west coast | levi.a

By rivaillles

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1K 40 141
By rivaillles

❧" 𝐢 𝐜𝐚𝐧 𝐬𝐞𝐞 𝐦𝐲 𝐬𝐰𝐞𝐞𝐭 𝐛𝐨𝐲 𝐬𝐰𝐚𝐲𝐢𝐧𝐠 "❧

"Y/N, I swear to god you're pissing me off. Get the fuck up!" The brunette yelled at Y/N, who was curled up in her covers, acting as if she was asleep, ignoring her best friend, who was trying to coerce her into going to a party at Eren Jaeger's fraternity house. For a recently dumped Y/N, the idea of this sounded grotesque.

"Y/N!" She screamed as the girl under the covers groaned, rolling off her bed dramatically and onto the floor.

"Sash please let me sleep." She grumbled, voice muffled into the duvet as Sasha kicked her backside, throwing a makeup brush at Y/N's head, causing her to yelp in pain.

"Fuck was that for?" She yelled, grabbing onto Sasha's ankle as it was Sasha's turn to scream, trying to keep her balance as she pulled her down, successfully causing Sasha to topple over as her friend laughed.

"Aha! You're not sleeping see! Get up. Eren's gonna be angry if we're not there before everyone else." Sasha straddled Y/N as Y/N as she smirked devilishly.

"Hey Sash. You tryna insinuate something here?" Y/N joked as Sasha rolled her eyes playfully, kissing her friend on the forehead.

"Get up slut. We need you out of this house, and in someone else's preferrably." Sasha pulled herself up, raising her brows as Y/N propped herself up on her elbows, scoffing.

"I think I'd rather stay here and wallow in my sadness." Y/N said in a tone of annoyance as Sasha looked back at her, frowning.

"I love you babe. But it's been three months since the breakup. Or was it four? You need to start living again as well or else you'll just rot away. And I refuse to let that happen to you." Sasha spoke in a more comforting manner as Y/N sighed, groaning before getting up and walking over to her closet.

Y/N didn't wear much colour, it was hard to do so in Paradis anyway. It was in constant gloom and even the sun wasn't that bright, so neutrals and dark colours made up most of her wardrobe. She'd chosen the city anyway for its sadness in weather, it reminded her of home. She chose a black dress with a square neckline, and put clipped her hair back with a droopy black bow.

"You're so pretty." Sasha sighed as Y/N sat on her bed, watching Sasha run through her lashes with mascara as Y/N smiled bashfully, covering her face.


"I mean it Y/N. I hope you find someone worthy of all your beauty soon. That loser didn't deserve you. At all." Referring to Y/N's ex boyfriend. It was true. But Y/N was still sad over him all the same.

"Maybe I won't date for a bit. I'll try something casual." Y/N said with half hope in her voice as Sasha snorted.

"You and casual don't mix babe. Don't settle for some guy who only wants one thing. You deserve better than that."

"Hmm." Y/N hummed in some sort of agreement.

Sasha looked at Y/N through the mirror, who was playing with her hair in thought.

"What about Eren?" Sasha asked as Y/N snapped her head up before fake puking.

"What about Eren?" She said in disgust as Sasha set down her makeup brush.

"Don't do that! You've hooked up with him before right? What would it hurt to try it out?"

"Eren? Eren Jaeger? We hooked up once. And we barely knew each other at that time. I'd never do it again and I'd never want to be his girlfriend. I'd rather die than be a frat wife." Y/N said sharply as Sasha put her hands up.

"Only a suggestion babe. I got it though. No Eren and no more guys. None at all." Sasha dusted her self off before pulling a hoodie over her own dress and took Y/N's hand.

"Ready to go?"

"Yup." Y/N popped the p, trying to seem enthusiastic, but deep down dreading all of this, and looking at her bed wistfully, but before she could object about going back, Sasha had pulled her out of their shared apartment with Mikasa, and they were walking to the fraternity already.

Despite being quite the loner upon entering Trost University, Y/N had found herself friends with the most exclusive friend group amongst the school, well, as exclusive as it could get in university. The status of her friendship group may have been enhanced by the fact that Eren Jaeger and Jean Kirsten were amongst her friends, the two most sought after sophomores on campus it seemed.

She'd had Mikasa Ackerman to thank for that. The girl she crashed into on the way to her quantum mechanics class, who was much more sweeter than she looked, given the fact that Mikasa looked like that of a pretty ghost who haunted the school.

Ever since then, Mikasa had introduced Y/N and forcefully inserted her into her friend group, which consisted of Mikasa's friends from Scouts, an activity that had 'bonded' them for life as they said, which was true enough when you looked at all of Y/N's friends. They were practically family, and Y/N was relieved enough that they had adopted her. She couldn't be more thankful for a crazier family in trade for the one that she had run away from, even if that meant she had switched up from a life of polite dinners to frat parties.

As soon as she entered, Y/N was hit with the unpleasant stench of sweat and alcohol, and was immensely thankful for the fact that the frat party was just a separate party compared to the one downstairs where her friends were actually at.

Sasha guided Y/N through underage drinking and kissing students, before they made it to the back of the house where the basement was. They all had the passcode to get through the door that led to the stairs, and Y/N kept on watch as Sasha pressed numbers, before the both of them hid away from the party.

As they descended, the atmosphere shifted almost immediately. From beer, yelling and slurred words, to smoke, hushed talk and all of Y/N's friends lounging on sofas and laughing softly.

"Sasha! Y/N!" Eren announced their arrival as Y/N stifled a cough amongst the smoke, pushing a window open as Eren slung an arm around her shoulders, directing her to the rest of her friendship group who were all around the basement's kitchen island, smiling upon the arrival of their last few friends.

"You came!" Mikasa said excitedly, taking Y/N from Eren who shot sharp look in her direction as Mikasa ignored it, hugging her best friend warmly.

"Come! I want you to meet someone super cool." Mikasa tugged on her hand, taking Y/N to a brunette person, their hair up in a ponytail as Mikasa tapped their shoulder.

"Hange! Look, it's Y/N, the girl I was telling you about!" Mikasa exclaimed as Hange turned around, squealing when they saw Y/N.

"Oh my! She's so pretty!" They said, embracing her in a tight hug as Y/N laughed, wrapping her arms around Hange.

"I love her. I love her already. Where'd you find her Mika?" Hange asked as Mikasa smiled, pulling her in by the waist as she grinned.

"She walked into me one day whilst rushing to her something science related class. Since that day, I don't think she's ever left my side." Mikasa explained as Hange made an 'aww' sound.

"It was lovely meeting you Y/N. Make sure to meet our other friends soon!" Hange smiled, hugging Y/N again as she slipped away, Mikasa smiling still.

"Who was that?" Y/N asked, a bit whiplashed from
the sudden cuddles but happy all the same.

"Hange. Remember that one party we had and it was held at a grad students house? It was one of Hange's friends. You never saw them and the other two but they're here tonight. I'll introduce the rest later." Mikasa said as Eren slid himself back into the conversation.

"So Y/N. When am I getting a kiss?" He asked confidently as Mikasa scoffed, rolling her eyes.

"Uh...never?" Y/N pushed away an Eren who was leaning in as Mikasa pulled Y/N away defensively.

"You kiss Mikasa!"

"Because Mikasa is my girlfriend..." Y/N trailed off, inserting herself between Mikasa's legs on the counter as Eren frowned.

"And I'm not your boyfriend?"

"Nah. She's mine." The ashy blonde said, hitting a blunt as Eren scoffed, taking it out of his hands.

"Fuck off horseface."

"Eat shit Jaeger." The boy said as Eren rolled his eyes, inhaling the smoke.

"Jean, let me hit." Y/N asked with mock innocence as Jean smirked, taking a hit and lowering himself so that his lips were before hers, and on command, she parted her lips so that Jean almost kissed her, transferring the smoke into her mouth as she giggled, inhaling the smoke. Her male friends were extremely flirty when drunk or high, and she couldn't help but partake in all the flirting.

"That's not letting me hit." she whined with fake annoyance as Eren frowned, watching Y/N take a hit of the blunt, letting the smoke overtake her.

She glanced between Eren and Jean, giggling at them staring at each other in a deadly way as Mikasa played with Y/N's hair. Eren and Jean both acted like they fought over Y/N as a joke, but she was never sure if one of them actually liked her. Sure she had hooked up with Eren once a blue moon ago, but he had sex with everyone. The two of them had practically forgotten about it.

"Come. We're dancing to Lana del Rey." Eren took her hand as she reluctantly went with him, into an open space before everyone sitting, looking up at them but minding their own business

"Since when did you listen to Lana?" Y/N asked, interested as Eren smiled, holding both of her hands as she knew he mainly listened to rap and RnB.

"I wanted to listen to the women you so claimed as your goddess. Ultraviolence album had me whipped." He told her as she smiled, impressed at Eren actually listening to her music.

She recognised the song he put on as West Coast, putting the volume up as no one took notice of them hugging each other, swaying to the music. She shouldn't really have done it, she didn't want him to get the wrong idea, but it felt nice to be hugged by a man of Eren's build so tightly. And it was a good song.

He twirled Y/N around so that they were now swaying with her back pressed against Eren's chest, hands interlocked with his as they danced, not taking notice of anyone, until Y/N noticed one man, just one man, staring at them.

He was sitting on the same couch as Hange, next to a blonde man, and he was staring straight at Y/N, who was swaying her hips softly to the music, Eren's arms enclosed in her own.

I can see my baby swinging.

His parliaments on fire and his hands are up.

Eren twirled Y/N again so that now her chest was facing his, and she rested her head against his chest, wrapping her arms around him and rotating so that she could go back to staring at the man who was gazing at her.

His glare hadn't left her for a second, and she intended to stare back. Y/N couldn't make out his features in the darkness, but she could tell he was pretty. Dark hair that framed his face, a lean figure that was held upright. That intense stare that never left her.

I can see my sweet boy swaying.

He's crazy y cubano como yo l-love.

Y/N felt Eren hum the lyrics, listening to his heart beat softly as she never broke eye contact with the man. They weren't eye fucking per se, but they weren't staring at each other innocently either. She knew what she was doing, staring at another guy with all the lust in the world whilst ber arms were draped around another. She decided to look away, burying her face into Eren's chest, inhaling his perfume and the musk of weed as Eren rested his head on the top of hers.

"Your hair smells really nice." He said dreamily as she laughed, looking up at a completely gone Eren.

"Thanks. I changed my shampoo." She told him as he nodded, dazed. She secured her arms around her friend tighter, relishing in his warmth. He would've been a good boyfriend if he wasn't such a man slut perhaps.

"Y/N?" Eren mumbled into her hair as she looked up, raising a brow as Eren stared into her eyes.

"Can I kiss you?" He asked bluntly as she laughed loudly, covering your mouth as she snorted, shaking her head.

"Oh Eren. You're so funny." She continued to laugh as the song ended, flopping down on a couch as he followed her, confused.

"You kiss Mikasa all the time!" He whined again as Mikasa walked up from behind them, sitting in Y/N's lap as she looked up, smiling.

"Because Mika is a better kisser than you. Duh?" She teased as Eren groaned, resting his head on Mikasa's lap as she had her arms around Y/N, resting her head against her friend's.

"That's Levi." Mikasa nodded at the man who had been staring at Y/N, which he was no longer doing, and then looked at the man next to him.

"And that's Erwin." Mikasa nodded at the blonde who nodded, smiling softly.

"Levi is Mika's cousin. He's annoying." Eren said, his voice muffled due to the fact that he was face down in Mikasa's lap as she played with his hair, Y/N was now resting her head against Mikasa's chest.

"What was that Eren?" The guy said, and her heart fluttered. His voice was so soft yet so stern and firm. It sent shivers down her spine in a delicious manner.

Levi softly smacked Eren's head as Eren squealed like a little boy, causing everyone to laugh. His gaze caught onto Y/N's for a brief second, and she swore she could see a smile tugging on his lips.

"Mika, get your psycho cousin away from me." Eren mumbled as Levi scoffed.

"I think anyone sane would go psycho around you." He muttered as Mikasa shifted uncomfortably.

"Eren! You're drooling on me!" Mikasa complained as Eren hummed sleepily as Mikasa rolled off of Y/N's lap, Eren's head falling into her lap as she stroked his brown hair, smiling softly.

"You dating Eren?" Erwin asked as she snorted.

"God no. Eren's a friend." she told him, her arms resting on Eren softly as he dozed off in her lap, mumbling something.

As they sat there, talking amongst themselves, people began to leave the basement, and the original, closer friendship group started to settle on the couches and the floor, Y/N's favourite part of every party, when you'd talk deeply with her friends.

Connie was spread out on the floor, hands behind him as Sasha lolled around on his lap, high on both weed and sugar, Jean sitting on a couch with Mikasa, his arm slyly around her, Historia, the bubbly blonde cooped up with her 'best friend' Ymir, and Y/N playing with Eren's hair, Armin's legs crossed over Eren's.

In the past ten minutes, she had learnt the basics of Hange and their two friends, Levi and Erwin, though they mostly talked, Erwin chiming in a few times and Levi not speaking at all, smoking on a cigarette. How handsome.

It turned out that Erwin was actually the leader of the scouts that all Y/N's friends had attended, Hange and Levi being his helpers, and over the sunmersc they practically raised the scouts. Tales of camping and hiking, along with stealing underwear and underage drinking solidified the friend group.

The three of them were slightly older than Y/N and her friends, Hange and Levi being post doc students, and Erwin already handling the family business, which was a normal affair amongst those at Trost University. Though renowned for a world class education, it was also a great spot to find a filthy rich husband with money that dated back to the founding fathers.

"We're basically like their parents." Hange said happily as Connie snorted, Sasha giggling below him.

"Parents? What parents get their kids onto smoking and drinking?" Connie laughed as everyone around him joined in, shaking their heads, bringing up all the naughty things they'd do as kids.

"You know, at camp was when we smoked first. It was all Levi's fault. He was smoking cigarettes in his mysterious, French loner way and Jean and Eren stumbled upon him, both 15, begging to have a smoke." Mikasa explained as Y/N raise a brow, looking at the guy who sat adjacent to her, shrugging.

"Anything to shut them up." He said plainly as Eren began to stir in her lap.

"Cigarettes are shit anyway. Weed is so much better." Eren grumbled, stretching as Y/N grinned, watching as Eren blinked, looking around him, confused as she began to laugh, closing him in a hug as Levi watched them closely. For two people who weren't dating, he had noticed, they were very close.

Connie suddenly clapped, and everyone jumped as he did so, laughing like a maniac.

"Drunk Uno! Who's playing!" He yelled out as everyone pulled themselves up, sitting on the carpet before them as Eren rolled onto the floor, landing with a loud thud, causing everyone to look at him.

"I'm okay!" He yelled out, muffled by his face smashed into the floor as everyone giggled, pouring shots out and setting out the cards.

"Y/N! Come play!" Jean called out, patting a seat next to him as she shook her head softly, Jean fake pouting.

"You know I don't drink!" she frowned as Connie looked up, frowning as well.

"Pussy." He muttered darkly.

"You're not gonna play?" She asked Levi as he turned his head to look at her, his expression bored and blunt. It was almost as if he rolled her eyes upon hearing her voice.

"Don't drink." He said bluntly as she nodded, trying to start a conversation. He was staring intensely at her.Did he just have a staring problem or was he in to her? Because she couldn't deny it. He was attractive. Extremely attractive. It wouldn't hurt to divulge.

"What do you study then? You look like an English lit student." She said, stretching her arms before rolling onto her stomach as if to present herself playfully.

"English lit? Don't insult me. I take physics." He said plainly as her eyes widened, propping herself up excitedly.

"No way! I do chemistry!" She gushed as he looked at her, raising a brow, looking somewhat impressed.

"I didn't take you as someone smart." He admitted harshly as she gasped, acting hurt, but this was something she had heard often.

"Ouch. What are you studying for your doctorate?" She asked as he looked at her, uninterested in conversation.

"Atomic, molecular and optical physics." He said as she stifled a laugh. That seemed like such a him thing to study, and she barely knew him.

"Thats so nerdy. I would've done astrophysics." She told him as he looked at her, irritated.

"I don't recall asking?"

Y/N had to clench her teeth to prevent her from laughing again. He talked like a middle schooler, which slightly insulted her. Levi was attractive and smart, the two things she found crazy inviting, and she wanted to talk to him, yet he was blowing her off.

"What are you? Five? I'm just being polite and trying to have a conversation." She said firmly, trying not to sound too hurt.

"Well stop trying to create a conversation. I didn't want to talk to you." He said even more bluntly as she furrowed her brows together.

She couldn't see his expression in the dark of the room, but presumed it to be bemused and bored, the embodiment of his tone, and rolled her eyes in annoyance.

"Bold of you to assume I even wanted to talk to you anyways. Have fun by yourself." She muttered in a huff before sliding off the couch and sitting next to Jean.

"Whats with him?" Y/N murmured to Jean, who slung an arm around her lazily, laughing lightly.

"Don't mind Levi. He's like that with everyone." Mikasa muttered darkly, shooting a dagger at her cousin as she placed a card down.

"He's especially dickish to girls he's about to pounce on." Historia said with a smile, raising a brow at Y/N who rolled her eyes.

"Yeah. As if. He was talking to me as if he hated me."

"Don't worry, thats his way of flirting." Mikasa added, smiling herself, everyone looking at Y/N, who fake gagged.

"I'd rather put my hand on fire than date an asshole again."

"Levi doesn't date, so you're safe there." Eren, who suddenly seemed more alert, spoke up.

"That's true. Levi is a whore. Straight up." Jean concluded, shielding himself as Mikasa swatted at him.

Y/N looked back, and sure enough, Levi was still staring, his gray eyes gleaming behind the cloud of smoke that adorned his face. She could feel her heart beat all the much faster, and already knew she was doomed.

"Don't you know? Y/N has a thing for unattainable men." Sasha said with a sly smirk, her words slurred.

Y/N pushed her lightly, muttering 'shut up'.

I feel like this chapter was slow and not much happened, but i kinda wanted it to be an introductory chapter, and if u guys didn't know, i like to move things sloooooowly to be antagonising lol

yes i'm turning this into x reader LMAOO

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