𝐸𝑣𝑒𝑟𝑦𝑡ℎ𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝑐𝑜𝑚𝑒�...

By barryallenswife5

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A Ginny x Reader story  "Y/n... your my everything no matter what everything comes back to you, I would do... More

Character info
The weasley herd
Hogwarts exspress action
Proffesor Lupin
Letters and suprises
Unexpected visit
Catching up with old pals
Triwizard picking
Oh my dragons
First task
Hospital wing
Yule ball pt. 1
Yule ball pt. 2
Harrys words
Oh man
No matter what
Spirng break
Time is running out
The end of 3rd year
Going Home

Break with the wealseys

91 2 44
By barryallenswife5

Not spell checked

April 15th

Y/n's POV

I woke up to the bright morning sun blinding me. I groaned and stretched. I sat up and saw both liz and Draco were still asleep.

I got out of bed and noticed Mika was sleeping beside my pillow, she is so cute! I reached down and patted Mika on the head. I went over to my dresser to pick out my outfit for the day, I think I'm gonna wear the outfit Molly made for me. Yeah I'll wear that, I pulled the outfit out of the gift box.

*this is the outfit, I edited to make it turquoise that's why it looks weird I don't have a good editing app so yeah 😅*

I went to my dresser and grabbed a clean pair of panties along with a bra. I went into the bathroom and quickly changed into my outfit. I went over to the sink and splashed some water on my face. After that I brushed through my and brushed my teeth.

Since I was done getting ready I left the bathroom, as I got back into my room I saw liz and Draco were both still asleep!

I sighed and went over to them, I shoved them both off the bed, liz panned with her back against the ground and Draco end up falling on top of her.

" why did you do that?!?" Draco yelled

I laughed, " I needed to wake you guys up and didn't feel like fighting with you guys"

Liz glared at me and said, " you could have just said 'hey get up' like a regular person!"

I shrugged, " I felt this way was more effective"

Liz rolled her eyes and pushed Draco off of her, she stood up and dusted her pajama pants off, " what time is it even?" Liz asked while going on my bed to pet Mika.

I looked at my alarm clock beside me bed and said, " it's 8:30, when are you two leaving to go back to the manor?"

Draco stood against the wall and said, " my mum is coming around 10:30 to get us, when are you leaving to go to the Weasley's?"

" uhh I'm leaving around noon, so a little bit after you guys leave." I said

Draco nodded and just stared off into space, " oh and Draco, you should go into the guest room and pack your stuff, while your in there take a shower and change your clothes okay?"

He looked at me weird then sniffed his armpits, " oh yup. Okay I will shower see you guys in about an hour!"

Me and Liz said bye to Draco as he hurried out of my room, and into the guest room across the hall. I turned to liz and sat beside her, " so" I said

She turned to me and said, " sooooo?"

I laughed and said, " I've been wanting to know all week, what are you and Draco? Like are you dating, friends with benefits, just a hook up? Tell me everything!"

Liz blushed and said, " well, at first it was just a hook up."

" the time on the train" I asked

She shook her head no, " that was just a very heated make out session" she laughed a bit, " me and Draco have been hanging out a lot since the whole Ginny thing"

Confused I asked "Which time the first or the second?"

Liz looked at me annoyed and said, " the second now, don't interrupt me again! Anyways as I was saying, we started hanging out and one night I stayed with him in his dorm and well one thing led to another... and then we were naked and then he was inside of-"

I plugged me ears and started yelling, " LA LA LA LA"

I saw liz roll her eyes, she pulled my finger out of my ear and said, " I stopped okay!"

I sighed, " I don't need to know about the sex okay? He's my cousin for goodness sake! Just tell me about the other stuff okay?"

Liz nodded and said, " well after we uhm you know, we got closer and it was friends with benefits, but it's been that way since. Nothings changed, so I hope he asks me to be his girlfriend soon"

I nodded, " yeah, hopefully... but hey? What happens to your crush on Fred?"

Liz shrugged, " he's with Angelina I believe, and I don't really fancy him anymore"

" ohh okay" I said

Liz looked at me and said, "speaking of love life's, how's yours been doing?"

I shrugged, " it's been a lot lately, ever since the second incident with Ginny and Harry it's been off."

Liz raised her eyebrow and said, " what do you mean?"

" well whenever I think about Ginny, I get this feeling of being scared. And I didn't really know why I was scared you know?" Liz nodded

" but I think what I'm scared of is the fact that Ginny could leave me for Harry in a shape of my fingers, and there'd be nothing I could do about it. And with what Harry did with then amorititia, proves that he is smart enough to be able to do Something like that to Ginny..."

Liz pulled me into a hug and rubbed my back, " it'll be okay y/n, your one of the strongest people I know. If anything happens you'll be able to handle it"

I smiled and said, " thanks"  

She pulled back and said, " anytime girlie"

I laid back down and got comfy, but then a thought popped in my head, " Liz! I just had an amazing idea!"

Liz looked at me and said, " okay, spill what's the idea?"

" okay so, when Draco asks you out you'll be girlfriend and boyfriend right?" Liz nodded, " okay so, your gonna live happily ever after Because I said so, thennn you'll get married and THEN WELL BE RELATED!"

Liz thought this over for a minute,her jaw dropped, " omg your right!"

I flipped my hair, " I know I am"

She laughed and said, " don't gloat y/n your usually wrong"

Well, She isn't wrong. I laughed and jumped off my bed. " when did you shower last liz?"

" last night, why?" She said

" I'm gonna do your hair, that's why!" I said excitedly

Liz sighed and said, " okay fine, but be gentle you pulled out half of my hair the last time you did it!"

I put my hand up in defense, " okay, okay, I'll be gentle"

Liz went and sat in front of me while I sat in my desk chair, " what time is it? Liz asked

I looked at the time and said, " it's 9:30"

Liz said, " okay you've got about 45 minutes to do my hair, then I've got to get dressed and bring my trunk downstairs"

" okie" I said, and began to work on her long curly hair. I swear her hair reminds me of Hagrid, except black.

       Time skip
~45 minutes late ~

" annndddddd done!" I said  happily I jumped out of my desk chair and pulled liz up, I dragged her to the bathroom and shoved her in front of the mirror.

She looked at her hair and said, " I like it! You did fantastic y/n. Now, go get me a outfit from my trunk so I can get changed in here."

I said, " okay will do!"

I slipped into my bedroom to Liz's trunk, I pulled it open and saw only black, with bits of green and purple.

" liz! Have you not heard of any other color besides black and green?!?" I shouted

I heard liz groan, " it's my style y/n, at least I don't dress like a unicorn threw up on me!"

How dar she! I do not look like a unicorn threw up on me. I grabbed purpled plaid crop top cover, along with a see threw black stared shirt, a skirt and a belt with some fishnet leggings.

*This is the outfit for Liz *

I went to the bathroom and knocked on the door, Liz opened it and grabbed the clothes from my hand she said " thanks babe!" Then shut the door.

After a few minutes she came out, she looked amazing! " oeoeoe liz get it!" I said while whistling

She turned around and started twerking, and as she was telling Draco came in! His jaw dropped as he stared at her. I started dieing laughing, liz turned to me, laughing and said, " why are you laughing like that was it that bad!"

I shook my head no and pointed to Draco, she turned and as she made eye contact with Draco her eyes widened, Draco walked up to her and whispered something in her ear.

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Draco walked up to me and slightly grabbed my throat from the side, he pulled me towards him and whispered in my ear, " I've been good and kept my hands to my self all week, but if you keep twerking like that I uwon't hesitate to pin you to the wall in front of y/n"

He bit my earlobe, then pulled away. He walked over to y/n and sat down. I just stood there staring at him, I didn't realize I was staring at him still, in-till y/n yelled, " lizzzzzz come sit down we're gonna watch some Vampire Diaries!" I nodded and went and sat down on her bed. I ended up on Draco's left side while y/n was on his right side. With him in the middle of us, y/n passed a large blanket over to us, Draco placed it over me and him.

I laid my head on his shoulder while he placed my hand on my thigh. I looked at him out of the corner of my eye and saw he had a big smile on his face.

Y/n jumped off the bed and went over to the light switch, and turned the light off. She then came back over and flipped onto the bed, placing Mika on her lap.

Draco slid his hand up my thigh further, I glared at him and whispered in his ear, " not here!"
Draco whispered back, " fine then your getting it tonight." He then turned back and started watching the tv, he pulled his hand off my thigh and put it around me on my shoulder.

I'm very worried about what he'll do to me tonight...

Y/n's POV

Me liz and Draco were standing in the living room, waiting for aunty Cissa to finish her conversation with my mum. My dad was upstairs sleeping still.

Draco sighed, " I'm gonna miss it here..."

" I'm not gonna miss you" I said

Draco looked at me shocked at what I said, " what? You eat like a pig, and you smell like a guy!"

" that's Because I am one!" He retorted

Liz looked at him and said, " your a pig?"

I started dying laughing, that was to funny! He looked at her and said, " no! I'm a guy, that's why I smell like one"

I rolled my eyes, " you are  a pig though, hmmm maybe that's why you smell so bad and eat so much"

As Draco was about to reply aunty Cissa said, " ready to go Liz and Draco?

They both nodded and grabbed there trunks following after Aunty Cissa through the door. Before they left they turned and waved bye to me. After they left my mum shut the door and turned to me, " so, what time are you leaving to go to the Weasley's dear?"

" they said I could come over as early as I wanted, but I was thinking about going at noon. Is that alright" I asked

My mum siad " Well your dad isn't feeling the best, so would it be okay with  if I take you right now?"

" yeah that's fine, just gotta go grab my trunk from upstairs and get splash and Mika ready" I said

My mum siad, " me and your dad got a carrier for Mika, I'll go get it and bring it to your room for you, then splash. I'd just open your window and tell her to go to the Weasley's. She'll most likely get there a few minutes before us."

" okay, and should I bring food for Mika or is there a spell for that?" I asked

My mum chuckled, " there's a spell for nearly everything, but yes there is a spell to make cat food appear. I'll write it down and give you the paper, is there anything else you might need?"

I though for a moment, "I've got my clothes, pajamas, swimsuits, oral hygiene stuff, and my blanket all packed I don't think I'm missing anything"

My mum though for a moment too, " no I don't think you are, and if it does turn out your kissing Something I'll come over and drop it off alright?"

" okay mum, Well I'm gonna go get Mika and splash ready to go and bring my trunk down here" I said

My mum siad"okay darling"

I hurried up the stairs and down the hall towards my room, once I opened the door I saw Mika sitting on my desk looking around. I laughed at how cute she was. I went over to the window and opened it, then I went over to splash and said," splash, your going to go to the Weasley's house, okay?"

Splash chirped and nodded her head. I said, " I'll be there shortly okay?" She chirped again and took off out the window.

I sighed, now that splash was taken care of I need to get my trunk downstairs. I grabbed my trunk and ran out of my room, down the stairs and brought it to the front door. I think turned around and hurried back up the stairs and into my room.

Once I got into my room I heard my mum shout, " Quit running around the house!"

Oops, she heard all that eh heh. " okay, sorry mum!" I replied quickly. Shortly after I had said that, my mum walked though my bedroom door with a light blue and turquoise cat carrier.

*this is the cat carrier*

She placed it beside Mika and pet her. My mum said, " be ready and downstairs in five minutes okay?"

I nodded as she left the room, I went over to Mika and placed her inside the cage. She started meowing, I don't think she liked it. I grabbed a few cat treats and gave them to her to make her calm down. After a few seconds she did calm down and laid down.

I went over to my bedside table and grabbed my wand, I put it into a inner pocket inside of my Shaw that Molly knitted. I swear she thinks of everything!

After I had gotten everything I need together, I went over to the cat carrier and grabbed it carefully. Then hurried down the stairs to the front door.    

When I got down there I saw my mum waiting by the door, " ok mum! I'm ready to go now!"
My mom looked up and smiled, " okay, we're gonna aparate so hold on okay?" I nodded my head and went over to hold onto her arm. She grabbed my trunk and held onto it.

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"Fred, stir that together alright?" George asked

I nodded and grabbed the pot of ingredients, I began mixing them when I heard tapping.

Tap tap tap

I looked towards the window and noticed and owl there, oh! That's y/n's owl, what's it doing here?

I sat the pot down on the floor next to George and went over to the window, I opened it and the owl flew over to my bed and sat down.

I looked at its feet for a letter, but nothing. Hmm odd. I said, " eh George I'm gonna go talk to mum really quick I'll be back shortly!"

I heard him 'mhm' in respond, I walked out of our room and down the stairs into the kitchen, we're our mum was starting up on lunch. I went to the counter beside her and said, " hey mum? When's y/n supposed it be coming over?"

My mum continued to slice carrots, " around noon, why?"

" oh, well her owl just came here, it was tappin on mine and George's window, I let it in but it dosent got any letters or anything" I explained

My mum and paused for a minute, " maybe she's coming early?"

I shrugged, " well I'll head back upstairs now, I just wanted to check with you"

" okay dearie, oh and tell George I siad no more making those awful dung bombs, will you?" My mum siad

I said, " okay mum will do" She looked at me sternly and said, " that goes for you two Fred, I'm tired of having to deal with the awful smell of those things!"

I nodded my head, she turned back around and continued slicing more carrots. As I was about to go back upstairs I looked out the window and saw y/n and her and Tonks, her mum appear! Well that answered my question to wether or not y/n was coming early!

Y/n's POV

Everything went black, my stomach twisted and turned then we were at the burrow! I looked around and saw all the beautiful flowers blooming it was amazing!

Me and my mum walked up to the door, and Right before I could knock the door swung open and there stood Fred Weasley. He smiled brightly and said, " I had a feeling your owl was a song you were coming over early"

I laughed, " yeah, I just had a lot to carry, and having splash come over by herself was easier on me"

Fred nodded in understanding, " Well why don't you come in!" He stepped back and opened the door for us to come in. Me and my mum walked through the door and went towards the kitchen, where Molly was most likely preparing lunch.

As we walked into the kitchen we saw Molly, I was right she was starting up on lunch.

" hello Molly" my mum said

Molly jumped a tad and turned around, " oh hello Tonks! How've you been?"

Tonks sighed and said, " I've been doing good, and how have you been Molly?"

Molly smiled brightly and said, " very well, oh dear! you should stay around for lunch, catch up for a bit"

" oh I'd love too, I can't stay to long though, Remus is at home sick right now" my mum explained. I turned around to Fred and motioned to my trunk and said, " help me bring this into Ginny's room please?"

Fred said, " of course y/n!" He grabbed ahold of my trunk and headed towards the stairs. I followed closest behind him with Mika in one of my hands and splash's owl cage in the other. We went up three flights of stairs before we made it to Ginny's room. He knocked lightly then pushed open the door.

" dammit Fred! I could have been changing you don't just knock then walk on in! You knock then wait for a damm reply!" Ginny yelled

Fred set my trunk down beside the door and rubbed hi neck awkwardly, " sorry Ginny, I was only trying to bring y/n's trunk up here for her"

Ginny turned around and said, " y/n? Where is she?" Fred pointed behind him but realized I was wayyy shorter then him, so he side stepped to show I was behind him. Ginny's eyes lit up as she saw me, she ran over and gave me a huge hug.

" I've missed you so much y/n!" She squealed

I giggle, " you've just saw me yesterday though!"

Ginny pulled back and shrugged, " that was forever ago"

I laughed and said, " true true"

Fred said, " can I go now or are you still upset about me just walking through?" Ginny waved him off, he quickly walked out of her room and shut the door behind himself.

I laughed, " you've got Fred trained like a dog don't you?"

" who said it's just Fred? I've got all my brother learning how to knock and wait for an answer before entering. Tired of being worried there gonna walk in on me naked!" Ginny explained

I laughed, " yeah no one needs to see that"

Ginny came over to me and said, " besides you at least"

I looked at her and laughed, " I've only been here a few minutes and your already trying to get into my pants?"

Ginny eyed me up and down and said, " well I meannnl-"

I stoped her and said, " no Ginny! I've just gotten here, maybe later alright?"

Ginny frowned, I gave her quick kiss on the lips then pulled away. I puked my trunk to the end of her bed and sat it down on its side. I then placed Mikas carrier on it along with splash's cage too.

I opened Mikas carrier and she immediately hoped out and climbed onto Ginny's bed snuggling into her blanket at the end of het bed, Ginny stared at Mika and said, " aweeee she's so cute!"

I nodded, " I know right, she's so cuddly too!"

Ginny went and started petting Mika, " what's her name?"

" it's Mika" I said

Ginny nodded and continued to pet the kitten. After a while of  Ginny petting Mika there was a knock at the door, Ginny looked at me and looked at the door she waited a few seconds and said, " yeah?"

I heard Ron from the other side say, "can I come in?"

I looked at Ginny shocked, I don't think I've heard Ron be so polite before. Ginny said, "sure come on in!"

Ron opened the door Slowly, then walked in. He said, " mum told me to tell you lunch is fine and to come down"

Ginny nodded and said, " okay"

Ron smiled and looked down at Mika in Ginny's lap, he gasped and said, " when did you get a cat Ginny?"

Ginny said, " it's not my cat it's y/n's she got Mika here for her birthday I assume" I nodded.
Ron went over to Mika and pet her, " she's so soft!" He said

I laughed, " yeah I brushed her fur yesterday, and she's constantly cleaning her self so if he surprised if she didn't have soft fur"

Ron laughed and went back towards the door, he said, " I'm going down for lunch"

Ginny said, " alright Ron" After he left I waited for a minute before getting up, " I'm going down to Ginny I'm hungry" Ginny looked up at me, she set Mika down the stood up and said, " okay lets go eat then"

We went down the stairs and on the last few stairs Ginny grabbed my ass making me yelp. I heard her laugh as I hurried down the last few steps towards the table. I went and sat beside fred, while ginny went and sat on the other side of me.

Time skip
~after lunch~

After everyone had finished there lunch, my mum aparated back to our house to be with my dad.

Me, Ginny, Ron, Fred and George were sitting out in the living room chatting. Fred groaned, " I'm bored! We should do something fun!"

George nodded his head in agreement, Ron said, " well we could go swimming it's really nice out today"

Fred said, " the water will still be a bit chilly though"

" well mum and dad said they knew a spell that could warm the water up so we can swim year round" Ginny said

" oh yeah I forgot about that!" George said

Fred said, "okay, me and George will go get dad to do the spell, you guys go get into your bathing suits"

We all nodded and went up stairs, once me and Ginny got into her room we shut the door behind us. I went over to my trunk and picked out a green bathing suit with flowers on it.

*this is the swimsuit, I really like the flowers on it *

While Ginny was turned around, I quickly undressed and put the bathing suit on. After it was on I tightened the straps to make sure nothing...slipped.

I went over on Ginny's bed and sat down, she was putting on a black two piece bathing suit. On the top it looked like it was wrapped around but I think that was just the style of the bathing suit.

*Ginny's bathing suit *

After Ginny was done getting changed she turned around to say something but stopped, she eyed me up and down the. Smirked, " you look very good princess"

I laughed, " I know don't I" I stood up and did a little spin. Ginny started coming over to me, when there was a knock at the door. Ginny egnore red and continued to grab me and kiss me, but there was another knock. Ginny groaned and pulled away, " what is it?" She yelled

" they've got the water warm now, so we're heading out" Ron said from the other side.
I got excited and ran over to the door throwing it open, Ron shrieked, " You scared me y/n!"

I laughed and said, " don't be such a sissy Ron, now let's go swim!" I noticed Ron eyeing me abd I Geus Ginny did To Becuase she said, " Ron eyes to your self!" He immediately looked away.

I laughed and walked passed him, with Ginny and him following close behind. I ran down the stairs, through the kitchen and out the front door. I stopped running when I reloaded I have no clue where this pool is. Ginny could tell I didn't know where to go Becuase when she got out she said, " just follow me princess okay?"

I nodded and followed her to the back of her house, and thats where I saw the in-ground like pool. I looked and saw Fred and George were already in the pool, I went to the edge of the pool and asked, " is the water warm?"  The twins nodded, Fred said, " come on in y/n!"

I backed up a bit, then took a running start into the pool. I jumped In and quickly held my breath for when I went under water, and when I did go under water I quickly pushed my self back up to the surface. Once I got up I wiped my eyes, so that no water would get into them.

I looked over to see Fred and George staring at me, " what?" I asked

George said, " you nearly landed on us!"

I started dying laughing, when 6 splashed in my face I wiped my eyes and saw it was ginny, she had just jumped In! Ginny same over to me and laid her head on my shoulder and whispered in my ear, " your boob is falling out of your swimming top" I looked down, and saw she was right my boob was half out of my swimming top.I turned around so I was facing her and fixed it.

She laughed and said, " want to see me scare the living shit out of Ron?" I nodded my head, I watched her go under water and I assume she head towards Ron. Who was currently looking at some flowers at the edge of the pool. After a few seconds I heard Ron scream, " AHH THERES A SNAKE IN THE POOL!"

I started dying laugh again knowing Ginny was the one messing with him. Ron quickly swam over to Fred and George, Well tried to, mid swim he was pulled under water, and then he pooped back up yelling, "IT'S GOT ME HELP!"

After a few seconds Ron was 'relaxed' he started swimming as fast as he could over to his older brothers, who were dying laughing, Ginny popped up from under water and said, " how funny was it on a scale from one to ten?"

Me, Fred and George all said, " 10!"

Ron looked over at goin, his jaw dropped and yelled, " you were the thing grabbing me!"

Ginny nodded as she swam back over to me, grabbing my hips from behind. Ron shouted, " I'm telling mum, Ginny!"

Ginny mumbled, " yeah yeah go and tell mum" I leaned my head back on her shoulder so I could see her. I laughed, " that was amazing you should have seen his face! He was terrified, I think he might've actually peed himself"

Ginny laughed, " I hope not, that would have been disgusting." I nodded my head, she was under water messing with his legs, if he peed that would have been all over her face. Ewww.

Time skip
~ after dinner ~

Me, Ginny and the twins were all watching a movie out in the living room. Fred said, " we should get popcorn!" I nodded, " yeah, go make it!"

Fred looked at me and said, " who don't you make it?"

" it was your idea Fred, you can go make it, George can help you too" George flipped his head to me and said, " excuse you little missy, I get having Fred go do it, but me ?"

Ginny said, " get your arses up and go make the dam popcorn, oh and make to separate ones, one for me and y/n and one for you two" the twins groaned, but got up and went into the kitchen.
Me and Ginny continued to watch the movie intill Fred and George got back, they handed me and Ginny a bag and then a bag.

As George sat down he asked, " oh y/n, I've been wondering about this, but are you lesbian?"

I shook my head no, " no I'm Bi"

" ohhh, then why haven't you date a guy before?" Fred asked

I said, " well I haven't really wanted to date one, I mean there's been times where I though certain guys were cute, but not enough for me to date them."

The twins nodded and focused back onto the tv, Ginny whispered in my ear, " who did you think was cute?"

I looked at her confused, she said, " you just said there were time were you though guy were cute, which guys?"

" oh, well Cedric, Blaise, and Oliver wood" I said

Ginny looked at me and said, " okay, I can understand Cedric and Oliver, but Blaise?"

I laughed, " we don't have to have the same type Ginny"

She sighed, " i know it's just weird, you know?"

" oh I definitely know" I sighed

I slid my head down in Ginny's lap and yawned, I was so tired. I tried staying awake to finish the movie, but my eyes got heavier and heavier, eventually I fell asleep

April 16th
~the next day~

I yawned and stretched, rubbing the heel of my hand against my eyes. I sat up and looked around,I was in Ginny's room in her bed, with her hand strung across my waist and Mika beside my pillow. I also slowly got up and realized I was on in a t-shirt, with nothing under it. I sighed and went over to my trunk and picked an outfit out. I don't want to wear a skirt today, so I grabbed a pair of tan sweats and a matching crop top tank top.

*this is the outfit, it can be different colors if you'd like*

After I grabbed the clothes I quickly undressed and put the clothes on, I threw my hair into a ponytail and went back into bed to lay down. I went and cuddled up to Ginny, she sighed and then pulled me closer to her.

   Time skip
~after lunch ~
I was sitting in the living room talking to Ron Ginny is talking to molly about something , not sure what.

Ginny came back into the living room and plopped down beside me, she said, " whatcha guys talking about?"

I shrugged, " I kinda zoned out so I'm not really sure"

I looked at Ron to see him staring at me mouth agape, " it thought you were actually listening!"
He rolled his eyes and looked to Ginny, " I was talking to y/n here about how she is very lucky to be able to be in the Tri-Wizard tournament with Viktor Krum"

Ah that's why I stopped listening, know I remember. Ginny rolled her eyes and asked, " when is the last task any how?"

" oh uhm I believe it's a week before school ends, it was supposed to be after the Yule ball, but they pushed it back for some reason" I explained

Ginny nodded, Ron was about to say something when there was a knock at the door Ginny got up and shouted, " I've got it!" As she got up I rember Ed what liz said about Fred and Angelina saying! I've gotta go ask him if it's true. " hey, Ron I'm gonna go talk to Fred real quick" Ron nodded as I hurried up the stairs to Fred and George's room.

I flung open the door and yelled, " Fred!" I walked into the room and saw them working at there desk, Fred turned around and said, " yeah? What's up y/n?" I went and sat on the bed, closest to there desk and said, " I heard a rumor you and Angelina were together, is this true?"

" uhm no it isn't" Fred siad

I looked at George and he said, " there not together, I would know if they were"

I nodded and said, " liz told me she heard you and Angelina are together, have you been hanging out with her or something to give pepole this impression?"

Fred shrugged, " I mean she's friends with lee, and me and George are friends with lee, so we've been kinda hanging out a bit lately, but it's not like I fancy her or anything"

" yeah he fancy's-" George started but Fred cut him off saying, " shut up George!"

" Y/N!" I heard Ginny shout , I ignored her and looked George dead in the eye, " who does Fred like"

George quickly said, " your friend Liz"

My jaw dropped I looked to Fred who had his head in his hands, he looked up to George and said, " dammit George you can't keep a bloody secret can ya?"

" y/n's not gonna tell anyone Fred, calm down" George said

Fred looked to me and said, " please don't tel anyone y/n, especially liz"

I nodded, " I won't tell anyon-" I heard a loud bang behind me, I turned around and saw Ginny standing in front of the door. She looked upset, " what wrong gin?" I asked

She said, " well I was calling for you and you didn't answer"

" and? I was having a conversation, I told Ron where I was going. I'm not a dog who's gonna come running to you every time you say my name" I said angrily she's gotten upset a few times about me not answering her when she calls for me. And it's starting to Piss me off.

Ginny siad, " well I'm sorry, a friend is here to see you." I got up and walked out of the door, I would here Fred and George whispering as I left. I went down the stairs quickly. Once I got off the last step I walked through the kitchen to the living to see Hermione standing there!

I ran up to her and gave her a big hug. I heard her gasp, " y/n!"

I laughed and pulled away, " when'd you get here?"

"She got here a few minutes ago" Ginny said from behind me I didn't spare her a glance as I grabbed Hermione's hand and dragged her up stairs. I brought her to bills room, since that was sorta like a guest room when he wasn't here.
Once I got to the door I opened it and walked through, Hermione brought her trunk in and sat it beside the bed.

I sat down and sighed, Hermione asked, "I noticed the way you were towards Ginny, what's wrong?"

"She's just been off, like whenever she calls my name if I don't respond or go to her she'll get upset with me. Like I was talking to Fred and George and she called for me, but I didn't answer. She burst into there room all mad and upset. Over the fact u didn't answer her."

Hermione frowned, " do you know why she gets upset when you don't answer her?" She sat down beside me on the bed, " I don't know mione, but it's starting to really upset me"

Hermione nodded, " I could understand getting upset about that"

Time skip
~after dinner~

Dinner was weird, I sat in between Hermione and Ron, while Ginny sat in between Fred and George across from me. She kept glaring at Hermione which upset me, it's not like Hermione did anything. After dinner me and Hermione helped clean up the table, Molly said, " oh fears, you've done enough go upstairs and relax alright?"

Me and Hermione nodded heading up the stairs, I didn't feel like going by Ginny right now so I went with Hermione into her room. Hermione sat down on the bed and said, " so what do you want to talk about?"

I sighed, " anything besides my love life"

Hermione nodded saying, " did you hear about Luna and Blaise?"

I shook my head no, Hermione continued, " apparently there a couple"

I thought about that, bad boy Blaise and sweet dreamy Luna, a couple? I mean I feel like it would work, but I never thought about them too together. Maybe Neville and Luna, but never did I think of her and Blaise.

As if Hermione read my thoughts she said, " I always pictured her and grille together"

I nodded," yeah, but as long as she is happy"
I yawned and a laid down on the bed, Hermione kept talking about school, and boons she's read, about her break. I tried to stay awake, but my eyes forcefully shut and I fell asleep.

April 24th
~morning Time~

Molly shouted, " everyone get up! You've got to get going to kings cross!"

I quickly hoped out of Ginny's bed and went to my trunk. I picked out a red sweater and a plaid red and black skirt, along with a pair of clean gray panties and a matching bra.

*this is the outfit, oh and just as a FYI the ring Ginny got her is basically welded to her hand so she does wear it all the tjme*

I quickly got undressed and put my undies and bra on, then I slipped the skirt on and pulled the sweater Over my head, I slightly tucked the sweater into my skirt.

Ginny was on the other side of the room going through her dresser trying to find an outfit. She ended up going with a black crop top and tan pants. She quickly got dressed into her clothes while I got on my converse.

*this is Ginny's outfit I like it,it's cute*

I shut my trunk after making sure everything was in it, then I went over to my cat, Mika and put her into her carrier. Since she was still asleep, she didn't start meowing but when she wakes up I bet she will. I looked to splash cage and saw she was already in there. I went over and shut her cage, locking it so she wouldn't get out I put her through the cage then placed hers and Mikas's cage on top of my trunk.

I did a spell to make sure they were bound to my trunk. After I made sure I had everything I asked Ginny, " are you ready to go?"

Ginny looked around the room, "uhhh yeah I believe TV so, hopefully I'm not forgetting anything"

As we left Ginny intertwined her fingers with my hand, as we were walking down the stairs she said, " I know it's been a little edgy in between us lately. And I just wanted to say I'm sorry, I know it's partially my fault, I'm gonna try my best not get so angry over stupid things" I smiled at her and said, " that means a lot to me Ginny, and I know I over react sometimes too, and I need to get better with that. It just hurt me when you get so upset with me"

Ginny nodded her head as we walked through the kitchen, " I know and I'm sorry" I stoped her and pulled her in for a hug, I whispered, " I love you Ginny" she kissed my cheek and said, " I love you too"

I pulled back a bit and kissed her on the lips, I pulled away again and pulled her out the front door and towards Molly who was standing in front of a car.

Molly said, " okay, you two are down here now we're just waiting for Ronald. Why don't you guys get into the car alright?"

Me and Ginny looked at the car suspiciously, it looked like it could only hold four people maybe five, how was it gone fit six kids? And then molly and Arthur too?

Molly saw our looks of confusion and said, " oh don't worry I thought the same thing, but the car is actually rather spacious. Now go on and out your trunks by the trunk of the car. And then get yourself seated." We did as we were told, after placing the trunk by the back of the car, we went into the car to see it had three rows, the first row behind the driver and passenger seat only had two seats, the row behind that had three seats, and the row behind that had three seats too!

" wow, this car is spacious" I mumbled. Ginny nodded her looking very impressed with the vehicle as well. Fred and George were sitting right behind the driver and passenger seat, then Hermione was sitting in the middle row. I went and sat beside Hermione while Ginny sat beside me, so that I was in between them in the middle seat. After about 1o minutes Ron came in and sat down. Then came in molly sitting in the passenger seat, and Arthur sitting in the drivers seat, Arthur said, " buckle up everyone!"

There was a chorus of clicks as everyone buckled up. " alrighty here we go!" Arthur said. He turned the car on and started driving.

It was finally time to go back to Hogwarts, back to my home.

To be continued. . .

7,115 words

Hello! I hope you've enjoyed this chapter, if there anything you want to see more of in the story just comment!

Question of the chapter: what's your Favorite ice cream?
Mines probably cookie dough with peanut butter sauce 💅

Anywaysssss I hope you have a wonderful morning/afternoon/night byeeeee ✌🏼💕💕

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