Part 3

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Kakashi and Naori were walking with big bag on their back. Sometimes, they hid from the polices on the alleyway and in the crowd.

"Do you know any place where police won't know about?" asked Kakashi

Naori thought for a while then nodded, "follow me."

Kakashi nodded then followed Naori toward the suburb area. They crossed a frozen small river. They walked pass into a forest and branches of the tress were covered with thin snow. Like thin white fingered.

"Are you cold?" asked Kakashi.
Naori shook her head and smiled tenderly. Kakashi rubbed his hands then placed both of his hands to Naori's cheeks.
Naori felt the warmth of Kakashi's hands then nodded letting him know that she is fine.

"It will be much colder at night. We must find a place,"
"There's a small cabin there. It has been empty for long time. We can stay there," answered Naori.

Kakashi nodded then kept walking with Naori's hand in his hand. He holding her hand tight not wanting let it go.

Not long after, they found the cabin. The cabin was small, but it was clean.
There was a main room inside the cabin. A fireplace right before the door toward the kitchen.
"We need to find some woods for the fire," said Kakashi.
Naori nodded, "i will accompany you."

"No. You stay here. I won't be long."
"Okay then. Be careful."
Kakashi smiled then nodded.

Not long after, Kakashi walked into the cabin with some branches tied together.
"Naori," called Kakashi.  But, no answer.
"Naori!" called Kakashi louder. But, still no answer. Kakashi's heartbeat becoming faster. Fear surrounded him. His blood pumped faster when he couldn't find Naori in the kitchen and in the bathroom.

Kakashi ran out toward when he found Naori walked into the cabin with a jar filled with water.
"Naori," Kakashi stared at her warily.
"I was looking for some water for us. There's a water spring here that doesn't freeze when it's winter," said Naori as she placed the jar on the floor, "what's wrong?" asked Naori seeing Kakashi's worry face.

Kakashi hugged her tight, "don't ever do that again. Don't you ever leaving me like that."

Naori smiled then caressed Kakashi's back tenderly, "i'm here. Don't worry. Isn't it i'm the one who like this before?"

Kakashi released his hug immediately, "i..i was just worried something bad happen to you."

Naori giggled then nodded. She understands Kakashi. She knew it's hard for Kakashi to start this life. Even Naori didn't know much about Kakashi, but, she really understand that it's difficult for Kakashi to say his true feeling. And she understand really well that Kakashi is not a romantic person and not really good in words. Naori really understand that. And she accepted him.

"I will never leave you. I will always be with you," said Naori tenderly then she caressed Kakashi's cheeks with both of her soft cold hands just like first snow of the winter. Kakashi felt the hands that he didn't want to let go then he smiled.
"I will make the fire," said Kakashi.
Naori nodded then brought the water into the kitchen.

At night, this two lovers sat by side in front of the fireplace. They intertwined their fingers together. Giving each other warmth to their body. There was nothing these souls want. Only each other existence. They could feel their feeling toward small gestures from each other. Kakashi hugged Naori from behind then fixed Naori's coat. He then wrapped Naori's hands with his hands.
"You need to stay warm," whispered Kakashi tenderly.

"You too.. i will make you gloves"
"How about you?"
"Your hands can make me warm."
Kakashi smiled tenderly hearing Naori's answer then hugged her tight.

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