County Line

By SmutWriter85

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When Darci left North Carolina to move into her granparents house in Georgia, she left everything behind that... More

Life Changes
Chubbie's Tavern
Chubbie's Tavern: Part II
Give me Speed...
ABC's & 123's: Part 1
ABC's & 123's: Part II
ABC's & 123's: Part III
Dinner and Dessert
Mabel's Diner: Part 1
Mabel's Diner: Part 2
Lightning Bugs are Floating in the Trees
Kids Say the Damnedest Things
Honesty is the Best Policy
Mama's Thoughts...
'Bout to be one Hell of a Ride
Deja Vu
Smoke a little Smoke
It gets Hotter than a Hoocie Coochie
Sparks Flyin' in the Dark: Part 1
Sparks Flyin' in the Dark: Part 2
The Master Plan
Just to See You Smile
Mama's Blessin
Labels, Movies, Naps, & Overbearing Mama's
Muddin with Friends: Part 1
Muddin' With Friends: Part 2
Famous Friends
Hot for Teacher
Afternoon Delight
Requests... with Stipulations
Here Comes Goodbye: Part 1
Here Comes Goodbye: Part 2
You got it, You got it BAD
Answered Prayers
On my way to Tennessee
Nashville Part 1
Nashville Part 2
Nashville Part 3
Ghost's of Wife's Past
Hell Hath No Fury like a Mama Scorned
Pissed off Baby Daddy
Can't Catch A Break
Red Eye Flights
The Next Thing Coming
Tried to Tell ya...
Clear the Air
Thanksgiving: OBX Style Part 1
Thanksgiving: OBX Style Part 2
Where Would We Be Without The Love Of A Woman?
A good Morning...
Vinson's Christmas Tree Farm
Christmas Surprises
It's a... Part 1
It's a... Part 2
Newest addition to BG Nation

It's a Heartache

3.6K 100 10
By SmutWriter85

Darci’s POV:
I woke the next morning with a pounding in my head that rivaled some of the hangovers that I had lived through in college. Last night when I had gotten home, one beer turned into two, and before I knew it, two had turned into a whole case plus the remainder of the Captain Morgan I had in the cabinet.

Rolling over to my side, I sat up and rested my head in my hands, willing the pounding to stop. Grabbing my phone, I checked the time. It was nearly noon. I hadn't slept this late since college. Knowing that I needed to get up and get motivated, I stood up from off the bed and stretched. In my oversized t-shirt and panties, I slowly made my way to the kitchen. I had one mission, and that was coffee. I damn sure needed the caffeine to help with the headache that I had. At the first sip, I felt it hit my soul. Carrying my mug into the living room, I sat down on the couch and started flipping through the channels, looking for something to watch just until I felt a little more human. 
After finishing my coffee, I felt a little better. At least the little drummer in my head wasn't doing his best impression of playing in a heavy metal band anymore. For that I was thankful. 

I carried my cup to the kitchen and was making my way to the stairs when I heard my doorbell ring. 

“Who the hell is it?” I muttered to myself as I walked over to the door. The person standing on the other side was the last person I wanted to see. Standing there in all his glory, looking like sex on legs, was Brantley. Seeing him standing there made me remember what I was wearing. There was no way in hell I was opening that door in just my t-shirt and panties. Nope. The man had already said he didn't want a random hookup or a relationship. What would he think if I opened the door, barely dressed? 

Like a scalded cat, I took off for the stairs, taking them two at the time. To go in search of pants and a bra. As I was getting dressed, I heard my doorbell ring again. I quickly slipped on a sports bra and found a pair of my workout shorts. I was throwing my hair in a messy bun as I came down the stairs. I was just about to open the door when I heard the doorbell ring again. 

“What?” I damn near yelled as I snatched the door open with so much force that I had to stop it before it slammed against the wall.  Guess you could say my drinking last night didn't help my mood when it came to him. “Why are you on my doorstep?”

“Well, I wanted to apologize.” Brantley said, but the smile on his face did nothing but piss me off further. 

“For what? You were just being honest. Let me rephrase that, you weren’t sugar coating shit. Wasn't that what you said?” I said, standing in the doorway when he tried to walk inside. “I didn't ask if you wanted to come in.”    

“Darci, look. I'm sorry for being an asshole last night. I didn't mean to make you feel cheap by telling you that I didn't want to hook up.”

“Apology accepted. Now goodbye.” I said as I went to slam the door but just before it closed, Brantley stuck his foot inside.

“We're not done here.” Said Brantley as he pushed the door back open. 

“Yes we are. There’s nothing more to say. You apologized for being an asshole and I accepted. We have nothing else to discuss. Now please, move your foot out of my door so I can get back to doing what I was doing.” I said, pushing on the door in an attempt to close it.

Before I knew what was happening, I was listed off the ground and being tossed over a shoulder. For a brief second, I let the smell of his cologne fill my nostrils before I let my anger take over. 

“Goddammit Brantley. Put me down. I’m not 2 years old and I damn sure don't need to be manhandled. This is my house in case you forgot.” I said as I balled up my fists and started hitting him in the back. His muscular back. His tattooed, muscular back… Shaking my head, I shook the thoughts of his tattoos out of my mind.

“Woman, I haven't even begun to manhandle you yet. But if you keep on, I can promise that I will turn that ass of yours so red that it will be glowing. Don’t believe me? All I can say honey is fuck around and find out.” Said Brantley. I wasn't usually one to heed a warning but there was something in the tone of Brantley’s voice that told me that he wasn’t playing. I didn't relish the idea of having my ass spanked like a child so I sullenly rolled my eyes and quit hitting him. “That's better. Now, I’m going to put you down. But I meant it Darci, if you so much as think about hitting me again, I swear I keep my promise.” 

As Brantley lowered me to the floor, he held me tight against him. It took everything in me to not let the moan building in my throat to not pass my lips upon feeling all the dips and planes that made up his arms and chest. Pictures of what he would look like shirtless started to fill my mind unwelcome. Well, maybe not unwelcome, but definitely not wanted at the moment.     

“Are you good? You're not going to hit me again?” asked Brantley as he used his finger to tip my head back so he could look into my eyes. When our eyes locked, I swear I felt the earth move. 

“No, I'm not going to hit you.” I said when I was finally able to speak. 

“Good.” He said, giving me a soft smile. “Now, can we talk like adults? I think after I explain some things that maybe you will understand me a little bit better.” said Brantley. 

“Yeah.” I replied, pulling away from him and sitting down on one end of the couch. Brantley took the end. 

“Look, let me start out by apologizing again. I really was an asshole last night.” Said Brantley. 

“I already accepted your apology Brantley.” I said exasperated. 

“I know. But I wanted to say it one more time.” Said Brantley. “Look, I’m sure you already know a little about my marriage and how it went up in flames but let me give you the story that the public doesn't know, the true story. Two years ago, my wife Amber walked out on me and my son Braydon. Didn't leave a note or nothing. Just packed her shit and left while I was on the road. Mama called me after two days and told me that she had gone to drop Braydon off with Amber and that Amber wasn't there. At first, I had brushed it off, giving Mama the excuse that maybe she had just gone into town to run errands. But when Mama told me that she had tried to call and a recording came across saying that the number she dial had been disconnected, I knew what was going on.” 

“That’s why you canceled the remainder of your tour that year.” I said. “I’d had tickets to see you in Virginia Beach.”

“Yeah. I had to get home to my son. Well, for months, I searched high and low for her. I called our friends. I called her friends. I even reported her as missing but she still hasn't been found.” said Brantley as he sat back on the couch and pulled his hat off and rubbed his hands over his head. “Hell, even her parents don't know where she is. Or at least claim that they don't.”

“That’s fucked up Brantley.” I whispered. My heart hurt for him. Since I was a fan, I knew their history. They had been lovers when they were younger but when he started letting the alcohol and the pills rule his life, she had left. Then they had reconnected a few years after he had gotten clean and had given the country music world the impression that they were long lost sweethearts who had made their way back to one another. I’d heard in an interview once that she had countless songs written about her, some of which were number one hits. 

“Fucked up would be an understatement.” said Brantley with a sigh. “Since she left, her parents haven't even tried to see Brayden. They think I did something to make her leave but I swear to god, I didn’t. I loved that woman with all my heart. I mean she's the mother of my son. What her parents don't want to admit is that Amber never adjusted to my way of life. She didn't like the fact I was on the road all the time. She didn't like the fact that I hung out with a rough and rowdy crowd. Hell, before we were even married, she had asked me to have some of my tattoos removed because they would look like shit when I got old and wrinkly.”

“Have you seen her parents lately? I mean do you run into them in the store when you're home?” I asked. I didn’t know this girl's parents or her for that matter but I already hated them.

“Funny you should ask that. As luck would have it, they are your neighbors.” Brantley said, giving a sarcastic laugh. 

“My only neighbors are Mr. and Mrs. Cohnran. They have been so welcoming since I moved to town.” I said. “Wait, are you telling me that the grandparents from hell are my neighbors? That the bitch that needs her ass stomped is the same Amber that I used to play with when I was 6?”

“One in the same,” Brantley said, giving a humorless laugh. “Hold on, you didn't recognize Amber even though yall used to play together as kids? There are countless photos of her online.”  

“No, I didn’t. It honestly never clicked.” I said. “Plus, we hadn't really played together since we were like ten. After that, she seemed to be too busy to hang out with the girl who only visited for a month out of the year. And when we did play together, I never paid attention to what her last name was.”

“I wasn't trying to be rude. It was just shocking because as of late, my fans seem to know just as much about her as I do. Hell, maybe even more.” said Brantley. “Plus, I'm pretty sure by now they have seen my truck sitting in your drive and are about to die of curiosity as to why I’m here. Don't be surprised if they come over or call when I leave.”

“It's none of their business why you are here. And even if it was, I wouldn't tell them anything.” I said, my anger simmering under the surface. “Look Brantley, they might have been good to me when I moved here but knowing how they have basically written off their own grandson, I have no use for them. They could be Joseph and Mary reincarnated and I wouldn't care.”       

“I didn't tell you all that to make you not like them, Darci.” Said Brantley as he turned on the couch so that he was facing me. He reached for my hand and pulled it into his. “I told you all of that so that you know why I’m such an asshole. I told you that so that you know that I acted the way I did last night because I don't want to take a chance of letting someone in and then they leave like she did. If it was just me, I might could handle it. But because Bryadon is involved now, I can't take that chance. I won't let my son be hurt twice over a woman. When I told you what I did last night, that was my way of being up front and honest about what I wanted. Granted, I could have gone about it in a better way but it is what it is. All that being said, I’m fine being friends, Darci. But anything more than that is out of the question.”

“Brantley, I can't imagine what her leaving did to you. I really can't. As far as friends, I’m good with that. Like I said, I’m not looking for a relationship either. I have my career and I need to make a life here for myself before I worry about all of that.” I said, giving him a friendly smile. 

“Okay. So friends it is then.” said Brantley as he stood from the couch. “See you around then?” 

“You bet.” I said smiling as I stood. When Brantley began walking towards the door, I followed. As we stepped out onto the porch, I leaned against the railing and said “I’m not going anywhere.”

“Glad to hear it.” Said Brantley as he opened the door of the truck. “Oh, and for the record, I know it was you that left those black marks in front of the house. The gate cameras caught it all. Nice wheels by the way.” I stood there, pretty sure my jaw was resting on the porch floor as I watched him drive away.

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