(Undergoing Changes) Random S...

By Mr_HammerExe

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Random NGC bullshit I started back in my early teens. Coming back soon with more! More

Stargazing (Uninvited Guests AU Scene (Early Version))
RUN, IT'S MALICE GOJIRA! (Adaptation Art)
The Invasion (Uninvited Guests AU Fan-Made Scene)
"YOU'RE CRINGE!" (Game Over AU Scene Idea/Oneshot)
"What do I say?!" Game Over AU Oneshot
Face Sketches
So uh....
"Your remote's dead." Uninvited Guests AU Oneshot
"Hey, what time is it?" Uninvited Guests AU Oneshot
(An Announcement)
A Cutscene I came up with:
Right chore, wrong idea. (Uninvited Guests AU Oneshot)
You can't defeat me.
A Headcannon Of Red and The Warlock.
An edit that I made.
No Context.
Some random idea I came up with.
An Unbelievably Wholesome Idea I Came Up With For The Game Over AU.
Kid Zachary Sketches (Past Mistakes AU)
Sneak Peak
He. Watches.
Gigamoth (Game Over AU)
Framed (Game Over AU Oneshot)
Old School.
The Angelic Warrior.
An idea I decided to bring into reality from my imagination.
Trashy (Uninvited Guests AU Oneshot)
Red n' Sol Digital Draw.

(OUTDATED) Character Bio: Zachary (From My AU)

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By Mr_HammerExe

Vital Statistics: 

Name: Zachary Williams 

Age: 31  

Birthday: April 23rd, 1994

Gender: Male 

Height: 5'11" 

Race: American 

Hair Color: Dark Brown 

Eye Color: Auburn 

Status: Alive 

Alignment: Protagonist Character 


Early Life

Zachary was your typical everyday person throughout most of his life, and he was fond of the Godzilla series, as well as having an enjoyment for games on the NES (Nintendo Entertainment System) from a young age. So, when he learned of the game "Godzilla: Monster Of Monsters", released in December of 1988 for the NES System, it felt like a dream come true, according to him. He ended up getting this game as a present for his 10th birthday, and when he did, he played it as much as he could, during his free time at home, after school, on the weekends, etc. Although, a year later, when he was 11, he ended up trading the game for another one called "Amagon", which was a choice he regretted ever since. 

When he was in Middle School, in the year 2007, he managed to get a girlfriend, by the name of "Melissa Klien", who had a mental disorder that caused her to go into "episodes", in which she would sit completely straight, and talk blankly. After these "episodes", she would sit with her head in her hands, trembling. Despite all this, she was a very kind person who nobody ever really talked to because of her mental illness. The two of them liked to hang out in a field on certain nights when they were able to see one another, and they'd just chat, and look up at the stars. However, on one of these nights, Melissa didn't say anything to Zach, as she just sat still as a statue, looking up at the moon, she then sprang up from where she was sitting, and ran towards a road that was occupied with oncoming traffic. Zach tried to stop her, but it was too late, she was hit by a truck, and killed that night, the driver of the said truck never being found.  

Teenage Years/NES Godzilla Creepypasta 

4 years later, in 2011, Zach, who was at this time, a recent High School graduate, bought a new NES system, and got some games for it from his childhood friend, Billy. He managed to get another copy of Godzilla: Monster of Monsters, and with it, some other games, such as Legend of Zelda, Bomberman, and Action 52. Due to his great nostalgia for the title, he played Godzilla: Monster of Monsters first. 

When he started his new copy of the game up, the events of the NES Godzilla Creepypasta unfolded. 

After Zach defeated Red using Acacius, a powerful Kaiju that the spirit of his dead girlfriend granted him, he began debating on what he would do with the Godzilla cartridge, he had the options of either destroying it, or putting it out of his life by selling it, though there were some major issues that Zach internally struggled with thinking of when it came to the aspect of the game's dangerous abnormalities. 

1. He couldn't bring himself to destroy it, since he felt as though he had saved Melissa's soul from eternal torture, if that really was her in the game. So he basically felt as though the game served as a bitter-sweet memory of her. 

2. He couldn't bring himself to sell the game, no matter how little or how much he got paid for it, as he didn't want to put someone else's life at risk by them potentially going through what he did. 

So, he came up with a third option, which was just keeping the game hidden away from the rest of the world. With that, Zach took the NES system, along with all the cartridges, including the Godzilla: Monster Of Monsters one, and he put them all in a shoebox, which he hid on one of the upper shelves in the bedroom closet of his apartment. 

(This next part of his biography is basically a take on the Uninvited Guests AU that me and a few friends of mine did in a crossover roleplay series that we work on, fyi.)   

Uninvited Guests Arc

12 years went by after Zach played the Godzilla NES game, and he continued living a normal life into adulthood. One night, Zach, now 30 years old, returned to his apartment after a day at work. For whatever reason though, he recently couldn't stop thinking about the Godzilla NES game.  

Though whenever he did, he remembered that hellbeast, that hellbeast that traumatized him all those years ago. And the fact that Red said he knew him for a long time just added onto that feeling of dread he had whenever he thought back on the game. 

Though it had been 12 years, and nothing had happened, and after multiple attempts of bringing himself to play the game again, he finally did. 

He went to his bedroom closet, and behind multiple objects, he found the dust-covered shoebox. He took it out, and blew on it, as all the dust that had collected on it for 12 years came off. Once that was done, he opened it up, and the NES system, along with the Godzilla NES cartridge were still in it, untouched by the dust due to being covered by the lid of the shoebox. 

With that, he set up the NES system, and put the cartridge in, as the game started up for a second time. 

Zachary then went to his saved file, the one where he defeated Red. He started it, but instead of appearing in the aftermath of the final battle like expected, something strange happened. 

He caught the characters in the game, along with Melissa, in an argument with Red. Though Red was seemingly wanting to fix what happened with him and the others 12 years ago. 

That was until gray text, accompanied by a voice Zach didn't recognize (That being The Warlock) spoke out saying: "Nobody ever forgives you, because you're not sorry. Nobody trusts you, because they know you're not trustworthy. Nobody ever likes you, because there is nothing good about you! You are a failure of a demon, and that's all you will ever be!" 

And then Red says "Wait, YOU-?!?!" before the screen of the TV flashed a bright red, and then Zach felt something hit him, and knock him out cold on the bed. 

Zach woke up a couple hours later, the TV being just static. He tiredly went to turn off the TV, and went to the bathroom to get some medicine for his headache. Yet when Zach returned back to his room from doing so, he suddenly got this feeling that he was being watched. He checked his phone, and the time was 8:46 PM. His uneasy feeling was much stronger when he was near his bed. So, Zach built up enough courage to look underneath his bed with his phone's flashlight. When he did, he was met with a pair of glowing red eyes that pierced the darkness underneath his bed.  

From there, he saw someone he didn't expect to see. That being Red, the hellbeast responsible for his trauma all those years ago, or so Zach thought at the time. 

Zach flinched, as he dropped his phone on the ground, as Red then looked up at him from underneath the bed. Zach then got up, and went into the kitchen hastily, and grabbed a pair of thick gardening gloves, and set up a kennel he would normally use if he was taking care of his parents' dog. He wasn't going to let the same demon (or so he thinks) that killed his girlfriend, and tortured him stay in his apartment.

Zach then used his gloved hands to pull Red out from underneath the bed, though Red was shouting in protest, and clawing at Zach while trying to bite him.  

Although, unbeknownst to Zach, the traces of the anomalies the game had was picked up on a radar in a base belonging to the heroes back in the Multiverse.  

So, Apollo (An angelic God OC based off Kratos from the God Of War series made by my friend AstroToiletDestroyer) brought Anti (An Elite Shy Guy OC made by my friend SansManColin123), Barry, and Toby (A Pair of Rabbid OC's made by my friend AlainChompy55) with him to go investigate this. 

And at that very moment Zachary was bringing Red into the dog kennel, Apollo and his group were searching through the Apartment Complex to locate the room where the source of these traces of anomaly came from.  

When they listened through the door of Zach's apartment, they could hear Zach saying to someone "This is my place, my apartment, and you are going to listen to me, whether you like it or not." 

And they heard another voice, that being Red, say this in response: "You're just like all those fuckers from Hell."  

Zachary asked "What do you mean...?" in response to this.  

Red replied saying: "You think that you can just lock someone up, chain them up, treat them like some rabid animal, and they'll somehow just miraculously start acting like a goodie-two-shoes, and listen to them?" 

Zach said "Well, you didn't have to scratch me up and all-" 

On the topic of his wounds, Red mentioned that he should patch them up, since they were beginning to bleed. So, Zach went to the bathroom in his apartment to get some bandages to patch up his wounds. 

However, while Zach was in there, a loud thud, which was the apartment door being burst open, startled him and Red, accompanied by Apollo's voice saying "Search the abode!" 

Zach hid in the bathroom of his apartment, as he watched Apollo and his group searching around the apartment through a small crack he made by propping the door open slightly.  

For a brief moment, he thought of calling the police because his apartment was being broken into, though he remembered that he left his phone on the floor of his bedroom, which was on the other side of the apartment, and if he didn't want to get in the line of sight of these strangers who he thought were trying to rob him. Though even if he did have his phone on him, he was worried that the cops would see Red and panic, and then Red would get locked up and experimented on, whereas he on the other hand would be interrogated as to what Red was, or why he was with him. 

It didn't take long for them to discover Red in the dog kennel, unfortunately. When Apollo saw Red, he opened the kennel, and grabbed Red by the neck, as he took him out of the kennel, and held him up to Anti, who he instructed to kill Red while they still could, since last Apollo remebered, Red was affiliated with their worst enemies.  

Though before any of them could do anything to Red, Zach stepped in, which drew everyone's attention towards him.  

After some introductions to one another, Zach gave a brief explanation about his experiences with the cursed copy of NES Godzilla. 

While Apollo instructed for Anti, Barry, and Toby to sit back, and keep an eye on Red, he said that he'd interrogate Zach about this game a little more. 

Here are the lines from said interrogation:  

Apollo: "How long has this game been in your possession? It's something that no mortal should ever keep, if I'm being honest." 

Zach: "12 Years, I never touched it again after what happened when I last played it, and whenever I would look back on it, I would remember that hellbeast. That hellbeast that traumatized me all those years ago." 

Apollo: "Who gave you the game and why?" 

Zach: "The person who gave me the game was my childhood friend, named Billy. I got the game for when I bought an NES system back in the year 2011, after I recently graduated high school." 

Apollo: "Hm, alright then. Was there any specific reason that this 'Billy' gave you this game?" 

Zach: "Yeah, you see, "Godzilla: Monster Of Monsters" was a title that I had a great nostalgia for as a child, so he thought it'd be nice if he gave me a copy of it for my NES system."  

Apollo: "Okay, is there any reason why Red had haunted you, or why he was destroying worlds?" 

Zach: "I never found out the origins behind Red, or what Solomon did to be considered a "traitor" by him, though after what happened with the game.....I figured it was best if I never did." 

Apollo: "Where exactly did Billy get this game from?" 

Zach: "When I got it from him, it never occurred to me to ask where he got it from, as I didn't think there could be anything supernatural about a video game. Though the day after I played it, I called him up to have a meet-up with him, and I asked him where he got it from. He told me that he got it from a garage sale that another distant friend of his was having. He also mentioned that he traded games with this friend in the past, and he never had problems with him before." 

Apollo: "..." 

Apollo: "In that case, did he take you to meet this said friend of his? If so, then did you notice anything suspicious about this person?"  

Zach: "I didn't meet them in person, though Billy called him up, and we both told him what happened with the game. He was just as shocked as anybody would be, and he abruptly hung up on us afterwards. Again, he assured me that this was a trustworthy person, though this clearly didn't get us anywhere on the topic of why the game was acting the way it did." 

Apollo: "...Has Billy ever talked to this person since then?" 

Zach: "No, he hasn't, in fact, I think he's cut all ties with them after what happened with the game." 

Apollo: "Another thing, how did you find Red in your apartment after he was thrown out of the game, from what he told us." 

Zach: "Well, I got back from another day at work, and I thought back on the game. I have thought of it several times over the years that went by since I last played it. But I couldn't bring myself to before, due to the trauma I had experienced. Though I finally managed build up the nerve to return to the game. 

Zach: "I hesitantly went to my bedroom closet, where I found the dust-covered shoebox on the shelf where I left it 12 years ago. I opened it up, and there was the NES system, along with the copy of NES Godzilla. With it now being out of the box, I set it up, and put the cartridge in. From there, I proceeded onto my saved game, the one where I defeated Red. When I expected it to show the characters celebrating their victory....I was shown something....odd." 

Zach: "I apparently started the game up when all the characters in the game, with the exception of Acacius and Face, were all in an argument with Red over what he had done to them 12 years earlier. Though Red tried to say to them that he was genuinely sorry for what he did, and that he wanted to try and fix it. Yet none of them would listen to him." 

Zach: "But out of nowhere, this deep voice that I didn't recognize spoke out, and it told Red how much of a failure he was. Red then said "Wait, You?!" to whoever was speaking, before the screen flashed a bright red, and I felt something knock me unconscious."  

Zach: "I woke up two hours later, and I got this sudden feeling that I was being watched. My uneasy feeling grew worse when I got closer to my bed. So, I used my phone light to look underneath my bed, and I was met with a pair of glowing red eyes piercing the dark." 

Zach: "And I saw you-know-who under there." 

Zach: "And after that is when I dragged Red into the Dog Kennel that I'd normally use whenever I was taking care of my parents' dog, but then you guys also showed up." 

Apollo: "I assume that thing that knocked you out was Red being thrown out of the game, then." 

Zach: "I'm also pretty sure it was." 

[End Of Interrogation] 

So, they decide to stay at Zach's apartment for a few days, to see if anything else happens. But Zach didn't get a wink of sleep that night, knowing that other dimensions had existed.  

The next morning, everyone had their breakfast, and Zach gave any of the leftovers to Red. He didn't really know what Red would eat, but supposedly everything he did while still in the game. 

Soon after, Zach had to leave for work, and told the other five in his apartment to keep it down. 

While Zach was leaving for work, one of his neighbors told him that they heard the banging noise on the door of his apartment, as well as shouting, and they asked him everything was okay down there. 

Zach said that he was watching something on one of the TV's in his apartment, yet he didn't expect it to be that loud, so he turned the volume down. 

(He obviously lied to protect the five who were in his apartment.)  

About 7 hours later, Zach came home from work, and asked Apollo if anything else happened while he was gone. 

Apollo told him that everything was okay, and that he decided to let Red roam around for a little bit while keeping a constant eye on him. 

So, after everyone had their dinner there, Zach wanted to show them the game's abnormalities, and they saw some alright.  

On the screen, there was Solomon, talking to Godzilla. 

Solomon: "Why did you guys kick him out like that?! What were you thinking, is kicking him out really going to make things any better??" 

Godzilla: "If he's gone, then he won't ruin anything else, nor hurt anybody ever again." 

Godzilla: "If anything, whoever that was sent him to some sort of void." 

Solomon: "Why aren't you willing to accept his apology? Maybe if he really did mean it, then we could've given him a chance to prove it." 

Godzilla: "Solomon, this is RED we're talking about, everyone knows that he'd never be sorry for anything he did. Not in a million years. Just let it go, things will be better here for us now that he's gone." 

Solomon: "No! Maybe things won't be better if he's gone, what if he wasn't sent to a void, and instead ended up in a far-off dimension, or-" 

???? (The Warlock, before his identity was revealed): "Pathetic little bat, you think you know better than everyone, do you?"  

Godzilla: "Wait, who said that??" 

Zach: "There's that voice I was talking about, guys..."

????: "Well let me say this, you don't. And I gave you a warning after that hellbeast was thrown out. But if you want to be with him so badly, then so be it." 

The TV screen then flashed a dark blue, as Zach felt something get thrown onto his chest. 

When everyone looked, they saw that Solomon had now been thrown out of the game, and he was also shrunken down, just like Red. 

Apollo then said "...I feel like I was just punched by Ares II again when we were kids."

(Fyi, Ares II is one of Apollo's brothers-) 

And then Zach said "Are you kidding me?! Are you fucking kidding me?! Does whoever's doing this not realize that they're dumping them all on ME?!" 

So then later on that night, Red turned on the TV with the game still in the system, and he tried to talk with Melissa using it. Red tried to convince her to let him back into the game, but she said that she couldn't do that, and Zach asked her why she couldn't let him back in. The Warlock then interrupts Melissa, and tells Red that he'll never be able to fix what was done, and that he should "Grow up for God's sake." before the TV and NES shut off. 

Red then broke down crying, and Zach tried to comfort him, and calm him down. 

So then, the following night, The Warlock, disguised as Melissa's spirit, teased Red while he was in the dog kennel. 

But on the next night, Red saw the real Melissa, who apologized to him, and said that she was sorry any of this was ever happening. 

The following day, Red didn't speak to anyone when they tried to talk to him, not even Solomon. 

Yet little did Zach, along with Apollo and his group, know that the two demons had plans of leaving the apartment for a short while that night... 

Everyone else inside later catches onto the feeling of cold wind blowing through the kitchen window, and the realization hit them like a ton of bricks. 

Red and Solomon had waited until they were all asleep, snuck out of the apartment, and were now somewhere out in the city.  

Apollo used his angel wings to fly out of the window, and search from the skies above the city, while making sure to stay out of sight of any people who were still awake at the late hours of the night/early hours of the morning. 

 Zach went with Barry, Anti, and Toby, to search from the ground. They knew that if the public found out about them, or Apollo and his group, then all hell would break loose.  

Yet little did they know, that would soon happen, but in a way that none of them were expecting. 

They later find Red and Solomon at a park in the city, looking up at the night sky. 

Though after Zach's PTSD of "that night" kicked in due to the setting they were in, they began making their way back to the apartment, while taking the sights from the city that Zach lived in. 

Later that night, The Warlock began opening rifts all around Zach's version of Earth, and releasing the creatures from the Godzilla NES game into the real world, resulting in worldwide destruction, and millions of casualties. 

Zach and co met up with Zach's friend, Billy in the midst of huge mess and they escaped to Kelsey's version of Earth, where he met her, and her family, becoming allies with them.  

(If you don't know who "Kelsey" is, check out my friend FieryQueenOfFlames.) 

Later on, he discovered that he was a chosen one in this prophecy to defeat The Warlock, written by this ancient Spartan Spirit that he and his friends had awakened after discovering a Roman Urn, in a shrine, hidden within a cave on a jungle island, by lighting the four candles around it using a torch they found in the cave. 

From there, Apollo trained Zach in becoming a hero of the Multiverse, and his powers grew stronger, and he even gained new ones as time went on. His sword, which was crafted by Apollo during his training, can harness the power of angelic energy in order to combat the forces of darkness, and can attract the power of electricity by lightning strikes.

Powers And Abilities

Since his training to become one of the many heroes of the Multiverse after his inception, Zach had learned how to use the power of the "Prime Program" (reference to The Matrix) of the Central Database, a code-like pocket dimension where the code of every single dimension in existence is created and or updated, to freely manipulate the reality of the world around him, thus giving him superhuman abilities, such as: 

1. Flight 

2. Superhuman Strength 

3. Superhuman Durability 

4. Superhuman Speed 

5. Telekinesis 

6. Time Stops & Temporal Creation 

7. Enhanced Swordsmanship, as well as the use of other weapons 

8. Energy Generating/Energy Manipulation  

9. Heightened Awareness Of Certain Presences 

10. Soul Manipulation 

(There will be more added in the future, so stay tuned.) 

Biographical Profile 

Name: Zachary S. Williams  

Martial Status: Single

Date/Place Of Birth: April 23, 1993, Staten Island, New York. 

Mother's Maiden Name: Adrianna Lillegard

Father's Name: Lawrence Williams  

Additional Notes: In high school, he excelled in science, math, and computer courses and displayed an aptitude for literature and history. Although he had some disciplinary troubles when he was 5-7 years old, Zach went on to become a respected member by most of the school communities he was part of. 

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