Shade Of Love

By Faithskyyx96

194K 7.3K 1.3K

**** COMPLETE **** This novel centers around Faith, a young black woman in her early 20s that's given up on t... More

1 | The Meet
2 | Until Next Time
3 | Plans
4 | The Beach Day
5 | History
6 | Reality
7 | Me & You
8 | The Aftermath
9 | Therapy
10 | The Weekend
11 | The Weekend Part II
12 | The Weekend Part III
13 | Let's Be Real
14 | Into The Deep
15 | Sinderella
16 | The Rift
17 | Pick A Side
18 | Home To Mama
19 | Heartbreak
20 | Sextasy
21 | I Think I Love You
22 | Reunited
23 | Anita
24 | Secrets
25 | Monday
26 | Sensuality
27 | Unforgettable
28 | There Will Be Drama Part I
29 | There Will Be Drama Part II
30 | Time
31 | No Games
32 | Business
33 | Accountability
34 | The Truth
35 | Girls' Night
36 | Purpose
37 | Scarlett
38 | Warning
39 | The Impossible
40 | Maybe Baby
41 | Confirmation
42 | Final Warning
44 | Irreplaceable
45 | Panic
46 | Big Moment
47 | Spill The Beans
48 | Exposed
49 | Path
50 | Trouble
51 | Home
52 | Let's Get Married .. Part 1
53 | Let's Get Married .. Part 2
54 | That Time Of Year
55 | Merry Christmas
56 | Loose Ends
57 | Questions
58 | Karma
59 | At Last
New Book

43 | Safer

1.8K 95 9
By Faithskyyx96

Chapter 43 : Safer

I stood there staring at Jax as he smirked at me with a smug look across his face I felt my muscles become tense and my blood begin to boil. I had told myself I'd try to maintain my composure but seeing him in the flesh always gave me bad flashbacks.

"It's always a pleasure to see you," he smirked.

"I'd never return that compliment."

He chuckled loudly, "I'd never expect you too."

"Glad we're on the same page."

I sat down across from him and Scarlett quickly and silently sat down beside me. She crossed her hands and cracked her knuckles gently while moving her head from side to side.

"Who's your friend?," Jax asked.

"I'm a business associate," Scarlett snapped.

"What kind of business?"

"Let's hope you don't have to find that out," I replied.

"Is this some kind of an interrogation?," he questioned while raising his left eyebrow.

"I wouldn't call it that. I'd say this is more of a warning. You've made my life a living hell for quite some time and because of you I've experienced shit I should've never had to," I responded. I stared deeply into his eyes so that he could feel my wrath.

"That may be true but a lot of things you brung on yourself lovebug."

"Stop fucking calling me that," I screamed. My palm had hit the table so hard that it became numb.

"Easy tiger," Scarlett advised. She quickly gave me a nudge letting me know that I shouldn't make a scene.

"Someone is emotional today," Jax laughed.

"Keep it up bitch, I dare you," I snapped.

He suddenly stopped laughing and stared coldly back at me.

"Let's not forget who you are and who I am. Don't ever raise your fucking voice and cuss at me like that again."

"Maybe you missed the memo, I'm not scared of you. If anything you should be scared of me," I explained.

He began to tap his foot quickly and the muscles in his jaw tightened.

"I hate a wannabe tough guy. You're a woman beater, a stalker and a clown. You're the type of guy I'd off for free," Scarlett blurted. Her eyes had become sharp and serious.

"What did you just say to me?," he asked loudly.

"You heard me loud and clear."

"Do you know who I am?"

"Unfortunately I do. You don't know me though, you won't have a chance to," she replied. Her lips parted and a huge grin came across her face. This chick was actually crazy, but I loved it. I felt protected.

At that moment Jax stood up and began to look down at Scarlett. I could tell he wanted to strike her but he somehow knew better.

"Don't come near her or her partner again. Leave the city and leave the state or you'll be leaving this world," Scarlett announced standing up to look him in the eyes.

He chuckled, "I'd love to see you try."

"I'd go ahead and make amends with god if I were you," she smirked.

"Your threats don't scare me I could have you arrested just for what you just said," he barked.

"We both know you don't want the cops involved," she smugly replied.

He stared back at her and then glanced at me briefly before making his way towards the exit of the restaurant. I hadn't ever seen him move so fast.

"So now what?," I asked.

"He's a mad dog. He can't be reasoned with. If you want me to handle this I need your confirmation, now," she explained.

"I don't have the money to give right now for it. I have to keep my savings for this baby."

"Baby?," she asked.

"I'm pregnant."

"Oh um. Congratulations. Well in that case. I'll do it for free. If he were to find out about that child you wouldn't be safe at all," she responded.

I stared at her in utter shock. Scarlett was an actual hit woman. A professional at that. Why was she willing to help me like this?

"Are you serious?"

"Very. I'll put it on your tab. Look I have to trail him so you and your boyfriend need to get an Uber home you can't come with me. I'll let you know when it's done," she stated.

I nodded my head in agreement as we walked out of the restaurant.

"Baby you good?," Omar asked, walking up to me.

"I'm okay."

"So what happened?," he asked. His eyes were wide and serious.

"He's going to be taken care of. Order an Uber and get her out of here now," Scarlett demanded.

Omar agreed and placed his arms around my waist firmly pulling me closer to him. I always felt safe when he held me, it was one of the best feelings in the world.

Scarlett yelled out to me that she would be in touch and quickly drove away down the street.

"How about instead of going home we go out and do something?," Omar asked.

I looked up at the sky and realized that aside from some mild winds the storm had passed. The sun still hid behind clouds but the sky was back brighter.

"Any other time I'd love to, but I just want to lay down. I feel like shit."

"That's to be expected. Well alright we can go but we're going to my place and I'm cooking for you, for both of you," he smiled while rubbing his hand gently on my lower stomach.

"Fine," I smirked.

We waited on the Uber and stood there hugging one another as we basked in the warmness of the climate and our happiness. For once, I felt like everything would be okay.

"Have you told your friends about everything yet?," he asked.

"About the pregnancy?," I asked.

He nodded, "Yes. They're going to probably lose their marbles."

"I made Ashley promise not to say anything until I talked with a doctor so no. I plan to, just not yet."

"I understand. I just want this little one to have as much support and love as possible. He deserves that," he replied.

When he talked about the pregnancy I could see his face light up like a lamp. It always warmed my heart and gave me that sense of comfort.

"He? So you want a boy?," I chuckled.

"I want a healthy baby. I'd love a little man though."

"Me too," I grinned.

Our Uber arrived and we made our way back to Omar's place. I couldn't wait to lay on his couch and watch him cook for me, for us.

A/N : Hey everyone! I'm so sorry it's been so long. Life has been hectic in real life. I have so much planned for you all & this book. Thank you for still reading & supporting! Please leave upvotes & comments! 🤍

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