west coast | levi.a

By rivaillles

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850 36 141
By rivaillles

❧𝐲𝐨𝐮'𝐫𝐞 𝐟𝐚𝐥𝐥𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐝, 𝐢 𝐩𝐮𝐬𝐡 𝐚𝐰𝐚𝐲, 𝐢'𝐦 𝐟𝐞𝐞𝐥𝐢𝐧 𝐡𝐨𝐭 𝐭𝐨 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐭𝐨𝐮𝐜𝐡❧

"No offence Mika...but your cousin is a dick." Y/N blurted out as Historia, Sasha, Mikasa and Y/N were situated on the floor of the living room within the apartment Y/N shared with her friends.  It was the epitome of a girl home, fluffy carpet, light shades that were pink that gave the room a soft rosy glow, and smelled sweet no matter what room you went to. When the boys were over, they were scolded greatly whenever they ruined the equilibrium of perfection that possessed the shared apartment.

"None taken. He is rude." She says rolling her eyes whilst Sasha threw a bit of popcorn into her mouth, Mikasa smoothly catching it with her mouth they all packed their textbooks away to prepare for their movie night with the rest of the friend group who'd arrive later.

"He talks like a middle schooler. It's so embarrassing. I was telling him what I studied and he said "who asked?"." Y/N continued to laugh as Historia snorted, Sasha laughing as well.

"He probably was doing it so you'd think exactly that. He's weird like that. He hates talking to people in general." Mikasa explained as Y/N scowled, laying blankets out.

"Mhm. He never talks. We rarely see him to be honest. I think yesterday was his first appearance since summer maybe." Historia added as Y/N stayed silent.

"I've always said his stubbornness is to do with his height. He's extremely mad at the universe that he's five foot something so he's decided to be a dickhead to everyone as revenge." Sasha stated as if it was the most greatest discovery known to man as Y/N laughed, Mikasa pushing Sasha.

"Levi is weirdly comfortable with his height. Surprisingly he pulls." Mikasa said as Y/N raised a brow, mildly interested. She assumed he did, but she wanted to know more.

"He pulls girls?" She asked as Historia and Sasha nodded eagerly.

"He's a walking STD. Literally. Every summer when we'd stay over at Mikasa's family cabin, he'd have a new girl every night. I'm surprised he's not a baby daddy yet." Historia giggled as Mikasa glared at her.

"No thank you. I don't want to be an aunt to some loveless love child." She said in disgust as Y/N swatted at her, wanting Historia to carry on her gossip.

"He's like Eren. Actually, Im pretty sure Eren is such a whore because he follows in Levi's footsteps. We can never go out with him because he'll always bump into some girl he's fucked and he won't remember her and it'll be so awkward." Historia continued as Mikasa nodded, then shook her head.

"He's done so much that I get people coming up to me to ask about my cousin. Ignore how he was acting with you last night. I doubt he'd ever make a move on you judging how close we all are. Plus, if he does, it won't end well. Levi doesn't date." Mikasa said as the rest hummed in agreement as Y/N took note and continued prepping.

Y/N's phone buzzed as she pulled her phone out, seeing that she'd been added to a groupchat with additional numbers. Mikasa looked over and smiled.

"That's the groupchat we've had for like, years. You're one of us now."

"Who are the other numbers?" She asked, even though she knew.

"Oh just Hange and Erwin, and Levi." She paused before saying her cousins name, as if she had caught onto a little something.

"Oh." Was all Y/N could manage.

After helping the girls out, she headed into the kitchen to make a cup of chai, closing the door on her friends just to think to herself.

She took her phone out once again to look at the groupchat, and to study the three unsaved numbers. She figured out Hange easily, the bio and profile just as eccentric as they were, and Erwin's profile picture of nature. Levi had no profile picture. 

Y/N thanked social media, for how easy it was to find someone. Just one quick scroll through Mikasa's followers, and she had found him. His instagram was as blunt and plain as he presented himself. Less than fifty followers, no profile picture, and private.

Y/N could deny it herself all she liked, but she was interested in Levi. A part of her wanted to see where this could go, and in a moment of confidence, she requested him, turning her phone off almost immediately.

In less than a minute she received a notification.

leviackerman has accepted your follow request.

leviackerman has requested to follow you.


"Open the door!" Y/N yelled out, again, no one going, the doorbell ringing multiple times. She rolled her eyes, definitely Eren and Jean trying to annoy her.

"What the fuck? Can you guys stop acting 5?" She shouted, walking towards the door and pulling it open, Eren and Jean lunging towards her as Armin stifled a laugh, the two of them falling on the floor as Hange roared behind them, Erwin laughing and Levi rolling his eyes.

"Wha?..." She asked, confused as Hange covered their mouth, laughing.

"They were fighting over who was gonna kiss you first." Armin covered his face as Y/N laughed, kicking Eren's side as they groaned, hitting each other on the floor.

"Jean! I was gonna kiss her!"

"No me!"

"Ew. Neither of you were going to kiss me." She scoffed, stepping over the two of them as they got up, shoving each other as they all went into the living room, Y/N back to the kitchen, picking up her tea as Hange came into the kitchen, hugging her.

"This place is so clean..." They said suspiciously as Y/N laughed, setting her spoon down.

"It is a house full of girls. Plus they all said something about how cleanliness was indoctrinated in them since scouts."

"Ha. Yeah. That would be Levi. He's a clean freak. So Y/N. You single?" Hange said rather forwardly, causing Y/N to splutter and then snort, the sound resembling a dying car engine.

"Yes. Why?" She asked suspiciously as Hange avoided eye contact.

"Oh. It's just, there seemed to be something going on between you and Eren or Jean. And I just have a friend that I know you'd like so...I just wanted to know."

"Oh Hange...I'm not looking to be honest. I just came out of a pretty toxic relationship and I'm not prepared to get back into it." She told Hange as Hange nodded, a little smile on their face.

Y/N wondered if Hange's little 'friend' was Levi. She shivered at the thought, but had to suppress a little smile.

As if he knew she was thinking about him, he had walked past the kitchen, paused, and walked back before leaning against the doorframe, looking the kitchen up and down. His face was screwed up in disgust looking at baby pink tiles, dusty blue cutlery and overall, a kitchen that was disgustingly cute.

"Ignoring the fact that this looks like a child's nursery, it's weirdly clean in here."

"What do you mean weirdly? We're all clean here. And it doesn't look like a nursery, you're just allergic to colour." Y/N snapped back as Hange smiled, a glitter in their eyes.

"Y/N is having tea Levi." Hange blurted out at Y/N furrowed her brows, looking at Hange, confirming her suspicions. 

"No." Y/N mouthed as Hange scrunched their nose cutely, nodding slowly.

"Levi loves tea. He says no one makes it correctly. Challenge him Y/N."

"I make amazing tea." Y/N said, looking at Levi before her heart stopped.

She realised this was the first time she was looking at him clearly, and not in the subtle darkness of Erens basement. She would have been stupid if she denied that he wasn't beautiful. His skin was pale, clearer than day, his eyes such a light blue that they almost looked silver. His hair cut in a fuck boy way, but he wore it so elegantly, falling so perfectly as if he couldn't stop running his hair through it. He walked closer and placed his arms on the back of a chair, Y/N noticing his veins, and softly defined muscles under his white shirt. She breathed deeply as he raised a brow, a cheeky smile painted on his face.

She cleared her throat as Levi's smile curved into a smug smirk, noticing her prolonged look at Levi before she gave him a dirty look.

"You drink tea? I thought all you Americans drink coffee." She said, shaking her head as Levi shrugged.

"I knew it! You're definitely not from here." Hange said as Levi rolled his eyes rudely.

"I think anyone could tell from her accent that she's British."

"Oh...I thought it was Australian..."

"Typical American." She joked as Hange pushed her, setting your tea cup down.

"I'll make you tea. The British way." she said as a matter of factly as Levi looked at Hange who was leaving the kitchen.

"I'll make it." He said before making his way to the counter and taking the kettle of water from Y/N's hand, pouring the water himself.

"I was going to make it." She said, drooping a bit as Levi shrugged, before turning to her.

"I make it in a certain way. I wouldn't like it the way you make it." He said plainly as Y/N huffed.

"Fine. I was trying to be hospitable." She said as he stayed quiet.

Y/N's laptop was in the kitchen, playing Brooklyn Baby by Lana del Rey, and although she was watching Levi make his tea, she began to softly sing the bridge.

"Yeah my boyfriends pretty coool...."

"Eren?" He asked as ahe turned around, looking at him confused as he raised a brow, sitting back in his seat.

"Thought Eren was your boyfriend."

"I said yesterday he wasn't."

"Wasn't listening."

"Sorry." she said, agitated by his entitlement.

"You guys are pretty close."

"Probably considering we've fucked." She told him, smiling to herself.

"Ohhhh. So friends with benefits?"

"No. I'm not like that. It was once before me and him were even friends." She said firmly as Levi rolled his eyes.

"You're no fun."

"Not all of us are like you. Rivaille." She teased as he clenched his jaw.

"The fuck is that supposed to mean?"

"Please. Don't act as if you don't think your friends haven't told me about you. Mr I've-had-sex-with-half-of-Trost." She said in a mocking voice as he looked at her, not talking back.

"So? What's the problem in that?"

"Didn't say there was a problem. I just said I'm not like that."

"Would you be like that?"

"Like what?"

"No strings attached? Could you do that?" He asked her, his silver eyes shooting daggers at her.

"Maybe." She said quietly before taking a sip, but then stopping.

"I just got out of a relationship. So maybe." She continued as he opened his mouth to speak.


"Like the beginning of summer." She answered his question before he cut her off quickly.

"...Did I ask?" He completed his sentence as she scoffed, setting her cup down harshly.

"You have the humour of a 13 year old. You think you're hilarious don't you?" She frowned as he bit down on his lip harshly, trying to stop himself from laughing.

"Because I am?..." He said cockily as she narrowed her eyes at him. The girls had warned her about him. This was her last and final sign to just give up. Act like he didn't exist.

Before she could rebuke, Eren came into the kitchen, knocking on the door to speak to both of them, before stopping.

"Why do you guys look so angry?" Eyes darting between the both of them in confusion.

"I'm not. I just feel murderous right now." she said through clenched teeth as Eren laughed uncomfortably as Levi stared at her.

"Oh...well...pizza is here?"

"Great." she muttered, getting up and taking Eren's hand as Levi followed them into the living room, sitting next to Hange as he watched Y/N sit on the ground, resting against the sofa as Eren tried to put his head on her lap to which she pushed him away. She looked at him apologetically before giving in, and Eren had his head on her lap as she began to play with his hair, an unfamiliar stroke of jealousy rising within Levi.

"Okay everyone shut up. I need to deeply analyse this movie." Connie said firmly as everyone gave each other a look as he sat right in front of the TV, the movie starting. Levi didn't know why they were watching a children's film, but they all seemed extremely happy to do so, so he watched with them. His eyes kept glancing back to Y/N, a small smile on her face as she stared at the screen, her hands entangled in Eren's hair as he looked up at her, puckering his lips for a kiss as Y/N rolled her eyes, pushing his face to look back at the TV as Levi tried his best to concentrate on the movie, but his eyes kept falling back to Y/N, a certain hunger suddenly erupting within him.

About halfway in, she bent her head to whisper to Eren, who began to frown.

"I need to pee! Get up!" she whispered as Eren looked up, upset he'd have to get out of his comfy position.

"Can I come?" He asked as she held back a snort, shaking her head as Eren frowned, giving her puppy eyes.

"Pleaseeeee." He begged as she rolled your eyes.

"Another day." Y/N said firmly as he huffed, lifting his head as she got up, closing the door softly behind her

A few minutes later, not that any body cared, Levi mumbled something about needing to get water making his way to the kitchen, grabbing a cup in complete darkness.

As he was doing so, down the hall Y/N was switching off the light from the bathroom, intrigued by the shuffling she could hear in the kitchen. Part of her hoped a certain someone would be in there. She was dying to be alone with him.

"Who the fuck is robbing us?" Y/N demand in a playful voice, switching on the light as Levi turned around, Y/N's smile fading.

"Oh. Its you. Why are you in the dark you weirdo?" She asked as Levi produced a glass of water, drinking it whilst staring into Y/N's eyes as she folded her arms, unimpressed.

"Did you follow me?" She asked, trying to sound unimpressed as well, but her voice slightly raised towards the end of her question, making Levi smile a bit.

"Maybe. You not missing the movie?" He asked as she shook her head, sitting at a chair, pulling her knees to her chest.

"Nope." She popped the P before Levi walked in front of her, frowning.

"We watch it like every month. I know the entire script off by heart."

Silence followed after as Levi looked down at her and she looked away in embarrassment. She should get up and leave.

"Why did you follow me out?" She asked as Levi sucked in air through his teeth, stuffing his hands into his pockets before shrugging.

"Don't know." He smiled as she scoffed.

"Do you think you're funny?" She asked as he tilted his head.

"What? What did I do?"

She got up from her chair, pushing him away before she made an exit, and just as she was about to leave, he took hold of her hand, pulling her towards him.

"You said maybe. Maybe you could do no strings attached." He said quietly, securing his grip around her.

"Maybe isn't yes. I'm not that type of girl. And I know for a fact you're not a relationship type of guy. So whatever fantasy you have in your head, get over it. It's not happening." She hissed as he inched his head closer to hers.

"Couldn't you try?" He asked softly, his lips so dangerously close to hers.

"You don't even know my last name. You don't know anything about me and you want me to fuck you?"

"That's the best way to do it Y/N. No one gets hurt. We could have so."

He kisses her softly on the lips.


And then her neck.


And then her collarbone. She had to bite her cheek in order not to moan, looking up at Levi, biting her lip in thought.

"No. You're going to hurt me." She whispered, but her arms somehow were snaked around his neck as he rest his hands on her waist.

"Why would I do that?" He said in the most sweetest tone ever as she looked away. She could just walk away. But she never wanted a man so badly.

She was going against all her own rules now. Everything she had ever believed in.

"Why did you follow me Levi?"

"Because. Y/N. I want you."

"No you don't."

"Yea, yes I do."

"I don't do no strings attached. I can't do it." She said, pushing him away before they stood opposite each other, looking at each other before she collapsed back onto him, lips smashing into his.

He instantly picked her up and set her on the counter as they began to kiss deeply, her legs wrapping tightly around his waist as their lips crashed, hands moving everywhere, little whimpers escaping Y/N's mouth before she stopped abruptly, pushing him away.

He looked at her, wildly confused as she smiled softly.

"I'm not that easy Levi." She said, before sliding off the counter, causing Levi to turn around.

"The fuck?"

She turned to the refrigerator and pulled out an ice cream.

"Don't ever take me as an easy fuck again. Ever."

girlboss gaslight gatekeep

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