Por RexRoza_471

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{ ONGOING } Meet Iris West _ a 16 year old Elegant, Smart, Funny and lovely daughter of Elena West. She's bor... Mais



371 13 8
Por RexRoza_471


Tears brimming in my eyes after watching those horrible curses. Suddenly my legs felt weak and I leaned against a wall trying to balance my body. I was confused and hurt thinking about who could do such disgusting thing. Suddenly a realisation hit my head as I searched for my laptop.

I logged in and started streaming the security footage to find the culprit. And as I've already guessed it's none other than my hooligan brothers Oscar, Darius and Xander. I felt disgusted at that moment.

I really didn't understood how the hell did I offended them and why does everyone despise me so much. I thought family was supposed to love each other but god clearly I was wrong.

I was drowned in my thoughts when I heard a knock on the door. Immediately my heartbeat started raising in panic mode as I thought it would be one of my assholes brothers or even worse Jason.

The Slap and Punishment rang in my ears like mantra.But I slowly calmed down myself taking deep breathes and asked who it is when I heard carlos calling me 'sissy' I relaxed my muscles and hid my laptop immediately running towards the door.

"Sissy", an excited carlos jumped upon me hugging tightly while I hugged him back reluctantly.

" Sissy you know how much I've missed you. I was about to see you this morning but Jenny said that you've already left without giving me 'good-bye' kiss", he pouted while I chuckled at his innocence.

"I'm sorry bud. But don't worry from now onwards I'll make sure to give you a goodbye kiss daily", I kissed his cheek while he giggled.

" Sissy there's no one at home to play with me and I'm really bored. Will you play with me?", carlos batted his eyelashes like barbie while I chuckled at his antics.

Wait there's no one at home. It means this is the perfect time to meet my sisters.

I immediately designed a perfect plan in my head and decided to implement it.

"Fine bud we'll play tag but you've to follow some rules ok", I answered him smiling widely.

" Aye Aye Captain",he replied with glittery eyes.

"Ok now I will count from 1 to 100 closing my eyes. But you've to hide only in that room", I told carlos pointing towards my sisters room while he giggled and nodded innocently.

I thought of everything, if I go alone in that room I'm damn sure they'll create a ruckus yelling who the hell am I? And why the hell am I here? immediately kicking me out of their sight.

But if it's a game, Carlos can hide there as their room doors were always unlocked but no one dares to walk in. And he's a child I don't think they'll say anything to hurt him while I can act like I'm searching him and talk to them without any suspicions.

I know it's really bad to use a child to do my dirty work but it's for the best and I've already promised Victor to help them bring back their smiles so I can't back off now.

It's Now or Never.........

I started counting while as I planned carlos ran inside that room I waited for some time and then slowly made my way towards the room.


It's been 10 fucking years since the incident happened. That mere incident shattered us and Since then me and Hallie isolated ourselves between these four walls.

We watched others playing with their friends outside while we were struggling inside to live a normal life. After the incident me and Hallie went back to school only to be bullied by everyone.

They made fun of our faces and scars. They called us names and told us to die. Those words effect my twin so much that she tried to commit suicide while overdosing pills.

Keyword: tried.

That's when I turned into a cold-hearted person. I shut everyone down including my own family and Hallie she stopped talking and acted like mute all the time. It's been 10 years since I heard her sweet voice or her cute laugh.

I want to watch her smile and live like others do although I know it's impossible for her after the traumatic experience we went through.

After she tried to commit suicide I became over protective towards her and never left her side. I arranged homeschooling for us as she loves to study.

The only person she's comfortable is only with me and I would do anything to make her happy. We both are 17 but are graduating right now due to our incredible brains or should I say we always study as we've got nothing else to do.

Along with studies Hallie is pro in hacking and technology while I learnt every fighting stance to protect her in case something happens in the future as our so-called-family is in mafia.

Even though I was stuck between four walls I know everything that's going on this house as Hallie hacked the security footage in order to keep tabs on everything.

Every night we both replay the footage of that day and stream it like a movie.

Yesterday we saw Iris our new sister. Both of us thought that she'll be more like evil step-sister in cinderella series but she was nothing like that.

She didn't wear any make-up like bitchy material girls and didn't acted like a bimbo. She presented herself in a very simple manner and showered carlos with love.

I was shocked at first watching her actions but covered it quickly. And the way she mocked Oscar I can say she and I would make great friends unless she acts like a bitch watching our faces.

We listened everything and when she asked about us I noticed everyone went pale and our crazy grandpa bursted at her in anger while our grandma threatened her sweetly.

I've always wanted another sister, another girl in this circus of men. I want to fight with her, share my costumes with her, tease Hallie with her and protect her with all my might being her Elder sister.

But finally when I had the chance here I'm watching her through a screen unable to face her let alone talk.

I was scared that she will feel disgusted watching our scarred faces. I was scared she'll hate us and I was scared she'll hurt Hallie and I couldn't bear the risk of anyone hurting her. So I decided to stay on my guard infront of our new sister.

Today I was cleaning up our messy room while Hallie was completing her assignment. I watched at her determination with amusement when suddenly someone unlocked our room door alerting me and Hallie.

No one would dare to visit us at this time. Only a maid was allowed here at the time of breakfast, lunch and dinner. I wonder who it is disturbing our space at this time.

My thoughts were interrupted by a cute 3 feet figure, it was Carlos my younger brother. My eyes went wide watching him. I know he's my younger brother but this is the first time I was watching him live. Happy Tears brimming in my eyes. All I wanted to do is hug him tightly and showered him with kisses.

I gazed at Hallie, she was also feeling the same emotions as I do. But soon my love turned into fright as I thought he'll hate us after watching our faces. I was about to ask him why he was here while he cut me off.

"Shhhhhh! Sissy is searching for me. Don't tell her I'm here", he whispered in his sweet voice and then hid himself in our wardrobe.

Me and Hallie exchanged looks filled with mixed emotions for some time while there was a knock on the door.

My body stiffened knowing who it is. I was fidgeting with my fingers thinking if I should let her in or not while Hal quickly mumbled a 'come in' making me stared at her in shock.

She spoke_She spoke after 10 fucking years. I heard her voice _ her sweet voice again.


It's been 10 years since we went through that traumatic experience. After that everything changed my whole life turned upside down. Spontaneous bullying made me stoop so low that I tried to commit suicide only to get failed.

Since then Annie Cut-off our connection with outside world and always sticked beside me like a glue. But that incident shattered my heart into pieces making the depressed me to act like a mute.

I was smart and intelligent but what's the point at last I'm just a dork hidden behind the closed doors. The thing I've always wanted is someone to care for me, understand me, love me.

I know Annie loves me wholeheartedly but still I've this empty feeling growing up inside me and all I wanted is to someone unlock my heart doors and complete me.

I envied Iris who was living a normal life outside unlike us after watching her footage yesterday. I don't know why but I felt something in my gut_a feeling that I was craving for years since 10 years. I know I watched her for the first time but still she reminded me of someone_someone familiar and very close to my heart.

I shoved away my feelings thinking it's impossible as this is the first time I'm watching her...or not. I tried to distract myself and started doing my assignments while Annie was cleaning our room.

Suddenly someone unlocked the door making me gasp in horror. I was petrified at first thinking who might it be but relaxed after watching carlos barge in using his small feet.

It was the first time I saw him in live. I wanted to pamper him and caress him but I was scared then Annie and I shared looks realising we both feel the same but then fear hovered all over my body thinking he'll loathe us after watching our disfigured faces.

Annie was about to say something when carlos cut her off with his sweet voice.

"Shhhhhh! Sissy is searching for me. Don't tell her I'm here", he whispered in his sweet voice and then hid himself in our wardrobe.

Me and Annie exchanged looks filled with mixed emotions for some time while there was a knock on the door.

" MAY I COME IN???", a sweet familiar voice spoke softly seeking our permission.

I frowned in horror. Why the hell her mere voice is giving me comfort and familiar feeling?

Several thoughts hovered in my mind and a strong gut feeling told me to let her in. Unconsciously I mumbled a small 'come in' which startled Annie and me myself.

I spoke after 10 fucking years I spoke for the first time.

As soon as I regretted my decision and about to stop her it was already late and the door opened revealing my gorgeous sister Iris.

She looked like a fairy with brown doe eyes filled with mixed emotions and wavy hair flying in the air. Her smile was angelic but all this time I'm unable to avoid this familiar feeling that I already know her from somewhere.

"Hey guys! Sorry for the disturbance but did you see a cute 6 year old running around and hiding somewhere?", Iris asked smiling widely.

Me and Annie looked at each other not knowing what to say while she was checking our surroundings.

" Uh_hmm no we didn't see him",Annie replied hesitantly.

Then a cute laughter emerged from the inside of wardrobe alerting Iris about Carlos's hide out while Annie scratched her neck nervously.

"Oh really! But I've searched the whole house and he's no where to be found. May be he's hiding here", Iris slowly walked towards wardrobe and opened it slowly.

" Yahoo! Finally I found you buddy",Iris slowly lifted carlos from the wardrobe and started tickling him.

"Sissy. Stop. Please", Carlos managed to say few words between laughing.

Iris stopped tickling him and kissed his cheeks while he blushed and hid his face on the crook of her neck while we were watching them in amusement.

"Hmm_I know you guys don't know anything about me so lemme introduce myself. I'm Iris your newly found sister", Iris walked towards us nervously introducing herself while we stared at her frowning.

" Hello I'm Carlos, it's nice to meet you",Carlos looked at us with big smile introducing himself while we looked at him with admiration.

"So_umm I didn't have your names yet", Iris asked biting her lips.

"If you're done with your silly games GET OUT!!!", Annie said coldly glaring at Iris.

" B_ut I just asked you_r names", Iris shivered at Annie's coldness.

" I'm Halena and she's my twin sister Anaesthesia ",I regained my posture and spoke to them in order to avoid awkwardness.

" Nice names and yeah pleasure meeting you both",Iris forwarded her hand for handshake while I fidgeted with my fingers nervously.

"Stop being all lovey dovey and get the hell out of here", Annie told Iris trying to hide her insecurities.

"I'm sorry, I think I've disturbed you guys with our silly games", Iris retreated her hand sadly looking down and was about to leave.

" No, it's ok", I responded immediately in order to stop her from leaving while Annie gave me 'are you crazy' look.

"Really! So are you guys free now?", Iris regained her smile and asked us enthusiastically.

" No we're super busy so move your ass and get lost",Annie said maintaining her cold posture.

"Why are you so eager to kick us out of here?", Iris asked raising her brow.

" Stop playing 'Smart' all the time. Didn't you ever heard that_Curiosity kills the cat",Annie crossed her hands.

"Yup I did! But a Curious Cat have 9 lives. So if she lost one due to her excitement she still has 8 more to go", Iris mocked her grinning widely.

" You-", I cut off Annie and nodded 'yes' for her question.

"Perfect, Because me and my little soldier here have a proposal for you guys", Iris smirked and shared a look with carlos who giggled.

" Proposal? What do you mean?",Annie asked deepening her chilled voice while Iris looked oblivious to it.

"So my dear lovely ladies, would you please do the honours of joining our lil prankster's gang and enlighten us with your talent", Iris mimicked 80's voice funnily and to my surprise I smiled at her antics while Annie glared her suspiciously.

" I guess it wouldn't hurt ",I replied with utmost sincerity while Annie rolled her eyes.

" Great_welcome to the gang babies",Iris yelled in excitement and hugged warmly startling both me and Annie.

We both froze in our places when Iris hugged us. We didn't returned it back but that hug was filled with warmth and love_the things I've ever craved all these years.

"So now as you're already a part of our gang would you like to play 'Tag' with us please", Iris broke her hug but we were really scared about her finding out our disfigured faces.

" No we don't want to play just leave us alone", Annie yelled in fear.

"Pretty pleaseeeeee sisterssssss", carlos showed her puppy eyes which melted our hearts for a moment there.

" Fine but we'll play only in this room",Annie said sternly when Iris and Carlos jumped in excitemha.

We played for what it felt like hours. As we were stuck in room Iris suggested playing Indoor games and we agreed.

I won in business and Annie won in Ludo. Iris won against me in the chess while we let carlos win in UNO.

Time went by and they bid us goodbye sprinting back to their rooms before others find out.

This was the most beautiful day I've ever had in my whole life. I hope every day will be the same as today. After smiling internally reviving the memories I went back to my work but after some time I found Annie searching something in laptop with serious expression.

"Hey Annie what's wrong?", I asked her with concern-filled eyes.

" Look at this Hallie",Annie pointed towards the laptop showing me the security footage of Iris.

"I knew that Iris isn't so innocent and pure. See she's all dirty and evil. Look here yesterday she sneaked outside for three times and annoyed our brothers finally entering victor's room and today she voluntarily pointed our rooms telling carlos to hide here. She just stood there for time being and directly walked into our rooms acting all innocent. I've my suspicions earlier and this footage here proves my point. She's just poisonous as a snake", Annie gritted her teeth in anger.

No, this can't be real. I've seen her_ I've seen eyes watching us with pure love and adoration. But I can't ignore the fact lying infront of me. Is it all fake? The most beautiful moments I've spent after these many years are all trash? No it can't be happening.

I'm sure Iris have an explanation for everything. I know I don't know anything about her but my gut tells me to believe her.

" Hallie_are you ok?",Annie snapped me out of my train of thoughts.

"Yeah I'm fine, But I think we should give Iris a chance to explain herself", I mumbled looking down.

" WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU SAYING HALLIE? YOU SAW THE FOOTAGE_IT WAS ALL LIE HALLIE. SHE'S JUST MESSING WITH US",Annie slammed her fists on the table in anger making me flinch.

"Annie! I know it's hard. But_but my gut says that it isn't what it looks like. Please for my sake give her a chance to explain. And If she lies do whatever you want", I pleaded her with sad eyes.

" Fine only one chance. But if she messes it up I'm done with her",Annie clenched her jaw controlling her anger.

"Thanks Annie", I was happy that she agreed to my request.

" Don't be Hallie. I'm just giving her a chance only considering that she helped you in speaking indirectly. I don't know how did you felt comfortable to speak to her when she's just a stranger ",I've seen a flash of hurt lingering in Annie's eyes.

Of course, she would be hurt. After all these years she took good care of me but I never tried to speak to her but with Iris it just came naturally.

" I love you more than anything in this world Annie. I hope you know it", I said feeling all guilty for hurting my sister.

"I know dear and I love you too", Annie kissed me forehead and smiled while I gladly returned.

After a lot of discussion, we decided to talk with Iris at mid-night while everyone's busy dozing off.


After leaving the twins room, Iris helped carlos sleep and went back to her room. She knew what was awaiting for her but she's too scared to face it. Then an idea popped in her head which she instantly applied.

She immediately took two sleeping pills and swallowed them dryly. She thought that her brother's will be unable to do anything while she's fast asleep. And even if they do anything she won't feel pain.

Thinking about everything happened today Iris slowly dozed off due to pills effect.

As expected her brothers left her alone watching her sleep like pig. At first, they tried to wake her up but after long struggle they gave it up realising she took sleeping pills and isn't going to wake up anytime soon.

At mid-night as they've already planned Annie & Hallie successfully intruded Iris's room without anyone noticing them. They've already tampered with footage to avoid unnecessary problems.

But Little do they know that they're going to face the huge trouble in Iris's room which breaks them completely.

As soon as they entered the room, they observed their surroundings. The room was dark without any lights switching on and Iris was laying on bed sleeping peacefully.

Annie was about to wake her up while fate has another plans for them. As soon as Annie was about to touch her when Iris screamed loudly making Hallie drag Annie into Iris's closet.

As soon as they entered the closet their mouths hung opened watching the horrible scenario of the closet. (Drips of red color with words carved like 'Bitch', 'Slut', 'Whore' )

They were startled and shocked but soon snapped out of it as they heard another scream of Iris.

Both of them were scared but mostly shocked at her reactions. They observed her closely only to notice that she was still asleep. Both of them exchanged confusing looks but soon distracted by other ear-blowing scream from Iris.

Iris was screaming and crying for help. She threw her pillows here and there wincing in pain. She started panting and breathing heavily. She yelled in her nightmare loudly.

"No please don't kill her"

"Kill me instead...leave her alone"

"Don't please I beg you"


At the last scream she jolted up awakening from her horrible nightmare. This one was worse considering her past deadmares. As soon as she woke up she started having a panic attack. She curled herself into a ball holding her head down to her knees trying to calm her breathe.

After few trails she successfully calmed down herself but not before breaking down. She cried and cried for what it felt like hours but eventually she gave up.

She jumped up from her bed striding towards her mother's picture frame who she doesn't even remember due to Amnesia.

She leaned against the wall holding her frame and started speaking to it.

"Mom! I miss you so much. It really hurts mom and I don't know what to do anymore. Sometimes I want to kill myself but my gut stops me from doing so.

It tells me that I've to live for something _something that only I can finish. I didn't realise it until I saw their smiles.

No offense mom, but my asshole family thinks that they're always right_let it be about Victor's abandonment or let it be about twins isolation.

But they're very wrong. Acting this way only spoils their lives. They didn't deserve this mom, Victor didn't deserve this abandonment and my sisters didn't deserve this pain.

I can't even imagine what they've went through all these years but I know one thing I'm not going to leave their side at any cost.

I successfully convinced Victor into leading a normal life to which he agreed only if twins will get back to normal life.

As for my sisters, Viki said that Hallie voluntarily muted herself due to trauma but the way she spoke to me comfortably made my heart melt.

I'm thankful that I can help and heal them even if it costs me everything I'll gladly accept it.

Today I saw them trying to cover up their scarred faces mom. But I want to say them that 'Scars are beautiful '.

I know they'll think I'm crazy and will probably kill me for saying it. But in reality I'm proud of them mom. Because they fought their own battles and survived it without anyone's help.

They feel insecure thinking that they're nothing but ugly creatures. But they're the most beautiful girls I've ever met in my life.

The scars they were trying really hard to hide are their pride and power. Those scars defines their bravery and Strength.

Even though they're reluctant now one day I'll make sure they live a normal life like everyone does. I won't let them face the horrors I've been through.

I know I don't remember anything about my past but these dreadful memories haunt me every night defining how broken I'm.

I may be broken mom but I'm not weak. I'll make sure to protect my family with my life."

Iris stood up and placed the frame back walking towards the mirror. She stared at her broken reflection and closed her eyes leaving stray tears fall.

Slowly she opened her eyes wiping away her tears roughly and started chanting 'I'm fine' like it's a mantra.

After few moments of convincing herself, Iris fell asleep on her bed curling in a foetus shape holding her tears.Later she dozed of still shivering from the effect.

Every single act of Iris flooded twins with guilt especially Annie. As soon as Iris dozed off they sneaked back into their rooms breaking down into tears.


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