Fate Has Other Plans

By nic275

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What happens when you think that you've found your forever, your life and husband . But he turns out to be a... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 37
Chapter 36
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Meet the character's
Author's note and comments
Meet the characters part 2
Message to Ya'll

Chapter 54

12K 408 55
By nic275

Ace's POV

I honestly appreciate Jason's help , but if he does not allow me to interrogate that harlot of his then I'm never going to find my wife and child .

I drive off to her mother's.  I need a break . The entire way , I'm questioning who could've done this .

The only lead that I get is Kayla . Nobody else is as evil as she is . I just know that it's her.

I knock on the door and Bethany opens , she gives me a one handed hug then says .

"You look like you needed it ." She says .

She ushers me into the welcoming house . I find momma sitting on a couch drinking tea . When she sees me she bolts up,  almost spilling the tea on herself .

"Have you found her?" She asks . I shake my head and she walks over and pulls me into a hug .

"Let me make you some tea ." Bethany says .

A little boy walks over to me , must be Bethany's husband's child .

"Hi." He says .

"Hello , little man." I say , trying very hard not to show my sadness , when in reality it's harder than it sounds.

"What's your name?" He asks .

"My name is Ace , what's yours little man?" I ask him .

"My name is Jeremy . How old are you Uncle Ace?" He asks me smiling at me .

There's just something about kids that makes you unable to be sad.

"I'm very old lad , I'm thirty six . How old are you? You must be fifty from those big muscles I see." I say smiling at him .

"No Uncle Ace , that's too old . I'm nine . " he says laughing.

"That's enough Jeremy , go to daddy okay? Uncle Ace needs to speak to gammy." Bethany says holding two cups of tea.

She gives me one of it and she sits down holding the other .

"How are you holding up." Momma asks , giving me a smile . I feel shy knowing that she just saw that transaction between Jeremy and I .

"I'm not coping Mrs Miller . It hurts ." I say honestly .

"I have faith Ace , we're going to find her." She says .

"If you'd like , I can arrange a search party , to look for her?" Bethany offers .

"That would be great Beth.  I appreciate your help. " I say to them . They nod .

I bring the tea to my lips . It tastes amazing . Its sweet and smooth , just like the one Cass and I drink .

Oh , Cass where are you? My heart sinks into my chest , thoughts of my wife .

What if something happens to her , what will I do? Where will I go? How do I move on? How do I just forget her? How do I just erase her ?

It's just not possible . My entire body aches from lack of sleep. I spent nights  checking every alley there is in New York and every homeless shelter .

The bags under my eyes are very unattractive.  But how can I care about being attractive when the only person I want to be attractive for is somewhere out there.

"Oh Lord . I know that I barely talk to you.  I know I'm the last person to search for help from you .

Please God , I beg of you.  Keep her safe, I'm going to find her . I know I've wronged you in many ways oh father in heaven .

I know that , but I gravel at my knees , asking you to save my wife and child . Please Lord .

If this is really what Fate has for me , take it back . Put me in her positions , take me away Lord,  but please save my wife and child . In Jesus's name . Please God ." I pray .

Tears roll down my eyes. I dont know what life is with out Cassandra , what would be the point of living?

I have no parents , nothing . Money doesn't mean shit to me. It's her that matter , I'd rather be stuck in an alley , homeless with her than live a luxurious life alone .

She is my life . I dont breathe well knowing that there's a possibility that she isn't breathing at all. Oh the thought kills me . It murders me .

Why does fate have to do this to me? Is this karma for killing that man? Why does Cass have to suffer for my sins .

"You know Ace , the first time I saw you , I thought you were just like all the other men Cassiey had been with.

But I see it , from the moment you knocked on my door and begged me to be a part of her wedding.

When you made me see my mistakes and when you gave me reason to be there for my daughter.  If anything happens to her - I pray that nothing happens - I will never blame you Ace .

For the first , I believe that you really do love my daughter . And I'd be happy knowing that you gave your all looking for her. " momma says .

"I prepared a bed for you upstairs. Get some rest Ace,  please.  You need the energy ." Beth says .

I walk tiredly  up the stairs . No energy in me to even argue , I push my legs further up and to the room.

"God heard your prayer Ace and Cassiey is going to be safe . I just know it." Beth says before leaving .

I slip onto the bed and stare up at the ceiling . Tears fall down and touch my ears . What have I done to deserve this ? What has she done to deserve this?

I drift to sleep , soon I bolt back up. I have to get back home .

Momma and Beth are cooking dinner quietly when I get downstairs .

"I have to get home , thanks for the hospitality. " I say to them both.

"Drive safe Ace . And keep us updated ." Momma says . And Beth nods .

And then the drive begins . I get home and I pour myself a cup of whiskey . I need something strong tonight .

After three more cups , a thought comes to my mind . I get up and drink water .

I slump back down onto the couch and think.

I know its Kayla , I dont need any body to tell me that I'm crazy , I just know it . But how I'm going to prove it is the problem.

You know what fuck this . I stomp out of the car and to Jason's house , I can't drive while I'm intoxicated.

The guy at the gate opens it for me and I nod in thanks .

I knock on the door and Jason opens it for me .

"Hey man Ace , you're a mess . And did you... did you walk here?" He asks .

"Where is Kayla?" I ask him.  He looks at me warily .

"I dont know I haven't seen her today ." He replies. 

I push myself into his house and plop on the couch.

"I'll wait. " I say to him.

"Let me make you some coffee,  you'll feel better ." He says .

After five minutes he drops the coffee onto my hand and he walks up . He said something about changing into more comfortable clothes . Then I notice that he is in his work clothes .

I nod and he heads up . By the time I've reached the bottom of the cup , I'm pretty much sobered up . I sit on the couch anxiously . Today is the day I find my wife .

"Hey man , it's one in the morning . Aren't you going to head home ? I'm going to sleep." Jason says .

"No , I'll wait for Kayla . And if she doesnt come home , I'll sleep on the couch. " I say to him , leaving no room for arguement .

He nods and heads upstairs . Then a door upstairs closes . I fall asleep on the couch .

This is worse than her being in jail , I know that my wife is strong . Yes , she is . But does her condition allow her to fight back?

What if when I'm driving back home I see her dead body- no! I rid of that thought immediately.

As I'm fighting with myself in my head , I hear clicking on the door . Being the light sleeper that I am , I wake up . And sit up .

Jason came down and switched off the lights from how dark it is in here .

The person opens the door and switches on the light . When she sees me , she jumps and screams silently .

"Ace , what are you doing here so late?" She asks shoving her hands into her pockets .

"I need to talk to you." I say to her .

"Sit." I say to her . She doesnt argue , she just sits and looks into my eyes .

"What are you hiding ." I ask her .

"I'm not hiding anything Ace , what are you talking about?" She says nervously .

"Kayla , listen to me and listen attentively. I can break every bone in your body in less than five minutes . I can detect lies very easily . So do yourself a favour and tell the truth .

Where is my wife?" I ask her . She shakes her head at me.

"Before you lie to me . Think about it, is your life really worth loosing for a woman you dont even care about? Because  I dont mind going to jail for your murder." I threaten monotonously.

She shivers . She looks at me then exhales .

"I-I dont know where she is." She says .

"Kayla , I am loosing my patience ." I say looking down at the hands that are still in her pockets .

"Show me your hands." I instruct.

"What? No . I dont have to show you anything . Infact get put of my house Ace. You've overstayed your visit." She says , I can hear the nerves oozing out from each word she says .

"Kayla Dixon . I am asking you to appreciate how civil I'm being with you , my patience is wearing thin. Please , show me your hands ." I say to her.  She holds her ground .

I bolt from the couch and I pick both her hands from her pockets , they are bloody .

"What the hell is this!" I yell to her face.

"Ow , Ace you're hurting me." She says trying to fight back.

"Is this my wife's blood . Kayla what the fuck is this?" I ask her again.

"Hey , hey . What's going on- Ace what's wrong? " Jason asks .

"This fucking slut of yours has bloody hands . Kayla tell the fucking truth right now so help me God!" I yell tightening my grip around her wrists.

"Fucking talk , you bitch !" I yell .

"Okay! Okay ! I'll talk,  just let me go . You're hurting me!" She cries .

I let her go and she bolts to the kitchen . Jason and I run after her . Jason holds her from behind and I slap her face .

She cries out loud .

" Open that fucking mouth of yours or I swear I will throw you out through that window and run over you with Jason's car! Try me bitch!" I say , spitting on her face.

"Fine ! We did it okay . I did it !" She says.

Jason's face looks like it's in utter shock. Mine just knew it.

"Where is she?" I ask .

"She's at the old warehouse near New Rochelle. " She says .

"Jason get your keys.  You call whoever you were working with and tell them that she tried to escape ." I say pointing at her head .

I am beyond angry at this moment , my blood is boiling and my heart is thumping very loudly . Kayla did not mention anything about death when I got asked . Cass I'm coming .

Author's note.

Beautiful people! I am on a roll!!🥰😊

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Nic275 😻❤

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