The fire in us I Sehun FF

By Sehuns_girlfriend

75 10 0

"I'm gonna be you're worst nightmare so get used to It." Park Y/N get's a job with the help of her friend Lis... More

Chapter one
Chapter two
Chapter four
Chapter five

Chapter three

14 2 0
By Sehuns_girlfriend

Yesterday's evening ended pretty soon after my encounter with mr. Oh or more like MY BOSS. Lisa came to find me and we went home  since we couldn't stay to long because of work.

I woke up startled by my alarm booming with Red velvet's 'Russian rulette'

"Agh" I groaned getting up from my warm bed.

It was time for my first day and I was dreading it very much.

I picked out a simple navy blue dress and a pair white heels and made my way to make some breakfast for me and my roommate.

Making pancakes I heard Lisa make her way to the kitchen still half asleep so I poured her some coffee which she quickly drank and this time looked more alive.

We ate our breakfast quickly as we ware both ravenes and made our way to Lisa's car.

"So good luck on you're first day" Lisa said parking the car in the underground parking and getting out of the car.

"Thanks" I said smiling while she ruffled my hair and we both made our way to the building.

After a few minutes of waking Lisa stopped.

"My desk is here and you have to go all the way to the eleventh floor. So break a leg." She said and hugged me.

At least I hope I won't bump into anyone anymore.

I made my way to the elevator and clicked the eleventh floor button. Soon I arrived and wasted no time to get to the office.

„Your'e late" I heard my boss say from his desk as I entered. He didn't even look at me he just knew I was here.

"Hello sir" I said trying to remind him I'm standing now in front of him and bowing.

He looked at me for a split second.

"Go make me a coffee" He said and his gaze returned to his computer, typing away.

Making coffee it is.

I went out of the room to search for the kitchen but quickly realized I have no idea where I'm going so it's best to ask someone how the way.

I knocked on a glass door of someone's office and opened it when I was permitted entrance.

"Hi I'm sorry but do you know where I can find the kitchen here?" I asked a girl around my age but maybe a bit older. She had long dark purple hair which was curled at the ends. Not to mention she looked powerful. Her gaze went up from her computer and looked at me pushing up her glasses on her nose.

"Downstairs first door to the right." She said simply.

I bowed to thank her and started to make my way to leave but she stopped me..

"Wait. Who are you? I haven't seen you around" She said looking amused.

"I'm new here. I'm mr.Oh's new personal assistant." I said.

"Oh poor you. He's hard on his every PA." She said looking at me with pity.

"He had a PA before?" I asked since I though he was new to the job since he was quite young.

"Many. But all of them disappear in weird circumstances." She said lowering her voice a litte probably for the better since she could get into trouble.

"By the way I'm Lin Zhang. Accountants manager here." She said and we both shook hands.

"Y/N Park." I said simply.

"You're Korean?" She asked looking dumbfounded.

"Yes."I answered simply.

"Well then I hope you like it here and if you ever need anything you knew where to find me." She said smiling warmly.

"Thank you." I said and left the room to make my way to the kitchen.

When I arrived I made the coffee and returned to mr.Oh's office.

"Took you long enough." He said looking at me with a deadly glare. If looks could kill I would be dead a long ago.

"There's you're desk. Everything you will need is already there. So first fill out the paper work on the desk, I need it before noon." He said and quickly went back to his work.

I guess will never be bored here.


After filling out all my work I was feeling proud and quickly stood up and gave the stack of papers to my boss.

"Mr. Oh, I finished" I said feeling proud but not showing it.

"Took you long enough" he said and rolled his eyes.

What the hell?!

He took the stack and placed it in a shelf in his big glass desk without even looking at it.

"Take this and give it to mr. Shin." He said still not looking at me and putting his legs on the desk across its eage.

At this point I was mad. I applied for this job not to be a mailman or deliver coffee. If my  first day here looks like this then how will the rest look like. I shook the dark image from my head and left the room.

Even though I already hate this job and his gut's I have to pay my bills somehow.

I reached the third floor and looked for Mr. Shin's office. While I was looking around my best friend came up to me and engulfed me in a hug.

"What's up bestie? How's you're day going so far?" She asked smiling but I was not feeling like smiling back.

"I don't even wanna talk about it. Im not a PA but a servant to make coffee and deliver mail." I said waving around the documents I had to deliver.

"Umm they pay you more then you're last job at lest." She said trying to make me look on the bright side of things. Lisa's always been a optimist while I'm the pessimist in our friendship.

"That's true. But I was an accountant last time. They always get less." I said trying to prove my point.

"Gez you're so hard to convince." She said and laughed.

"By the way do you know where Mr. Shins office is? I have to deliver this" I said waving the documents in my hand.

"Yeah. It's down the hall from here, first for on the right." She said and smiled.


I rushed to his office and left Lisa alone. Lucky my shift ends soon and I can leave this hell.

I knocked on the door and head a faint "come in" from the other side.

I opened the glass door and saw a guy sitting behind a desk. He looked very focused on his work and papers ware scattered all over the places and his dark hair messy.

"Hi I'm new here and Mr. Oh asked me to deliver this to you." I said as the guys gaze was on me now.

"Can you leave them on my desk? And welcome to Huang corporations, I hope you will like it here." He said and smiled lightly.

"I'm Xiao jun but call me Jun since we're probably the same age." he said and reached his hand for a handshake.

"Y/N Park" I said and shook his hand.

"How do you like it here? It's your first day right?" He quizzed.

"Yes it is. It's fine as for now I guess." I answered. 

"I'm happy to heard that." He said and looked at the clock behind me.

"Sorry but I have to go. Important meeting with the CEO" he said and we both left his office.

"See you around Y/N." He said and smirked walking away.

I returned to the office and saw my boss sitting in his chair like he normally does. But when he saw me he stood up and walked in my direction. He probably saw my frightened expression since I didn't know what he was going to do. In response he just smirked.

"Im not gonna mix our private lives with work but just so you know I'm gonna be you're worst nightmare so get used to it, blondie." He said and his smirk got even more playful at the reference of my new nickname, probably referring to my hair color. He caressed my cheek with his fingers while looking in my eyes. This lasted a few seconds before he left and I was left alone in the office.

Well I guess my first day was interesting.

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