Fifty Shades of A Rose in Blo...

By Greyshadesofsteele

426K 10.3K 588

"18-year old Anastasia Steele's world is shattered when her parents die within days of each other. Left with... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 11
Untitled Part 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Untitled Part 15
Untitled Part 16
Untitled Part 17
Untitled Part 18
Untitled Part 19
Untitled Part 20
Untitled Part 21
Chapter 22
Untitled Part 23
Untitled Part 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Untitled Part 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 4 (Hope this works)
Chapter 26 (Hope this works)

Chapter 10

8.6K 221 2
By Greyshadesofsteele

As the song comes to an end everyone starts to clap paying their respect to the band. Soon another song starts up.

“Another dance Miss Steele” I nod

This time the band starts to play Dean Martins – You belong to me. As the song plays he never takes his eyes off of me, I feel like I am in a dream where it’s only the two of us together. I’m soon taken out of my day dream by everyone clapping again to the band.

“Would you like something to drink?” He asks

“No but I could use some fresh air, if you wouldn’t mind going for a walk with me?”

“I would be honored to take a walk with you” He wraps my arm around his and we head outside the tent. I allow him to lead the way since this is his parent’s estate and he knows his way around. We start off in the rose garden then make our way towards the water’s edge of the sound.

“It’s beautiful here” I tell him as we look out to the water.

“I’m glad you like it. I grow up here as a kid and always found the sound to be very peaceful at night, late at night when my parents were asleep I would take my boat out onto the water and just sit there and watch the moon cast over the water”

“Come I want to show you something”

“What is it?”

“Shhh no questions” He takes my hand and lace our fingers together. We walk a little ways until we get to what looks like a boat house. He opens the door and reaches his hand inside and flicks on a light. He grabs my hand and tugs for me to come in with him.

I look around and see trophy’s lining the walls and pictures of Christian and his brother Elliot holding most of the trophies. The lights flicker every once in a while. There is a small boat sitting in the water. I watch and he steps in and tosses a few things out of the boat. He reaches his hand for me to come in, I take my shoes off and toss them near the door.

With one hand I lift my dress just a little and take his hand with the other. Once I am in the boat we stand there for a moment waiting for the boat to stop moving from side to side. As soon as it stops he lowers me down onto one of the benches. He pulls out a remote control garage opener and clicks it. Behind him the door opens slowly.

He takes the paddles and begins to row us out into the sound. When we are far enough away he puts the paddles down and comes sits next to me.

“So what do you think?”

“This is…wow. But aren’t you worried that people are going to wonder where you are, you didn’t tell anyone where you were going”

“Taylor knows where I am”


“Are you nervous being alone with me out in the water?”



“So why did you bring me out here with you?”

“Because I wanted to show you something” 

“What is it that…..” That’s when it happens, right above our heads fireworks start to go off. We are right underneath them. There are red, green, yellow, gold colored fireworks. Christian pulls me close to him. I’m wrapped up in his arms. Both of us are laying down in the boat looking up into the sky watching it come alive.

“This is the most amazing thing I have ever seen” I tell him still looking up into the sky.

“Do you want to know what makes amazing for me?”


“Being here with you wrapped in my arms kissing me” That’s all I needed to hear, I lean over carefully trying not to make the boat rock and start kissing him. Everything in this moment is just right our kiss isn’t like anything we have ever shared before. As much as I want to go further right now, I can’t.

He breaks away and rests his forehead on mine. “Every time I kiss you it just gets better and better. You Anastasia Steele have bewitched me” 

“I believe you are the one who has bewitched me” I begin to kiss him again.

“I could spend all night with you here, in my arms just looking out into the water”

“So could I, it’s very peaceful out here. I can see why you used to come out here when you were younger” 

After the fireworks have finished we sit on the boat for another twenty or so talking. Mostly about me, he wanted to know what my parents used to be like, wanted to know what I was like growing up. He even asked me if I had any boyfriends. I thought it was a little odd for him to ask me a question like that.

“No I’ve never done the boyfriend thing, I was always too busy with school”

“So you’ve never been with anyone?” he smirks

“No I have never been with anyone”

“That’s good to know”

“And why is that?” I question wanting to know what he has up his sleeve.

“It’ll make our first time even more special, because I’ll know no other man has been inside you. Touched you, tasted you” He licks his lips at the last part.

“And when might this first time be Mr. Grey?”

“When were both ready for that step, until then how about we take it slow?”

“I like slow, it’ll give me a chance to get to know you better”

“And I you” He kisses me just below my ear. “I think we should be getting back” I smile and nod my head, as much as I would love to stay out here with him for longer I know that his family must be worried.

He slowly rows us back into the boat house, he gets out of the boat first then helps me. When we walk out of the boat house Taylor is standing there. He nods at Christian and gives me a tight smile. Christian takes my hand and we walk back to the tent. A lot of people have already left but there are still some people standing around talking.

Mia spots the two of walking in and she immediately runs over to us. She looks very upset and even pouts her lips as she gets closer to us. Christian tighten his grip on my hand.

“Where in the world have you two been?” She asks

“That is none of your business Mia”

“Yes it is, I have been looking for Ana for about an hour” She hisses at him.

“Well I’m here now. What can I do for you?”

“Elena told me to tell you, that she went home because she wasn’t feeling well and said for you to enjoy the rest of your night” She wasn’t feeling well or she didn’t want to be around me after I yelled at her. Well good I didn’t want to be around her anyways right now just the thought of everything that I found out makes me sick. How could she? Her best friend’s son.

“Thank you Mia. I appreciate you telling me”

“You’re welcome Ana, anything for my big brother’s girlfriend” I was just about to say that I wasn’t her brother’s girlfriend but instead Christian stopped me by snaking his arm around my waist and said,

“I need to make a few phone calls. Mia will you keep an eye on my girlfriend until I get back” He smiled down at me when he said ‘girlfriend’. He kissed my cheek and walked away, pulling out his cell phone to dial a number. Me! I’m Christian Grey’s girlfriend.

“Come on Ana the DJ is just about to start with the after show let’s dance” She grabs me by the hand and literally drags me over to where all her friends are standing. She puts her arm around my shoulder and says,

“Hey bitches. I want you all to meet Ana, Christian’s girlfriend” All five of their mouths drop open in shock.

“Are they going to be alright?” I whisper into Mia’s ear. I’ve never seen so many girls act like that before. 

“Yeah their fine. It’s just that Christian never really brought a girl here before let alone a girlfriend”


“Don’t worry about them, come on let’s put some requests in to the DJ, maybe we can get these old people moving” She laughs.

She picks a few songs that I think are a little over the top for some of these people that are still in the tent, but I don’t say anything. I just dance alongside her to the beat of the bass. Our hips are moving are asses are shaking, the two of us are laughing away. It’s so nice to be able to hang out with someone close to my age. It has been a while since I have enjoyed myself like this. It’s always school, work, home, sleep.

A few more songs play and Grace and Carrick joins Mia and I on the dance floor, it’s really funny watching Grace and Carrick dance to this type of music. Who knew the funky chicken and be dance to any kind of music. Well not really but I don’t have the heart to tell them, they seem to be enjoying themselves too much.

Another song comes on and it’s Are you feeling me by Aaliyah. Christian comes up behind me and wraps his one arm around my waist. I place my hand over his and bring my other around the back of his neck.  He moves his hips side to side and I follow, we dance like this for a few seconds then he turns me around both my legs are straddling his one. Because he is so much taller than me his knee is grinding into my sex, every time we move it grinds and grinds. I have this weird sensation building up inside me. I look up at him through hooded eyes. He is grinning at me. He knows exactly what he is going.

I can’t let this happen not in front of his sister or his parents for god sakes I could only imagine what they would think of me having an orgasm right here on the dance floor. I quickly turned around my back to his front. You know what two can play this game.

My ass soon finds his very noticeable erection, I press my ass into it and start to move up and down. I look up just a little but his face isn’t showing anything. Damn he’s good. He lowers mouth to my ear.

“If you keep doing that we’re going to have a very sticky situation on our hands”

“And what might that be Mr. Grey” I press even harder into him, smiling to myself.

Anastasia” he breaths deep, his whole body tightens and he starts to pant a little. His head drops to my shoulders and he digs his teeth in lightly biting.

“Do you realize what you have just done?” he whispers on my shoulders. I giggle.

“I have no clue what you’re talking about” I say as I turn around to look at him. He grunts a little.

“What am I going to do with you?”

“Kiss me” And he does. Hard. He puts everything he has into that kiss. A gasp can be heard from next to us. When we pull away from each other we both turn our heads to the side to look at Grace, her hand is covering her mouth and her eyes are glued on Christian’s chest. We both look down and I quickly pull away as I feel him tense.

“I’m sorry I didn’t mean…’s just…” Grace says getting caught up in her words.

“It’s alright mother. I think the two of us should get going” He walks over to his mother and kisses her on the cheek, he then turns to his father and shakes his hand. Grace walks up to me an immerses me in a hug whispering to me,

“I don’t know what it is that you did Anastasia but thank you” I look at her puzzled. She then says, “I have never seen anyone make Christian smile as much as he has today”

“I don’t know what to say Grace. I really haven’t done anything” She lets go of me and Christian is soon at my side.

“Ready to go?” he asks and I nod. Grace gives me another hug then walks over to Carrick, she whispers something to him and he smiles and the two of us as we walk out the tent. Taylor pulls up in Christian Audi.

Taylor opens the driver door and steps out leaving the driver’s door open, he then moves to the passenger side and opens it. I watch as he heads to an SUV that is parked just off in the distance. I am lead to the R8 by Christian. Once I am inside he closes the door and walks over to the driver’s side and gets in. He leans over the console and grabs my seat belt and firmly buckles me in, tugging on the belt so that it is nice and tight. A little too tight if you ask me.

We don’t so say to each other and I’m starting to worry that maybe everything that took place at the event was just an act he put on in front of his family and friends. But then it brings me back to where his sister Mia had called me his girlfriend and he never corrected her and never gave me the chance to do it either.

Maybe now would be the time to bring it up. I mean we are alone, there is no one else in the car. But I’m worried that if I do ask him what he might reply in return. So far we have only kissed….well I did make him cum in his pants on the dance floor.

But being out on the boat with him tonight, the way he held me, the way he talked to me. Most men would have freaked out finding out that I was a virgin but not him he kept cool about it. He told me I was something special and that he is looking forward to our first time. Our first time? Has he never made love to a woman before? I know for a fact he has had sex before but what about making love to a woman?

“Can I ask you something?”

“You can ask me anything” he glances over at me and smile then returns his eyes back to the road.

“Your sister? She called me your girlfriend, but you didn’t correct her. Why?”

“Because Mia Grey doesn’t like being corrected” He chuckled

“Oh I see” I frown a little.

“Do you want to be my girlfriend?”

“Well it’s just….we’ve kissed, and then what you said on the boat. The dance floor, I don’t know I’m sorry I guess I’m just over thinking things”

“Yes we have kissed many of times and I have enjoyed each and every one of them. So again my question to you is, do you want to be my girlfriend Anastasia?”

“Is that a trick question” I joke

“No I’m being serious. Would you like to be my girlfriend?”

“How would it work out between us? I mean you’re my boss and I’m still in high school aren’t you worried what people might think?”

“You do over think things don’t you” he laughs and places his hand on my thigh “ Anastasia what I do is my business and if people can’t accept that then it’s do bad, they’re just going to have to learn to deal with it” He squeezes his hand on my thigh.

“So what will it be? Yes or No?”

“What about you? What do you want?” I ask him trying to turn the tables. I don’t want him asking me to be his girlfriend unless it’s something he wants as well. I want him to want me as a girlfriend as much as I want him as my boyfriend.

“I like you Anastasia. I like you a lot and I’ll take you anyway I can get you and if that means being your boyfriend then that’s what I want. So let me ask you this one more time. Anastasia Rose Steele will you please be my girlfriend”

“Yes” I giggle

“I’m sorry could you repeat that I was distracted by the most amazing sound I think I have ever heard” He thinks my giggle is the most amazing thing he has ever heard. Swoon. If I wasn’t in a car right now I would be jumping up and down in a fit of giggles.

“I said Yes Mr. Grey I would like to be your girlfriend” I giggle again and look at him. He is smiling from ear to ear. He pulls in to my drive way and unbuckles his seatbelt.

“That’s what I thought you said” he reaches over and crashes his lips into mine. I reach down and unbuckle my seatbelt, still kissing him I manage to climb over the console and straddle his legs. We spend the next fifteen minutes making out with each other.

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