Hidden Behind Walls

Par PoetWanderess

410K 16.7K 2.9K

Raven Bordeaux never liked dealing with people. She liked being encased in her drama free bubble with her few... Plus

Chapter 1: Your Messing with my Zen
Chapter 3: Blood blood All Around
Chapter 4: Lip Bitings Tumblr
Chapter 5: Exit the Holy Sanctuary
Chapter 6: But my dear this is not Wonderland
Chapter 7: Bloody Noses Suck
Chapter 8: Oh the days gone by
Chapter 9: We've got really bad luck
Chapter 10: Chilling With My Woes
Chapter 11: And so it begins
Chapter 12: Never Ending
Chapter 13: Too high for this
Chapter 14: Cocky even when high
Chapter 15: Always the Dark Path
Chapter 16: Autumn Nights
Chapter 17: My Drug of Choice
Chapter 18: On our way
Chapter 19: C'est la vie
Chapter 20: And I was out here hiding from my demons in plain sight
Chapter 21: The Mansion at the Top of the Hill
Chapter 22: Laughter is the best medicine
Chapter 23: Sometimes you need your family
Chapter 24: An Empty Space
Chapter 25: And You are not Alice
Chapter 26: Christmas Day
Chapter 27: Metamorphosis
Chapter 28: Slow down
Chapter 29: Lies and a Psychiatrist
Chapter 30: Talkings not my thing
Author's Note
Chapter 31: Graduation
Chapter 32: Road Trips are harder than expected
Chapter 33: Sunset & Tattoos
Chapter 34: San Fran Livin'
Chapter 35: Dim Sum
Chapter 36: Normality
Chapter 37: We'll Be Okay

Chapter 2: Curse You Clayton

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Par PoetWanderess

So this is the 2nd Chapter, I really have no clue where this story is going to end up. There's probably going to be a few grammatical errors as well. So yeah, thanks for reading! (/*-*)/


"Rave!!!" Clayton whined yelling across the hall. He hasn't left me alone for a whole month since we met. He's been popping up behind me all the time and I just noticed that he was in almost all of my classes. There was no way to escape him and his persistence. He finally jogged up to me and started a conversation. Soon enough he noticed that my Beats were still covering my ears and he quickly took them off and put them around his collar. Clayton is 6 foot 3, there is no way in hell I'll be able to take back my babies.

"What is it Clayton?" I say snipitly. He fakes a hurt look and clutches his heart.

"So cruel" he says jokingly. I shake my head this guy is too far gone.

"What do you want? And how long is this going to take cause I want my babies back" I say staring longingly at my Beats.

"When you say you're coming to the game to see me play" Clayton says.

"What if I say no?" I ask unsurely.

"Then you're not getting you 'babies' back" he says making hand quotations when he says babies.

"Your evil" I say my eyes becoming slits.

"I'm a negotiator" he says.

"And I'm having musical withdrawal so give...them...back" I grit.

"No" he says finally whipping around. I throw up my hands in defeat.

"Fine, I'll go" I say.

A grin splatters itself across his face, "Good" he laughs.

"Can I have them back?" I say reaching out towards my babies.

"Nope, not until I know for sure you'll be at the game. You can get them before it starts" he says and walks off with my Beats. That...that...that...my god he's evil.

I stalk off towards Megan's locker. It's all her fault that Clayton feels the need to talk to me. I find Megan standing next to her locker talking to some brunette who's probably on our school's softball team. Her head bobs up from her conversation and I can tell she see's I'm pissed. She quickly gets the brunette to leave and braces herself.

"Megan! He took my Beats!" I whine.

"Who took your Beats?" Megan asked.

"You know who. The annoying Clayton who has forced me to go the football game if I ever want my Beats back" I solemnly.

"You're going to the football game!" Megan gasps.

"Only for my babies, only for my babies" I whisper agitated. The bell rings and I part ways with Megan. I stroll into my Pre-Calc class with my head down. Hopefully the boy wonder has decided not to notice me.

"Rave, C'mere" I hear a low voice whisper. No such luck I guess. I try to play it off pretending I didn't hear him. But soon enough he grabs me and pulls me down to sit next to him. My skin buzzes at his touch and I quickly remove myself from him. I can already feel people's stares boring into my skin. Curse Clayton and his incapability of being subtle.

I open my books and start doodling on the corners of my papers. I can feel Clayton looking at me. "What are you doing?" I whisper turning to him.

"Nothin' " he says looking anywhere but me. I grumble about him being weirder than me and I can hear his chuckle.

"You know Rave, you haven't helped me with any of my French" he says finally turning to face me.

"You have yet to ask for it" I retort.

"Well, I'm asking now" he says.

"Pay, attention idiot" I chide pointing to the teacher. He shrugs, and whispers into my ear, "I think I'll just use you as a tutor." I slowly turned my head over to him.

"I don't have time to tutor your tall--" I was cut off by the teacher clearing his throat. Now I'm getting in trouble because of him, great. The day goes on and soon enough school is over. As I pad my way over to Megan's locker I can feel people's stares once again. Have they no life? My trek to her locker is interrupted by a tall red-headed girl blocking my path. I try to dodge her but she glides over blocking my path again. She's blocking my path on purpose.

"So Raven sweety" the girl drawls out. Oh god she's pulling out the southern belle accent. "I hear you've befriended Clayton, am I right?" she asks staring at me fluttering her very long (and fake) eyelashes ever so often.

"I've got to get my stuff" I mumble trying to get away from her. I'm blocked by a brunette now as I move to the left. Great, the Red-head has a posse.

"Listen sugar, I think you need to understand that there's a system and you and Clayton's relationship are messing with said system" the girl continues.

I raise an eyebrow, this just turned into The Duff. Lucky for me, I'm am soon approached by a guy that stands at nice, and might I say normal, 5 foot and 11 inches. He taps my shoulder and gives me a grin. "So you're Rave?" he says looking me over. Weird much, all I was wearing was an oversized t-shirt, leggings and my combat-boots. My hair, thank the lord, was tamed and straight, and my glasses rested on the bridge of my nose. "Clayton sent me to remind you that you have to go to the game if you ever want to see your babies again" he says faltering at the end. I shook my head irritably, this guy isn't going to let up.

"Tell his annoying butt that I'm coming" I respond. The guy starts to walk off but I stop him. "Also if you want to add some swear words into that, It'll be greatly appreciated" I add. He gives me an amused smile and walks away. Having Clayton as a friend has put me on a social high.

The Red-head is still there but her mouth is slightly agape. I take this moment to run down the hall and grab my stuff. Using Megan and Ruri as shields I push through the throng of students. There is just a very thin layer of students by the time we reach the bus lot. Did I mention that I'm a Senior? Sadly, I'm not allowed to drive myself to school as per my fathers demand. Megan's parents havent bought her a car and Ruri in fact did have a car but it still overseas in some foreign country. Ruri's family was loaded.

After a 30-minute ride I reached home. Setting my backpack behind the couch, I creeped into the kitchen. It was filled with the aroma of french cuisine. Realizing how starved and food deprived I was I snuck a morsel of chopped up hot dogs and veggie mix into my mouth. I continued to wander through my house, it was only 3 o'clock the game started at 6. I had three hours and no music. Curse you Clayton Sorenson.

I decided to do what I do best. Sleep. I flopped on the couch and raised my alarm to 5:00 p.m. Enough time to begrudgedly change clothes and be at the game on time. I slipped under into the darkness of sleep.


Angel Haze blared close to my head. Why, why, why, why. I want to sleep. Then my whole day came flooding back to me. My babies they're with the monster. I climb the stairs towards my room. I pull out a burgundy colored crew-neck sweater, some ripped boyfriend jeans and my dark red vans. Ruri said that the burgundy meshed with my medium-dark skin tone. I just liked the color burgundy. I start the shower up and pull my hair up. It doesn't need to get wet until the next time I wash it. I scrub my body and towel dry myself.

I texted my parents telling them that I'm going to the game. I leave before they can say anything about how high schoolers do stupid shit and make dumb choices. They've been giving me that talk since freshman year. I pull into the parking lot and scramble out of my car. I need to get my babies. The stands are already packed with people. I try, and fail, to calmly waltz onto the field. I don't know which of the uniformed guys are him. So I muster up the courage to tap one on the shoulder. He turns around confused.

"Do you know where Clayton is?" I say loudly over the loud crowd behind me. He nods his head pointing to an emerging form coming from a far off building. I can tell its him by the way he's running his hand through his hair. I sprint off towards him. It's been too long without my Beats, 7 painful hours. As I near him I see a goofy grin spreading across his face.

What is he planning?

He spreads his arms wide and stays still. I'm too close to him and I can't stop so I veer to the right of him.

He moved to the fucking right.

I collided into his arm and soon enough was being spun around. We stopped spinning and he was just hugging me from behind by then. I bet this looked like a moment from some romantic movie.

"Clayton, where are my babies?" I say panting trying untangle myself from his grip. He's way too into skin-to-skin contact. I can't count the numbers of times this week alone Clayton has randomly came up to me, hugged me and then walked away. Who does that? Nobody sane.

"Seriously, Rave we were having a moment" he says his hot breath puffing against my neck. He held on to me tightly.

"Well this moment is over. Now, my babies where are they?" I ask again.

"Rave, enjoy the game" Clayton says making a sweeping motion to the field. I snort.

"My babies" I say again.

"You'll get them after you watch the game" Clayton says.

"That wasn't the deal" I complain.

"Take it or leave it" he says shrugging. He knows full well that I won't let my babies stay in his grimy little hands any longer than I can help it.

"Fine" I say giving in. What is with this guy? Has he ever taking no for an answer? He releases me from his bear hug and I go to situate myself in one of the lowest tiers of the stand. I need to be close to the exit so I can get my babies when the game ends. Megan finds me in the stands and sits beside me. She tries, emphasis on tries, to help me understand how Football works. I'm too unathletic to care about sports.

By Halftime the cheerleaders have taken the field. It was pretty cool actually the only sour thing about it was that Red-head was the leader of the team. Megan went on ranting about some girl that she met at her softball game and how she would quote-on-quote, "Cut a bitch." We both know that the only damage my blonde friend could do physically was on the Softball field.

I stood up near the end of the fourth-quarter, at least that was what Megan said it was, and went to the concession stand. The line was terribly long and by the time the line was cut down three-fourths of the way the cheers had erupted from our side. I checked the scoreboard. We had won by like 4 points but we won. The line speed by quickly and soon enough I stood with a hot dog, covered in crispy onions, ketchup and chili. I took a bite and stepped onto the field.

In the distance, I made out boys from our team going to the same building Clayton had emerged from. I followed in suit munching slowly on my hot dog. I really could use some back up right now. Megan had left already and Ruri said she didn't do the sport scene so she had definitely not been at the game. I continued my trek to the building pushing open the door to be met with the sweaty masses of guys changing.

"Fuck" I whisper. Heads popped up towards me. I slowly started to back out the changing room. Of course it was a changing room, not some random building they did talks in or whatever Football players do. Taking a bite out of my hot dog once again I was almost at the door but I backed into a rock hard chest. Now this situation could go two ways, the guys could be cool and I just backed into Clayton or I just walked into a cesspool of sweaty, hormonal teenage boys. But my fears, were wiped away when my hot dog was taken away from me and Clayton spun me around to face him.

"You really need to watch that mouth of yours Rave" he says while eating my hot dog. I stare at him angrily. "What did I do?" he says still eating my hot dog raising an eyebrow.

"Give me back my food!" I shout trying to snatch it out of his hand.

"Oh this" Clayton says pointing to the hot dog. He makes a big show of taking another bite out of it. Curse you, Clayton and your children and your children's children. I bitterly start beating his chest. They did nothing but bounce off him like plush toys. What is he made of?

"You take my Beats, you steal my food. I have nothing left! Nothing to live for!" I say exasperated.

"Clayton, why are you bullying her?" a voice shouts out.

"Shut up, Daren!" Clayton yells back.

"I want my fooooddddd" I moan.

"You're acting like a kid" he says laughing.

"You stole my food" I say as justification for my actions. This guy waltzes into my life and then uses my obsessions against me. Well fudge you Clayton Sorenson, fudge you.

"Here" he says handing my food back to me. Finally, I grumble. I follow him through the throng of guys. This whole situation is extremely awkward. They keep looking at me and Clayton. I admit this isn't normal but I need my Beats back. There is no enjoyment of music without them. As we reach to wherever Clayton has his stuff, I'm almost done with my hot dog. He hands me my Beats and I do a victory dance. I hug them to my chest. I quickly put them on and start playing a song. I bop my head and for a few minutes in my own world. I'm brought back to reality by Clayton's snickering. I shoot him a death glare.

"You are an enemy, prepare for war" I snap. I stalk out the small area he had brought me to. I can hear his laughs from this close to the entrance. It makes a smile tug at my lips.

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