Tsubaki And Wisteria (English)

By methepsychic1

90 7 2

Meeting Naori was a coincidence for Kakashi. But, the days they spent together bring more than a coincidence... More

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 5 (End)

Part 4

6 1 0
By methepsychic1

Seven years had passed. Naori had been looking for Kakashi on every villages in Water nation and also some villages in Fire Nation. She entered every villlages only to find a man that she know as Kaito. The only informations she had were he had grey hair with scar of his left eye, also a beauty spot right on the corner of his lips. She didn't even know Kaito's real name. Which make it more difficult for her to find him.

Naori finally arrived at Konoha after seven years on journey to find Kaito. Naori was waiting for Hokage approval for her to enter the Konoha village.  When she finally entered Konoha at the beginning of the winter.

Her face didn't change much. Still as pale as the moon with cherry blossom lips and hair as black as coal. Naori started walking in the main road of Konoha toward the center of the village. Just like what she did in other villages, she will try to find a part time job and a place to stay while she was in a village. While she would try to find the man she always love. Her feeling toward Kaito never change. She still loves him.

Naori walked on the main road, while the kids ran around her. Naori smiled softly seeing the kids. When suddenly, she saw a silver haired man in the crowd. Naori ran after the man until they were away from the crowd.

"Ka...Kaito-san," called Naori softly.

Kakashi suddenly stopped on his way with eyes wide opened. His heart beat faster when he heard the tender voice calling him with his fake name. The voice he will never forget. He then remembered a sweet smile from a woman with special black eye and purple eye. Her snow white skin that he tasted on every kiss from his lips. Kakashi tried to calm himself, 'no.. i can't be with her.'

Kakashi turned around and stared at Naori in droopy eyes.
Naori smiled happily seeing the face of the man, even the man covered half of his face with mask and his left eye was covered with his hitaiate, she knew that look from that one eye. She knew he is the man she loves. Naori ran toward him immediately and hugged him tight.

Kakashi was surprised, he wanted to held her in his arms and inhale the sweet scent from the body of this woman that he miss. But, he can't do it. Kakashi put his hands on Naori's shoulder then pushed her away slowly, "i'm sorry. Who are you?"

Naori gasped and stared at Kakashi deeply, "i... you don't remember me?" whined Naori.

Kakashi shook his head, "who are you looking for?"

"You are Kaito-san, aren't you? It's me. Naori," Naori stared at Kakashi in desperation. Not much had change on her face. Her face still as pale as the moon and glow under the sunlight just like the first snow. Her lips still as pink as cherry blossom, only some wrinkles on the corner of her eyes. Showing the line of her smile and her increasing age since the last time Kakashi saw her.

"I'm sorry. I'm Kakashi. Hatake Kakashi. I don't know any Kaito," lied Kakashi.

"No.. i know you are Kaito. I know it's you. No way i was wrong. Seven years ago we met. We live together in the early of the winter. Mizumi village. No way you forget about it," Naori stared at Kakashi full of hope meanwhile her eyes sparkling from trying to hold back her tears.

Kakashi tried to hold back himself seeing the teary eyes from the woman in front of him. When he saw Anko walk pass him.
"Anko!" called Kakashi.

Anko saw Kakashi and walked toward him.
"What's wrong?"

"This..this is my fiancee. Anko. We have been together for 10 years. And i never leave the village more than seven days. And i never do any mission far from Konoha. Right, Anko?" lied Kakashi.

Anko stared at Kakashi in surprised then understand what Kakashi need, "yes. This is Kakashi. My fiancee. Is there any problem?"

Naori stared at Kakashi and Anko then she looked down, "i'm sorry. I was wrong. I'm sorry for disturbing you."
Naori turned around and walked away.

Kakashi stared at Naori sadly.
"What is this, Kakashi?"asked Anko in angry tone.

"Sorry for troubling you. I just don't want to be with her," answered Kakashi.

"You reject that woman?! So, it is true that you like man?" asked Anko in surprised.

"It's not like that. It's impossible for me to be with her. With my life as a shinobi and with my past," answered Kakashi sadly.

"Nothing is impossible, Kakashi.  You should fight for her if you really love her. She look for a man that she doesn't even know his real name. But, she doesn't give up. You owe me dango," said Anko as she walked away.

Kakashi only stared at Naori's back seeing her asking about a man named Kaito to every people she met. She smiled and bowed down everytime she ask about Kaito to the people. Kakashi felt his heart aching everytime he saw Naori bowed down to the people and only getting the shaking head from all of the people she asking to. But, she keep smiling and keep asking.

Naori could stay in Ichiraku while she is in Konoha. At night, she will do part time job at Ichiraku meanwhile at day, she will try to find Kaito. This what she had been doing for the last seven years in every villages she entered. She will stay in a shop then work there if allowed by the owner.

It has been 3 days Naori stayed in Konoha. She only had seven days in Konoha to find Kaito. Naori sat alone on the river bank that covered by thin snow. When Kakashi stood next to her, "you still in Konoha?"

Naori looked up to Kakashi then smiled, "Kakashi-san, isn't it?"

Kakashi nodded and sat next to Naori, "and you?"

"I'm Naori. Haku Naori. Ano.. Kakashi-san, i'm sorry about what happened three days ago. I shouldn't do that. I was wrong."

Kakashi shook his head, "don't worry. It's okay. What's bring you to Konoha?"

"I want to see Kaito-san."

"Who is this Kaito?" Kakashi pretended he didn't know as he rubbed his hands together.

Naori looked at Kakashi's hands then took a grey knitted gloves.
"Here. You can wear this," said Naori as she handed the gloves to Kakashi.

Naori raised her head then looked at the snowflakes falling on her hand, "just take it as my apology to you about what happened days ago. I made that for Kaito-san. But, i think you need it now. I can make it for him next time. Beside, i haven't met him yet. I still have time to make it."

"Please take it, Kakashi-san. I insist. You asked about Kaito-san, don't you? Kaito-san is the man that save me and protect me. A man who gives me hope. A man that i will always love."

Kakashi wore the gloves on his hands. He could feel the care and love from every knit in the gloves. He could feel Naori's hands holding his hands tight from the gloves. He remembered when they walked under the pine tress under the snow. He could feel Naori's hands that gave him protection and love, 'you are wrong, Naori. You are the one who gave me hope and protect me,' thought Kakashi.

"But, he was gone," continued Naori, "i don't know his reason for leaving me. Now, i just hope that he is happy and i just want to see him. If i can meet him and talk to him, it's okay for me just to see him. I just want to give him my promise. I just want to see him for the last time," Naori said as she saw some snowflakes falling onto her palm.

"Why don't you just forget him?"

Naori smiled softly, "it's impossible for me to forget him. Moreover stop loving him. I will keep looking for him. I don't care how long it takes for me to find him."
Naori staring at the snow in front of her and continue, "snow remind me of him. When it's winter, i keep wondering whether he remember me just like i remember him. And i keep asking is he happy now and whom he thinks about when he see the snow? Is it me? Or has he found someone else to fulfill his heart."

Kakashi stood up then stared at Naori. His heart ache seeing Naori and hearing Naori's almost breaking voice. He wanted to hold her tight and his arms and said that it was him. It was him she was looking for. Before he lost his control, he decided to walk away.

"Thank you for the gloves. It's really warm. I have to go. I hope you can meet Kaito soon."

"Thank you, Kakashi-san.  Please deliver my apology to Anko-san too," said Naori. Her face always smiling, but Kakashi could feel the loneliness and sadness in every Naori's gaze.

Kakashi hid behind a tree near the river. Naori stared at the horizon. Some snowflakes decorate her long black hair. Naori remembered when they walked together with Kaito under the snow. Naori took out a wooden box then held a wisteria Kanzashi from the box in her hands.

She no longer able to hold her tears seeing the kanzashi Kaito once gave her. She remembered when they spend their time in the cave full of wisteria. Naori held the kanzashi closer to her heart then cried holding her head to her knees. She tried to look strong and fine, but, when she was alone, she cried feeling her loneliness.

Kakashi stared at her sadly from behind the tree. He clinched his fist to hold himself for running toward Naori and reveal that he was Kaito. No...no.. it can't be for him.. a life of a shinobi is not a happy fairytale life. The life he had to endure was the life full of darkness and dark past. He didn't want to put Naori into that life. Moreover after knowing about his past with Naori's father and brother.

At night, Kakashi walked around the village. Some people still walk around heading toward their destination. The cold winter wind breeze making people tighten their coat. Kakashi wore the gloves Naori gave to him. He remembered when he walked with Naori holding her tender hand tightly.

"Oi Kakashi, where are you going?" asked Guy while walking with Genma.

"Oh.. Guy, Genma.. it's nothing. I just feel bored," answered Kakashi.

"Have you ate dinner?" asked Genma

"Come with us. A warm ramen is perfect in this weather," asked Guy.

"I guess that's not bad idea," answered Kakashi as he walked with Guy and Genma toward Ichiraku.

They finally arrived at Ichiraku then sat side by side on the wooden chair. When suddenly, Naori walked out toward the kitchen.

"Teuchi-san, please take a rest. Ayame-san too. Please take a rest. You have been working non stop. You must be tired. I will take care of the shop," said Naori.

"Thank you so much, Naori-chan. We will take a rest," said Teuchi as he smiled then walked into their room behind the kitchen.

Kakashi stared at Naori he didn't expect to see Naori in Ichiraku.
"Welcome, are you ready to order?" welcomed Naori as she smiled tenderly.
Genma just.stared at Naori.

"I want spicy ramen," answered Guy

"Okay then. Ah.. Kakashi-san. What do you want to order?" asked Naori.
"E.. just Miso ramen for me," answered Kakashi lazily. But his heart beat faster everytime he saw Naori.

"And you, sir? what do you want to order?" asked Naori to Genma as she smiled a sweet smile to Genma.

"Oi Genma!" called Guy after seeing Genma.not responding and keep staring at Naori.

"Ah! T..that.. yes. Same as Guy," answered Genma as he looked down hiding his blush cheeks.

Naori smiled tenderly, "two spicy ramen and one miso ramen. Please wait a moment."

After a while, Naori put the ramen in front of them. The smell of broth and the spring onion and the tare causing the stomach growling.

"Please eat," pleased Naori.

Genma still staring at Naori deeply. Meanwhile Kakashi looked at Genma from the corner of his eye. He felt uneasy when a man keep staring at Naori.

"A..ano..," said Genma suddenly.

Naori stopped washing the dishes then turned her body around toward them, "yes, do you need anything?" asked Naori as she smiled.

"Eee.. may... may i know your name?" asked Genma.

Naori nodded tenderly then smiled, "my name is Naori. Haku Naori. I work part time here only until my residence permit is expired in Konoha."

Genma heart beat faster hearing Naori's voice.
"What's wrong, Genma? Did you just fall in love?" asked Guy teasingly.

Kakashi's face was changed hearing Guy's words then he looked at Genma and Naori.

"Ee..it just... it's nothing," answered Genma in red face. He couldn't able to stop looking at Naori.

Naori just smiled tenderly then put glasses of water in front of them and realized Kakashi brought the gloves she made.

"Ah.. you wear it, Kakashi-san. Does it fit your hands?" asked Naori happily.
Kakashi just nodded while Genma looked at Kakashi.

"I'm glad." Naori then looked at Kakashi and the empty bowl, "when did you eat it?"
"When you wash the dishes"
"So fast," answered Naori as she giggled amazed by Kakashi's speed.

After a while, Kakashi, Guy and Genma walked toward their residence. 
"Kakash!!! Can i wear the gloves? Naori san made it, doesn't it? It must be so warm and tender. Just like Naori-san. Please.. let me wear it for a while," begged Genma.

"No." answered Kakashi short as he wore the gloves.

"Ahh.. please.. let me try it for a minute. Hmm.. what do you think if i ask her out for a date? Aren't we a perfect couple?" asked Genma to Guy and Kakashi.

"That-" Guy words was stopped by Kakashi.
"Don't!" answered Kakashi immediately.

Guy and Genma looked at Kakashi.
"Kakashi, do you like her too?" asked Genma in serious tone.
"No.. it's not that."
"Then if i ask her out, it will be fine, won't it?" asked Genma again in serious tone.

Kakashi then looked at Genma seriously, "do what you want to do. But don't hurt her in any kind of way."
Kakashi then walked away from them while Guy and Genma looked at him in confusion.
"What's wrong with him?" asked Genma to Guy.
Guy raise his shoulder seeing Kakashi walked away from them.

Next day, Genma went to Ichiraku then see Naori walked out of back door of Ichiraku.
"Naori-san," called Genma.
Naori stopped then smiled tenderly seeing Genma. Her unique eyes sparked. Her long hair was braided and put on her left shoulder. Leaving some strands of her hair framing her face beautifully.
"What can i help you, Genma-san?"

Genma smiled then looked at Naori deeply. His hands took Naori's hands immediately.

"Naori-san, can i go out with you and have a date with you?" asked Genma as his face becoming red.

Naori was silenced, then she slowly pulled her hands from Genma.
"I'm sorry, Genma-san. It doesn't mean you are not good enough for me. But, i already love someone else. I've been looking for him these years. He is the reason i travel from village to village. Beside, my permit will expired in a few days. I can't stay here any longer. I have to find that man. Please forgive me, Genma-san," apologized Naori as she bowed down.

Genma shoulders slumped down hearing Naori's answer.
"He must be a great man. He is so lucky to be loved by a woman like you."

Naori smiled sadly hearing Genma's words, "i was the one who lucky to be able to meet him. I hope you will find the woman who love you. The feeling of love that will never change even when distance separate you."

Genma smiled then nodded, "thank you, Naori-san. I hope you can find the man you're looking for."

Without their realization, a silver hair man hid while watching them. A smile was hidden behind his mask covering half of his face. His eyes keep watching the woman with the unique eyes. His feeling toward the woman is still the same like seven years ago. Still the same just like the first time they meet. He still want to be with that woman. He still want to spend his life with that woman. He still loves her.

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