Hayffie - Their story

By auntziggy1944

22.5K 621 89

This is a story about some of the characters from the hunger games. It's is mainly Hayffie and Everlark with... More

Chapter one- the introduction and beginning.
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Authors note
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Authors Note

Chapter 28

301 11 0
By auntziggy1944

Katniss' point of view

"Deep breaths" I keep telling myself. "My name is Katniss Everdeen. I am 19 years old. My home is district 12. Peeta and I are together. Haymich and Effie have a child. They are together.  They are happy. We are currently in the Capitol.  We have been for a while. Everyone is well now. Snow is certainly dead. I am ok. Peeta is ok. Everyone is ok."

The sound of footsteps starts to echo through the corridor, thump, thump, thump.  The heavy footed footsteps can belong to only one person, the one person I don't want to be around at the moment.

"Go away" I attempt to shout. "Please just go away." I cease to hear the footsteps and crouch down to the floor. "You're still there I know it"

"Please just hear me out Sweetheart. No one's going to judge you. We're all here for you. We're just worried. Just talk to someone, anyone. Have you ever thought we might be able to help?"

"Annie"  a barely audible sound escapes my lips. "Annie."

The footsteps start again but they are deffonatly travelling away from me now. I apprehensively stand and place my hand on a nearby metal pipe. Following it round a bend, I find a better nook and sink far in to the darkness. 


"Katniss?....Katniss?" Annie's calming voice travels through the darkness. "It's ok Katniss, it's just me. I'm by myself."

The sound of clanging metal spreads through the room as I kick a random bolt against the nearest wall. Slowly I look towards the entrance of my nook and I notice Annie just standing there, waiting as if she needs my permission. Tenterivly I pat the floor beside me and she comes and takes a seat. 

I remain sitting in silence, staring at my feet. It stays like this for a few minutes, me not talking and her not trying to push the conversation.  It takes a few minuites for me to finally gather my thoughts and attempt to talk.

"I just don't know what to do. What should I do Annie?"

"About what Katniss? What's worrying you?"



"The run up to today broke him. He went back to that place. He's been so good. I know he can't help it but it scared me Annie. It scared me." I'm secretly pleased it's dark here. At least she can't see how ashamed I am.

"It may be bad now, but by this time tomorrow it will be over. You just have to get through it. I know it may be hard now but you are the toughest person girl I know, heck you're even tough than most of the guys I know too"

I can't help but giggle slightly, she sound so un-Annieish.

"Please Katniss he needs you too you know.  He's refusing to leave this cupboard until he talks to you."

"What if he goes again? What if he tries to hurt me like the first time.  He almost strangled me."

"You don't have to be alone, someone can be with you. He doesn't have to know."

"You really think so?"

"Honestly Katniss,  I'm not too sure but I believe you have to give it a shot."

"Ok, but please stay with me."


Effie's point of view

Today was going to be great. We were going to be like proper Capitol citizens. I've had the schedule ready since I fully regained my memory. Thinks were going to be like the used to. We had just arrived when it happened. Peeta had been getting stressed in the car. It wasn't until we got in to the building that the attack happened. It was just him, Katniss and Haymich at the time. Luckily they spotted what was happening straight away and managed to get Peeta pinned to the floor. It wasn't long before it was over, but it was still too long for Katniss. That's when she dissappeared and Peeta locked himself in the cupboard. 

It took an hour to find Katniss, then a further half an hour until she reappeared to speak to Peeta.

Everyone's finally getting ready. Luckily, due to my impeccable time keeping, we are not actually late yet. I'm just pleased I decided to leave us some time to play with.

Haymich is the first one ready. He stands in front of me wearing a coal black suit with a pink handkerchief in his jacket pocket. He looks none too pleased by this but he's not currently complaining, always a plus.

We have 2 minuites to go before the others are ready.  I was starting to get worried about being reading on time. Katniss and Peeta stand, hand and hand in front of the door. I don't if everything is all right between then but at least they are pretending at this moment. That's when I hear it.

"I would like to present, Miss Katniss Everdeen and Peeta Mellark!"


Yay update time. Bit of a bad chapter but they will be finally be back in 12 soon. Thanks to all my readers :D

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