The Gory Details (Gross)

By Kate_Papilio

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Between 2004 and 2008 I wrote a series of "Tips for Writers" for Nocturnal Ooze magazine vaguely about what w... More

The Gory Details Part 1: Night in Fire Trap Mansion
Gory Details #2: Ooo That Smell
The Gory Details #3: Me Speak Doctor
The Gory Details #4: An Odd Collection of Bugaboos
Gory Details #5 "I Want My Mummy Back'"
Gory Details #6 "Gross Anatomy'"
The Gory Details #7 "From the Deep"
The Gory Details #8: "Don't do Me Like that"
The Gory Details #9: "Bite Me!"
The Gory Details #10: "Satan or The Gore Monger's Date with Mr. Hot pants"
The Gory Details #11: "Inferno"
The Gory Details #12: "Don't Drink the Coffee"
The Gory Details #13 "Somebody Scare That Fool"
Gory Details #14: "Torture; Fun with Pain"
Gory Details #15: "Partying with the Plague Rats"
Gory Detail #16: "How to Not Get Eaten"
Gory Detail #17: "Power Tools: Your Friends in Mayhem"
Gory Detail #18: "The Thousand Faced Freaks"
Gory Detail #19: "Servants of the Big Man"
Gory Detail #20 "Entertaining Your Martyr Friends"
Gory Detail #21: "Bleeding out the Eyes"
Gory Details #22: "Hope You Don't Bounce?"
Gory Details #23: "The Words of Terror"
Gory Detail #24: "But My Skin is Crawling"
Gory Details #25: "Machine Me"
Gory Details #26: "Womb with a View"
Gory Detail #27: "Et tu Vesuvi?"
Gory Details #28 "Beyond Hit Points'"
Gory Details #29 "The Gorevincy Code"
Gory Details #30 "So Yomi"
Gory Details #31 "Barbacoa de Cabeza"
Gory Details #32 "Here Fishy Fishy Fishy"
Gory Details #33 "Just Say Ogopogo"
Gory Details #34 "Lady Hypoxia"
Gory Details #35 "Die Willie Die"
The Gory Details #36 "Space Ships 101"
Gory Detail #37 "The Best Idea Ever"
Gory Detail #39 "Mommy Dearest"
Gory Detail #40 "Maggots Part 1"
Gory Detail #41 "Maggots Part 2"
Gory Details #42 "Holy Bat Sh##!"
Gory Details #43 "Bark at the Moon"
Gory Details #44 "Nightmares"
Gory Details #45: "The Pain O'matic"
Gory Detail #46 "Words About Snot"
Gory Detail #47 "Hey! In U Endo"
Gory Detail #48 "This War Smells Like Bacon"
Gory Details #49: "Pete and the Carnivorous Phalli"
Gory Detail #50 "Dog Food Dilemma"
Gory Detail #51 "The 51st Great Truth"
Gory Detail #52 "The Board Meeting"
Gory Detail #53 "Goodbye"

Gory Detail #38 "Blood in the Snow"

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By Kate_Papilio

I'm in no danger of ever going to or attempting to take over Scandinavia. I don't think any amount of clothing could ever make my withered dry skin warm in a land where "summer" is the time when the ice is off the water and the other seasons are distributed around the other ten months of the year. Still, the legends of Scandinavia contain plenty of Gore to warm this old mongers heart. Let's take a look.

Evil Eye, The

The Evil Eye appears all over the world. It is the belief that evil spells or diseases can be passed by a sorcerer or witch simply by looking at their intended victim. The maladies can range from possession to diarrhea and are cured in many different ways as well.

In Scandinavia it is sometimes necessary to dig a grave, put the afflicted child into the grave as if to bury it and perform a small ritual before taking the child off to what will no doubt be expensive therapy. Interestingly, the Evil Eye called the English Disease in Scandinavia.


A Grim is a water sprite from Northern Europe but is often used to mean any resident spirit i.e. a "church grim." For some reason, Grims hold the secret to playing the violin. If you aren't using your soul, you can trade it for the ability to fiddle.


As terrifying as it is to get smothered by a two-hundred and fifty pound German woman at a family reunion simply because you share one sixty-fourth of the same genetic material, that is not the Hug I am talking about.

In Scandinavia, most of the older words for the soul come from the word "Hug." Unlike the pedestrian souls that hang about in bodies waiting to go to heaven, a Scandinavian hug can be a real kick ass.

While we might be concerned that someone is talking about us because our ears are ringing, a Scandinavian would worry that someone's Hug was trying to enter them through the ears. A Hug is powerful and mobile. It may stay in the person it belongs to or it may wander in search of loved ones or enemies. Even critical comments can be given far reaching and damaging power by your Hug. You are ill advised to talk about someone else's pregnancy, for example. Doing so might cause the baby to be born deformed or it might be aborted because your hug took it on themselves to go visit the poor mom to be.

There is also inequality among Hugs. A woman with a very powerful Hug might be forced to stay away from the family farm for fear she will sicken the horses. Having a strong Hug can get you in trouble. If your Hug torments someone else, keeping them awake at night for instance, they may have to kill you so they can get some rest. It's a tough world.

Huldre Folk

This is the Scandinavian generalization for all invisible, magical creatures. They are sometimes thought to be children Eve was afraid to show to God or children of Adam's willful first wife Lillith.

Although they are invisible, they almost always get spotted. It is interesting to note that, viewed from behind, they appear hollow or made of wood. Their schemes are often undone when someone gets a look at one from behind.

Love Potions

Love potions are just sick, sick, sick. I hadn't planned to do anything on making folks fall in love with you, (Doesn't sound too horrible.) but I came across several "Love Potions" from Scandinavia and they are nasty.

Apple – Put some blood in a apple and feed it to whomever you want to have love you.

Shoes – Just spit on someone's shoes. There are several examples in Sweden where the horse or pig got to the shoe first and was driven wild with passion.

Starling – Kill a starling and cut out its heart. Put the heart between the first two toes on your right foot and step on the foot of the person you want to woo. They will fall for you. Possibly because you're standing on their foot.

Swallow – Catch a swallow and cut out its tongue without killing it. Put the tongue in your mouth and kiss your wanna be. They will demand marriage.

Urine – Give a girl a drink with your urine in it and she will love you. Myself, I call this fetching coffee for the boss. He hasn't fallen for me yet.

Mare, The

The Mare is a Scandinavian Troll who climbs onto people as they lie asleep and suffocates they while counting their teeth. She can be invisible and only detected by reciting a chant while waving a knife. There is good news. She can't climb into bed if the shoes next to it are facing out, with the heels against the bed.

Midnight Mass

As early as the 4th century a Midnight Mass began to appear in Scandinavian folklore. At the time it was a gathering of Saints and angels. As time passed the mass, usually happening on Christmas Eve, became a macabre celebration of the dead. It's now the kind of thing poor sailors and widow's hurrying home late stumbled onto. For their trouble, they get the wits scared out of them and possibly also get some killed/possessed/pregnant with demon baby type action.


Norwegian sea spirits had the sometimes troubling habit of untying boats in the night. The only real solution: Smear the ropes with human feces. It's a strong sea beast repellent. Don't ask me why.


Merfolk in Scandinavian tradition. They are, not surprisingly, usually found at sea tangled in a fishing net. Unlike other versions of merfolk, Sjora can come on ground in one of two ways. They may transform into human shapes and walk ashore, or they may swim ashore in particularly heavy fogs.

A caught Sjora must be treated with care lest it take revenge against whomever captured it. It should be given clothes and allowed back into the water without delay.

And you thought the North Sea was just for drilling oil.

Now get out there and write.

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