Fate Has Other Plans

By nic275

1.2M 36.3K 5.2K

What happens when you think that you've found your forever, your life and husband . But he turns out to be a... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 37
Chapter 36
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Meet the character's
Author's note and comments
Meet the characters part 2
Message to Ya'll

Chapter 49

14.2K 399 50
By nic275

Today my car is going for service , which means that I have to walk to my doctors appointment  .

And with a cup of warm cinnamon tea with Ace , I start another beautiful day as Mrs Bernett.

"Are you sure you dont want me to drop you off?" He asks.

"I have to get some exercise babe." I say smiling.

He smiles and nods , I can tell that he doesnt want to let me walk but he just agrees for my sake.

"Hey, it's time for me to head to work. Just call me is you're not okay with walking anymore okay?" He says and kisses my cheek.

"Love you ." I say chowing another one of his better tasting cookies.

"I love you." He says and he kisses my forehead . Nothing feels better than when he doesnt want to let me go.

Isn't that right little guy? I pat my tummy. Then I head upstairs to take a shower . In less that an hour I'm dressed in a sky blue knee length skirt and a white blouse , with two inch long heels.

I exit the house and make sure that my door is locked  and I drop the keys in my bag.

Then the walk begins.  It's not as bad as I thought it would be. And is frankly more relax .

Its eight am , the morning traffic and foot traffic is not as dense and it's easier to walk .

"Hey mam?" Someone asks .

I turn my head , only to meet a fresh young face. He looks very cute and just like someone who has it all together.

He had brunette hair and hazelnut eyes. His skin is paler that snow and his lips are a bright pink that is also shining . A whole model right here .

"My name is Jozea , I'm 19. I read your story on a magazine about five years ago about how a man you brought up cheated on you. And I dont mean to be self entitled but if I am given the opportunity,  I can write a really good book about you." He says . What!?

"You read a magazine piece about me?" I ask , still very baffled.

"Yes, you're Cassandra Smith right?" He asks.

"Actually Cassandra Bernett . I got remarried." I say and smiles .

"An even better book idea. When they expected you to run and cower in fear . You stood back up and took back your thrown . And is that a bump I'm spotting?" He asks scrutinizing my tummy .

My cheeks redden ,  and I smile at him and nod. He coos.

"Okay, tell you what . Give me your contact details and I will set up lunch and we'll discuss that okay?" I ask . He seems legit, he gives me his details onto the phone in hand.

"Thank you so much . God bless you." He says , for the first time , I look at the clothing he is in. He is homeless.

I pick out two hundred dollars from my purse and I hand them to him . He smiles and accepts the money . He is the most humble young man I've ever met.

I pull him into a hug and at first he is a bit surprised but he too embraces me.

"Thank you so much Mrs Bernett. God bless you." He says again , spotting tears in his eyes. I hug him again and when we pull back , he walks away . Thanking me repeatedly.

When I finally get to my gynaecologist,  she smiles at and ushers me in. The receptionist is no stranger to showing her pearly whites.

"Ms Miller , how are you feeling today." She asks .

"Doctor Mayberry, its Mrs Bernett.  I feel very excited to see the baby's progress." I say back to her.

"Great. And congratulations." She says smiling .

She checks my blood pressure and runs other few tests before asking me to pull my blouse up.

She puts a really cool gel onto my stomach and uses that thingie to rub it around . She moves a bit to the left , allowing me to see the little screen showing the inside of my tummy.

"Here is the little guy." She says pointing to little spots on the screen . I dont exactly see much but it melts my heart still.

She turns up the sound and - oh my gosh!! A heartbeat! Tears fall from my eyes as listen to the tiny thumping that's coming from inside me.

Soon the doctor packs everything up and we head to the chairs for a more formal check up.

"Now Mrs Bernett, I'm going to need you to cut down stress levels if there are any. Reading into your past, I see that you have a violent history.

Unfortunately,  Mrs Bernett,  you're going to have to restrain from any type of physical response . Now I understand how your hormones are and they're probably telling you to fight back .

But for the sake of your baby , please stay far away from any violent behaviours . We dont want anything happening to the baby." She says

Soon the consultation is over.  I walk back out of the building and to a near coffee shop around here , and take an order.

"Hi , may I have a cup of hot chocolate." I ask and she nods .

"That would be seventeen dollars." She says and I give her twenty .

"Are you by any chance the famous Cassandra Smith?" She asks .

"Bernett .Yes , that would be me." I reply showing her the ring on my finger.

"I'm so excited to meet you." She says then I nod and walk away.

I head to a chair and begin talking to a few contacts on my phone . Then I see one , whom I need to speak to right now.

"Hello?" The voice asks.

"Hi , Jozea . This is Cassandra speaking . Remember me?" I ask.

"Hello , this is Jozea's father , I will put him on right now ." He says and I hear movement . The his gentle voice speaks into the phone.

"Hello, Mrs Bernett?" He asks.

"Hi Jozea . I'm at a coffee shop just down the street and I was wondering if you would like to meet and discuss your ideas ." I say.

"Oh wow , I would be delighted . I will be down in five minutes ." He says .

I click end and I tap on the table , I can believe I'm pregnant . Do you?

I honestly never expected this to be the life that I live.   I used to be Cassandra Smith for crying out loud . Boring , bossy and always serious Cassandra Smith and now? I'm Cassandra Bernett,  I went to jail , I am pregnant.  I have so much going for me . Wow.

The same girl from the counter  drops a cup of hot chocolate on my table . And at the same time , Jozea enters the room .

He looks a little wary of his own presence in the building .

"Hey , street kid . I've told you countless times that you should not step your stinky foot into this coffee shop . Leave!" The waiter says .

"Excuse me mama's but I'm-" Jozea tries.

"I said leave , you're making my customers uncomfortable.  Why do you have to be such a nuisance.  You're already homeless,  why can't you just sit by a corner and die?" She yells . And Jozea's face falls and he begins walking away.

"Hey there . He's with me , and also I dont appreciate you talking to my friend like that. And I dont believe Earl Roger , your boss would also appreciate you making his good friend upset .

Please get him what ever he says he wants and stop being a nuisance . And if you cant do that then leave us alone . We'll have another waiter serve us . Jozea , please join me." I say monotonously , she literally shivers in her boots.

"Jozea , what would you like to have?" I ask him.

"Water would be okay." He says modestly.

"He'll have a cup of hot chocolate and two chocolate muffins . And my hot chocolate is not hot anymore , it's just chocolate. " I say , giving her the cup back.

"I'm so sorry about that Mrs Bernett . My family and I are just not allowed here ." He says , dropping his head low.

"Nonsense , when you're with me and when you're not , you're going to live freely . It is a free country." I say to him .

He looks wary but still nods and continues with small talk . Soon our orders are delivered by a different waitress .

Jozea begins eating the muffin and clearly it's his first meal today and it's almost three in the afternoon.

"I'd love to hear more about your book idea." I say to him .

He nods and begins telling me the ideas , you can tell just how passionate he is about writing with the way he describes his characters . The way he wants the book to be layedout even how each chapter should go.

I love the passion radiating off him . And today I'm leaving with it.

"Hey Jo? I have something for you , but you have to promise that you will take care if it forever." I say to him.

"Yes,  of course I will." He replies and I cam see the honesty in his eyes and I haven't even told him what it is yet.

"I'm going to give you and your family an apartment in one of my buildings. I know that you are good people . And I'm also going to sponsor your book and make sure it gets the best publicity . " I say to him and he literally cries .

" I would appreciate that so much Mrs Bernett ." He says .

"Now Jozea , I have tried to help someone out in the past and it came back to bite me on the ass . What I'm giving you right now is my trust , and you have promised to take care of it till forever." I say him.

" I wont let you down , thank you so much." He says , I can tell that he is about to drop to his knees.

After eating and going to the bank to withdraw money. Jozea takes me to meet his family .

His mother is a petite woman with the most beautiful face . His father is a bulky old man , with almost a full head of greys . Jozea also has a younger sister , who is six . She is very beautiful but thin.

"Mama , Mrs Bernett has something to tell you." He says and this gathers them around me.

"I am giving you an apartment , in one of the buildings that I own.  I already called my assistant and she'll be here to pick you guys up at seven. " I say . The woman literally grabs me into a tight hug .

"God bless you." Says Jozea's father.

I dig my purse for the money I have withdrawn already and I hand it to the woman.

"This is two thousand dollars , use it to buy food for the week. I have to get going , it's a little late for me now." I say . They all embrace me and say their goodbyes .

I walk out of the alley they live in and close to my home . The further I walk away , the more wary I feel .

I turn onto the little passage slash alley that I used this morning and the further I walk in the more scared I feel.

Then suddenly a hand grabs me and begins pulling me back.  I thrash and thrash but they dont budge .

Whoever it is covers my mouth and then throws me into a car that was waiting at the mouth of the alley .

My adrenaline has risen sky high , and my heart is beating in my ass . Then I feel it , something hard hitting my head , and the dark spots appear . Then nothing .

I'm out cold.

Author's note .

Omg,  so good to update another chapter. Give me your thoughts guys , come on!!! 😊

Vote , comment and recommend 🥰❤

Nic275 🧚‍♂️😊❤

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