A Marriage To Treasure (Mpreg)

By DarkFlower065

54.6K 3K 817

What will happen when two people marry each other after having met two weeks ago? With rules and boundaries s... More

The Marriage
The first meeting
The Unexpected
The Awkward Situation
Nightmare and Guilt
Their Past
Cooking in kitchen??
My husband
Being together
A talk with friend
The last day of honeymoon
Returning home
The meeting
I miss you
Sweet Surprise
The intruder
Our home
My naughty husband
Conversation pit
Testing The Trust
What really happened?
Someone from past
New information
Little time together
The Mall
Angry Perth
The baby


831 55 14
By DarkFlower065

Saint woke up the next day complaining about back ache and pain in legs. Perth gave him a massage and then carried him to bathroom where he had filled the bathtub with warm water. He placed Saint inside and got behind his back. He slowly kept massaging Saint's lower back and Saint started to feel better.

After getting fresh and dressing up in comfortable clothes, the couple walked out of the room. Saint's mother was already up and waiting for them in dining room. The breakfast was already served on the table.

After finishing breakfast, Saint returned to bedroom to get some sleep while Perth got busy with his work. Saint's mother was in library, going through the shelves to find an appropriate book to read. She was happy to see that most of the books were of Saint's favorite. Her gaze then landed on the new books that Perth had placed on the shelf. She moved forward to check and then read the titles recognizing that they were all based on parenting. She smiled to herself realizing that her son in law cared for Saint a lot.

She turned back to look around for other books and found something of her interest. She took the book and made herself comfortable on the nearby couch. It had been a while that she was immersed in book and lost the track of time. When she finally looked around to check the time, it had been almost 2 hours and she thought of checking on Saint.

She placed the book back on shelf and walked out of the library closing the door behind. When she reached the hall, she saw Perth talking to Albert. She was about to take the stairs when she saw Saint appear at the top of the stairs. He was looking a bit tired and still sleepy.

Perth turned around and saw Saint standing at the top of the stairs looking pale. Perth realized that he must have thrown up. He started to move forward taking his steps towards the stairs that is when he noticed that Saint wasn't moving in his normal way.

Out of panic, he bolted towards Saint, skipping some steps in between, only to hold his husband who was about to fall. Saint's mother gasped in horror as she realized what has happened. She rushed towards the couple and Albert followed behind. Perth scooped Saint in his arms who was unconscious now.

He carried him to the bedroom and lay him on bed. Everyone stood there with worried expression as they saw Saint laying on the bed. After sometime, Saint regained his consciousness only to see the worried faces of everyone in the house.

Relief flooded everyone as they saw Saint woke up and look around. He looked at Perth who was sitting next to him and then tried to recall what had happened.


Saint woke up due to uneasy feeling and then rushed to bathroom. He threw up everything he had for breakfast. He cleaned his mouth and returned to bedroom and sat down on bed trying to calm himself.

He started to feel hungry after sometime and decided raid kitchen. He walked out of the door and heard Perth's voice coming from hall. He reached the stairs and saw Perth speaking to Albert and then his mother walked in. His vision started to get blurry. He tried to call for Perth but words couldn't leave his mouth. He then saw someone running towards him and then everything was dark.

End of flashback

Perth ordered the maids to get something for Saint to eat and he then helped him sit up. Saint's mother sat next to him with a worried expression. She placed her hand on Saint's cheek while tear left her eyes. "You make me so worried son. I am thankful that Perth is always there besides you to take care of you." She spoke while sniffing. "Mae, I am sorry to get everyone worried. I was feeling hungry so I thought of finding something in kitchen. I wasn't aware that I might faint on my way." Saint said in a low voice. "Babe, you should have called us. We would have got you everything you wanted." Perth spoke as he held Saint's hand, gently stroking it.

"I am sorry Pin. I got you worried. I won't do it again." Saint replied in guilty tone. "I am not taking any risk of letting something like this to happen again." Perth stated. Saint and his mother looked at Perth in confusion.

"From now on, till the delivery, we are staying in our other bedroom which is downstairs. I had thought about it earlier. I was always concerned about you when I thought about having kids with you so while renovating I made it a point to have an extra bedroom downstairs. I had planned to shift downstairs when you will be showing baby bump. I didn't want you to climb all the stairs to get to our bedroom. But after witnessing what happened few minutes ago, I don't want to waste anymore time on this thing." Perth cleared.

Saint's mom was overwhelmed when she heard what Perth spoke. "Thank you Perth, we never thought that our son will be so lucky to have someone like you as his life partner. I could see in your eyes how much you love him. Even we couldn't make him this happy. I could finally live in peace knowing that my son will always be happy." Saint's mother poured her heart.

"Mae, I am thankful to you because you allowed me to marry Saint. It was really very short notice for everyone but all of you supported us. It's me who should thank you for bringing this beautiful soul on earth so that he could be part of my life. Nothing matters to me more than him." Perth's voice was sincere. The mother nodded and got up to leave. She kissed Saint's forehead and walked out of the bedroom thinking of giving some privacy to the couple.

As soon as the mother left, Perth pulled Saint closer and hugged him tightly. He didn't say a word but stayed there inhaling the sweet baby scent of Saint. Saint understood what Perth was feeling, he said in a low tone, "I am sorry Pin for making you get worried." "It's not your fault babe. Just remember to call us next time if you need anything. I don't want you to get hurt." Perth spoke as he started to stroke Saint's back.

Soon, maids were walking in and out of the bedroom carrying various stuff towards the other bedroom situated on the ground floor. Perth fed Saint and waited till the bedroom was ready.

Albert walked into the bedroom and informed them that other bedroom was ready. Perth picked Saint up and carried him to their other bedroom. The room looked lively and had a picture of a small cute baby placed on the nearby table. Perth had managed to get all their necessities to the room.

Perth made himself comfortable next to Saint who was now laid on the bed. He pulled the duvet covering Saint's lower body. Saint looked at Perth who just left his work to look after him. His face turned sad and Perth noticed it.

"Babe, what happened? Are you not feeling well?" Perth asked in concern, "Pin, are you bored of me?" Saint asked hesitantly. Perth was stunned hearing those words. "What made you think that I am bored of you?" Perth spoke, his tone almost sounding disappointed.

"Umm... Recently, I have been having lots of mood swings, also you have to stay back home a lot because of me. And then I keep troubling you now and then with my weird cravings. I think Pin would have already got bored of me." Saint said and turned his face away trying to hide the tears that were now forming in his eyes.

Perth couldn't believe what he heard. These were the things that giving Perth more happiness and Saint was thinking other way around. He placed his fingers on Saint's chin and turned his head only to see the tears that were shining in his eyes. Perth wiped off the salty water that was staining his husband's cheeks.

"Babe, never ever think that I'll get bored of you. I love you more with each passing day. And I like it when you say what you want. I want you to speak, to tell me each and everything you wish for. And it's our child that you are carrying and I should take responsibility for it. And you look way too cute now........ More chubby." Perth tried to pacify Saint. His hands now caressing the soft cheeks.

"Do you mean to say that I got fat?" Saint said with his lips pouting. "No my love, you are not fat. I just said that you have become chubby and I want to squeeze you more." Perth said and pulled Saint against his chest hugging him tightly while nuzzling his nose into the other's neck.

"Pinnn... Stop!! Ahh..." Saint giggled and wriggled in Perth's embrace as he felt the ticklish feeling. His hands trying to free himself from his husband's grip.

The rest of the day had been a less stressful one since Perth didn't had to worry much about Saint. Saint's mother stayed with him while Perth took care of some urgent official matter. He had to leave for an unplanned meeting soon after lunch. Plan had informed that he will meet Perth at the venue of the meeting.

Saint passed his day talking to his mother. His eyes twinkled every time he spoke about Perth. He also told her about Perth's friends Yacht and Sammy and also their little princess whom he met while they were on honeymoon.

Perth returned home and went straight to his bedroom. Saint was sitting on the bed reading some book. He was happy seeing Perth back and extended his arms for hug. Perth moved towards him and gently pulled him into a warm embrace. "Did you miss me?" Perth asked as he sniffed Saint's hair. "Yeah... I missed you a lotttttt." Saint chimed. Perth smiled hearing the response.

After a while Perth got fresh and they both walked into the dining room for dinner. Saint's mother had prepared Saint's favourite dish since he had mentioned it earlier when they were speaking. The aroma of the delicious dinner was flooding the dining room. Saint squealed in joy and hurried towards the table. Perth followed him soon after. Saint was scooping large spoons and filling his mouth like a small kid. Perth shook his head while a smile spread on his lips.

The image is used for reference purpose and belongs to the rightful owner

After the dinner, Perth returned to bedroom along with Saint. Since the meeting that was very important to him was over, he could finally allow himself some free time. Although the meeting was scheduled 2 days later, due to some issues, they had to prepone it.

Saint lay on bed and waited for Perth who was on a call with Plan. After speaking for a while, Perth returned to bed and slipped next to Saint. His hands lay on Saint's stomach protectively. Saint smiled and turned to look at Perth.

Perth pulled him closer and closed his eyes. His hands were now resting at back of Saint. Saint snuggled closer and buried his head into Perth's chest.

Minutes passed by and Saint was already asleep but Perth was not. He was wide awake and wanted Saint badly but having seen Saint's condition in morning, he didn't want to wake him up.

Saint stirred in Perth's embrace and opened his eyes to look at Perth who was still awake. "Pin, aren't you feeling sleepy?" Saint asked in concern. "Errr... No... You sleep... I'll just go to bathroom." Perth replied and moved to get up.

Saint held his wrist stopping him from moving. "Does Pin want me?" Saint asked, a bit shy to look at Perth. Perth turned his head to look at his husband whose cheeks were turning pink. "Ummm.. Yes, but you are tired and I don't want to trouble you. You go to sleep, I'll just take care of this little problem." Perth replied. "You don't need to Pin, I am here. Let me help you." Saint said and moved his hands towards Perth's thigh rubbing the skin softly. "Are you sure?" Perth was still concerned.

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