It's a... Part 1

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Darci’s POV:
The past couple of weeks, Brantley has been acting a little strange. Not to the point that I think something is wrong, but just kind of secretive. I know it has something to do with Christmas coming up but I would be lying if part of me wasn't trying to convince myself that something was wrong. Maybe it was just the way I was wired or maybe it was just my hormones talking, but I just could shake that antsy feeling that something big was about to happen. But it hasn't just been Brantley that's been acting strange. It's been his mama, his brother, and even my parents that have been sort of absent the past couple of weeks. Which only fueled that little voice in my head that was telling me to prepare for the worst. 

I tried to clear my thoughts as I got dressed for my appointment today but nothing seemed to be helping. It was like that little voice just wouldn't shut the hell up. Kolby had picked Brantley and Braydon up early this morning to go hunting which allowed me the alone time I needed to get to my appointment and back before they called it a day.  I made quick work of dressing in a pair of leggings and a sweater before tossing my wavy hair up into a messy bun. I decided to skip the makeup. The way my emotions had been all over the place lately, I’d used all of my waterproof products up and just hadn't had the chance to replace them. And rest assured, I knew before the day was over, I would become a blubbering mess. 

After getting dressed, I grabbed my travel mug and filled it with decaf coffee, adding a splash of the candy cane creamer that I had become addicted to over the past few days. Once that was ready, I grabbed my mug, my purse, and my keys and locked up the house. I eased my SUV out of its usual spot and made my way over to the doctors office. 

Brantley’s POV:
Darci thought that Braydon and I were out hunting with Koldy for the day. While we did go hunting early this morning, we were now finishing up the final details for the wedding that I had planned for Christmas Eve. Koldy had been a huge help in making sure that things had been done. But most of the thanks went to Mama. From what she has described, this wedding will be absolutely beautiful. Best part of it was that the weatherman had said that there was a chance of snow for us on christmas eve. While snow was a rare occurrence in Georgia and could cause some major headaches as far as travel and all, I was excited about the fact that it was a possibility because I knew that it would make the setting of the wedding and the photos all the more beautiful. I couldn't do the decorating at the park just yet, I could make sure that all the final details were perfect and that all my t’s had been crossed and all my i’s dotted. 

Which is why Kolby was pulling us into the small dress shop in town. I’d had to have Darci’s dress ordered since the shop didn't stock wedding dresses that were for pregnant women. Mrs. Gibbs had called this morning to tell me that it had arrived. 

“You sure she is going to be okay with this, man?” Asked Kolby as he, Braydon, and I walked into the small shop, the bell ringing as we opened the door. “I mean, don't brides want to look like models or something on their wedding day?”

“Ko, she looks like a model to me every damn day. Especially now that her bump is starting to grow a little more every day. Before Kolby could reply, Mrs. Gibbs popped out of the back room and greeted us. 

“Mr. Gilbert. So nice to see you again. Come right this way. I have the dress that you wanted. And let me just say, it's probably one of the most beautiful dresses that has ever passed through this shop. This dress will be talked about for years to come.”

The three of us followed behind Mrs. Gibbs to the back room. Hanging on the back wall was a white lace dress with a sweetheart neckline, an empire waist, and long sleeves that were made of the same delicate lace that covered the dress. The dress had a rhinestone belt that would sit just above Darci’s bump and what looked to be layers upon layers of soft gossamer material. The back had what looked to be 50 little buttons  that went from the base of her neck down to where the dress would rest against her ass. Mrs. Gibbs had been right. The dress was absolutely stunning. I could already picture what she would look like wearing it. Then my thoughts went to removing the dress... 

“Mama is going to look like a princess.” said Braydon, pulling me back to reality. 

“Yes she is buddy.” I replied.

Darci’s POV:
Sitting in the exam room waiting for the doctor, my heart threatened to beat out of my chest. I was both nervous and excited to know the gender of our peanut. I stood from the exam table and began pacing the room. I wished more than anything that Brantley was here with me -even second guessed my decision to surprise him a time or two. Just as I was about to cave and call him, there was a knock on the exam room door just before it opened, revealing my doctor. 

“Are you ready to find out the sex of that little Ms. Tillett?” said the doctor, a smile plastered on his handsome face. 

“You have no idea.” I said with a smile. 

“Come this way then.” said the doctor as he walked out of the room, gesturing for me to follow him out. With each step I took towards the ultrasound room, I got even more nervous. This was it. This is what I had been waiting for all morning. 

Once inside the room, the doctor instructed me to lay down on the table and lift my sweater. I did so hastily, my hands trembling with excitement as I did so. 

“Okay, this is going to be a little cold.” said the doctor. I felt the coolness of the goo used when doing an ultrasound. I focused my attention onto the tv mounted on the wall in front of me. Almost immediately, I heard Peanut’s heartbeat. The sound brought tears to my eyes. 

I watched as the doctor checked to make sure the baby was growing properly. Tiny little hands appeared on the screen and tears pooled in my eyes. Then a foot appeared. When the doctor made it to Peanut’s face, I whispered in astonishment at how much Peanut already looked like Brantley. 

“Alright, it's the moment you’ve been waiting for.” said the doctor as he moved the probe around on my belly. “Looks like baby Gilbert is a…”

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