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By -retroclark

88.8K 2.1K 743

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3.1K 86 10
By -retroclark


" I mean 'no'. Do you want to hear it in Spanish? Noh."

A 1980 RONIN's EGG BLUE CJ5 JEEP RACED DOWN THE ROAD, passing the 'welcome to mystic falls' sign. A 2012 red Mini Cooper also passed the 'welcome to mystic falls' sign and it soon passed the jeep on the road. Loud music could be heard coming from the jeep and the cooper, and soon enough the jeep and cooper were parked outside the Mikaelson Mansion.

The passenger door to the Mini Cooper opened first, Elijah Mikaelson appeared, he walked over to the drivers side and opened the door for Athena. They looked over to the jeep and watched as three doors opened, Stiles, Derek, and Lydia exited.

"Who are they?" Athena asked elijah as they held hands, elijah shrugged.

"Probably Niklaus's or Karazhan's friends. Come on." Elijah told her as he started to lead her towards the house.

Stiles looked over to the two vampires walking towards the door and looked back at Derek.

"That's Elijah and Athena, right?" Stiles asked making Derek look over and nod, as then Lydia came in between them.

"She's so pretty!" Lydia exclaimed before she started to walk towards the house with stiles and Derek following after her.

That's when a bucket of vervain and wolfsbane filled water was emptied over Kara, she screamed in pain as the herbs burned her skin, but it didn't stop there as another bucket with the same ingredients were emptied over her again.

Karazhan scream so loud that her throat had gotten sore, she tried to ignore the burning but she couldn't, it hurt so bad.

"P-please." Kara begged with her eyes closed, she didn't know who was doing this, but she just wanted out.

A broken sob sounded from in front of kara making her slowly open her eyes and find a blurry sight of her little sister, tied to a chair. Kara started to battle against the ropes, she didn't care if they burned her, she needed to help Rebekah.

"Stop it! Let her go." Kara yelled as she heard footsteps, her sight was pretty blurry but she could see Rebekah in pain.

"Tsk tsk tsk." Kara and Rebekah heard from the right side of the room, making them turn to find Damon.

"I am going to rip you apart!" Rebekah yelled before she groaned in pain, a vervain laced knife was stabbed into her thigh by Tyler.

"Leave her alo — ah!" Kara yelled in pain as another bucket was emptied above her.

"Why a-are doing this to us?" Kara cried, she had never been one to show emotions but she couldn't handle Rebekah in pain. She couldn't.

"Because, your little boyfriend snapped my neck and left me like Rebekah is suffering right now." Damon spoke before he pointed over to Tyler. "And well Tyler doesn't like the fact that Klaus is hanging out with Caroline." Damon said with a small smirk making Kara growl at him, her hybrid eyes coming out.

"One bite and your a goner." Kara told him making Damon chuckle and dig into his pocket pulling out a tube of blood.

"Yeah, one bite and I save myself. Plus we have a whole blood bag...you." Damon told her making her wiggle in her seat, trying to get out.

"Stop that. You're only hurting yourself." Tyler told Kara as Rebekah wiggled around her seat.

"This is going to be fun." Damon said in a singing voice, before Tyler and him snapped the girls necks.


REBEKAH BLINKED AS HER VISION WAS BLURRY, she could see Kara's blurry figure, but she was still unconscious. Rebekah groaned but heard nothing, Damon and Tyler were gone.

Then he appeared...Niklaus. Rebekah frowned and tried to move her arms, but she couldn't, she just wanted to go home...but she didn't have a home.

"Bekah. Sweetheart, what have they done to you?" Niklaus asked as he kneeled in front of her making Rebekah smile softly, he was here.

"Nik...please." Rebekah cried but Klaus just smirked at her making her frown, what?

Damon chuckled making Rebekah sob, he wasn't really here! It was just Damon messing with her head, why would he do that? Rebekah sobs turned into screams when Damon poured a vervain filled bucket over her.

"Stop...s-stop!" Rebekah cried but Damon just sighed.

"Sorry...I can't." Damon told her with a smirk as he kneeled in front of her. "I want your brother to get his hybrids out of town, and Elena needs leverage." Damon told her before he stood and before he could pull out his phone a voice behind him spoke.

"Augustine!" Kara yelled making Damon freeze and slowly turn to her. "1950's you were captured by Dr. Whitmore. In your time there you met someone called Lorenzo St'John, he goes by Enzo. He is a charming British vampire, who you left to die!" Kara cried as she tried to do something, her magic didn't work since her legs had spelled chains.

"How do you know that?" Damon asked as he took threatening steps towards the tribrid, but Kara just chuckled.

"I'm a thousand years old...I know a lot of things. And i know how you can find Enzo." Kara told him making Damon look as he's thinking about but he just smiled.

"Don't care about him, so let's get this started, yeah?" Damon said but Kara could tell he did wanted to know what had happened to Enzo, but he was busy or whatever.

Damon dialed his brother, knowing that he was with Klaus at the founders party...

Meanwhile Caroline sat in her bed, she had came back from school hours ago after Tyler gave her a charm bracelet. She had tears in her eyes, she just wanted to go away with Kara, her friends were lying to her and even her own boyfriend.

There was a knock on her front door but she didn't recen get up, she didn't want anyone here.

"Caroline?" She heard Bonnie and Elena call out as they entered her home, Caroline looked over to her window and sighed.

Elena and Bonnie found Caroline in her room laying on the bed, tears running down Caroline's face, she was obviously not in the mood, but that didn't stop them from smiling as Matt entered behind them and frown when he noticed Caroline's tears.


STEFAN AND KLAUS STOOD WITH MAYOR LOCKWOOD AS THEY TALKED ABOUT DONATIONS, that's when Stefan got the call from his brother, before he could answer it Klaus took the phone from his hands and walk away, making Stefan excuse himself from the mayor and follow after Klaus.

Stefan found him in the study, Klaus answered the phone and put it up to his ear, and that's when he heard Damon's voice.

"Stefan!" Damon exclaimed as he combed through Kara's hair making her move her head away from him.

"Damon." Klaus spoke making Damon Chuckle, this was either going to end up terribly or just like he wanted.

"Oh this is better! I am guessing Stefan's standing besides you?" Damon asked making Klaus look besides him and sure enough Stefan was standing right there.

"Im going to take your silence as a yes! I have a gift for the both of y'all." Damon said before they could hear shuffling around on the other line.

Damon nodded at Alaric and with that they both dropped the vervain/wolfsbane filled water on Rebekah and Kara making them yell out in pain.

"Ahh!!" Kara and Rebekah yelled before they broke down sobbing, Klaus face harden as tears filled his eyes and Stefans jaw clenched.

"P-please...just Bekah go. Let her go, please." Kara pleaded but they didn't listen, Klaus gasped quietly, it was so horrible.

The screams sounded so broken and heart wrenching as if they have been at it for hours and hours, and they had. Another few minutes went by and that's all they heard, Pure Broken and full of pain screams. Klaus clenched the phone so hard that it broke, he looked up at Stefan to find him walking out of the room.

Klaus breathed in and out, before he started to walk out, running into Tyler and compelling him to bite Caroline. Klaus knew it was wrong but he was so full of anger, his sisters were going to do much pain and he couldn't do anything to help them.


STEFAN HAD KIDNAPPED ELENA AND NOW HE WAS RACING DOWN THE STREET WITH ELENA IN THE PASSENGER SEAT, his brother head too far. He was driven by anger and hatred at his own brother, Stefan had never gone as far as harming the woman Damon loved, but Damon had.

"What are you doing, Stefan?" Elena asked before her phone rings and Stefan answers it.

"Hello Damon, she's a little busy right now." Stefan said smugly making Damon's face fall, he did not think this through.

"Where's Elena?!" Damon immediately asked making Stefan chuckle.

"You've made your move now I'm making my move." Stefan told him. "Let me ask you something, Damon... did you think this through?" Stefan asked making Damon clench his hand around his phone.

"Stefan, leave her out of this." Damon practically begged him but Stefan rolls down the window and throws her phone out of it, onto the road below.

"What are you doing? Stefan, let me out of this car. Do you hear me? Let me out of the car!" Elena yells but Stefan ignores her, all he could hear were Kara's screams of pain.

Damon cursed loudly before he dialed Klaus's number, Klaus picked up on the first ring.

"Damon! What a surprise, come to make me listen to more painful screams?" Klaus asked sarcastically making Damon scoff.

"I need you to stop Stefan!" Damon demand making Klaus stop walking and literally think about it.

"And what is Stefan doing?"

"He's going to kill Elena if you don't stop him!" Damon exclaimed making Klaus chuckle, he was supposed to care why exactly.

"War is war, Damon." Klaus told him making Damon sigh and look over to Kara and Rebekah who were unconscious with a snapped neck.

"I'll give you back your sisters." Damon told him making Klaus narrow his eyes, yes he wanted his sisters, but what if this was a trick?

"Where are you?" Klaus asked and Damon hesitated before giving him the location of were he was, he just needed Klaus to stop Stefan.


KLAUS HAD STOPPED STEFAN WHEN HE MET DAMON AT AN ABANDONED BUILDING, Stefan had raced over to Klaus while, Damon raced over to Elena, who was now sobbing in Damon's arms, as Alaric brought out Kara and Rebekah.

"God." Klaus muttered before he speeded towards his sisters and engulfed them both in a big hug, his eyes filled with tears which Alaric noticed.

"Nik." Rebekah and Kara both cried when the scent of their brother hit their noses, they were so happy to be back in his arms.

Stefan sadly sighed at the sight of Kara, she looked so tired and broken. He watched as Kara told Klaus to carry Rebekah, and immediately Klaus did just that, he carried their little sister in bridal style, knowing Stefan had Kara.

Stefan speeded towards Kara and cupped her face and brought her in for a hug, he had missed her.

"Come one, let's get you home, yeah?" Stefan told her making Kara nod, he soon picked her up and Klaus and Stefan both sped away.


CAROLINE HAD SNAPPED TYLERS NECK BEFORE HE COULD BITE HER, she knew that Klaus probably the one behind it because Tyler would never do that to her, but when Kara and Rebekah told her about their week. Caroline was pissed...so so pissed.

Klaus had given Caroline a charm bracelet as in a way of asking for forgiveness and Caroline told him that it was alright, that she understood why he did what he did.

Caroline had spent that night sleeping in between Kara and Rebekah, as she didn't want to leave them alone. The Forbes girl knew that they had Klaus and Stefan by their side, but they were her best friends, and best friends don't leave each other in bad times.


" Big Happy Family? No. Big Idiotic, Dysfunctional Family? Yes."

IT HAD BEEN A FEW DAYS SINCE EVERYTHING WENT DOWN, and now Elijah and Athena were in town. They had gotten the coffins — after some threatening had been done — but nonetheless they had their family back.

A dinner was taking place tonight...the Salvatores and Mikaelsons, they were wanting a truce. It was only going to be Elijah and Niklaus going down for the dinner, while Rebekah and Kara stayed upstairs with Athena.

Now Kara was Caroline, they were at the hospital picking up Bill, even though Kara hated him for what he had done to Caroline, Caroline still loved him, so Kara had to act civil with the man.

Rebekah was at home trying to convince Klaus and Elijah to undagger their brother's, as they had a home now, but Klaus and Elijah were against it as they didn't want another thing to happen. But Rebekah was pretty convincing...

Athena was out shopping, her and Elijah were on a break, that's one of the reasons they came back. They had left to see if they could fix their marriage but they didn't even fight, they were at peace on vacation and Athena didn't like that.

She wanted the passion and fire that came with arguing with Elijah. But it seemed as Elijah just wanted peace, but it reality he missed the passionate arguments as they always end up with having hot angry sex afterwards, but that wasn't the only reason why he didn't want peace with his wife, he wanted to go back to before they were vampires, to when they found out they were having a son. He missed that.

Elijah missed being human, he wanted to go back and fall in love with Athena all over again, he could do for a thousand times more and he would never get tired, because he knew Athena was it for him. She was everything to him and it would stay that way, since she was his humanity.

Athena was his reason to live.


COMING HOME FROM THE HOSPITAL — CAROLINE'S DAD HAD DIED WITH VAMPIRE BLOOD IN HIS SYSTEM, and Caroline wanted to be alone with her family, so Kara stepped back and went home even if she didn't want to leave Caroline alone, she respected Caroline's choice.

Kara didn't enter her home, she sat on the steps, thinking about how she could help Caroline, she knew her brothers were having dinner with Stefan and Damon, she could hear their voices inside.

"Nik! Lijah!" Kol exclaimed making Kara perk up, he was up?!

Kara rushed into her home and into the arms of her little brother making Stefan confused and slightly jealous as he had no idea who this man was.

"You're here! Does that mean..?" Kara questioned as she pulled away making Kol smile and nod before he held his hand out and Finn and Henrik came out from the doors, making Kara choke on a sob before she rushed towards her brothers and gave them a huge hug.

"Stefan, Damon, meet our brothers." Elijah started. "Kol, Finn and Henrik." Elijah said as he pointed to each brother, Henrik was much older now.

Klaus smiled, he knew Rebekah went behind Elijah's and his back and undaggered them, but the brother couldn't be happier.

"Stefan?" Henrik questioned as he took a step forward, he had heard about Stefan, Klaus told him everything.

"Hi." Stefan said shyly, before Rebekah broke the tension as she and Athena walked in saying something about how there was no more wine.

"Henrik!" Athena exclaimed before she rushed towards the eighteen year old and pulled him in for a hug.

Rebekah walked over to Kol and hugged him, even though Kol was still mad at her for telling Nik about his plan, he still hugged her with a smile.

Finn smiled at this, he's family was reunited, even if he had been in a box for so long, it was better than having to feed on people.

Soon the family was joking around and introducing them to the Salvatores. The front door opened and in walked in Esther, Rebekah and Kara went quiet, which Stefan noticed.

"Mother." Rebekah and Kara said in sync as all the siblings were shocked, wasn't their mother dead?

"My beautiful girls." Esther smiled at them as she walked passed them and towards Klaus, who had his head down.

"Look at me. Look at me! Do you know why I'm here?" Esther asked as Klaus looks up and he has tears in his eyes.

"You're here to kill me." Klaus told her making Esther smile softly and shake her head.

"Niklaus, you are my son and I am here to forgive you. I want us to be a family again." Esther spoke as she looked around at everyone, before coming to face with two unknown men.

"And you two are...?" Esther asked making Kol scoff and cross his arms over his chest, before taking a step towards Stefan.

"This mother...is Stefan Salvatore. Karazhan's future husband!" Kol boasted as Kara's face got red and Rebekah and Athena chuckle as Finn, Klaus and Elijah shook their heads, denying Kols words.

Henrik just had a smile on his face, he had gotten daggered in New Orleans after their father had found them. He was the one who told his siblings to do it.

"Husband?" Esther questioned as Stefan looked away shyly, Esther looked back at Kara and smiled.

"You will make a beautiful bride." Esther told her making Kara smile, is this what it feels like to have a parent be proud of you?

"Too bad I won't be one." Kara started as her smile drop. "As you said before...I am nothing but a brat that no one would wish to marry." Kara spoke more harshly before she walked away, making Stefan frown, Klaus motioned for him to follow her.

Stefan did and excused himself from the family, he followed Kara's footsteps and soon found himself in her bedroom.

"You okay?" Stefan asked as he walked in and sat besides her on the bed, she just shrugged and wiped her eyes.

"Why is she here?" Kara asked him as she looked up at him.

"I don't know. But I'm pretty sure it has something to do with Elena." Stefan told her making Kara scoff and shake her head before she threw herself back on the bed.

This was the first time they actually talked since the night of...you know.


Kara sat in the bath with Stefan kneeled besides it, he was bathing her as she was too tired to do it herself. Caroline was downstairs with Klaus, and Rebekah was sleeping.

"I love you." Kara whispered as she slowly turned her head towards Stefan who had stopped his movements when his ears caught the three little words.

"Kara..." Stefan trailed off as he didn't know what to say. "You don't have to say it just because —" Stefan was cut off by Kara.

"I love you, Stefan." Kara said sternly. "I didn't say it sooner because I was afraid to let myself fall for you again. I've done it 26 times already — yes Athena kept count — we have been on and off for years." Kara told him as she laid her head on the bath, Stefan had a clear view of her body but he kept his gaze on her eyes.

"And every time we've gotten back together, I feel like it's the best feeling in the world and it is. I love you, but I don't know if I'll survive if you leave me again." Kara told him making him furrow his brows, Kara looked away and let the tears fall. She looked so weak and she hated it.

Stefan's hand reached and gently grabbed her chin, making her look at him, he leaned in and softly pressed his lips to hers, and he kissed her.

"I love you too." Stefan whispered against her lips making her lips twitch in a small smile.


Stefan laid besides her, and his hand reached down to grab hers. They both turned to look at each other, and they smiled. This is what they wanted for so long, to be together, to be in peace, but being a Salvatore and Mikaelson is everything but peace.

"Stay with me?" Kara asked making Stefan smile and nod, his grip tighten on her hand.

"Yeah." Stefan told her before he pulled her into his chest, she laid her head on his chest and sigh in content.

"I love you." Kara told him making Stefan smile brightly, his eyes full of love and adoration all for this one girl, who someone manage to catch his heart in one day.

"Go on a date with me, Sweetheart." Stefan told her making her chuckle and look up to find him grinning like a mad man.

"I thought you were already my fiancé?" Kara teased making Stefan bite his lip as Kara straddled him.

"I have to buy you a ring first." Stefan told her as he grabbed her ring finger and kissed her knuckles.

"Alright." Kara told him with a smile. "So where are you taking me, for our — what? Like 100th first date?" Kara asked making Stefan chuckle and lean up to capture her lips, she kissed back and her fingers found home in his hair.

"That's a surprise." Stefan told her as he pulled away and flipped them over making Kara squeal in surprise.

Stefan hovered over her as he held himself up, before he leaned down and started to attack her with kisses, and she giggled and returned the kisses.

Stefan enjoyed this, he hadn't enjoyed himself in a long time, and now that he had his girl with him...he was never letting go.



Did I get you at the beginning?! Don't worry stiles and Derek will be coming back!

Henrik is played by timothée chalamet

Also Stefara wedding...?

(Stefara = Stefan + Kara)

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