how we got ironwidow

By thestarkkid3000

3.9K 142 54

This is my story ironwidow:the multiversal war were in the frist we gonna knows how our family stark secondly... More

part one:peter's story
more than friends
part 2: how we rebuild vision
the endgame
how the young avengers start/ wandavision
part 3:who are the new Avengers
the superior ,Loki and Sylvie
"what's the plan " "attack"
how to fight your evil self from another multiverse
so , what are we gonna do
the multiversal fight

if we had five more minutes

148 7 5
By thestarkkid3000

Natasha's pov


Antony staped him , he staped tony . Antony turned to dust , ash , as if there was nothing happened.

He c.. can't die , not now , not while I'm here .

Me and Steve ran to him , I kneeled next to him .

"Tony... Tony " I said shaking him tears in my eyes. Maybe I lost my tony , forever but I won't let his Natasha lose him. Steve checked his pulse.

"He is still alive , we need to take him to the hospital as fast as possible he is losing to much blood."

He said carrying tony up , strange then came and opened a portal .

"OMG is he okay , what happened "asked morgan.

"Don't worry he will be okay " said Carter.

"Peter came running

"OMG what happened " Peter said panicking.

"Come on we have to go "said strange ignoring Peter.

We all ran inside the hospital , the nurses got a moving bed for Steve to put tony on it . Bruce and strange got in the emergency room with tony and other nurses , they didn't let us get with them . Peter was shaking so pepper took him in her embrace , morgan was pale and scared, that was the frist time someone get hurts when she is at a war . One of the Tony's, Carter , came to her and hugged her

"Don't worry about him , he will be okay , he is a strong man " he patted her back.

"Nat , are you okay " said Clint looking at me With piting , I just nodded my head , tears running down my cheeks . He took me to his warm emprace , the one that looks like Tony's .

"Nat , it's okay to cry you know that , he is Strong , stronger than what you think , you see this man there , he defeated the strongest vilian when will ever see or fight , he will hang on , to build a family , a big beautiful family with you " he made a heavy sigh then continued ,

"Maybe he died in front of us once and we couldn't have his body and bury him , but the he won't this time because this time he hasn't snapped the stones and jumped off a cliff , this time he is just stapped and get healing with the best two doctors we know . Hey didn't you said before that when he returned from titan he was stapped from Thanos , right and he was in a worse situation , but he survived , because he wants to leave , to return to you "

"Thank you Clint , f...for everything you have done for me , for standing with me from the time I came to shield , to now "

"Thank you too , for standing with all of us and being our hard rock when we broke down "we stayed like that until Thor came

"The war ended ,we won, how is friend Antony " he said happily

"We don't know yet Thor , thank you "
Happy came from behind Thor with a look of relief

"They accepted to don't tell the paparazzi about tony , they thought he was still alive but I explained for them , and explained him too " he said pointing at Carter

"Okay thank you happy "said pepper to happy still holding Peter tight between her arms .

Bruce came from the emergency room looks more comfortable than before. We all stood up .

" Thanks God he is okay and didn't die , he just have a wound and need to rest " we all relaxed when he said that .

"At least I won't lose my same best friend two times in ten years and one of them is from the past" said rhodey

" That, that's what known as a dark humor ,James , I thought you stopped this from Afghanistan" said Carter , rhodey just rolled his eyes .

"Can we see him now "asked morgan

"Well yeah strange just make the last check, he was supposed to wake up one hour later but he woke up after 5 min , so yeah you can "

We all ran inside the room to see tony who was liying on the bed talking to strange who was checking on him .

"Oh , hi ,didn't see you get in "

"Hey dad "said morgan and Peter at the same time and ran to tony to hug him.

"Hey , well It's not usual to me to see a 15 years old kid and 33 years old married mad run to me to hug me and say 'hey dad ' "

" Well , iam not really 33 , iam 28 "

"What , how , you born in 2001 and this is 2034 but how the hell , wait , please don't tell me you died and you are from the past !"

We all laughed exept tony and Carter who gave us a confused look .

"No dad he didn't die, remember that Thanos Guy , this is about his story and we will have to tell you about it "

"Yeah well, nat ?, whould you like to tell him the story ?" Steve asked me , I looked at him for a few seconds then looked back at tony.

"Okay , you said that Ross called you because of what happened right, so when you go with him he will show you and the other Avengers the accords that the united nations have to control the Avengers and there is 117 nation agreed on it , but Steve didn't agree on it because he thought you lock wanda in the combound and don't want her to get out untill she can control her powers to don't hurts more people" I made a heavy sigh

"Then there is an explosion will happen in the conference room where me, king T'chala and his father was, king T'chala's father died in the explosion the cameras cought sergeant Barnes or the winter soldier do it but it wasn't really him it was someone his name is Helmut zemo

You thought it was him and everyone did except Steve , there is somethings happened and cap ran with bucky from where all of us were , Ross told you to collect a team and get him in 36 hours and if you didn't, he will send a team get them even if they were dead and you didn't want them to be died so it would be better if you are the one who got them.

There is a fight happened in the airport with two teams

Team cap, which contained
Ant man
And Sam"

"Wait but Clint said he will retire ?"

"He did but when he knew that Steve needed him he came , and there was the team who fought team cap

Team iron man , which contained

Spider man
Black panther
War machine

We fought, Steve and bucky were escaping , T'chala was about to cought them but I stopped him , I thought that what I did was right but it wasn't.

You and rhodey flougt behind them and Sam flougt behind both of you to stop you, you told vision to shot him so he will stop following you but he wasn't focused and shot rhodey instead of Sam, you and Sam weren't fast enough to catch him before he land (𝗶𝗮𝗺 𝘁𝗿𝘆𝗶𝗻𝗴 𝗼𝗻 𝘁𝗼 𝘁𝗿𝘂𝘀𝘁 𝘆𝗼𝘂 𝘄𝗵𝗲𝗻 𝘆𝗼𝘂 𝘀𝗮𝗶𝗱 𝗴𝗮𝘃𝗲 𝗺𝗲 𝗮 𝗵𝗮𝗻𝗱, 𝗯𝗮𝗯𝘆 𝗶𝗮𝗺 𝗳𝗮𝗹𝗹𝗶𝗻𝗴 𝗶 𝗵𝗼𝗽𝗲 𝘆𝗼𝘂 𝗰𝗮𝘁𝗰𝗵 𝗺𝗲 𝘄𝗵𝗲𝗻 𝗶 𝗹𝗮𝗻𝗱 : 😂 ) so he got paralyzed and he can't walk... "

"So that why he has something like crutches in his legs, I am sorry honey bear "Carter said to rhodey sadly , who could believes that this man is my assistant and iam the owner of 'stark' industries .

"It's okay tony stank , I don't even feel that I have been paralyzed anymore , oh and you won't understand what stank mean this tony is the only one will understand after the civil war ends "

Morgan and Peter rolled their eyes , rhodey have been calling them that after he passed from Tony's death and can say jokes about him .

"Anyway can you continue please Natasha" asked Bruce politely , I nodded then continued.

" After that you knew the truth that it wasn't Barnes and it was Helmut zemo so you went to the raft, where they arrested the team cap minus Barnes and Rogers to ask Sam where are they so you could help them , when he told you you went for them to help them, but there is something happened in there I can't tell you about made you to fight Steve and bucky , they left you there alone with a broken suit"Steve looked down ashamed , morgan didn't know what happened so of course she will ask.

"What happened ?"

"I will tell you later "said Peter looking at his fingers

"But what about me ?" Asked Carter.

"I will tell you later , but this won't happen in your universe something else will happen "said strange "continue please"

"Okay, you went unconscious , Peter was worried about you so he called me to help him on finding you , we found you with a broken suit , a camera record vision found and Steve's shield , we returned to the combound , when you woke up you surprisingly asked me to marry you because you knew that we will marry and engaged after the civil war .

After two years me and you were at the park running and you told me about your dream that we had a baby then there's a portal opened next to us.....

Time skip, I won't write all if that 😩😂

...That's how we got to here , and don't forget if you played with anything you will destroy the time line" I finally finished the story , MJ came in the middle of the story .

"I don't think that I will ever tell this long story again , my throat hurts "

"Even if it was for your grand child " MJ said

We all looked at here with a wide eyes , d..did what I hear was right or she is just joking.

"M..MJ w...what do you m...mean that" Peter said shaking .

"That the great black widow and tony stark will be a grandparents "

Tony's heart monitor start beabing fast , it's looks like the idea of being a grandpa gaves tony a panik attack .

"Omg grampa calm down " Carter said joking about tony being a grandpa ,


"Tony calm down " I said trying to calm him down .

"IAM GOING TO BE AN AUNT "morgan said cheering and walked to MJ to hug her, from twenty years , I thought that I will never get marry or have someone to love me except the Avengers as my friends , but look at be now , I'm going to be a grandma .

"Omg MJ , w...we are going to be a parents " Peter said with a happy tears in his eyes and went to hug MJ , w all loughed at him then clapped for the future parents.

I saw happy tears in Tony's eyes he was trying to hide , I looked at him smirking.

"What , there's just some dust in my eyes " I giggled , I never been that happy since 2023 . Ever since him. But from now on I will be the happiest grandma ever .

Tome skip

Now is the time that tony will return to his time , the others returned to their multiverse. That will be the last time I see him , I will never see him again . The only thing that will remains will be photos and holograms for him nothing else.

That's the good bey

"Goodbye dad "said morgan hugging tony with tears in her eyes , she passed through a lot , at least she got a chance to hug him one more time.

"Goodbye old man "said Peter hugging him after tony broke the hug with Morgan .

"You know Pete , if you want any fatherly tips don't go to Steve he is the opposite of stark , he will teach you to make your son's frist words is language, you can go to Clint or brucey bear they are cooler parents " he said loughing at Steve's look and broke the hug with peter to shake the other Avengers hands Ang hugging rhodey.

When he finished be loked at me

"Iam sorry darling " he hugged me and said so ,I can feel the hot tears in my eyes, those were the last words he said to me and it will be the last now .

Strange opened to him a portal instead of making him travel with the time travel watch .

"Goodbye " we all said and he waved his hands and then .


I won't see him again .

At least I still have this big family and friends with me and a grandchild on the way

8 months later

was born the newest stark .


he was as handsome as his grandpa , and of course he will follow his stupid foot steps .

Iam sure if tony was here he would have crying happily about his grand child .

I hope he is happy watching us wherever he is .

That's the stark family.


𝗵𝗮𝗵𝗵 . 𝗧𝗵𝗮𝘁 𝘄𝗮𝘀 𝘁𝗵𝗲 𝗹𝗮𝘀𝘁 𝗰𝗵𝗮𝗽𝘁𝗲𝗿 . 😢😊

Thanks to 350 view and 60 vote 😍

[Verse 1]
Breathe the air again, it's a beautiful day
I wish this moment would stay with the Earth
Some primal paradise
But there you go again, saying everything ends
Saying you can't depend on anything, or anyone

If the end of the world was near
Where would you choose to be?
If there was five more minutes of air
Would you panic and hide
Or run for your life
Or stand here and spend it with me
If we had five more minutes
Would I, could I, make you happy?

[Verse 2]
And we would live again
In the simplest of ways
Living day after day
Like some primal animals
We would love again
Under glorious suns
With the freedom that comes with the truth

If the end of the world was near
Where would you choose to be?
If there was five more minutes of air
Would you panic and hide?
Or run for your life?
Or stand here and spend it with me?
If we had five more minutes
Would I, could I, make you happy?

So it finally came to pass
I saw the end of the world
Saw the madness unfold like
Some primal burial
And I looked back upon
And the moment of truth
Between you and me

If we had five more minutes of air to breathe
And we cried all through it
But you spent them with me
On our last few drags of air we agree
I was and you were happy

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