Esoteric - Regulus Black

By rasianclaw

760 38 101

"You're a man full of lies, Regulus Black." ESOTERIC REGULUS BLACK RASIANCLAW More

act 1
A1 - 02 ; the unknown girl
A1 - 03 ; he, who must not be named

A1 - 01 ; the beginning of the story

103 8 1
By rasianclaw


Regulus felt lonely.

IT was a cold winter afternoon in London, terrifying and cold, as it was foggy. Regulus Black has entered fifth year, and it was just like any kind of year. Boring, plain and depressing. And although he was next to his dearest friend, he has never felt lonelier.

Regulus knew that Sirius is far better off at the Potters, he felt betrayed by his sudden leave.

Though it was nothing, really. It was last year, so Regulus had moved on.


Regulus had always found him annoying anyway, as Sirius has always picked an argument with their mother.

It was silly, really, but it was good riddance. Although those weren't his own words, it was Bellatrix's.

It was currently December sixteenth, not long after they've gotten off of Hogwarts Express for their winter break. Dominique, as per usual, was ranting about the weather. And talking about Dominique Zabini, it reminds him about his past friendship. Friendship, huh.

Dominique, Regulus and Sirius were very close. Though since he's been sorted into Gryffindor, they haven't been talking for a good while.

Regulus is constantly reminded about the fight that took place last summer, before he entered fourth year.

"Don't even talk about that blood-traitor." Walburga sighed deeply, losing her patience. "Yeah, yeah. You're saying that you love me, but here we are. I'm not even allowed to talk about my friends, who by the way, truly loved me. And not because of my status and definitely not because I'm a puppet tha-" "Sirius Orion Black the third! Do not speak to your parents like that." Orion snapped, earning a glare from Sirius. "I'll start respecting you once you learn to respect me!" he replied confidently.

"Regulus?" Dominique said, slowly turning her head to get a better view of him

"You're being ungrateful, Sirius. We've provided food and-""But never happiness! Never freedom! Never love. It was your duty to feed me and give me shelter. You could've just not have me instead! I would rather be a blood-traitor and be known as it than be born into this family!" Sirius cried, pointing at his father, who was clenching his fist. "Fine then. Leave! Leave this house and never come back! Don't you dare show your face in this house ever again!"


Regulus was brought back to reality, his best friend, Dominique greeted him back with a smile. "What do you want?" He asked absentmindedly. "Rude. I was simply asking if you hear that melody." Regulus furrowed his eyebrows, trying to hear the faint melody that his friend was talking about.

"Yeah, what's wrong?"

"It's coming from the woods, Regulus."

"Okay, cool, and?"

Dominique sighed, rubbing her forehead with her thumb and index finger. "And, that means that we're going to find out who's playing it."

"Excuse me, we?"

"Yes, we. But I can just go alone. I was just asking because you have pretty much nothing to do."

"No. No way. I'm not coming with you." Regulus laughed nervously as he shook his head. "You're mad if you even think that I'll come and simply.. tag along."

"Alright, cool. See you tomorrow, or not." She smirked as she got up to walk towards the woods, knowing damn well that he's coming.

I'm not going with her. Regulus thought. It's mad, and if he got caught, he wouldn't get to enjoy his winter break, and he really needed this winter break. But there was this Nightingale gala that he does not want to attend...

Regulus looked towards Dominique's direction. She was already halfway to the forest, since the forest wasn't exactly too far away. He could still catch up with her if he'd like to.

Thinking of all the possibilities of his dearest friend getting hurt, he finally sighed and ran up to her. "Oh Reg! I totally did not expect you to run after me, and I am totally not right if I did." She sarcastically grinned, earning a scoff from Regulus. "I'm just here because I have nothing to do." He muttered. "Yeah, totally." she replied, walking faster.

"Dominique! I'm being serious!" he exclaimed, starting to run after her, before she ran faster. "Yeah right! And here I thought that you were being you." Regulus groaned at her attempted joke.

Walking slowly in the forest, the two stayed silent, as they were trying to hear any more signs of the melody.

"Regulus! There!" Dominique whispered harshly as she saw a woman- or a person looking kind of femininely sitting between the trees, looking away from the- "is that a piano?" Regulus asked. "No, of course not. It's a harmonica, of course!" Dominique said sarcastically. "No, of course not. It's a harmonica of course." Regulus mocked. "You're so annoying!" the Slytherin girl whined. "You're so annoying!" He mocked again, overexaggerating the movements of his mouth. "Stop it!"

"sToP iT!"


"Titania, did you hear that?" a voice asked. It was faint, and the two could barely hear it, but Dominique recognised that voice well enough.

"Irene?" the person who sat by the piano leant forward to the position that 'Francine' might be in.

The piano was in an abandoned house, vines were hanging around the house. It looked rather unfinished too, or preferably, damaged. The piano was made from.. wood? It was beautiful, the house, the vines, the sunlight. And... the woman.

The girl that Regulus assumed to be Titania looked slightly to her left, noticing the two teenagers. She looked away and said something before turning her head to take another look at them, this time with a smile and a wave.

"Oh no." Dominique sighed. "What is it?" the tall boy asked, still waving at the girl.


"Irene! I don't know them!" 'Titania' exclaimed, though she immediately laughed right after.

Regulus's eyes widened.

Irene was Dominique's sister. She got shortly disowned by her grandfather when her family, including Dominique found out about her affair with a muggle. Miss Zabini, or as you might as well call her, Francine, was deeply upset about it and has never talked about it since. That might, or might not include Dominique.

"Good afternoon, Dominique, Regulus." A soft voice greeted them.

"Pandora! Goodness. You almost gave me a heart attack!" Pandora chuckled at Dominique's reaction. "I'm sorry, Dominique. But what are you two doing here?" the blonde girl asked, smiling dreamily.

"Dom heard a melody playing." Regulus replied.

"You two could've talked to that girl instead of hiding here like you're about to commit arson." Pandora said as she waved to the girl brightly. "You know those girls?" The brunette asked. "I know Irene from all the Christmas parties that your family had hosted, and I know Titania through- Xenophilius, there you are!"

Xenophilius Lovegood, Pandora's other best friend.

It seems like he wants something more, if Regulus was being honest.

But he knows better not to tamper with one's love life, even if they were his best friend.

"I might as well say hello to Titania. Otherwise it would be kind of rude, wouldn't it?" She smiled, walking up to the dark skinned woman in the abandoned house, Xenophilius smiled at them before running after her.

Pandora smiled when she saw Xenophilius next to her, and watched as he ran further to the house and gave the woman a big hug.

Pandora stopped to look at the two young teenagers that were still standing on the same spot.

"Well? You're not going to stay there all day, right?"

"I like Titania, you know. She has a smile that could light the darkest room." She smiled softly, glancing at Titania, who was smiling as she listened to Xenophilius's rambles.

REGULUS and Dominique, now stood awkwardly between Xenophilius and Pandora.

"So, Dominique. How's mum?" Irene asked sincerely. Dominique was mostly awkward around her for she was kind of close with her before she left.

"Why don't you come home and ask her yourself? I bet mum would appreciate that." Dominique said, looking down.

"I'd love to come home, but you know that he would have my head."

"Yeah, sure."

"And you, Regulus. Regulus, right?" He nodded at her question. "Well I'm Titania. Titania Harvey. Sorry for not introducing myself earlier." She chuckled. "What brings you two in livvy Forest?"

"They heard you playing your piano, Nia." Pandora answered after an exchange of glancing between Dominique, Regulus and Pandora. Titania's eyes brightened with amusement. "That's lovely. What do you think of it? I arranged the music myself, you know."


There are no purebloods with the name Harvey.

"Right?" Titania sighed happily. Though no one has been giving any answer to her question.

"Can I ask you something, Titania?"

"Oh, of course." Titania smiled at the brunette.

"Do you know who I am? What power I hold?" Regulus asked.

"Regulus." Pandora warned as she cleared her throat.

"I don't think I quite understand-"

"You and your filthy kinds are what's been ruining our lives and you dare to speak to me as if you've done nothing wrong?" Regulus asked once more, his voice getting louder.

"Regulus!" Pandora scolded.

"Can't you see what she is!? She's a muggle! If she knew what we are we could die!" Regulus snapped.

"I'm sorry? You have met me not longer than an hour, and you decided to think that I am a murderer? You certainly have no manners!" Titania fumed. "And mind you,my 'kinds' are just as humane as you, young man."

Stupidity is complex. It can be from judging, stereotyping to complete idiocy.

And Titania thought that Regulus was in the category.

"I'm sorry, Titania, we're leaving." Pandora smiled weakly at the slightly older woman, turning to Dominique and Regulus. "We're leaving." She said sternly, motioning Xenophilius to come along.

"Regulus, you're an idiot, did you know? 'Your kinds'? Are you daft?"

"They burn witches and wizards, Pandora! Be rational!" Regulus protested. "I am being rational. We all aren't just going to whip out our wands in front of her! Ever heard of the law!?" "Will you two just shut up!?" Dominique snapped. "I met my sister after years- and she didn't even bother to ask me how I feel, how she affected our lives and you two are here arguing about Regulus's manners! She's a muggle, Pandora. We are not supposed to be seen with one, nor to talk to one!" She cried, her eyes tearing up. "Dom- I'm sorry." Pandora whispered.

IT was rather selfish of Regulus to not once ask Dominique about how she felt for the following week, but it was better that way.

Or so Regulus had thought.

"I would just mess it up." He sighed to himself.

Regulus couldn't do anything but walk to the Livvy Forest again. It was absolutely stupid, but maybe he would find Pandora, and maybe he'd.. maybe she'd give him an advice.

Truthfully, Regulus went outside because of his mother's constant ranting about the Nightingale Gala.

Usually it would be held by his family, but this year, it was held by the Potters.

That made her furious, but she had no control of it.

It was held every year on the twenty-fourth of December, by the way.

Now back to Walburga throwing an absolute fit about the Potters, Regulus was not ready to deal with it, despite fourteen years of it.

So Regulus, not wanting to deal with any of her temper, left. His excuse was, 'Dominique invited me over'. It was a weird and not so smart excuse, but it was all he got. But honestly, knowing all the spell that Dominique could use to hex him, he would rather stay alive to the day he'll see his brother die. So he'd rather have his mother throwing a fit with him rather than... die.

Walking absentmindedly through the woods, Regulus soon found a rather.. odd looking ground.

It was all covered in snow, so it was hard to tell if it's just a hill of snow or if there's actually something that could hurt him.

Regulus, being the childish boy that he is, jumped over the hill. He soon smiled as he found it rather amusing. That was until, "Oh isn't it the famous star-boy?" A voice said. Regulus startled, falling backwards. "Great." He mumbled. He was now wet and cold due to the pile of snow he fell into. Luckily, it was just snow. But it was a lot, and Regulus didn't have a proper coat on.

"Well, star-boy, are you alright?" The voice was Titania's. She looked as beautiful as the day he first met her. "Stop calling me star-boy." He grumbled, making Titania chuckle. "How about constellation? Maybe that'll make you happier." Regulus frowned at her, not enjoying this game of pun at all. "Awh, are you the youngest child?" Regulus's eyebrows rose at this. "How did you-" Titania chuckled.

"You act like one."

"Just kidding, I know you from your brother, Sirius Black. He talks about you fondly. Though I wasn't lying when I said that you act like one. My brother Luke is absolutely annoying as well, doesn't do well with jokes." The girl rambled. "Sirius? You've met- you've met my brother?"

"Well of course I did. He and his mate's family come here often. Charming lad he is, a bit of an arrogant one though. Huge turn-off."

Of course he came often. And of course she found him attractive. But it's not like Regulus cared. She was just a muggle.

"Sweetheart, I think it's best if you go home now. It's getting colder by seconds! How you even went out with such coat, I'll never understand." She remarked, drawing her hand out for him to reach. "You don't... you don't hate me?" He asked as he stood up. "Oh goodness, no! I found your manners in need of working, but I don't believe in first impressions." She smiled. "And of course, a little charm like you? I could never." She smirked.

Blush crept Regulus's cheeks, charm, you say?

"But I'm serious, you're fifteen... right? I don't think your mum would fancy the idea of her fifteen-year-old youngest child wandering in Livvy. It's a dangerous place here at night, you know." Regulus nodded as he drew his hand back slowly, his hand still lingering around hers. "Well- I'll be going." He gulped, walking away.

Titania smiled at the awkward boy before heading home too. Her brother was still in need of her, and mum was out working 'till dawn.

And that, was the first time that Regulus had reconsidered his view of muggles.

"I'M sorry for being neglectful about your feelings." Regulus muttered, not daring to look up at his best friend. It was a day before the Nightingale Gala, and he knew he would be too late if he didn't apologise now.

Now you might ask why it would be 'too late'.

Simply because Dominique never takes any apologies after the gala.

She claims that it would be too late, and that everyone should know that apologies were precious, and they shouldn't just act as if it's nothing. She said that it makes the apology seem insincere.

Dominique didn't answer for a good moment before sighing. "I suppose I was acting a bit childish too. I was also in the wrong. I'm sorry, Regulus, I accept your apology. I hope you'll accept mine."

Regulus grinned at her answer. "You bet."

The two fist bumped, smiling mischievously.

"Any date for the gala?" Dominique grinned. "No. I thought that dates weren't needed?" The boy replied. "It wasn't needed because before this year, you were just a child. This year, we're striving teenagers with raging hormones!"

"I did not need to hear that"

"Are you seriously afraid of the word 'hormone'?" Dominique laughed.

"Piss off Zabini."

"NO- wait so you're saying that your sister might-" "she's not my sister, Regulus." "Fine. But you're saying that they're going to Irene because she's still a witch?" Dominique nodded.

Today was the Nightingale Gala, the two were walking to the Potters. It was a mere fifteen minute walk from the station, so they decided to just walk alone since they were going as dates to the party.

"What can you expect from a blood-traitor." Regulus scoffed. "They are pretty wealthy, I'm sure it'd be a quite grand party. Besides he people, I don't think that the party would be too disappointi- Regulus, who's that?"

Regulus looked over to where Dominique was (subtly) pointing at. She was pointing at Cheryl Diggory. A much younger sister to Amos Diggory.

"Regret being my date already?" He smirked. "Yes. You're boring and unattractive." Dominique quickly replied, her gaze never leaving the lady. "I'm sure it's just you being bisexua-" "Regulus! Don't say it out loud! If grandfather hears me he'll have my head by sunrise!" Dominique whispered harshly. "That's kind of barbaric.." the brunette muttered. "Mum and I agree to you wholeheartedly." She chuckled. "Wait- is that?"

"What is she doing here? Isn't she a muggle?"

Titania was here, and it seemed as if she was invited, for she had a very nice dress on, and looked rather elegant.

"She'll get herself killed!" Dominique gasped, before running up to her. "Dominique!" He called, running after her.

Running past none other than Kingsley Shacklebolt.

"Black? Where are you off to?" He asked curiously before running with him, as they were both going to the same direction. "I could possibly ask the same." Regulus replied. "I saw Dominique running to the wrong direction of the party so I was about to follow her." He explained. "Well good for you, you're coming with us."


"Come on!"

"Titania!" Dominique called.

"Woah! Dominique, what's going on?"

"Why are you here? You're not supposed to be here! You'll get yourself killed!" She panted, still trying to catch her breath. "Uhm- well I'm not sure. I got a letter and apparently I'm invited." Soon after, Regulus and Kingsley was there, also panting. "Why were you all running?"

"Titania! 'S that you?" Kingsley smiled happily. "Kingsley! It's great to see you again!"

"Wait- you two?"

"Her mother was close friends with mine, my mum is her godmother." Kingsley shortly replied. "God-brother" she shortly laughed, making Kingsley grin. "Do you have a date? You know the rules right?" Titania nodded. "I do know the rules. But I don't have a date. I thought you had a date already, and besides you, I don't really know any other wizards." Kingsley nodded slowly. "Alright, how about you go with me? I don't have a date." Kingsley offered, making Titania smile. "That's wonderful. You're a life-saver. Quite literally."

"Anyways, what's the deal of this gala? Why is it so important that I might get killed for not being a witch or a wizard?" Titania asked. Regulus and Dominique shared a confused look before Kingsley smiled softly, saying, "She knows that we're wizards."

It was a big relief to Dominique, because she was rather fond of the girl. Even though they've only met once. But even so, Titania was unforgettable. It was hard to forget a girl with the brightest and most comforting smile.

"Now, a head's up, none of us want to attend this gala. And before you suggest that the Nightingale Gala was an optional Christmas party, it isn't." Titania nodded as they walked to the Potters's mansion.

"Thank merlin that Dominique isn't a blood supremacist like her grandfather." Kingsley chuckled. "She is, but it's only towards muggleborns. And Titania's completely a muggle, so she doesn't mind that, for some reason." Regulus explained.

"The Nightingale Gala's rules change every year, and the rules were always made by the family who hosted the party. And for the past four years, the Blacks were always chosen. And otherwise my family, the Yaxleys, name any families. They were always invited or hosting. That is, except the Weasleys and Prewetts. They were invited from time to time, but they never once hosted a party. For ten years, no blood-traitors has ever been chosen to host a party. Well, that is, until this year." Dominique explained further. "Why?" Titania asked. "The Weasleys and Prewetts weren't as wealthy. And pureblood supremacists are rather... pushy."

"So, you and Zabini?" Kingsley nudged playfully. "Oh, no. We're better of as friends. It's hard to imagine someone I grew up with as my girlfriend." Regulus laughed.

"The Nightingale Gala has a lot to offer, you know. You could exit the party with a big smile because someone decides to hire you to work in their big company or organisation, or you could be working alongside the Ministry of Magic. And if you attend the party, your status would stay stable, that or it'll get higher."

"How about Titania?" Kingley asked. "No, I've only met her three times." Regulus replied, feeling a little bad for talking to 'blood-traitors'.

"Regulus! Your parents are there!" Dominique warned. "I'm sorry? Oh! Shoot. I'm sorry, but I might have to leave now. Don't want my parents to.. disown me." He quickly said before running after Dominique.

"Those two are just waiting to get disowned." Kingsley chuckled, before getting jabbed in the ribs by Titania. "Kingsley! That's a terrible joke!" She scolded. "Not my fault that your two best friends are disowned." He stated, still wincing in pain. "And I feel terrible for Luke. You punch hard!" He added, making Titania smirk. "I'd like to punch you again, I didn't do the last one perfectly-" "No!"

WHEN Regulus and his family walked in, they were pretty much greeted by a beautifully decorated room. They hate to admit, but the Potters has done well.

In the corner, they can see Sirius, James, Remus, Kingsley and Titania talking. And a boy Regulus recognised as Peter Pettigrew, soon joined the conversation.

Sirius looked way happier and healthy, in a short period too.

Regulus secretly wished that he was with them. Or rather, he wished that his parents weren't so strict.

The night went pretty fast. There wasn't anything special. Just a few dances, hypocritical laughs and glares between muggleborns and pureblood supremacists. He also talked with Pandora for a bit, but she went dancing with Xenophilius. They came as a date, it was not really a surprise to see them finally involved romantically. Both seemed giddy and nervous around each other. But so, basically, Regulus was alone. Since Dominique had gone to talk to Cheryl Diggory.

They seem to have a great time. Regulus thought as he saw the two girls laugh.

He then catches the attention of his brother, Sirius. And smiling pridefully, he strode across the room, walking towards Regulus.

"Well hello there, brother." Sirius said cockily. "Go away." Regulus replied shortly.

"Don't be like that Reg, you and I know that you've missed me. We're both brothers after a-"

"Don't call me your brother! You have no rights calling me your brother the moment you left me there to rot!" Regulus snapped, leaving Sirius shocked.

Soon, everyone's attention was on the two brothers. Including Pandora, Titania and Xenophilius's.

"I didn't leave you to rot-" "Yes you did! You're so selfish sometimes, did you know? Why are you even here? I bet your little friends would love to boost your ego! Tell them how you, are the charming hero, that you can do nothing wrong!" Regulus interrupted, tears were forming. Dominique soon walked over to them, in attempt to calm the, down. "Hey, is everything okay here?"

"Oh please, at least I have friends! How about you? Who do you have? No one! You only have Dominique as your friend don't you? And Pandora? You make me laugh!"

Key word : attempt.

"I didn't need anyone. I had you, and I naively thought it was enough. I used to not give a shit about anyone. You've won. How do you feel? Sirius Orion Black the third has won! He has done it again. Made his brother look like an idiot." The boy cried, he barely could trust his own voice at this point. "I loved you, I adored you, I thought you were everything." He stammered.

"But turns out, to you, I wasn't your brother."

Regulus glanced at James, who was standing close to them, in case if things got physical.

"He is." He said before leaving the mansion.

Dominique shot a glare at Sirius before running after her friend.

Pandora soon smiled sarcastically at Sirius. "Thanks, arsehole." She said sweetly before running after Regulus as well.

"I hope nargles haunt your bed" Xenophilius scowled before leaving as well.

"You alright pads?" James asked softly.

"Please leave me alone for a moment." Sirius sighed deeply, wiping his tears away.

Looking towards his parents, he took a deep breath before saying,

"You're the worst parents any child could have."

Hello! I hope you liked this chapter. I'd like to know if it makes sense, if it's too fast paced, too dramatic, or too over exaggerating! Any critiques are allowed, and highly encouraged. And do tell if you like this writing style, and the characters that are introduced. Subtle changes were added into the story, so if you notice that you didn't recognise a line being there, then you'd know why.

This book will be updated once a week (if I can), since school is about to start. Please understand that, and I've told a few of my friends that I'll be publishing this when my Percy Weasley fan-fiction, 'Eternity' will be finished, but I simply can't wait any longer!

But that's all for today. See you next time! <3

- Rasianclaw

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