Innamoramento (Future Luke x...

By AonabiChan

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Future Luke x Reader Warning: it contains massive spoilers from "Professor Layton and the Lost Future". The s... More

Risveglio (I)
Risveglio (II)
Risveglio (III)


382 7 8
By AonabiChan

(This part contains massive spoilers from 'Professor Layton and the Lost Future', the series 'Layton Mystery Detective Agency: Kat's Mystery‑Solving Files' and the game 'Layton Brothers: Mystery Room')


"Come along, you slowcoaches! Hurry up, we don't have all day! The key to this mystery lies ahead, I'm certain of it!"

Ernest and Sherl are running to keep up with the pace.

"M-Miss Layton, I beg of you, wait for us!"

"Seriously, Kat! You haven't told us anything since you've dashed out of the agency after yapping something random about a newspaper clipping and locking yourself in that red telephone box! To whom did you even speak?"

"Let's catch the bus first, then we'll talk! RIGHT THERE! IT'S ABOUT TO DEPART! RUN RUN RUN!"

Katrielle elegantly hops in the vehicle followed by Ernest and Sherl, who both fall to the floor, out of breath.

"Where are we going, miss?"

"Obviously, visiting family!"

"Whaaat?!", Ernest and Sherl exclaim at the same time.

"Goodness, golly! Family? But, I thought that... Do you mean that you've finally discovered who your real father is?!"

"Uh? Balderdash! My daddy is Hershel Layton, of course! Even if we aren't related by blood, he'll always be my real dad."

"Then... a relative of your mother, perhaps?"

"Nope. As far as I know, my mother had no living relatives when she gave birth to me."

"Okay, so, are you talking about Rosa?"

"Grandma Rosa is definitely family to me, but she's not my only next of kin, you know!"

"Raaah! Out with it already, lass! Can't you see we're waiting agog? Are you expecting us to worm the truth out of you or something?!", growls Sherl angrily.

"Eew, gross! A delicate British lady like myself doesn't need to hear such vulgar expression!"

"Indeed, Sherl! Mind your language!"

"On which side are you anyway, Pinstripes?! You wanna know as badly as I do! ENOUGH with the bloody suspense!"

"Why, Sherl, you're so impatient! Fiiiiine, I'll tell you both! We're heading to my uncle Clive and my aunt (Name)'s house!"

"Ooh! You've never mentioned any of them before, miss!"

"They're actually daddy's friends. Along with grandma Rosa, they looked after me when daddy and uncle Luke left on their grand puzzle-solving journey... Especially when grandma was busy searching for a new place to live in, in the wake of his disappearance... Auntie (Name) was working with dad at Gressenheller University and used to accompany him around the globe, just like uncle Luke!"

"Another academic, eh. And what does your uncle do for a living?"

"He's a freelance reporter with expertise in investigative journalism. Though, nowadays, it's more of a hobby to earn a little extra money during his spare time. Long ago, he worked for the London Times! By the way, he's also an ex-convict."

"Oh, how nice... Wait, what?! M-Miss Layton, did you just say he was an ex-convict?"

Ernest's imagination is suddenly running wild as he is picturing in his mind a tall and muscular man with scars on his face, graphic tattoos all over the body, his legs cuffed with a ball and chain.

"Yup! Uncle Clive's got plenty of contacts in all kinds of milieux, especially the shady ones!"

Katrielle's assistant seems on the verge of apoplexy. Undisturbed by his reaction, she continues:

"And as a professor in the department of Science and Archaeology, my aunt most probably has got some information on the Relics."

"Who cares about the Relics when your uncle was in prison! Come on Kat, tell us what happened and spare us no details!"

"Golly, Sherl! That would be gossip!", scolds Ernest.

"Doesn't it make you feel morally superior when you hear about someone going to jail for their crimes? It eases my conscience knowing that I haven't done anything too wrong in my life!"

Ernest gasps.

"Goodness gracious! That is rather insensitive!"

"I completely agree with your statement, Sherl! It does make me feel good about myself!", Katrielle admits with glee, while her assistant stares at her in shock. "However! Uncle Clive hasn't committed any crime!"

"Tsss, codswallop! What was he in quod for, otherwise?"

Katrielle clenches her fists and declares passionately:

"It's a wonderful love story!"

"A... a love story?!"

Ernest is now intrigued.

"You're spewing nonsense again, aren't you, Kat?"

The young woman becomes very lively all of a sudden.

"Not at all! Uncle Clive recounted the whole tale to me... How he used to work as a spy at the service of Her Majesty and how he was tasked to infiltrate the fortress of the enemy of our Nation and destroy it! In order to do so and gain access to their dirtiest secrets, he had to pretend to join their organisation and to become a double-agent!"

"Wicked! Wish I had popcorn...", comments Sherl.

"But then, the gang assigned him with a treacherous mission and ordered him to kidnap a young and beautiful student in archaeology with whom he had fallen in love... That person was none other than (Name)!"

"That's horrible!", exclaims Ernest, captivated.

"Even so, he knew very well that their ambitions were darker, as they intended to torture (Name) to get the information they needed!"

"So what did your uncle do?!"

"Of course, he turned against the evil mob and made the whole stronghold explode from the inside and managed to save the love of his life! However, in his precipitation, he had lost the precious secret documents the Crown had requested and consequently the mission was considered a failure and unfortunately my poor uncle had to take the fall and was treated as an enemy of our Nation and accordingly sent to prison where he and my aunt got separated for years!", Katrielle tells away quickly and without a pause, ending her sentence with an overly dramatic tone and pose.

While Ernest gapes at her with teary eyes, Sherl's expression is doubtful.

"What a shaggy dog story! Why would a renowned crime syndicate abduct a normal archaeology student when it could have taken anyone else? Even your father, Professor Layton!"

"That's exactly the question I asked my aunt, who replied 'that's an interesting question indeed, you should ask Clive about it'. Thus, I went back to ask him, and he made me promise to never reveal their secret to anyone!"

"Do tell!"

"Sherl, I just said it was a secret!"

"And I'm just a mutt, so it's not as if I was going to shout it from the rooftops."

"Oooh, right you are! So there it is..."

"You get swayed too easily... Budge up, Pinstripes, lemme hear it too."

She leans forward to let Sherl and Ernest in into the confidence. "Auntie (Name) is the last descendant from an ancient alien civilisation who will prevent the extinction of the human race a hundred years from now!"

"Hum hum. And what did (Name) say about that?"

"My aunt left the room giggling."

"As I thought, this was way too far-fetched to be true..."

"Uh? Do you think so, Sherl?", asks Ernest, visibly disappointed.

"It's a true story! Why would my uncle lie to me?", retorts Katrielle.

"How old were you when he told you that story?"

"I was ten!"

"Kat, it's time to understand that some grown-ups don't want little children poking their nose in their private business and will say anything to satisfy your tad misplaced curiosity."

"Grrr! How dare you question his words?"

"Because it sounds like the kind of rubbish I'd tell a brat."

"I wasn't a brat! Clive and (Name) can testify that I was - and still am, a well-behaved and adorable girl!"

"Yes! You definitely are, miss Layton!"

Sherl squeamishly rolls his eyes at Ernest's love-exuding voice.

Katrielle peeks outside the window.

"We're almost there!"

The bus passes Gressenheller University, turns at the junction and continues on to a modern, well-maintained neighbourhood behind the edifice, before stopping in front of a convenience store.

The company alights and walks along the busy streets.

"What a lovely residential area! And close to the campus, on top of that!", marvels Ernest. "When I was planning to enroll at the university, I remember looking at classified ads to find accommodation in this neighbourhood."

"Yeah, there are young people and students as far as the eyes can see.", adds Sherl.

"Correct! Except for my family and their former housekeepers, you won't meet anyone older than thirty around here. Uncle Clive said it was convenient because scholars kept coming and going each year, and the younger they were, the least they would know about his past!"

"Such utterances aren't too cryptic and worrying at all!", sarcastically remarks the hound.

"Ta-daaa, here we are!"

Katrielle is pointing at a three-storey building with a quaint clock shop at the street level.

"What a peculiar shop! Its name is 'The Singing Cogwheels'. It looks a bit out of place in this kind of buzzing landscape..."

"Think again, Ernest Greeves! Pocket watches are back in fashion among London's trendy youth! I bet you they have a lot of work to do."

"You said that (Name) was a professor, didn't you? Was it more practical for them to live here than moving to the suburb?"

"That's right. They're living in the flat that my aunt was renting as a student. As a busy, busy bee, it's a chance residing so close to the uni. This is why uncle Clive spent his last savings to buy the whole place and own their maisonette. Let's go and say hello!"

They step into the shop, where they are greeted by the steady ticking of watches and clocks hung on the walls.

An elderly plump woman is sitting behind the counter, seemingly focused. She has small round glasses on her nose, and her white hair is pulled up into a bun tied with a clock-shaped clip. Noticing the newcomers, she puts down her embroidery hoop and salutes them in a soft voice:

"Welcome, dears. How may I help you?"

"Good morning! I'm Katrielle Layton, from the famous Layton Detective Agency!"

"Oh, it's you, Katry-sweetie. I didn't recognise you here. You've become a fine lady!"

"Hee hee, I know, thank you!"

"Really, Kat? You've got no shame.", sighs Sherl.

"Master told us he would be expecting you today. Just a second, though. Darling! Come and see how beautiful Katry-sweetie has become!"

A slim old man with a white long beard and U-shaped glasses, gets up from the work table in the back shop and walks to the cashier. He wipes his hands on his apron.

"Hello, Katry-dearie! Time flies! You look stunning, indeed."

"Tee hee hee, hello! I'm glad to see you again. By the way, let me introduce you to my assistant, Ernest Greeves."

The latter bows politely.

"Pleased to meet you, Madam, Sir."

"Oh, Katry-sweetie, did you get yourself a pet?"

"I'm not a pet!"

"This is Sherl, our mascot."

"No, I'm not! I'm your client, Kat!"

His voice only sounds like barks to the rest of them.

"Nice to meet ya all, my lads! I'm going to ring the Master and let him know of your arrival. Darling, could you please show Katry-dearie and her friends the entrance?"

"Please, don't bother! It's still to the side of the shopfront, isn't it?"

"You've got a good memory, my treasure. Please, come see us again later."

"Absolutely! See you!"

"Master? Really? What kinda prisoner has got two servants, anyway?", mumbles Sherl.

"Yes, I find it hard to believe...", agrees Ernest with confusion.

He is now imagining Clive as a suave and deferential looking man wearing an expensive tuxedo, classy sunglasses and leather shoes, pulling a revolver out of his vest while his gold watch reverberates in the spotlight.

"They still call him this way out of habit, though they aren't at his service anymore. They live right above the shop and my family are on the last floor."

Katrielle pushes the side door open.

"Oh, woah! They've renovated the staircase! It looks so much better, now!", she exclaims, truly impressed by the elegantly decorated interior.

"What a tasteful wallpaper!", acknowledges Ernest.

"Yeah, so far nothing as extravagant as a mafioso's den or as monastic as a cell..."

"Sherl, don't be so cheeky! You better behave yourself!", warns Katrielle before ringing the bell.

"Bah, whatever's the matter? They won't be able to understand me anyway, will they?"

The door opens.

You appear with a bright smile.


"Auntie (Name)!"

You throw yourselves in each other's arms, laughing merrily.

You affectionately massage Katrielle's back as she presses against you even closer, like a small child.

A whole minute passes.

You let go of the young woman, whose voice is quavering:

"I've missed you so much, Auntie (Name)!"

"I've missed you too, my sweetheart. Please, come on in everyone, make yourself at home. Let's sit in the living-room."

You invite Katrielle and her friends in and continue chatting:

"How long has it been? A couple of years or more? By the way, congratulations on opening your Detective agency! Clive and I've heard a lot about your great detective work and how you've been solving mysteries in every corner of London. We're so happy for you."

"Thank you, Auntie (Name). I'm sorry I haven't contacted you sooner... How are you? You must be sooo busy all the time, aren't you? And where is uncle Clive? Is he working? By the way, we just saw grandma Spring and grandpa Cogg, they look so full of beans, despite their age!"

You smile gaily, seeing how animated Katrielle sounds.

"Yes, I wish I could remain as vigorous as they are when I reach their age! Clive is in his study at the moment. He told me he was looking for something, but it shouldn't take long. I'm busy indeed, but probably not as much as you are, though? You must be rushing off your feet all day."

"Pfff, as if!", maffles Sherl.

Katrielle glares at him.

"What a cute Basset! What's his or her name?"

"It's Sherl! But he's a grumpy old dog, so please don't mind him."

"Get off! Who's being cheeky, now?"

To your ear, Sherl's complaining sounds like a normal bark.

"And this is Ernest Greeves.", Katrielle nonchalantly points at him.

"Nice to meet you, Ernest. I'm (Name, Surname), but I insist, please call me (Name)."

"I'm delighted to meet you, M... sorry, (Name). I'm miss Layton's personal assistant."

"Self-proclaimed.", she clarifies between two coughs.

"Impressive! I too have long dreamt of hiring an assistant. Though, since Clive takes care of everything at home, I can concentrate on my work. That's a great relief."

"Oooh, uncle Clive is the best, isn't he? Aren't you blessed having someone loving and good-hearted enough to do all the annoying chores around the house for you?"

"You mean a slave?", mocks Sherl.

Ernest puts a hand to his own chest as a burning blush creeps up his cheeks.

"M-Miss Layton! I promise you that I'll always be here to take care of all your needs, forever and ever!"

"Put me down!", exclaims the dog with disgust.

Completely ignoring both of them, Katrielle keeps on:

"I thought it was just my luck when you told me that both of you were home this morning!"

"Even if I had had to go to work, I would have come back to see you, Katrielle! Remember that you're always welcome here, no matter your situation."

At these words, the young woman hugs you once again.

"Thank you."

"Don't mention it."

Ernest feels emotional witnessing this heart-warming scene.

"How fantastic! (Name) is such a kind soul!", he whispers to the dog.

"Now, I'm dying to see this uncle Clive chap."

At this moment, all of you hear a door opening somewhere in the flat.

"Ah, Honey! Katrielle is here!"


Ernest and Sherl gulp noisily and hold their breath, eager to see what the man looks like.

Clive barely has time to round the corner of the wall that Katrielle ardently jumps into his arms, the shock making them spin.

"Uncle Cliiiiive!"

"Hi, Poppet! Long time no see!"

They stop, and Clive is facing back to the group.

"How are you, Uncle Clive?"

"Not too shabby. What about you?"

"I'm sooo knackered! Scotland Yard is constantly requesting my help. I'm feeling overwhelmed!"

"I see. The police are running round like a headless chicken when you're not on the case with them, aren't they?"

"Naturally! I'm literally drowning in investigations!"

"PORKY PIES!", shouts Sherl, whose cry sounds like an angry "WOOF!"

Surprised, Clive eventually turns and observes the company.

He smiles gracefully.

"Hello, everyone. I'm Clive (Surname). Are we having an elevenses? I hope I'm invited too."

"Meh. He looks like your average bloke.", remarks Sherl.

"I'm perfectly fine with it!", replies discreetly Ernest.

"Poppet, is the beanpole over there your fiancé?", asks Clive out of the blue.

Ernest utters a high-pitched yelp and squirms.

"Certainly not!", she denies dismissively, crossing her arms. "He's only my employee. I would never marry such a boring man!"

"Ouch, it must hurt, Pinstripes."

"Oh, come on, you two, be nice.", you interrupt abruptly. "Ernest, please don't take it the wrong way. Clive was only joking. He meant that you're slim and handsome and fit."

"Love, I only said he was tall and thin, no need to go that far...", he chuckles. "As for you, Kat, don't mistake being boring with being kind. Kindness should be like a haven, not pablum."

"Oh.", is Katrielle's only response to Clive's words.

He moves forward to join you and puts his hand on your shoulder.

You gently pat Ernest's arm.

"Everyone dreams of having a caring person by their side, so don't worry too much about it, okay?"

"O-oh, you're so good to me, (Name)... Thank you so much..."

"I apologise if I've offended you, Ernest. You should know that teasing people is kind of my hobby."

"What a weirdo!", cries out Sherl.

"N-no, it's fine, I wasn't angry or anything, Mr. (Surname)!"

"All good, just call me Clive."

The man holds his hand out to signal that he wants to make peace and Ernest, slightly flustered, swiftly takes it.

"I'll go make some tea.", you announce with satisfaction.

"Thanks, my love. In the meantime, I'll be mingling with the youth."

"(Name), may I help yo--", begins Ernest, but Clive is still firmly holding his hand and pulls him closer while you go to the kitchen.

He leans forward and whispers:

"Ernie, do you know what they do to guys like you in prison?"

The assistant's face instantly pales and Katrielle's eyes are glinting in excitement.

"Oh yes, yes, yes! Please do tell him, Uncle Clive! This one is so funny!"

"N-n-n-nononono no no no, I-I-I d-d-do-don't k-k-know b-b-but...", stutters Ernest in fright, unable to admit "I don't know and I don't want to know!"

"Sit back and relax, I'll tell you."

He makes Ernest sit on the armchair in front of his. Katrielle chooses the sofa, tittering. Sherl watches with interest as Clive crosses his legs and steeples his fingers, smirking.

"First off, a group of inmates makes certain to isolate you and prevent you from calling for help. Then, they ensure that you're completely immobilised with a rope or any other means. Afterwards, they hang you by the feet from the ceiling, before shaving your head bald. And do you know what comes next?"

Ernest is paralysed and desperately looking at your back, praying inwardly that you will turn around, come back and save him.

"They glue the hair to your face to make it look like a beard, then they dye it white. That's how they make the other prisoners believe that Father Christmas exists. Voilà. That's all. Please, don't take me seriously. I'm just pulling your leg here, mate."

"Ah... ah..."

Ernest, who has been trembling like a leaf until now, stops at once and shrivels up on place, crushed by pressure.

"Come on Pinstripes, get a grip. Don't faint on me like that.", encourages Sherl, but the young man remains inert.

Katrielle bursts into laughters.

"Ha ha ha ha! Please, one more, Uncle Clive! Tell us the one involving the giant pineapple, it was jolly hilarious!"

"Katrielle, stop enabling your uncle. Honey, can't you see you're terrorising the poor boy with your silly stories?"

Clive giggles.

You put the tray down and begin to pour some black tea.

Katrielle snorts and holds her stomach from laughing so hard.

"Don't worry about Ernest! He's a big boy, he'll get over it. You know, he and I've been through much worse than uncle Clive's bizarre sense of humour!"

"Thanks Poppet, coming from an eccentric like you, I take it as a compliment. Love, allow me, please."

Clive hands the full teacups with the saucers to your guests and places on the coffee table a pot of sugar, a jug of milk and a plate of home-made shortbread biscuits.

In the meantime, you bring Sherl a bowl of water and a plate of cucumber slices. Discerning everyone's interrogative expression, you explain:

"We haven't got any treats, and Flora once told me that cucumbers are an excellent snack for dogs... I hope it's fine."

"Oh Auntie (Name), you're so thoughtful! By the way, how's aunt Flora doing?"

"What the heck! Do I look like some sort of rabbit to you or something? Gimme at least a biscuit or a sugar cube, like a normal human would do!", complains Sherl, which sounds like a small groan.

"Don't be rude!", reprimands Katrielle.

"I'm sorry, doggy...", you apologise, patting the top of his head. You then go and sit by Katrielle's side.

"That's a chubby pooch you've got here, Kat. You should put it on a diet.", scoffs Clive.

"How dare you! I won't allow it, you creep!", snarls Sherl.

"P-please don't provoke him...", whispers Ernest in panic.

"That reminds me of an anecdote dating back over twenty-five years ago. I was sent as a war correspondent in a foreign country and the attacking forces were pinching the troop of soldiers I was staying with. We eventually had to retreat to an abandoned village nearby to spend the night. It was cold, we were exhausted and hungry, but had nothing to eat. Our interpreter had a dog..."

His voice trails off as he stares at Sherl, whose eyes widen in horror.

"YOU'RE KIDDING ME!", he howls before hiding under Ernest's armchair.

"And? And?! What happened next?", asks insistently Katrielle.

Clive smiles.

"Luckily, it was a very smart dog. It brought us a pawful of herbs and plants from the surrounding mountains. As we had some old sprouted potatoes and some pieces of dried goat meat left over, we were able to make a tad decent soup. The next day, I was escorted to a British military base and repatriated. It was a good experience but quite challenging overall."

"Gosh, I'm so relieved he didn't eat the dog...", mumbles Ernest.

His remark has not fallen on deaf ears.

"Come on! My uncle wouldn't hurt a fly!"

"Depends on whether or not the fly is annoying, though..."

Sherl whines and Ernest chokes on his tea as Clive glances at them.

"I'm glad you didn't get hurt.", you say compassionately.

Clive's attention immediately shifts to you.

"Of course, my dear. It was because I was surrounded by professionals. And if I may, I was one myself."

He gets closer, takes your hand and kisses it before placing it on his cheek, smiling at you lovingly.

Katrielle lets out a squeal of exhilaration.

"Aaaww, you two are too much! I'm so jealous!"


"How could anyone as sweet as (Name) marry such an individual... What a contrast...", mutters Ernest, gutted.

Katrielle lets out a loud sigh and glares at him. The disgruntled look on her face sends a chill down his spine.

"Now that we've officially broken the ice, how about getting down to the nitty-gritty?", suggests Clive.

The atmosphere changes and you all look in Katrielle's direction, expecting her to speak first.

She seems determined.

"I'm looking for daddy and uncle Luke. I may have a hunch, but I need your advice."

Katrielle takes out of her pocket a piece of paper she has folded and hands it over to Clive.

He opens it and his expression changes straight away. Katrielle is unsure whether it is due to nostalgia or incomprehension.

"Blimey. You've been digging that far? It's one of the first articles I've ever written, when I started in the newspaper."

"Grandma Rosa said she had found this clipping when sorting out daddy's office. It was among his researches on the Relics' puzzle."

"Wait, did you just mention the Relics?", you ask, dumbfounded. "I remember your father trying to solve this riddle for years, so that he..."

You keep quiet, unwilling to reopen the Pandora's box.

It was your friend's wish.

"Don't feel bad about telling the truth. I'm aware he did it for my sake. So that we could become a real family."

You contemplate her for a bit, unable to hide the sad expression on your face.

"Auntie (Name), I'm sure you know infinitely more about the Relics than I do now, and I suppose that daddy and uncle Luke have shared with you their discoveries along the way. Uncle Luke was in contact with grandma Rosa, so he must have been doing it with you too, wasn't he?"

"He was. Luke continuously wrote me during his trip, but our correspondence ceased abruptly. His last letter dates back from a week or so prior to their disappearance... He used to write me twice a week."

"I thought so. Have you kept his letters by any chance? Would you mind it if I had a look at them?"

"Of course not. Please hold on a second."

You go and pick up a box from the top of your bookshelf and blow on it to remove the dust.

You open it to show the content to Katrielle.

"Here they are. All the letters Luke sent me when he was abroad."

"Goodness, there are so many, indeed!", exclaims Ernest, astounded.

"Prolix much?", comments Sherl, unimpressed.

"There's definitely more information in these than in the ones grandma Rosa recollected."

"It's no surprise that these letters are lenghthier than the ones Mrs. Grimes received. In order for me to retrieve the missing data in London, he needed to provide me with as many details as possible."

"Have you been to the British Library?"

"Oh yes, more than once. And everywhere else I could think of... But Hershel had eventually found out the truth before I could even inform him of my uncovering. That's how brilliant your father was."

"Does that mean you already knew that the Relics' puzzle had been cleared more than a hundred years ago?"

"I did. As soon as your father and I had reached the same conclusion, I expected him and Luke to return safely to London, but..."

You sigh.

"... They never did. I don't know what transpired afterwards."

"Auntie (Name), have you further investigated on the Earl Drake Dellendar?"

"The man who purchased the Relic stones? No, I haven't... I mean... to be honest... I gave up long ago. Not only because the Relics' riddle had already been solved before all of us were even born anyway, but because I grew tired of it."

You rub your face in both hands.

"It may sound like an excuse, but your father's absence made my life impossible. I had to take over his entire curriculum and research for a whole year until dean Delmona could find him a decent substitute. I barely made it home every day, some nights I even had to sleep in my office... I wonder if you remember it since you were living with us at that time..."

"Yes I do, Auntie (Name). I also recall uncle Clive and I cooking your meals and bringing them over to you. You were eating them directly from the box, standing up, between two classes. It was rather depressing seeing you so stressed."

"Clive really got me out of a jam... If it wasn't for him taking care of my daily needs and of the house chores, I would have become insane. I felt horrible after having promised your father that I would take care of you, but in the end, I was never there. I delegated all the job to Clive."

"Don't worry, my love. I was here for you and Katrielle, you know that..."

He takes your hand and squeezes it affectionately.

"The girl can vouch for it - I'm positive I was the best househusband out there!"

"You were and still are, Uncle Clive!"

"Kat, you're overly daft about that crackpot, aren't you?", Sherl shakes his head in disapproval.

"I wanted to forget about the Relics because I was nurturing this dark thought in the back of my mind that, perhaps, I was the one who had put Hershel and Luke in danger."

"In danger?", cry out Sherl and Ernest.

"Auntie (Name), how do you mean?"

"(Name)...", Clive attempts to interrupt, seeing you losing your calm demeanour.

It hurts him to see you looking beside yourself.

"No, Clive, let me talk. I've had it on my conscience for eleven years now... How I shouldn't have helped them solve this mystery. Instead, I should have convinced them to come back to you, Katrielle."

"That's definitely not on you, Auntie (Name). To me, that's very much like daddy and uncle Luke to go on an adventure and fade into thin air... As their former travel companion, surely you must understand that. If you hadn't lent a hand, their situation would have likely been even more precarious. They were so close to discovering the truth behind the Relics, all thanks to you."

"That's exactly as poppet said, Love. You know how stubborn the professor and 'Little' Luke are! Didn't you say you would respect his wish?"

"I did say that because I was far from imagining they would be gone! How is he supposed to be Katrielle's father if he's not here any more? I'm responsible for that poor girl's grief!"

"Not at all. You respected daddy's wish because you were his friend, and you trusted him enough to let him and uncle Luke go. This is the reason why you accepted to take over his job. All the sleepless nights away from uncle Clive, the anxiety you underwent... It was because you hoped all this time that daddy would come back, right? You wanted to take care of his lifelong work and leave everything in kilter. And I beg you, don't say that you weren't there to take care of me. It was certainly not the way you had intended to, but you did."

Katrielle flashes a reassuring smile.

"Uncle Clive explained it to me as well. If you were working so hard, it was not only for daddy's sake, but also for ours. You were the one bringing bread to the table every day. You kept the promise you made to daddy. Even though I was saddened by the fact that you and I couldn't play together any more as we used to, when you weren't so busy, I never held it against you. I'm eternally grateful for the precious memories I made with you and uncle Clive."

You inspire longly to suppress a tear, but your trembling lips are not fooling anyone, especially not your husband.

"(Name)... Love, If this could be of any consolation, look where you are at now. Your efforts have been acknowledged, and you've been promoted as head of the Department of Science and Archaeology. It will be quite a shock for the professor when he realises that the student has surpassed the master!"

"Auntie (Name), you're daddy's boss now!"

You chuckle.

"I suppose I am."

"Goodness gracious, congratulations (Name)!", compliments Ernest.

"Someone's going to have a haaard time when he comes back to us!"

"How so, Clive? (Name) is a rather kind-hearted person, I hardly imagine that--"

"And obviously, Ernie, you don't know my spouse as well as I do. I may seem domineering, but (Name) is the one wearing the trousers in our relationship..."

"Unbelievable!", shouts Sherl.

"Uncle Clive is so devoted to you! I envy you!"

"You shameless woman! Pinstripes here heeds your every beck and call ALL DAY LONG!"

"Well, (Name) saved my life and committed to our relationship for so long, that's how I show my gratitude."

"You must have felt so lonely without auntie during all these years..."

"But I thought that Clive was with other inmates?", ponders Ernest, before suddenly covering his mouth with both hands, feeling a twinge of apprehension as soon as he realises that he has been thinking out loud.

"How? Ah, are you referring to the little tale I told you before? As I said, it was just a good-natured banter. I was in solitary confinement for most of my time in incarceration. No judge in their right mind would let a man like me interact with other convicts. But hey, I'm not complaining. I deserved it. I'm over it now, that's why I can joke about it."

You observe your own faint smile and regretful expression reflecting on the surface of the dark liquid in your teacup.

"To be fair, Hershel saved you twice, though.", you admit.

"He did. And thinking about it, this is why I must confess something to you now. Luke and I met in London the day before he and the professor vanished."

All of you let out an exclamation of shock hearing this unforeseen revelation.

"A-are you jesting again?", asks Ernest with suspicion.

"That would be highly inappropriate, therefore no, I'm not."

"Clive, why didn't you tell me about it? And where did you two even meet?"

"Here, at our place. Luke called me and asked if you were working on that day because he had some important news to share. He made me promise to hold my tongue about our encounter.

"He did?! But..."

"He described how he and the professor had realised this whole affair could put you - and I mean, you, (Name) and Katrielle- in grave danger. That's why Luke interrupted your correspondence all together. To protect you."

"H-Hershel and Luke--"

"--Felt the very same way you did. You see, Love. They were worried about your wellbeing as well. I'm sorry I didn't tell you the truth earlier, but I did as Luke said because I didn't want you to get harmed."

"Uncle Luke came to you because he needed a guarantee, didn't he?"

"Indeed. He came to drop a hint, in case one of us would come and rescue them. Ergo, the memo he left me is now yours, Poppet. Though, seeing how your little grey cells work, I don't think you need it."

He gives her a small piece of paper.

"I knew it. My inkling was accurate all along."

"May I see it too, please?", you request.

You read out loud the short scribbles Luke jotted down:

Beneath skies of wayfaring

On the trail of the Pleiades

"Aldebaran.", say Katrielle and Clive in unison.

"Albebaran? That star we call 'the follower of the Pleiades'?"

"Bingo. But Albebaran is more than just a star. Here's some reading for your general knowledge."

Clive passes over the newspaper clipping Katrielle has brought.

You read it attentively then frown, seemingly confused.

"Do you think these two cases are actually related?"

"Yes, very much so, Auntie (Name). My gut feeling is that I'm on the right path."

"I had no idea the Earl was so involved with a certain Rufus Aldebaran who, furthermore, was a fabled puzzle-solver... Have you written a lot of these articles, Clive?"

"Early in my career, I worked with the former Chief editor Nossell Vinson on some of his columns. He was a massive fan of Aldebaran's feats. Luke told me he and the professor had met Mr. Vinson during their temporary stopover in London. When Luke saw my name in it, he decided to call on me."

"Where were they heading next, Uncle Clive?"

"I haven't the foggiest."

You gasp.

"Southampton.", you murmur.

Katrielle smiles wittingly.

"You and I've deduced the same, haven't we?"

"What is it, my love? What did you learn?"

"(Name), do you know where the professor is?", asks Ernest.

"Hold on everyone, let me recap...", you demand with your hand up to claim silence. You close your eyes and begin assembling the clues all of you have gathered so far. "So... The Relics' puzzle was solved a hundred and eleven years ago, hence why Hershel and Luke never found out what the genuine Relics were because someone had already transported them someplace hidden. Still talking a hundred years back, Earl Dellendar, who had previously acquired the Relic Stones and was working closely with a genius named Aldebaran, suddenly expanded the tiny church of the harbour city of Southampton."

"It's a very famous story, indeed... How he built up overnight one of the largest soon-to-be landmarks in Britain... the Cranscoll Cathedral.", confirms Ernest.

"Precisely. It goes without saying that many speculated he did it because he had fallen severely ill to an incurable disease. Thus, expecting his death, he awakened to faith in God and donated a large sum to develop this holy place... That cannot be a coincidence."

"It's most certainly a cover for Dellendar and Aldebaran's true intentions.", interrupts Katrielle.

"To hide the Relics.", you conclude. "But... why would they need a place that big? What is the nature of the Relics, then? Moreover, the two of them died a century ago..."

"I have a bad feeling about this.", intervenes Clive. "Southampton is also very reputed for its polluted soils in the vicinity of the cathedral. It's said that this was done according to the will of God - he wanted to punish the farmers who had sold their crops for their own benefit instead of donating it to the church. What a misbegotten hogwash."

Clive seems lost in his thoughts, all of a sudden. His inattention does not escape Katrielle's sharp eyes.

"Uncle Clive, is there anything else you would like to comment on?"


He sits quietly for a while, staring into space.

He sighs.

"It just came back to me. I recall Mr. Vinson telling me that the Earl and Aldebaran were obsessed with the future."

"Is that so? Hmm, the future... Interesting.", ponders Katrielle.

"Curiouser and curiouser...", adds Sherl, whose head is spinning following this brainstorming session.

Out of the blue, Katrielle leaps to her feet and cries out at the top of her voice:

"GREAT! Thanks to your input, I'm now closer to trace daddy and uncle Luke's whereabouts! I know where our next stop is in our ambitious quest."

"What are you referring at?"

"Southampton, of course! There's a boat leaving in three hours. It gives me plenty of time to go to the office, pack a suitcase, get Ernest to buy the tickets, then we'll go all hands on deck! Pardon the pun!"

"Poppet, I hate to rain on your parade, but while it's highly probable that Professor Layton and Luke went this direction, there's no evidence they're still over there."

"I reckon there's no concrete proof. Nevertheless, I could glean some information on site."

"Wait! You may be in great danger, just like your father and Luke were! Why don't you ask Scotland Yard for help?"

"Fret not, Auntie (Name). I'll get Scotland Yard involved when needed. Also, be aware that I'm a very strong Lady, and besides, Ernest and Sherl are here to protect me!"

"D-don't get your hopes up...", stammer the two of them.

"What about your brother? Have you even considered his expertise? I'm sure he could be of great help..."

Katrielle scratches the back of her head, seemingly embarrassed.

"Well, I doubt Alfendi would lift a finger... You know how he is... He knows his onions but isn't the most courteous person out there... We had a fight the last time we met, and he told me to buzz off but in a slightly more offensive way."

"Ha! Tell me about it.", sneers Clive.

"Clive, you know about his situation... It isn't his fault if he turned out the way he is now..."

"I commend you for always seeing the good in people. I know how much you love this rascal, but until he goes to therapy, I never want to see him around the house ever again."

"Gosh... Did something happen with Miss Layton's brother?"

"Sort of... He and Clive got into a big argument, several years ago...", you explain.

"Sort of?! (Name), he's unstable and I certainly wouldn't encourage Kat to request any form of advice from him. The way he behaved around me and the questions he asked were eerie as hell, but above all, I'll never forgive him for snapping at you out of nowhere. Lucy and I thought he was going to hurt you!"

"But in the end he didn't!"

"Obviously because I kicked him out before he could defenestrate you!"

"You're exaggerating..."

"No, I'm definitely not!

"Crikey, Kat! You're all complete nutters in this family!"

"Shut up, Sherl! Don't lump me in with my big brother!"

She clears her throat.

"Anyways! It's time for us to take our leave. We must also go and say bye to grandma Spring and grandpa Cogg. Auntie (Name), Uncle Clive, thanks so much for taking your time to speak with us today, I really appreciate your effort. I'm so happy I got to see you again."

"That was nothing at all. We're glad to see you too. Ernie, Sherl, it was our pleasure to make your acquaintance."

Ernest is forcing a smile when looking at the man.

"L-likewise, (Name) and Clive!"

"I don't reciprocate the sentiment..."

"SHERL!", blurt out Katrielle and Ernest.

You give a chortle and Clive brings you closer.

"We sincerely hope we could help. Should you need anything, please don't hesitate to stop by again."

"Good luck, Sweetheart."

Katrielle moves forward, and you both tenderly embrace her in your arms.

"You're the best family I could ever have."

You and Clive smile blissfully.

"So long."

"Take care, Katrielle."

"Ernest, Sherl, come along."

As Katrielle is about to walk out the door, she turns and offers:

"By the way, why don't we go together to the London Museum of Contemporary History, as soon as I return? I've been keen on visiting it for quite a while now!"

Clive's eyes widen in stupefaction. You reply gladly:

"Good idea, it would be nice! Don't you agree, Honey?"

The man cracks a smile that is both content and sheepish.

"That'd be lovely. I'm looking forward to it."

You give him a peck on the cheek.

Katrielle is radiating joy.

"Hurrah! That's all set, then. We'll be back in a jiffy! See you soon!"


"I'm relieved we got out of that madhouse in one piece!"

"Sherl, you're such a pain in a neck, I swear! You've got no manners!"

"Speak for yourself, Kat!"

"F-fortunately your family doesn't understand dog language, does it?"

"What about that brother of yours?"

"Pfff, even if he could, he wouldn't stoop to speaking to an animal unless it had devoured at least forty people!"

"W-what?! Golly, is your brother that sort of individual? Even your uncle showed much animosity towards him... D-did the incident he mentioned occurred when you were living at theirs?"

"Hardly. When I moved in, my brother was already old enough to take care of himself and had just enrolled at the uni. After daddy left without a trace, my brother became withdrawn and aloof, and then he had that accident at work which led to a severe occupational injury... Since, he hasn't been the same man any more. Or perhaps he has, but his bad personality traits have only become more pronounced.

"Oh, gosh... I'm so sorry to hear that, miss... Where was he working?"

"He's still working as an inspector at the Scotland Yard Serious Crime Division. A very proficient one!"

"Amazing! Though... Truth be told, I've never heard of any Inspector Layton in Scotland Yard, and I would have definitely remembered meeting your brother!"

"Yeah, who would forget a cuckoo like that!"

"That's because Alfendi rarely leaves the comfort of the 'Mystery Room'. He's not interested in taking cases as long as there are no violent deaths, blood, guts and the full Monty."

"I repeat, a total CUCKOO!"

"In any case, my brother's got... let's say, an unhealthy fascination for criminals. No wonder he had a go at uncle Clive."

"I'm honestly terrified thinking about what's led your uncle to jail..."

"I told you already that he was a spy who failed his mission!"

"Nah, you won't feed me with that kinda rubbish, he must have done something undescribably awful to be locked up in a solitary cell!"

"You're not objective at all, Sherl. You don't like him simply because he put you in your place."

"Yeah, right, and you say that just because you think your uncle is oh so dreamy and all that."

"Yeeees! Hee hee hee, don't my aunt and uncle make a perfect couple? I admire their dedication and unyielding love for each other, despite all they went through. It's so romantic!"

"Bats in the belfry, I tell you, Pinstripes.", confides Sherl in a low voice to Ernest. "Now, you can always embrace the thug life if you wanna have a chance of winning her heart."

The assistant looks deeply distraught.

"Oh, bother..."

"By the way Kat - not that I'm expecting any logical explanation from that gob of yours - what was it about, this random invitation to the London Museum of Contemporary History?"

"Make no mistake, there is a very logical explanation behind it. The edifice that now houses the museum was no other than the place in which uncle Clive grew up. Following the death of his legal guardian, he inherited this large residence and several servants. However, because he had barely lived in there since adulthood, he decided some years ago to donate the house to the City of London. Mayor Lowodina agreed to turn it into a museum covering the history of the capital for the last fifty years. It is also called the Dove Museum, in loving memory of the renowned Londoner benefactor, Constance Dove."

"Oh, it does ring a bell. Mrs. Dove was a philanthropist and a member of the Seven Dragons, long ago. Ensuing her passing away, Liza Wright's parents, next in line, became the richest people of London. However, it seemed to me that she had adopted a boy, whose name I can't recall...", states Ernest.

"Clive Dove.", completes Katrielle, smiling mysteriously.

"Ah, you're correct, miss! His name was Clive Dove, indeed! I wonder what has become of him? He must be a middle-aged man... Did he refuse the title of Dragon?"

"Hmm, who knows? Maybe he's now happily married and loved dearly, and he doesn't care about titles or material wealth.", she replies facetiously.

"Eer, yes, that would be nice for him, I guess...", stutters Ernest, a little disconcerted by her words.

"Hmm... Clive Dove, you said? Hmmm... Where did I hear that name again?", mutters Sherl, racking his brains.

He stops in the middle of the street and exclaims:

"Oh! OH! I remember! That guy spent his entire fortune constructing a false underground city and a sort of war-like machine, before going on a rampage in London! That moron got nabbed pretty fast, it was plastered all over the news. The prime minister was even forced to resign because he and some mad scientist were apparently involved... It took place, like, twenty-three or twenty-four years ago?"

"Golly! Really, Sherl?! How dreadful... But how come you remember this?"

"Mate, I may be an old dog, but an educated one, that's that! Tss, all that dosh going to waste! The bloke should have invested it somewhere else! Or return it to the community! He certainly won't need it in prison."

"I've heard he was released before the end of his term due to extenuating circumstances and consistent exemplary behaviour.", comments Katrielle.

"What kind of lenient legal system is this?! If it were me, he would have ended up in the nick for the rest of his life!"

"Miss Layton, your aunt and uncle were in their twenties when this sordid affair transpired, weren't they? I hope they didn't get affected... I wonder how your uncle feels, going by the same first name as this criminal..."

"Wait a sec'..."

Sherl howls so loudly that it startles his friends.

"Sherl, come on! What's wrong with you?!"

The dog is shivering uncontrollably.

"K-K-K-K-Kat, c-c-c-could it be that your u-u-un-uncle is... Clive Dove himself?!"

Ernest also shrieks in terror and Katrielle covers her ears.

"You two are insane! Stop embarrassing me! I can't take you anywhere! You're acting so ungentlemanly! Didn't he introduce himself as Clive (Surname)? What you're proclaiming is pure conjecture."

"KAT! Show me this INSTANT the newspaper clipping! I wanna check what his name was!"

"Aaw, too bad I left it at their place. Another time, maybe?"


"M-Miss Layton, I beseech you to confirm this is all just a coincidence... Or a nightmare from which we'll soon wake up...", mumbles Ernest in cold sweat, holding his head in both hands.

Katrielle laughs merrily in response.


Clive exhales sharply.

"Are you all right?"

"I think so. Or rather... I don't know how I should feel at all. This whole conversation took me back... It stirred some rather painful memories. "

"It did. It was even... mind-blowing. I feel like I've just woken up from a bad dream."

"(Name), I hope that what I'm going to tell you won't make you upset... I actually drew my inspiration for building Future London and the time machine from Rufus Aldebaran and Earl Dellendar's intriguing narrative."

He glances at you and you nod to make him understand he can resume.

"Their obsession with the future - they even mentioned time travelling - was unearthly. Yet, the more I studied it, the more fascinating I thought it was. I remember Mr. Vinson praising my excellent work... But all I did was fuelling my ambitions and projects for exacting my revenge. What I've done... this madness... I've still got blood on both hands and it'll never fade. I had no idea the past would come back to bite me this way."

"Oh, Clive..."

He buries his head in your neck as you hold him close.

You softly stroke his shoulders and the back of his head while whispering words of encouragement.

"You're not the same man any more..."

"Don't let it affect you..."

"You're a good person..."

"We'll be fine..."

"I love you..."

He takes your face in his hands and places his forehead on yours.

You smile warmly at each other.

"It's all behind us."

You close your eyes.

Enjoy the magic of a kiss.

He takes your hand and invites you to sit together on the sofa for a bit.

"I feel pity for Marina."

"Any news?"

"No... She never returned any of my calls..."

"Perhaps she went back to the United States?"

"Who knows..."

"Would you like some more tea?"

"I'm full, thanks."

Clive picks up the dishes and cleans the coffee table.

You gaze at Luke's letters neatly stacked in the box, letting your fingers absent-mindedly glide between them one by one.

"I'm worried.", you say.

"About Katrielle?"


"I, too, am concerned about her."

"She's very brave."

"She is."

You close the box and put it back to its rightful spot.

Your heart is beating twofold faster as you suddenly announce:

"Clive, let's follow her."

"Excuse me?!"

You laugh at the bewildered look on his face.

"(Name), are you suggesting we--"

"--Keep a close eye on that girl? Yes, that's exactly right."

"You want to baby-sit her?"

"It's not baby-sitting, it's caring. What about looking for clues to find our friends?

"Hum hum. So you're a detective now? For the record, our Kat is the real deal."

"I'm not, and certainly not claiming to be. And for the record, dearest, I'm a professor in archaeology. Now that you've all roused my interest about the essence of the Relics, I want to go and see them for myself. As a journalist, aren't you interested in Aldebaran's convoluted plot?"

"I quit being a journalist years ago, I'm a househusband now!"

"Come on, don't be such a wet-blanket."

He gasps.

"Incredible. Now you're pulling my leg."

You chuckle.

"I'll get the Duffel bags."

"What about your classes?"

"I haven't had any recreational leave for a whole year. I've got entitlements, you know."

"Is that how you're planning on spending your holidays? Putting your life on the line?"

He sounds dead serious all of a sudden.

You are taken aback by the directness of his question.

"I won't force you to come with me, Clive."

"WOW. Don't you insult me, (Name). Of course I'm going with you, don't be ridiculous. You seem to think you're the only one who wants to see the professor and Luke again. I miss them too, as much as you do. Moreover, you and I are stronger together."

"Thank you."

"Besides, I want to see your face when we find out what the authentic Relics are. Here's my theory - they're an actual time machine or a thingy of the sort. There, am I not the best investigative journalist slash househusband out there?"

"Time machines don't exist."

"Haa, haaaa!"

"Dimitri's doesn't count."

"Yeah, it does!"

"It's been proven that time machines don't work."

"Because they don't work, doesn't mean that they don't exist. Do I sound like one of your smart-arse students?"

"Give me strength..."


"You've been longing for it, haven't you (Name)? The nostalgic scent of adventure."

You grin.

"I have. It's been an eternity..."

Your faith.

He has been longing for it too.

That is what he loves the most about you, after all.

"We'll soon all be reunited and be a family again."

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