
By ValkyrieJade19

819 31 30

*SEQUEL TO "SECRETS"* Valkyrie's awful secret is still haunting her. And with another baby on the way, it loo... More

1. She Would Have Her Revenge...
2. I'm Pregnant Again...
3. Pretty Please With Murderers On Top?
4. Is It Strange That I'm Fangirling Over A Child?
6. You're Like Pinocchio
7. I'm Ready To Ruin Lives
8. Accident's Happen
9. Shakespeare
10. This Secret Would Tear Her And Skulduggery Apart
11. Sophie's Crawling!
12. People Were So Rude
13. Only Child Expiry Date
14. He Was Like A Villain Out Of A TV Show
15. I Love You
16. Isabella Tanith Pleasant Would Be a Goddess
17. Don't Tell Me It Was An Accident
18. It Wasn't Fair
19. Ireland's Weather Always Matched Bella's Mood
20. Aidan's A Cruel, Cruel Bastard
21. Total Eclipse of the Heart
22. Even 'I Love You' Sounds Like A Lie
23. She Had Valkyrie's Eyes
24. The Only Thing Hurt Is My Pride
25. Welcome To My Dark Side
26. Bella Bambina
27. Tara Pyro
28. The Memories Started Slamming Into Him Like Tidal Waves
29. Compulsion
30. Signing Off

5. What Have I Told You About The Birds and the Bees?

32 1 3
By ValkyrieJade19

Skulduggery awoke in a dark room. He blinked a couple of times and waited for his eyes to adjust to the light. He could see only a little bit in front of him now, but it was enough to show that the room he was in wasn't small. That's when the lights flicked on.

He could see everything now. But what shocked him most was the scene before him. Nefarian Serpine stood holding a dagger in one hand, smiling at him. In the chair was Valkyrie, her hands and feet tied down. In the far corner opposite him was little baby Sophie.

His eyes widened in shock and Valkyrie turned her head to look at him. He could see the desperation and pain on her pretty face, and his heart sank.

"Run," she whispered.

He shook his head violently, then turned his attention to Serpine. "You're meant to be dead," he said.

Serpine laughed and Sophie hid her face in her hands.

"Meant to be," Serpine replied, approaching Valkyrie. "Doesn't mean that I am."

"Go to hell," Skulduggery snapped, and Sophie wailed when Serpine slapped Valkyrie across the face. Skulduggery growled. "Don't touch her..."

Valkyrie looked up with tears in her dark eyes.

"I'm so sorry," she whispered, and then Serpine slit her throat.

Valkyrie stared up at the ceiling in the dark. She heard the sound of Skulduggery's even breathing beside her, and smiled. She turned her head slightly and looked at him. His brown hair was messy, and sat like a halo on the pillow. One of his arms was wrapped around her shoulders, the other was underneath his head, and his chest rose and fell with each breath he took.

He looked so peaceful in sleep.

Valkyrie sighed and looked up at the ceiling again. This was quite dangerous, to be left alone with her thoughts... Her eyes fluttered closed, but sleep never came.

She didn't know how long she had been lying in bed awake, but her eyes snapped open when she heard a strangled 'no.' That's when Skulduggery stirred, unsettled in his sleep. Valkyrie sat upright, leaning on her elbows and stared down at him. He was still mumbling, brow creased and hands curling into fists.

"Skul?" She murmured, touching his shoulder gently and giving him a light shake, trying not to scare him. "Skulduggery?"

Valkyrie heard footsteps hurrying down the hallway towards them and that's when the door swung open. Gabrielle stood in her nightclothes, frowning worriedly. Skulduggery's eyes fluttered open and he rubbed them, relaxing again and blowing out a long breath.

"Valkyrie..." He whispered, pulling her close to his chest. Gabrielle blinked as she watched them and Valkyrie closed her eyes.

"Nightmares?" She asked him. He just nodded.

Valkyrie looked up, and Gabrielle began motioning for her to follow her. Valkyrie went to pull away, but Skulduggery grabbed her.

"Stay," he said, urgency in his voice. Valkyrie blinked at Gabrielle, and the blonde girl nodded and walked back into the hall, shutting the door behind her.

Valkyrie turned over onto her side and snuggled close into his chest. He wrapped his arms even tighter around her body. "What was your nightmare about?" She asked softly, and felt him stiffen. Crap, had she asked too much? "You don't have to tell me if you don't want to," she added quickly.

"No, it's okay. I'll tell you," Skulduggery replied. Valkyrie buried her head in his chest and listened.

"It was you, and Sophie. Serpine..." He trailed off and Valkyrie held him tighter.

"It's okay," she whispered. "I understand what you're trying to say."

He breathed out in relief.

"You should try and sleep," she said. He sighed and nodded.


Valkyrie waited until his breathing became even again, and then she managed to smile lightly. She closed her eyes and blocked out any thoughts, and eventually fell asleep to the slow and even rise and fall of Skulduggery's chest.


Valkyrie woke up before Skulduggery to the smell of pancakes wafting up the stairs. She carefully peeled herself away from him, trying her best not to wake him up. She tip-toed out of the room and down the stairs, meeting Gabrielle in the kitchen. The blonde girl looked up at her friend and grinned.

"I made you breakfast," she announced, flipping the pancakes over. Valkyrie grinned, and sat down at the bench.

"You didn't have to do that, Gabs."

"But I wanted to," Gabrielle smiled. Valkyrie returned it. "What did Skulduggery dream about last night?"

Valkyrie hesitated.
"Sophie and I were killed by Serpine."

Gabrielle dropped the spatula onto the pan and forced a smile onto her face before picking it up again. "Serpine?" She whispered. Valkyrie nodded.


"Oh, I expected it to be something about Evanlyn..."

That caught Valkyrie's attention.
"Evanlyn? Your sister?"

Gabrielle nodded, and a tear rolled down her pale cheek.

"Gabs, don't cry," Valkyrie tried, standing up but Gabrielle waved her away.

"No, I'm fine..."

Valkyrie nodded, and sat back down. Gabrielle sighed.

"It's just... I miss her. I miss all of them. Edward, Grace, Evanlyn... And Tyrell."

Valkyrie tensed at the mention of Tyrell.
"Gabby, I..."

"No, it's okay," Gabrielle smiled. "If he wanted to come back he would've done it already. Besides, I still have Aidan, and you and little Sophie. As well as another baby on the way." She winked.

Valkyrie forced a fake smile onto her face.
"Yes you do."


"Shh, it's okay. Shh..."

Sophie cried as Skulduggery rocked her back and forth. He stared down at her and gently stroked her tiny head, smiling. Sophie stopped wailing and looked up at him. She gurgled something and grabbed her father's finger, wrapping her own small ones around it.

"I'll never let anything hurt you..." Skulduggery murmured, and he watched as Sophie yawned. "Am I really that boring to you?"

Sophie's eyes closed, and she fell asleep to the sound of his velvet voice. He sighed, and gently placed her back in her cot, drawing the blinds and darkening the room. When he turned, he saw Valkyrie standing in the doorway, a grin spread across her face.

"I love it when you talk to her like that," she said.

Skulduggery walked towards her and placed his hands on her waist. Valkyrie's rested on his shoulders and she stood and placed a quick kiss on his lips before smiling.

"Looks like we're going back to my parents..." She sighed. She really didn't want to, saying the fact that she was pregnant again out loud made it harder to convince herself that it wasn't true...

"What fun," Skulduggery replied.

"I'll ask Gabrielle if she'd like to come," Valkyrie said, before walking away.

Skulduggery walked back over to Sophie and gently scooped her up into his arms, being careful not to disrupt her from her sleep. He carried her downstairs to see Valkyrie in the kitchen with Gabrielle.

"Yeah sure I'd love to! It's been a while since I've seen your parents," Gabrielle said, and Valkyrie turned to Skulduggery.

"Let's go then," she sighed.


Desmond Edgley opened the door and pretended to sigh in annoyance when he saw them. "Melissa! We have visitors!" He cried, before smiling at them all. "Come on in."

Valkyrie stepped in, Sophie in her arms as Desmond closed the door behind the others.

"What brings you here?" He asked as Melissa rounded the corner. Her eyes lit up.

"Valkyrie!" She cried. Valkyrie handed Sophie to Skulduggery. Melissa came forward, embracing her daughter.

"Hi mum."

"How are all of you?"

"Doing fine," Valkyrie lied as her mum pulled away and hugged Gabrielle. "We have something to tell you," Valkyrie spoke up when her mother had finished hugging Gabby.

"And that is?"

She took a deep breath.
"I'm pregnant... Again."

Melissa eyes widened and she stared at her daughter for a moment before smiling. Desmond sighed.

"What have I told you about the birds and the bees?" He joked.

Gabrielle grinned and even Valkyrie managed a small smile.

"Why don't we all come and sit down at the table?" Melissa suggested, and they all nodded, following her into the kitchen. Once they were all seated, Gabrielle spoke up.

"They already have names picked out as well."

Desmond smiled.
"Let's hear them then."

Valkyrie blinked and smiled.
"Jasper Tobias for a boy, and Isabella Tanith for a girl," she told them.

Melissa's eyes welled with tears.
"I'm so proud of you darling," she breathed, and Valkyrie smiled at Skulduggery lovingly.


"Isabella Tanith and Jasper Tobias," the girl said, her face serious. Ravel tapped his chin thoughtfully.

"It will be a girl," he said.

"How do you know?" She asked. Claret scoffed, raising her eyebrows.

"Just go with it, won't you?"

The girl rolled her eyes and sneered at Claret.
"I don't take orders from you, little sis... I am my own person. And I have my doubts."

Claret sighed, and turned to Ravel, her blue eyes shining in the dim light of the room.

"So... what do we do, Erskine?"

Ravel didn't turn his head as he spoke.
"We wait."

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