dricki: highschool{ON HOLD}

By DanielleMurroe050602

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Nicki and Drake is in highschool they are like the king and queen if their school. their parents are the best... More

onika maraj
Aubrey Graham
chapter 1
not a chapter
chapter 2
charter 4
chapter 5
chapter 6
chapter 7
chapter 8
chapter 9
chapter 10
chapter 11
chapter 12
chapter 13
chapter 14
chapter 15
chapter 15 part 2
chapter 16 part 1
chapter 17
chapter 18
chapter 19
chapter 20
chapter 21
chapter 21 part 2
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
New story
Another Story

charter 16 part 2

616 15 5
By DanielleMurroe050602

Nicki POV

I was smiling until I had the urge to throw up I grabbed the sheets wrapped it around my body and ran to the bathroom I was throwing up I felt someone holding my hair into a ponytail when I was done I flushed the toilet and I stood up walked over to the sink and brushed my teeth Drake was looking at me

D- are you on birth control

N- damn...I forgot to take it

D- this is just amazing because I didn't use a condom

N- what do you mean didnt use a condom

D- it means I didn't put a condom on my dick that's what it means

N- did you pull out

D- well let's see if you threw up this morning and we had sex last night I don't think so

N- I can't be pregnant Drake I still live with my parents I wanted to move out and get married or at least engaged

D- well we gotta see if your actually pregnant

I started crying Drake walked over to me and pulled me into a hug

N- im....I'm not ready to become a mom

D- what?you talk about that all the time

N- I'm not in the stage of my life to become a mother you said it yourself Drake

D- well if you are pregnant we are not aborting that baby and you need a pregnancy test

N- if I'm pregnant we tell nobody until its visible and they and see it

D- what if they figure it out

N- then they figure it out I don't want it to look like I got pregnant because Ciara is pregnant and make me look jealous

D- your not going to look jealous

N- yes I am,Drake get out my face

D- you are definitely pregnant

N- shut up Drake your ass did this to me

D- ok well sorry I love you

N- whatever

I walked to his closet and took out a Victoria's Secret sweats and my black uggs

D- where are you going

N- to get me a pt

I walked downstairs to the kitchen and I saw Drakes mom eating breakfast

DM- good morning

N- good morning

I got an Arizona and a hot pocket and got Drakes car keys and drove to the drug store.I walked to the pregnancy/birth control aisle and got 6 pregnancy test and payed for them and walked out to the car I sat in the car just thinking about how my life is going to change when I become a mother I'm going to be a good ass mother I'm going to make sure my children is happy and tooken care of.I drove back to Drakes house and walked to his room

N- I'm back let's go

We walked to the bathroom and I took 3 of them and waited for the results I couldn't look at it so I made Drake look at it

N- what does it say

D- well....your.....pregnant your pregnant

I slid down the wall and started crying

D- why are you crying

N- because I'm not ready Drake I still live with my parents I'm not even getting marred I'm still in highschool not even sure if I'm going to collage now I want to be a fashion designer I can't got to collage any more what if you leave me then I'm stuck with a child and then no degree

D- I'm not going to leave you or that baby I got you pregnant its my responsibility to take care of you and that baby you are going to go to collage so don't say that

N- what am I supposed to tell my parents

D- I'm pregnant and moving out

N- I'm moving out?

D- yeah

N- and your suppose to tell your mom

D- that I got my girlfriend pregnant I'm moving out to take care of my responsibilities and im opening my own company

N- let's go tell her

He took my hands and we walked downstairs to the kitchen and sat across from his mom

DM- why do I feel like I'm in trouble

D- your not we got something good to tell you

DM- k

D- well first I'm going to open my own clothing company and clothing line

DM- that's great

D- I'm moving out

DM- my little baby boy is becoming a man

D- and um...Nicki is pregnant so I'm becoming a father

DM- oh ok um...wasn't expecting that but I'm excited to become a grandmother congrats guys

N- thank you

DM- let's go look for houses

D- now ma

DM- yeah

Drake lefted the kitchen and it was just me and his mom

DM- I like you

N- thank you

DM- but not as Drakes girlfriend but the mother of his child and his wife

N- ok

Drake walked down ready he took my hand we went out to his mother white Range Rover she started driving we pulled up to this big white house we got out and she gave us a tour it was really big it had 6 bedrooms 8 bathrooms and a garden, pool, out door house and some other stuff

DM- do you guys like it

N- yes

D- well yeah

DM- theirs something I have to tell you Drake

D- ok?

DM- its yours I bought it already and never gave it to you

D- ok thank you mom

N- can you take me to my house so I can pack

DM- yeah

We got back in the car and she took me home I walked in and their was my parents and Jelanni and Kyla on the couch looking at me

NM- where have you been

N- why are you worried

NM- because I'm your mother

N- nice to know

NM- where have you been

N- minding my businesses aren't you have fun rubbing Kyla's belly and giving Jelanni all the attention

J- don't talk to her like that

N- shut up

NM- don't say those words in my house when you have your house you walk in and out whenever you want

N- well I forgot to tell you that I'm moving out so bye

ND- like not living here anymore N- yeah

I walked past them and went to my room and walked to my closet and took the stuff off the hangers and threw them in a box and the hangers in another after I was done with both my closets it was time to pack the shoes I put all my shoes and heels,boots and flats in a boxes after I cleared the the closets I move on to the bathroom after I cleared the bathroom I took all the pictures off the walls and put them into three boxes while I packing Jelanni and kyla walked in she sat in my bed too she must want to get slapped

N- what do you want

J- why are you doing this

N- why are you here what do you and her want from me im leaving so you can have the attention that you wanted

K- nobody don't want nothing

N- you should not be the one talking right now because I will bring up things you never told him and things you forgot don't test me and get off my Versace sheets

J- what are you so mean to her

N- why are you still here

J- because I can

N- tell her to get off my sheets you know what I'll just burn them

I picked up a box and walked yo the night stands to empty them after I did that I got all my suitcases and put as much into one

N- do you want my room Kyla

K- I guess

N- you can have it and umm....take care of that baby please

K- ok thank you

N- umm...and call me if anything happens

K- sure

N- and send me an invite to your baby shower

K- definitely

N- k

I looked out the window and a moving truck came I walked downstairs and told them where my room was after that another truck came for my cars I gave them the keys for all the other cars expect my range I walked back inside

NM- I can't BELIVE that your moving out

N- well I'm growing up

NM- take care of yourself baby I'm so proud of you

N- thank you mom where's Mac&Cheese

MD- in the back

N- thanks

I got their leaches I walked to the back put on their leaches and took them to the car I drove to my new house.When I got their I put in the pin to the gate and drove in the drive way I let the dogs out they followed after me I opened the door walked to the kitchen and Drake was standing their on his phone

N- hi baby

D- hi we gotta go furniture shopping in a little how do you feel

N- I'm little overwhelmed I feel fat already but I'm fine does it look like my boobs are getting bigger they feel heavy

D- I'm sorry I don't need you stressing out you don't look fat I think they look the same

N- I'm hungry though

D- get in the car

We walker out to the car and got in we pulled up to MacDonalds I got a 20 piece mcnugget and chocolate milkshake and fries and Drake got a big Mac,fries and large Pepsi we sat in the parking lot and eat

D- how do you think your pregnancy is gonna go

N- I don't know I mean I'm scared because its my first and excited because I'm gonna become a mommy

D- if its a boy I'm naming it Odell

N- that's cute 3 girls and 1 boy he gonna be a mommy's boy

D- all my girls are gonna daddy's girls

N- that cute brey baby the shit out them to the point that they are spoiled to the core and don't listen and want to get their way

D- yeah

N- let's go

He drove to the furniture store he helped me out we walked in hand in hand

N- babe what the theme of our house

D- well since were having kids and it can't be white,black and silver

N- that's a pretty combo

D- thanks

After we picked out our furniture and payed we went home and there was a lot of moving trucks waiting for us I'm so stressed i need a nap

-› 5 ½hours later

N- brey

D- nika

N- why is this baby so mean to me

D- I don't know ask the baby

N- it can hear me

D- then oh well

N- what do you think its gonna be

D- girl

N- are you secretly hoping for a girl

D- yeah I want two

N- why

D- because if I give you two that means you don't have to ho through pregnancy again and I don't have to hear you say your fat when your not

N- that's so cute,I'm going to bed

D- only pregnant people go to bed at 8:30

N- I'm a pregnant person

I walked upstairs to our room it was all white with hints of gold in it the base bored of the bed was gray with diamonds in it,it already had the white bed spreads and blankets on it so I walked over to my side of the bed and got in.I set on my phone texting Ciara

* text convo *

Nicboo- are you okay

CiCi- yeah but I'm a little uncomfortable all I want to do is have a nice cup of wine but I cant

Nicboo- I feel your pain

CiCi- how do you feel my pain

Nicboo- because I have something to tell you but you can't tell anyone

CiCi- ok I'm getting a little scared

Nicboo- umm.....I'm......

CiCi- your what

Nicboo- promise me that your not gonna get mad I didn't mean it,it just happened

CiCi- ok I'm not

Nicboo- I'm....I'm....I'm pregnant

CiCi- OMG nic your gonna be a mommy

Nicboo- I'm scared

CiCi- but you wanted this before me and now your getting it don't be scared

Nicboo- do you ever have the craving for food that you don't even eat

CiCi- yeah like this morning I had celery and pickles I don't even eat celery

Nicboo- are you still going to collage

CiCi- yeah you know that's my dream to be an DVF fashion designer and this baby is not gonna stop me its only gonna push me are you having second thoughts

Nicboo- yeah I don't want to leave my baby

CiCi- but you also have a dream that's was to become a fashion designer you wanted to be the next DVF

Nicboo- that was the dream before I got knocked up and pregnant

CiCi- so that was also your dream one just happened before the other it don't mean nothing

Nicboo- thanks I moved today

CiCi- I'm moving next week

Nicboo- our life is moving so fast

CiCi- ik it needs to slow down

Nicboo- babe I'm tired

CiCi- night boo

Nicboo- night

* end of text convo *

-› 5 months later

-› the day of Nicki's doctors appointment

Today is the day that I'm gonna find out if I'm having a boy or a girl I'm pretty excited my baby bump is starting to form but its bigger than what I expected it doesn't look anything like CiCi's hers is smaller than mine.Drake hasn't been home much but i dint care.I got out of bed and walked to the bathroom took a shower and washed my hair I walked to the closet and picked out pink oversized cable knit sweater, and white skinny jeans and gold uggs.I tried to put on my jeans by myself but I couldn't I felt a pair of arms wrapped around me helping me after he helped me I turned around to face him and he pecked my forehead I looked up at him

N- see Aubrey I can't even get my pants on by myself I boobs got bigger I feel fatter

D- that's because your pregnant your not carrying yourself your carrying someone else

N- you did this to me

D- you need help putting on your boots

N- yes Drake yes Drake I do

He got my socks and helped me put on my boots I walked out the closet and got my phone I walked downstairs to the kitchen and got a bottle of smart water and a bag of lays chips and walked to the living room to wait for drake I swear its like living with another girl than a boy he takes as much time or if not longer to dressed he walked down wearing a white T-shirt,dark washed true religion jeans and his lady liberty's

N- do you have to take that long

D- yeah do you have to eat chips

N- yeah because I'm pregnant you have no excuse to take that long to get dressed

D- just get in the car

I got up off the couch and walked outside to the car he got in and he drove me to me doctors appointment.When we got their he helped me out the car we walked hand in hand to the office Drake filled out the papers and we waited for the doctor to call me name

Dr.Mills- Onika Maraj

N- thats me

We walked into his office Drake was clinging on to me I can tell he's getting protective

N- babe....babe

D- what

N- its okay I can handle myself

D- ok

We walked up to a room the lights was turned off and the sonogram machine was on I walked over to Drake and sat on his lap

D- what happened

N- I'm scared

D- of

N- something being wrong

He looked at me and pecked my cheek Dr.Mills walked back in

Dr.Mills- can you do me a favor and sit on the sonogram chair and pull your shirt up

N- ok

I walked over to the chair and pulled up my sweater and he put the cold gel thing on my belly and took the wand and circled it around my belly

Dr.Mills- well it looks like your having twins um....they might come into the world a little early

D- what do you mean

Dr.Mills- they are gonna be premature babies because the figure of I'm guessing fiancé is very small to do 9 months if she's lucky she might make it to 6 or 7

N- what are they

Dr.Mills- they look like girls also on your 4th month your on bed rest

N- what? why?

Dr.Mills- your figure is very small to carry twins and your gonna get bigger than this

N- ok

Dr.Mills- do you want pictures

D- yeah

He cleaned the gel off my belly and pulled my sweater down and walked out the room I looked over at Drake

D- are you happy you having baby girls

N- yeah

D- you don't sound happy about it

N- I am I just don't want them to be premature and me go on bed rest

D- well its for a good cause

N- can we go shopping after this

D- yep

He walked over to me and helped me off the chair and took my hand and we walked to the front desk

Dr.Mills- here you go and your next appointment is in 4 weeks

N- thanks bye

Dr.Mills- bye have a good day

N- you too

We walked to the car and Drake drove to MacDonalds and got me a salad and water

N- is this some way of calling me fat

D- no

N- then why do you have a burger and I have a damn salad

D- because you like salad

N- fuck off leave me alone

I ate my stupid salad and drunk my water and played on my phone

D- are you mad at me

N- ......no its a mood swing

D- ok you still want to go to the mall because I have something to show you

N- is it a store

D- maybe

Drake POV

I haven't been home much and I know Nicki is starting to get annoyed with me but I was busy with my store ovo and I'm gonna show her today its a surprise.We pulled up to the malls parking lot I gave her a blind fold and she looked at me crazy

D- what

N- a blind fold Drake

D- yeah its a part of my surprise

N- can I put this on when we get to the entrance

D- fine because I know I'm not gonna with with this

I got out my side of the car and walked to her side to let her out I took her hand and we walked to the entrance I took the blind fold and cover her eyes and took her hand in the mall then stopped and the store that was all black and the big gold letters that said OVO

N- Aubrey why did we stop can I take this off now

D- yeah

She took off the blind fold and her face lit up a she started jumping all over the place

N- omg this is your store

D- yeah I know I was their

N- why didn't you tell me

D- it suppose to be a surprise

N- can we go in

D- its a store

She walked ahead of me I just followed her when she walked in she went straight to the mommy and me section I designed that just for her.

D- do you like

N- I love is their a daddy and me section

D- not in this store

N- is their another

D- well I'm working on that

After she took almost the whole store that was for girls and baby's its was time to check out the line was long for a store that was only opened for 8 days

-› skipping the shopping trip

We was driving home and Nicki was looking at me

N- I'm proud of you

D- thanks

N- are you still going to collage

D- yeah are you

N- I don't know I don't want to leave them when their so young

D- I understand you

N- I want pizza

D- we can order some at home

When we got home I got the bags and helped Nicki out I helped her to the couch and put the bags down and sat across from her

D- did you tell your parents

N- no

D- when are you gonna tell them

N- when im 3 months

D- k

She walked over to me and straddled me looking me in the eyes I love when she does that it feels like she's digging in my soul

N- you know I love you right

D- yeah

N- sometimes I may not show it but I love you more than life it self

D- I know I love you too and theses babies

I kissed her forehead and kissed her belly two times one for each baby

N- why two

D- one for each baby

N- your cute

D- I know

N- who do you think their gonna look like

D- you with my hair

N- I think their gonna look like you

D- ok, I'm scared

N- of what

D- being a father I don't want to be a bad father and disappoint you but the babies the most

N- I know your going to be a good father if I didn't I would of never nagged you that much and talk about babies all the time

D- just promise me that when I don't know what I'm doing show me tell me about it

N- I promise can you do the same for me

D- yeah but your gonna be telling me more than me telling you

N- true but still

D- ok

We cuddled up together on the couch and watched football but Nicki fell asleep I turned off the TV and picked her up she's a little heaver but I'll get used to it and walked upstairs I layed her on the bed took off her pants and put her on her side of the bed after I did that I walked to the bathroom took a shower and put on my PJ pants after I did that I put on my gold chain and walked to my side of the bed and pulled Nicki closer to me

D- I love you

N- ......I love you too

I kissed her forehead and went to sleep

Well that's it for this chapter I'm coming up with a book schedule because I have my book but I also have other books that I'm co-writing with other users


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