel Turtle!" He exclaimed as he stood up with his spear.

"Rak--" Lilith said, but was interrupted by a presence coming up behind them. The pair turned around to find the same girl Lilith saw back in the first stage.

"Oi! Who are you?!" Rak asked as he pointed his spear at her. The girl was obviously scare as she tried to explain herself. She said that her name is Icarus, and that she had come to help them.

Every word coming out of their lips are laced with nothing but suspicion.

"Who do you think you are helping us, huh?!" Rak interrogated, bringing his spear closer. Icarus held out her hand. 

"W-We hate the big breeder too!"

"What?" Lilith asked, but Icarus ignored her. 

"I can help you! I can lace your spear with a special power! It will make you stronger!" the girl exclaimed, a proud look on her face. It seemed like Rak was genuinely considering it too. The thought of impressing his companion is something he just couldn't pass up.

But before Lilith could remind him, he agreed. "Sure, I'll allow it."

"But Rak, what if she does something to your spear?" Lilith whispered, but Rak was too busy thinking about how strong he'll become to listen to her. 

Luckily as promised, Icarus only powered up his Mad Shocker before going with them to regroup with their companions. Rak's spear made it just in time to protect them from the big breeder.

Bam immediately noticed Icarus, but before he could say anything, they were forced to move onto the next stage.


"Whew... we made it..." Candy sighed as she clutched her stomach in pain. Bam was praising Rak for what he did and Lilith smile from the side as the two rejoice in their victory. But the carefree atmosphere did not last for long as Khun immediately started questioning the new member of their party.

"Hey, who are you?" Khun asked as Icarus tensed up. But before he could go any further Bam interferred.

"You helped us beat that quest in the village before, didn't you?"

"Ah..." Icarus seemed to be trying to make things up in her head. "I... I'm the big breeder's sworn enemy?"

"Hah?!" Lilith's exasperation was clearly expressed on her face at the logic of the statement.

"You all have sworn enemies, right? I'm the sworn enemy created by the mirror in order to achieve a balance with the big breeder!"

"Do you know anything about this, Hansung Yu?" Khun asked as the ranker looked just as shocked. 

"Nope.. this is the first time I'm hearing this too..."

Icarus began to explain what she could do, offering them her help.

It was almost as if she was desperate.

"What should we do.. Khun?" Bam asked as Khun looked down at his feet. 

"Well, I don't know... she seems a little suspicious to me."

"The female turtle's good! She strengthened my spear after all!" Rak added in. 

"Yeah, but that's all it takes to make you happy," Khun countered. He then turned to Lilith. "What do you think?"

Lilith raised a delicate brow as she stared at Icarus. Everything about her seemed suspicious. But if she really is the big breeder's sworn enemy... then she would have the power to go against them.

"Well, if what she claims about herself is true..." her amethyst eyes met with cobalt ones as they share a knowing glance.

"Alright, Icarus, let's go together," Khun stated. Icarus immediately lit up.

"Thank you!"


"So what should we do now? If we run into the big breeder again in the next stage..."

"While there is a high chance of that happening, we can't just give up on finding you companions now can you? Reinforcement will come the moment we meet with Eduan, so for now let's just focus on finding your companions."

And just like that they were prepared to move onto the next stage. The female wave controller noticed Khun deep in thought, but decided not to ask after seeing him brush it off after thinking about it for a couple of seconds.


"WATCH OUT!" Eduan yelled to no one in particular as he crushed the monster under his fist. Sighing as the disintegrated into nothing but ash, Eduan stood up, electricity surging all over his body.

"Phew... My body doesn't cool off once it heats up," he muttered to himself as he looked up at the crumbling canyons he caused with his tremendous power.

"I can't wait to meet you. Son of V."


Lilith's team just finished slaying the minotaur in the next quest. Everything seemed to have came too easily with no big breeder to worry about.

"Endorsi, how are things on your end?" Lilith asked through her measuring device.

"Everything's good. Now we can go to the next stage," Endorsi explained on her end. Lilith gave Khun a nod as he sighed in relief. 

"Now that we can-"

He suddenly became quiet as a chill passed through his body.

"Hey... what's this sudden chill?" He asked no one in particular. 

"What's wrong--"

"Khun." They team was interrupted by an observer with a female voice. Khun's eyes widened at the sound, and the rest of the team following suit as the observer calls him 'brother'.

"I'm so glad that you consider me as your sworn enemy... I'm waiting for you here. Come quickly," the observer said. "Or else something might happen to your companion. A little girl in red."

'Is she talking about Miseng?!' Lilith thought to herself.

"Miseng? Then we have to go-" Khun cut Bam off before he could continue.

"No... Bam, Lilith. I think I should go on my own..." And just like that Khun Aguero Agnes went off to face his sworn enemy.


Left with no choice but to continue on, the team regrouped with their other half. Lilith was with Hansung and Icarus, trying to look for an exit of the labyrinth. She notice Icarus seemed to know exactly where to go as she pointed at a wall.

"That way. That is the exit."

The woman narrowed her eyes suspiciously at her but decided to call Bam to let him know that they found the exit.

When they found Bam, Lilith saw Khun teleporting himself and Miseng. The former was covered in blood with a serious injury on her stomach. The woman's motherly instincts instantly kicked in as she ran towards the boy. She began tearing the fabric of her dress to cover the wound before Icarus offered to heal him.

"Huh? You can heal people too?" Bam asked.

"I'm not sure.. but I'll give it a try," Icarus offered as she raised a hand to Khun, waiting for Lilith to move. But Lilith stayed still. Every instinct in her body is telling her not to let that girl near Aguero, but with the way everyone was staring at her expectantly forced her to move.

A light glow burst from Icarus' hand as it surrounds Khun's wound. In mere seconds, his wounds were healed.

"Did you... heal me?" Khun asked in disbelief.

"Wow! You're amazing, Icarus!" Bam exclaimed. Lilith was also staring in disbelief. It was that easy? Was she worrying over nothing?

"I think it's best if we keep moving."


"Is that the kid? The one who imitated the shinsu black-hole sphere..." Jahad asked as he looked through the screen.

"Yes. According to the report, he used a special power," a golden pocket spoke next to him.

"I see..." the king muttered as his eyes focused on the familiar woman on the screen. 

"And I seem to have an old friend visiting too. I'll have to check for myself."


Bam and the other were now well rested on a boat taking them to the Golden Dome. Lilith noticed Hansung was thinking about what happened, and his suspicions of Icarus was simmering unlike hers. But she couldn't care less about what the ranker is thinking.

What has been bothering her is Khun staring alone in the distance. 

Apparently she wasn't the only one worried as Bam and Endorsi were staring at him too.

"...Why are you all staring at me? If you have something, just say it," Khun asked, obviously noticing the stares he's been getting.

Endorsi was the first to explode. "I heard your sworn enemy has a woman's voice! Who is she? Your ex lover?!"

"Why do I have to tell you that?"

"Well, we gotta know who we're going up against! Right, Bam? Lilith?"

Lilith gave him a reassuring smile. "You don't have to share it if you don't want to. We're all just worried."

Khun sighed as he looked away. "Her name is Kiseia... She's my younger cousin."


"Yeah. She's my mom's younger sister's daughter. My mom took her in and she lived with us after losing her mother in a fight between the families."

'Wait a minute. Then that means Kiseia is also part of the Khun family... did Eduan marry both sisters and impregnate both of them?!' Lilith thought to herself. 'He's more of a scum than i thought...'

"We had different parents but we were like real siblings. Kiseia looked up to my older sister, because she was the one closest to becoming a princess of Jahad in our family. But my sister was hard to get along with as she is very cold. My mom had high expectations of me. Well, not exactly of me, but as a strategist to make my sister a princess." Khun heaved a heavy sigh as his eyes fell on Lilith at the mention of his mother.

"And Kiseia wanted to help me. She had remarkable swordsmanship that she uses to eliminate my sister's rivals. I don't know about other families, but in ours, fighting like this was part of everyday life. But then a problem arose. My sister's greatest rival suddenly appeared from an unexpected place." Lilith put a hand over the boy's as she felt him tense up. She knows exactly who he was referring to as he told her once before.

"Her name was Maria... she approached me for my sister's weaknesses. And I accepted her proposal, for reasons that are solely my own. It ultimately got my sister disqualified... as a result she took her own life."

"I see... so that's why Kiseia hates you?" Bam asked as Khun nodded, a relief expression on his face as he finishes his story.

"I thought it would all end as soon as I enter the tower... but seeing that as she appeared as my sworn enemy. I must have been anxious that she would show up somewhere and attack me."

The group basked in silence for a couple minutes before the lightbearer spoke up again. "Why don't you tell us about your sworn enemy, Endorsi?"

"Huh? Why me?"

"Well, we all know who Bam's is. And Lilith's has yet to show up. But yours decide to work with you... isn't that strange?"

Endorsi sighed as she began to explain her story. She was an orphan that was taken in by an ordinary, kind couple. She led an ordinary life until one point where the snake approach her and told her of her potential to being a princess. She was tempted by the gem the snake took form of and brought it home with her. In the end it killed her parents.

"And from that day on I listened to what it says. I became the daughter of a ruined noble family that was trying to raise a princess. And all along that was its plan. Now don't get me wrong, I'm grateful this thing enabled me to live as a Jahad princess. A talented person like me would be wasting her time living an ordinary life."

Lilith could tell that she was lying. After all, if she truly doesn't hate that snake, then it wouldn't have appeared as her sworn enemy.


"We're here," Hansung announced as they all looked at the Golden Dome in the distance. 

A robot welcomed them as soon as they landed. The ranker warned the party that this place is Hwang's territory, so they must be careful. Though it felt rather odd when Icarus suddenly wanted to go off on her own.

"Well, then shall we split up to look for them?"

"Yeah, I'll try looking inside the dome. Wanna come with me Lilith?"


"You guys go ahead, I'll look around with my lighthouse."

Bam and Lilith walked towards the central dome that seemed more grandiose the closer they get. 

"It seems like no one is around," Lilith muttered as she looks around. At that moment, she felt an all too familiar presence with them.

"So you're the one who imitated the shinsu black-hole sphere," a voice boomed. The duo looked up and saw a man clad in a red cape.

"You must have learned from the guardian on the train... although you're still sloppy. You must have came through the gate too, right? Like me, you must be an irregular."

Bam and Lilith looked at the blonde man, with completely different thoughts going through their heads.

'I... I totally forgot how bad Jahad's fashion sense was!' the woman thought to herself, but she couldn't bring herself to laugh as she could be killed instantly.

"Who are you?" Bam asked.

"Me?" Jahad smiled. "I am the one who will become king."


Lilith watched from the side as Jahad and Bam exchanged a few words. He doesn't seemed to acknowledge her yet and she planned to keep it that way. Jahad seemed rather amused by their conversation so far until Bam asked a question that Lilith knew would hit a nerve.

"Do you know someone named Arlene Grace?"

Jahad's smile fell as he paused. "No. I don't."

"What do you mean you don't know?! She was one of the people that traveled with you along with V and Lilia Belle!"

"I don't know who she is and I don't know the people you are talking about anymore."


"Do you know what it takes to become king? You have to get rid of everyone... starting from those hostile towards you, then finally those people close to you. Until you're alone and the only star left shining. That is the way to become king. Tell me, irregular, what do you see in me? A human? Or a monster?"

Jahad's words aggravated Bam as the thorn was summoned on his back.

"So a monster..."

Jahad easily stopped Bam's attack and immediately returned one of his own. The slayer was immediately repelled by the force as Lilith barely caught Bam's body being thrown back. Blood can be seen covering his body.

"Bam!" She exclaimed as helped him stand up.

"If you could control the shinsu in flowing through everything in the world, then it would be easy to control it flowing through another's body. Now tell me, boy. Who are you and how do you know Arlene's name?"

"BAM!" Endorsi yelled as her and Rak teleports to the dome. Upon seeing the king himself, Endorsi felt herself frozen in fear. 

"Is that.."

"It seems like we got intruders..." Jahad muttered as shinsu began to accumulate on his palm.

"Now tell me quickly, irregular. Give me my answers, or I will kill your companions with this shinsu black-hole sphere of mine."

A/n: Omg! Two updates in one day??? I'm really proud of myself today hehe <3 I finally decided to just power through and we're finally gonna have Lilia and Data Eduan meet soon!

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