Assassin to Assassin [Narry]

By karmasucks

231K 12.6K 4.7K

Harry Styles is a high class CIA assassin and Niall Horan is just a nobody who got caught up along the way.©... More

Chapter 1.
Chapter 2.
Chapter 3.
Chapter 4.
Chapter 5.
Chapter 6.
Chapter 7.
Chapter 8.
Chapter 10.
Chapter 11.
Chapter 12.
Chapter 13.
Chapter 14.
Chapter 15.
Chapter 16.
Chapter 17.
Chapter 18.
Chapter 19.
Chapter 20.
Chapter 21.
Chapter 22.
Chapter 23.
Chapter 24.
Chapter 25.
Chapter 26.
Chapter 27.
Chapter 28.
Chapter 29.
Chapter 30.
Chapter 31.
Chapter 32.
Chapter 33.
Chapter 34.
Chapter 35.
Chapter 36.
Chapter 37.
Chapter 38.
Chapter 39.
Chapter 40.
Chapter 41.
Chapter 42.
Chapter 43.
Chapter 44.
Chapter 45.
Chapter 46.
Chapter 47.
Chapter 48.
Chapter 49.
Chapter 50.

Chapter 9.

6K 342 239
By karmasucks

I end up having a lunch date with Ben. I don't know how it came to this. I mean, Ben's my manager. He's Liam's friend. I don't know what I'm doing. All I know, is that I'm upset. I'm disgusted with myself and I loath myself. I loath myself for falling for the most irritable, arrogant dick in the world. Harry Styles. I hate this. I hate feeling so pathetic.

Ben is good to me. He takes care of me and to be honest, I don't know how he still has the patience for me. He's been watching over me for Liam ever since he gave me this job. Funnily enough, he reminds me a bit of Louis. He's good-looking, funny, witty. And most of all, caring. I think that's why I went for him. Because of Louis. There's still a single part of me inside that longs for Harry.

As ironically as it sounds, we have lunch at Starbcuks. We talk and laugh over coffee, that is until a familiar face shows up.

"Hello, Blondie."

I look up and see Harry standing before our table, looking as handsome as always. I huff and face a Ben again, who has a huge smirk on his face as he takes a sip of his hot chocolate. I ignore Harry and continue to eat.

"Blondie, can I talk to you for a second?"

I decide to play dumb. "Do you hear something? I can hear this really, really annoying voice." I say playfully and Ben laughs at us.

"Blondie, don't play with me. I'll beg if you want me to." Harry suggests and I look up at him hopefully. I watch him as he kneels down onto his knees, his elbows resting on the table. A few customers nearby turn to stare at us and I feel a little self-cautious, my cheeks going pink.

"Okay, since you begged." I blush and he smirks. I excuse myself from Ben and take Harry's hand, guiding him outside to the entrance.

"What?" I heave a deep sigh and fold my arms across my chest.

"You haven't answered my texts or returned my calls." He breaths and I raise an eyebrow.

"Hmmm, I wonder why." I scoff. Harry frowns.

"My batteries dead and I can't find my charger." I lie bleakly. Still frowning, Harry reaches forward and digs his hand into my back jeans pocket, bringing out my phone and I blush furiously when he sees its fully charged.

"Bullshit." He sighs, showing me my lock screen - which is a picture of me, Zayn and Liam.

I don't say anything. "Hmmm. Nice picture. I wonder how Zayn and Liam would feel if I held them hostage until you talked to me." Harry says thoughtfully. I roll my eyes and snatch my phone off of him.

"Don't patronize me, I've already lost so much since I met you." I admit and he frowns again.

"What have you had to lose?"

"My virginity." I blurt out before I can stop myself. I blush furiously and there's an awkward silence between us.

"Shit." He curses, resting his forehead against the wall next us, punching it a little.

I scoff again and he confused at me.


"See, that's the thing. You're not even gonna say sorry. I know you can't, but still. You're an asshole and you're never gonna change. This - whatever this is, Harry - it's never gonna work out. I like you, a lot, and I've told you over and over just how much but you're never gonna take the hint and I'm tired of wasting of my time over people like you. I'm sorry, but we're done." I explain. I push his arm down, which was blocking my path, and walk back into Starbucks to greet Ben again.

I sigh heavily as I sit back down and Ben looks up at me.

"You okay?" He asks, concerned.

"Yeah, I'll be fine." I smile and I know he's not really convinced but he doesn't say anything. I watch his eyes follow to the entrance and when I follow his gaze, I realize that Harry's still there. I watch him run his hands down his face in exhaustion before he heaves a deep sigh and disappears.

The next day, there's a knock on my door. I'm still in my sweats and an oversized t-shirt and my hair is all over the place but I don't care. I shuffle toward the door and answer it. Taylor stands in the doorway, holding a huge bouquet of flowers and a box of chocolates.

"Mr. Horan?" Taylor asks politely and I smile at him.

"Delivery for you." He says and hands them to me.

"I didn't order anything." I tell him and he smirks.

"I would take it back if you wanted me too, but Harry says I've to wait here on your doorsteps until you take it." He smiles and I roll my eyes.

"Of course he did." I sigh and I take the objects out of his arms.

"Thank you." I smile and he grins back.

"Would you like me to say anything to him?" Taylor teases and I laugh.

"Yeah, tell him he can go fuck himself." I grin.

"You got it." He winks and he disappears down the stairs.

When I shut the door behind me, I place the flowers and chocolates on the kitchen table. I reach for the card set in the center of the table and read it, which reads;

"Would Ben do this? -H."

I roll my eyes again and stuff the card away. I open the box of chocolates instead (they're more useful than the flowers) and scoff down a delicious truffle.

"Bloody hell, who are they from?" Liam asks suddenly, stepping out from the bathroom; fresh and clean from the shower, with a towel wrapped around his waste.

"Take a guess." I sigh.

"Ben?" He asks hesitantly and I shake my head. His eyes widen and he strolls forward.

"Jesus Christ, you really do have some sort of secret admire, don't you?" He teases and I blush. If only he knew.

He's next to me now and I watch him read over the card. Twice.

"He sounds jealous, mate." Liam says, a hand on my shoulder.

I laugh scornfully. "Harry doesn't get jealous." I tell him but he raises his eyebrows.

"Yeah, yeah. Zayn told me he's an emotionless cut-off dick but look at that card again Niall, and tell me that doesn't sound the least bit jealous to you." Liam points out, handing me the card. I read over it, again and again.

"Look, he just saw me with Ben on Saturday. Okay? It's nothing." I huff and chuck the card in the bin.

"I can't believe you don't even see it." He shakes his head and grabs a bottle of milkshake from the fridge, taking a huge grip.

"What I really want to know is how he still knows I'm at your flat in the first place anyway." I snap, poking my finger at his bare but muscular chest.

"Like I said, secret admirer." He shrugs, putting the tab back on the milkshake and heading into his room to change.

"Not so secret if everybody fucking knows about it." I mumble incoherently as I dump the flowers in the sink and head into my bedroom to change.

That afternoon, I get a call and it's from Louis. We exchanged numbers the last time we meet but to be honest, we've not really talked. But he does have a busy life. He's a scientist after all.


"Niall, you gotta help me." he croaks and I sit up on my bed.

"Lou, are you okay?"

"No, it's Harry...he hit me." he sniffs and my eyes widen. "You need to come and get me, I'm scared." he sobs.

"I'm on my way." I say automatically and hung up.

When I head into the kitchen, Liam is curled up on the sofa with Sophia and a bowl of popcorn, watching some lame-ass action movie.

"Where are you off to?" Liam chirps in.

"Louis'." I answer simply, grabbing my keys and wallet.

As I arrive at Louis' flat, I realize there's no music playing. Not like there normally is. With my heart racing, I push open the door. It's always open, according to Harry.

I creep into the hallway and find Harry standing in the kitchen, next to the sink. His head is bowed and he hasn't heard me come in.

"Where is he?" I blurt out and his head snaps up. As he looks at me, he's frowns.

"Where's who?" he asks.

"Don't play dumb with me." I say through gritted-teeth. Harry's about to open his mouth to speak when the door down the back corridor opens and Louis steps through. What's surprising the most, is that he looks fine. In fact, he's got a huge grin on his face.

"Lou, what have you done?" Harry asks, exasperatingly.

"Looks like my acting skills have paid off then." he says cheerfully, rocking back and forth on the balls of his feet, his arms behind his back. I frown at him.

"What are you talking about?"

"I kind of made up a lie so you could come here and talk to Harry." he says sheepishly and I give him a blunt look.

"What lie?" Harry asks.

"I said that you kind of...hit me." Louis smirks, looking innocently up at Harry.

Harry rolls his eyes and says "Lou, you know I'd never do that." he sighs and Louis giggles helplessly.

"I know, but Niall doesn't." he grins and I glare at him.

"So basically...I've wasted a full trip on nothing?" I ask Louis but Louis shakes his head.

"No, not nothing. You and Harry can kiss and make-up now." he adds hopefully and I shake my head in disbelief.

"I'll walk you out." Harry mumbles and I thank him as he places his hand on the small of my back, guiding me to the door.

"No! Look, you two aren't going anywhere." Louis protests and suddenly, he's before us, his back to the door - blocking our paths. Harry and I look helplessly at one another. Louis hurriedly turns his back and locks the latch on the door.

"You do realize that I can just turn the lock the other way?" Harry mocks and I can't help but smirk fondly.

Louis blushes and says "Yes, but you're not going to."

He places a hand on our shoulders and guides us toward the sofa. He dumps us down on the sofa and we both grunt, our shoulders bumping together.

"Right...two you aren't leaving until you both sort this bullshit out. And I'll be...nearby...paying close case either of you try to escape." Louis laughs awkwardly before he goes over to a spare two-seated table that's sitting in the kitchen corner and he begins to work on his laptop, looking focused. I stare at the table Louis' sitting at and wonder how many times Louis and Harry had have dinner there, dated there and talked and argued there.

My eyes fall to my lap and I twiddle my thumbs anxiously, not knowing what to say.

"So, uh..." Harry clears his throat, "Did you get my flowers?" he asks innocently and I look up at him.

"Yes," I smile, but then it disappears.

"You couldn't have brought them over yourself?" I ask and he smiles lazily.

"Well, I figured it'd be best considering you didn't want to see me anymore." he explains and realization dawns on me.


"Liam said you sounded jealous." I add and he scoffs.

"I don't get jealous." he sighs and I shrug.

"That's what I thought." I reply.

There's a long silence after that until he says, "Maybe we could at least...make amends?" he suggest warily and I look up at him.

"What's the point, Harry? You and I both know I want something more and that's not gonna happen." I say and his smile fades.

"I thought you were with Ben now." he frowns and I gulp nervously.

"We're just friends." I mumble and he nods knowingly.

"He's not good enough for you anyway." he mumbles back and I scowl at him.

"And you are?" I challenge.

"I didn't say that." he replies and I huff, shaking my head.

"I didn't know you were a virgin." he says after a short pause. I open my mouth to speak when I hear Louis splutter his drink. I look around and find that he'd spilled his juice all down his shirt as he jokes and coughs. He laughs nervously and dabs at himself before heading into his bedroom, taking his laptop with him.

"Well, to be honest, I didn't think I'd need to tell you." I point out and he bites his lip, looking down at his lap.

We don't say anything for a long time after that so I decide to get up and leave but Harry tries to pull me back down, his hand brushing against mind.

"Don't...go." he says hesitantly and he stands up also.

"I don't have anything else to say to you, Harry." I shrug helplessly.

Biting his lip, he looks around, his eyes falling onto the kitchen. "I could make you dinner. I was make some before you came, but I suppose there's room for two." he suggests and I smile warily at him.

"Thanks but no thanks," I nod and he frowns.

"Please. It's the least I can do...y'know...considering..." he shrugs, gesturing between the pair of us. I finally give in and let Harry made us a deliciously taste lasagna. I talk to him as I watch him cook and he fascinates me. He fascinates me with every move, his posture, the way he talks, the way he looks as if he's staring into your soul when he talks to you. He's incredible.

Later, once the dinner is made, I ask about the CIA. I ask him about his gun and the people involved. "The gun is government issued." he'd explained, setting his gun aside. I shudder at the thought of him ever having to use it. He tells me about the people he deals with and how they give him missions to do.

"Wait. If the CIA headquarters is based in LA...why are you here? In London?" I press.

"Because this is where our latest mission is held. And besides, it's closer to home." he shrugs carelessly and I nod knowingly.

"So...about that pen drive Louis made. Why is it so important to other agencies?" I counter and Harry smiles fondly at me.

"That pen drive is worth millions. Like Louis explained, it's a hacking program - hence why your laptop completely shut down. With that pen drive in the hands of the CIA, the CIA can get hands on any confidential government information. For example; budgets, organization groups, other agencies, the White House security." Harry explains with a glint in his eye.

"And that's why they gave you a job as an assassin?"


"So what is your job exactly?"

"My job is to keep Louis and the pen drive safe. Hence why Louis isn't living in the most highest crime-rated city in the world." Harry laughs as if he's thinking of some private joke but I ignore it.

"You live in L.A?" I guess and he nods.

"So what happens if Louis is in danger? Why do they want him safe?"

"Because Louis is the creator of the pen drive. He designed that program. Say, if it got in the wrong hands on one of the other agencies like it almost did with you and there was a fault in the pen drive when they used it - which is highly unlikely - they'd go to Louis for help and they'd torture him until they'd get what they want. Most likely what they did with you." Harry says, nodding toward me.

"Wow." Is all I can say.

"Yeah. Wow." he agrees with a sigh.

"I think I've lost my appetite now." I decide, pushing my nearly finished plate away.

After dinner, we stand up to say goodbye and I walk next to him to the door, my jacket over my arm. I probably have about a dozen missed calls and texts from Zayn and Liam but I don't even care.

"Well, thank you...for tonight. It was great." I smile at him as I step outside.

"You're welcome." he smiles back.

I'm about to say good-bye when suddenly, he reaches out, and softly pecks me on the cheek. It's over before I know it but I definitely felt his lips against my skin. My cheeks are hot when he pulls away and I instantly raise my fingertips to them, as if in shock of what just happened. I flush furiously and I stare in awe, eyes wide. He's staring back at me, his expression mirroring mine.

"'m...yeah." he mumbles and says good-bye, closing the door on me, leaving me completely stunned.


I'm sorry it's not edited. Please let me know what you think, feedback is much appreciated. Thank you xxx

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