It Started with a Hijabi's Di...

By flower_seeds_

9.9K 1.5K 2.2K

"And they plot and plan, and ALLAH plans and ALLAH is the best of planners" (Al-Quran) "Can you tell me to wh... More

1= Finding The Diary
2= Iman
3= Islam and Ethics
4= Are Flaws Actually Flaws?
5= Al-Raheem
6= Hazrat Muhammad صَلَّى اللَّهُ عَلَيْهِ وَسَلَّمَ
7= What's in this bottle?
8= Secrets
9= Little hints
10= Ramadan
11= Lane of memories
#Free Palestine
12= Veil
13= Daughters=Princess
14= Badr is Missing
15= Soulmate
16= Finding new secrets
17= Letters
18= Search
19= Hayatuhu حياته
20= She found them
21= Proposal
22= Reaction
23= "it was the only thing I had of her"
24= "how did you know it was Me?"
25= Finally!
27= "the villian of our story..."
28= "I need to find her, no matter how much it costs"
29= "I dream to meet a secret agent one day"
30= "I Know You..."
31= "Where are we?"
32= "Let me surprise you..."
33= "our last breath?.."
34 = "I Didn't Fake It "
35= Ilham
36= Choosing ALLAH
37= Mehram
38= "Been Shot..."
39= Graveyard
40= Wonders Of Love
41= The Court
42= Engagement
Epilogue 2
Epilogue 3
About Author

26= "this diary has more than it shows"

112 26 6
By flower_seeds_

Starting with the name of ALLAH ALMIGHTY, Who's Most Merciful and The Best Planner.

May Peace and Blessings of Allah Almighty be upon all our beloved prophets, especially Hazrat Muhammad , their noble companions, and all the true believers present in this world or the other.


بِسۡمِ اللّٰہِ الرَّحۡمٰنِ الرَّحِیۡمِ

" In the name of Allah , the Entirely Merciful, the Especially Merciful. "

یَقُوۡلُوۡنَ  لَئِنۡ  رَّجَعۡنَاۤ  اِلَی  الۡمَدِیۡنَۃِ لَیُخۡرِجَنَّ الۡاَعَزُّ  مِنۡہَا الۡاَذَلَّ ؕ وَ لِلّٰہِ الۡعِزَّۃُ  وَ لِرَسُوۡلِہٖ وَ لِلۡمُؤۡمِنِیۡنَ وَ لٰکِنَّ  الۡمُنٰفِقِیۡنَ  لَا  یَعۡلَمُوۡنَ ٪﴿۸﴾                 13

" They say, "If we return to al-Madinah, the more honored [for power] will surely expel therefrom the more humble." And to Allah belongs [all] honor, and to His Messenger, and to the believers, but the hypocrites do not know. "

Ayat no. 8)


Narrated Abu Huraira: Allah's Apostle said,   Allah Almighty said, 'I will declare war against him who shows hostility to a pious worshipper of Mine. And the most beloved things with which My slave comes nearer to Me, is what I have enjoined upon him; and My slave keeps on coming closer to Me through performing Nawafil (praying or doing extra deeds besides what is obligatory) till I love him, so I become his sense of hearing with which he hears, and his sense of sight with which he sees, and his hand with which he grips, and his leg with which he walks; and if he asks Me, I will give him, and if he asks My protection (Refuge), I will protect him; (i.e. give him My Refuge) and I do not hesitate to do anything as I hesitate to take the soul of the believer, for he hates death, and I hate to disappoint him.

Hadees no. 6502)


If you haven't prayed yet, then please pray before reading this, because your connection with Allah Almighty is much more important.
Remember, Salat is obligatory, this is not.



Mustafa felt very guilty that he had caused harm to his brother's belonging - yet he was more confused by seeing the reaction of his two brothers before him.

For a twelve years old kid, it was really uncanny to view two handsome men on their knees for a diary.

But still he apologized,
"Akhi, I am sorry. I really am. I didn't mean for it to happen".

AbdulWadood stood up, and smiled at his brother. He then bent down to pick up the diary and inspected it. The cover from the spine of the book was torn apart and AbdulWadood was amazed to see the beautiful black leather original cover of the diary.

The cover the girl made was of cloth and still could be sewed, but he felt the ache to admit that the girl who sewed it in the first place wasn't here.

He ruffled his brother's hair who laughed and went out of the room - leaving a Badr who was still in his same position and AbdulWadood who stood beside him.

AbdulWadood kneeled down towards his friend, and grabbed his shoulder causing him to snap out of his trance.

What had happened to Badr?

His reaction was really confusing to AbdulWadood, and it increased ten times more when Badr looked at AbdulWadood with a serious look and asked him- almost desperately.

"Where did you get this diary from, Abdul?"

AbdulWadood creased his eyebrows in confusion.

Why was it important to Badr?

Him looking at the diary as if it was some long lost treasure, or an answer to his big stress; confused AbdulWadood to no end.

But Badr pointed him with a more serious look and almost pleaded,
"Please, AbdulWadood, where did you get this diary from?"

"Badr, why it is important?", he asked in a confused tone.

"It is important. Very important", he told him the truth, "Or I wouldn't have asked you".


AbdulWadood was still looking at him with confusion, and he didn't know how to answer him properly. It wasn't a casual information that he could blurt out easily.

Badr stood up, and grabbed the diary - to make sure again if it really was The Diary. And he was again amazed, shocked and releaved to find out that it was.

He examined its cover - the leather black cover -- that he was too familiar with.

Oh, how much he had searched for this diary. This black expensive leather cover and the words graved into it.

"Where d-did you get it from, Abdul?", he stuttered still don't beleiving it.

He had seached so madly for it, went practically insane. Had to hide for almost two months away from his family and all people close to him. Almost lost his life and all this time -it was here. In his best friend's room.

Badr looked at AbdulWadood -who now stood beside him- and waited for his reply.

He was going to open the diary, but AbdulWadood almost yelled,
"NO! Don't open it. It has... some personal things".

In the back of his mind, AbdulWadood still felt guilty that he had read someone's private dairy. He didn't want to increase it by letting Badr read it.

Badr found himself lowering the diary down to the desk - probably because he hadn't seen AbdulWadood so serious before. Not even once.

"Is it your personal diary?", Badr asked hesitantly; still feeling nervous seeing the serious look on AbdulWadood's face.

"No, but it is someone's", he told him the truth but didn't elobrate further.

"Okay, I won't read it. But I am telling you, Abdul, me finding where and how you got this diary is very important. There's so many things that I need to know. What if someone caught you picking it and they are following you now? How long has it been since you found the diary? What if_"

AbdulWadood cut him off with a soft and soothing tone,
"Calm down, Badr. I will tell you the details, but I don't get why is it important to you?"

"It is! AbdulWadood I can't tell how much important it is!", he waved his hands around as if to signify its importance.

"This diary has more than it shows. Much more".

"Will you talk in direct words, you know. That I can understand. This code language is going way up my head", AbdulWadood said whilst raising a hand past his head to visualize what he said.

"Abdul, I can understand your confusion. And I promise I will remove it", Badr said sincerely, whilst looking at his friend with sincere eyes, "Do you trust me?"

This caused AbdulWadood to punch his shoulder playfully -- stifling a smile - as he said,
"You would be a stupid to ask that".

Both of them sat on the chairs beside the desk, and Badr said,
"Now start".

AbdulWadood looked sheepish, and a smile and an unknown emotion made its way to his heart, as he narrated,


It was past midnight, and AbdulWadood was feeling peace. Solace. As he sat at the top of the little hill behind the backside of houses.

This side of the colony had many small mountains, and it gave him peace whenever he visited them.

The reason why he was at this place at this time --the time past midnight -- was because he had a friend who lived there.

He and his friends was going on a vacation tour, and they were going to depart in few hours.

He sighed as he discovered a new mountain, it was really small. But it had many beautiful flowers; that he could tell was planted by someone specially.

He was still observing the breath taking view. The peaceful sky glistening with countless starts, the wind flowing soothingly with the fragrance of the beautiful flowers around.

In all this, he noticed someother thing or more like someone.
When he loked closely it was a girl whose hijab was swaying with the wind, and she was looking at her surroundings. He couldn't see her face or even what she looked like. She was like a clear shadow standing there, all covered in the darkness of the night. As if too precious to be shown.

But he could see her movement.  And the way she was looking at this mountain was clear -that she was either watching it for the first time or for the last time; biding a farewell.

She wiped her tears from her sleeve, and then after the last look, proceeded down towards one of the house; her hijab flowing in the air.

AbdulWadood didn't know why -he seriously didn't -but it was like an unseen force which made him follow her.

He convinced himself that he was going to step down nonetheless. And he was doing just that.

And he actually proceeded towards his friend's home, and he turned last time to see a huge truck standing infront of the house, the girl was standing in.

All the members of the house, seemed in haste, almost throwing all the stuff inside the truck or the car standing beside it.

The hijabi stood away from the light; again making it impossible to see any of her features.

Her back was to AbdulWadood. And if she had stood facing him, he would have seen her.

Her light blue hijab was swaying with the air and she looked at the sky, and she was wearing a backpack.

She stood there immobile, looking at the sky. As if seeking something there.

She fell out of the trance, when a young boy shook her dragging her gently to the car.

AbdulWadood didn't know why he stood there watching all commotion; but it was not really common seeing a family bustling around -- as if they are being chased by a dog -- and also after the midnight. It was not really a common sight to witness.

The hijabi standing there halted for a moment; and hugged the diary to her chest, before placing in the pocket of her bagpack.

When she was placing the diary; reaching her hands back to place it in the pocket of the bag. She opened the zip of the black bag she was wearing on her back; and succeeded in placing the diary there. But it dangled in its place.

And at the same moment, an old lady came to her and grabbed her shoulder before dragging her in the car; and then ran herself into the car as if a danger was after her.

In all of this hurry, the diary which was dangling in the bag's pocket, fell down on the ground.
And in all the other noises - of the huge truck, car's engine- she didn't hear it hitting the groud; before she was dragged in the car.

AbdulWadood didn't know why, but the way the hijabi had hugged the diary -- it was clear it was very precious to her.

AbdulWadood ran after them to tell her, but they drove away leaving a cloud of mud behind.

He found the diary on the ground; begging for attention. He picked it up and something in him made him keep the diary..

And the rest is known

Flashback ends

"First I was really uncertain about reading the diary. But once I did, I couldn't stop.  She...she is something special. And I know without any doubt that the pull I feel to her is unlike anything.", he said pouring out all his emotions that had been bottled up for so long.

"It's her personal diary, isn't it?", Badr looked at him with a soft gaze, "That's why you stopped me to read it".

AbdulWadood nodded, and hesitantly looked at him. And Badr didn't fail to notice that.

"You know I would never judge you, right?", Badr said in an assuring tone, "I will even help you find her".

Then a bulb lit up on his mind, and he stood up excitedly.


AbdulWadood looked at with a puzzled look, and didn't know what to make of his excited expressions.

"The last person who had this diary was Mr. AbdulRahman's daughter- who is Mr. Ad_", he stopped because he knew how AbdulWadood and all his family members, including Mr. Adam had persisted him to call him uncle, "Uncle Owais's old friend".

AbdulWadood didn't even notice about Badr calling his father Mr. Adam because he was too focused on the first sentence he spoke.

Then he remembered about the diary he had read minutes ago,

"Yes! I just read in an entry where she mentioned that Abbu is friend of her father", AbdulWadood said in an excited tone that matched Badr's expressions.

"I will ask to Abbu, and maybe get her address. Maybe then I will finally meet her!".

And then to make sure last time, Badr inquired,

"Abdul, the house you saw her in front of, is in the west side of the colony, right?"

"Yes. How do you know?", AbdulWadood asked.

And then he remembered the name plate he saw infront of the house was of the same name Badr just mentioned. Then he reached his phone,

"Does this house belong to Mr. AbdulRahman - the one you and Abbu knows about?"

When Badr looked at the picture, he gasped. Even the little doubt he had was now vanished.

"Yes! It is of Mr.AbdulRahman", he remembered it clearly 'cause he had lived in that house for more than a month and a half.

Then both of them looked at each other with happiness. AbdulWadood could see now clearly see the way that could lead him to her.

And then he looked at Badr, "you know her father's name. You must know her name, too, don't you?"

He looked at Badr, with anticipated gaze. Badr smiled, and looked at him teasily,

"Why? Too much anticipated?"


"Okay, okay", he chuckled softly, "her name is Iman AbdulRahman".

"Iman", AbdulWadood smiled widely, "The name that speaks most about her beautiful nature. Allah Almighty did bless her with an amazing Iman (faith)".

"Now, when can we go to her?", AbdulWadood asked impatiently.

Badr laughed loudly at his excitement, causing AbdulWadood to blush lightly.

When he sobered up, he realized the reality of this situation. He felt all the excitement drain off him and felt deep remorse; knowing that he was going to crush his friend's excitement.

He didn't even know how to tell him. But one thing he knew; he wasn't going to lie to his best friend.

"Uncle Owais and Mr. AbdulRahman have always been  very close friends. Mr. Adam had been one of the few person who knew about this dairy from the very start. And he was given the duty to protect it.

When they found out about it, they went savage in its search. Mr. Adam knew that he would be the first person to be their suspect, and he was very worried about this. He shared this with his friend and his friend suggested him to let the diary be in his home. It was a very genious idea because they couldn't even least expect it. No one would doubt a doctor - that too a successful one- who's far away from all the things we deal with".

He looked at AbdulWadood and inspected his expressions carefully as he continued,

"Then Iman picked up the diary one day when Mr. AbdulRahman took it out of his safe. From then I and Uncle Owais had faced so much distress. This diary can be very dangerous if gone into wrong hands".

AbdulWadood stood there for a while, processing all the information. Then he remembered about the line in which she had wrote that his Abbu left in a gloomy mood after Mr. AbdulRahman told him something.

Maybe it was when he told him that he had lost the diary?

But one thing was still very confusing. That made it impossible for him to understand this mystery.

"Badr, how can this diary be dangerous?", he asked puzzled - it was just a personal diary - how can it be dangerous?

"Actually, AbdulWadood....", Badr trailed off not knowing if he was ready to answer this question.

But AbdulWadood remained determined and asked,

"Badr, what is the mystery of this diary?! What does it have?!"

And Badr now knew that he had no way but to answer this. 


To him

And everyone who had waited for it😜

You are Finally going to know about it??

Did you like this chapter?

And what do you think will happen next??

Stay tune,
Till then


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