I Fell in Love with the Guy a...

By AshleyTheStrange

351 6 8

It's Friday night. What are you doing? Playing video games? Going on a date? Spending the night at a friend's... More

I Fell in Love with the Guy at the Rock Show

I Fell in Love with the Guy at the Rock Show Chapter 2

91 1 1
By AshleyTheStrange

I Fell in Love with the Guy at the Rock Show Chapter 2

Jess's POV

"Thank you, we are Surrendering Tempations! Don't forget to vote for us tonight!", Xander said smiling. What did that mean? The bar audience began clapping and cheering, including me. They were probably my new favorite band. They hopped off stage and came walking back to our table. They all looked excited and relieved. Xander, however, had a smirk.

"You guys were awesome!", I said as they sat down.

"Thanks!", they all said smiling widely.

"Are you gonna vote for us?", Zach said.

"Vote?", I said feeling dumbfounded.

"Yeah. Which ever band gets the most votes tonight, gets to go on a 3 month tour. Small venues of course. And it's only around the Northeast, but it's still insanely important", Taylor said excitedly. Mystery solved. Of course I'll vote for them.

"Of course I'll vote for you guys.", I said echoing my thoughts. The boys high-fived me and each other. Then a question popped in my mind. "But how do I vote?"

"On a ballot. Do you have one?", asked Jonathon.

"Um, no", I said.

"Ooh, I'll go get you one!!", Jonathon said beyond enthusiastically. Either this boy was always hyper after a show, or he had too much sugar or caffeine. I watched him run to the bar for a ballot. I went with both. The next band started playing.

"Did you like the songs?", Xander asked with a smirk. I was assuming he was referring to the cover song.

"Yeah, they were amazing.", I said simply. He traded his smirk for a smile.

"Did you like my singing?", he said. His smirk came back with vengeance.

"You have a really good voice", I replied.

"Thank you! So are you a wild girl?" He raised his eyebrows. His question threw me off guard.

"What?", I said.

"You're at a bar, so I was assuming you like to drink."

"Occasionally I have a drink or two, but I've only gotten drunk once." He started smirking again. I think he smirks more than smiles.

"Come with me", he said. He grabbed my hand, and I stood up. I had no idea where this was going. While he was leading me towards wherever, I tried to spot Aria and Parker. I saw Parker dancing with some girl, and I saw Aria talking to her ex in a corner. She had a drink in her hand, so I already knew the supplies would be needed.

Xander ended up taking me to the one place I didn't want to be at. The bar.

"Whoa, what are we doing?", I asked nervously. He sat down on a bar stool, and gestured for me to join him. I sat down cautiously.

"Well, right now we're sitting at a bar."

"Are you even old enough to drink?", I asked. I felt like a hypocrite, because I knew I wasn't old enough either.

"No. Are you?", he said.

"No", I said sounding defeated.

"Exactly. Do you have a fake ID? Nevermind, of course you do. You'd have to have one to get in here.", he said.

"Why did you ask me if I had one? I'm not going to drink.", I said. There was no way I was going to back down.

"Well I am, and if you don't have at least one drink I'll say that you have a fake ID. Out loud. And then they'll contact your parents, and you'll be grounded forever. You might even get sent to a reform camp.", he said. The little jerk was black-mailing me.

"If you do, which you won't, I can say that you have one too. And then you'll be grounded and sent to a reform camp. Worst of all, you'll be disqualified and banned from playing here ever again. Not to mention, your fellow bandmates will hate you forever.", I said proudly. His jaw dropped in defeat.

"Please don't do that. Music is my life, and I want to win this more than anything.", he said. I could tell he really wanted it, and I wasn't going to smash his dreams for a stupid reason.

"Ok. I won't say anything, if you don't."

"Deal." He stuck out his hand and I shook it. "But I still want you to have drink.", he said smiling. I don't know why, but I was going to give in. I was going to prove to him, Aria and Parker that I am not boring.

"Fine.", I said simply. He looked surprised, but happy at the same time.

"Really?", he asked.


I was cut off by a man on stage.

"The votes are in!", he yelled excitedly. I looked over at Xander, and he looked like he was gonna pee himself. He grabbed my hand and we went back to our table, where the guys were awaiting nervously. We sat down. Xander grasped my hand even tighter. I winced.

"Sorry", he said.

"It's ok", I said smiling. I knew how nervous he was, so I didn't care how tight he squeezed my hand. I realized something. I never got the ballot from Jonathon. I never voted. If they lose because of me, I'll never forgive myself.

"In third place, After Shock! You guys get a $100 gift card to Rocko's Music Store! In second place, Danger Zone! You will receive a $200 gift card to Rocko's! Congrats you guys! And now, the moment you've all been waiting for. Drum roll please...." Xander and the guys were about to pass out. This was it. This was going to kick-start their music career. "The winner is.. Surrendering Temptations!!" The guys were calm at first, but when it all sunk in they lost their marbles. Not that they had any to begin with, but still.

Jonathon was so excited, he spilled his drink on Zach. Zach was so excited that he didn't care. Taylor was so excited, he danced on top of the table. And Xander was so excited that....he kissed me. The people who saw us oohed and awed. Even Aria saw.

"Go get 'em tiger", she said drunkily.

Xander's soft lips were still on mine. It didn't bother me as much as it should have. While we were kissing, I felt something. Something I didn't know how to describe. I guess they were sparks. He pulled away and smiled. I smiled back. I looked around and saw the rest of the band staring at us with wide eyes and smiles. They went up to the stage to be recognized.

"Congrats you guys. In 5 days, you'll head out on a 3-month Northeast tour. You'll be given more details tomorrow. But tonight you celebrate!", the man replied enthusiastically. Everyone began clapping and hollering. The guys made their way back to me, giving and receiving high-fives along the way. When they made their way back to me, we all had a group hug.

"Drinks anyone?", Jonathon asked, raising his eyebrows. Xander nudged me lightly and winked. I rolled my eyes playfully.

"I vote yes", Xander said. With that, we were at the bar. I was sitting next to Xander.

The first round came. I had no idea what it was, but I picked up my glass and took a sip. Whatever it was, it was strong and bitter. After I was done swallowing it, I coughed. Xander laughed, and drank his without a problem.

"Are you alright?", he asked smiling.

"Yeah, I'm good", I laughed.

•••••••••••••••••••••••A few drinks later....

I started getting tipsy. Jonathon got drunk 10 minutes ago. The rest of the guys were drunk, but not as much as Jonathon. It was time for round three.

A few drinks into the third round, I was completely drunk and Xander started getting a bit handsy. I didn't mind that much, because he was still being somewhat respectful.

It was almost midnight, when we decided to get ready and leave. I looked around for Parker and Aria. I couldn't find them anywhere. Then again, I was drunk, so I was probably looking straight at them without realizing it.

"Do you need a ride home?", Xander asked. I decided it would be best to ride with them, instead of me driving by myself. Besides, Aria and Parker probably already drove off in it. I wasn't even worried about their safety, because Parker is a decent driver when he's trashed. I was just worried about them puking in my car.

"Yeah, I guess I need a ride home.", I said slurring. Then the five of us got into Taylor's Jaguar. He had to be rich, with that car.

"Where do you live?", Taylor asked from the driver's seat. I honestly had no idea where I lived. I literally forgot. I just said the first thing that popped into my head, and hoped it was right.

"Uh, Halifax.", I said.

"Isn't that in Russia?", Jonathon asked.

"No. It's in Brazil, duh.", Xander chimed in.

"Both of you morons are wrong. It's in Nova Scotia.", Zach said.

"I was right all along. Nova Scotia is in Russia. I'm not dumb, I know my continents.", Jonathon said. Zach sighed.

"You have no idea how many things about that sentence is wrong. First, Russia is a country not a continent. Second, Nova Scotia is nowhere near Russia. Nova Scotia is a province in Canada. And I'm sure Jess wouldn't come all the way from Canada to Maryland to a bar. Right Jess?", he said. I had no idea what he said, so I shook my head. That made my head swim even more, so I lay my head down on Xander's lap.

"Since we don't know where she lives, why doesn't she stay with us for the night?", Xander asked. He started playing with my hair, and it started to make me sleepy.

"Ok" And that was the last thing I heard, before I fell asleep on Xander's lap.


I woke up the next morning with a killer hangover. My ears were pounding. My head felt like it weighed 150 lbs, and I could barely lift my head up. I was flat out miserable. I didn't even know where I was. I looked around and saw a picture of the guys on the bed stand. I rememered Xander asking if I could stay with them for the night, so I guessed I was at their house.

Then I saw something that looked familiar laying on the floor. It was my clothes. My clothes were on the floor, but I had a shirt on. A shirt that wasn't mine. It was the shirt Xander wore the night before. I felt something move beside me. I wasn't alone in the bed like I thought I was. I looked over and saw Xander. He wasn't wearing clothes either. At that moment, I had a bad feeling.

"Good morning, gorgeous", he said sleepily.

"W-what happened last night?", I asked. A part of me wanted to know, and the other didn't.

"What does it look like we did?", he said. My stomach dropped.

"How could you let that happen? We just met last night! I went to the bar last night to listen to music, not have a one-night stand with a stranger!", I yelled. Yelling didn't help my hangover whatsoever. Xander looked kinda sad. He got up and went to the bathroom. He came back with a Tylenol and a cup of water.

"Here it'll help you feel better", he said dismally. I think I hurt his feelings when I called him a stranger.

"Thanks. I'm sorry, I shouldn't have yelled at you. It wasn't your fault. We were both drunk.", I said apologetically. He smiled a small smile.

"It's alright. I guess we can blame it on the alcohol", he said smiling. I chuckled.

"Yeah. Blame it on the alcohol."


I liked this chapter haha :).. My favorite part was the car scene, when they were arguing about Halifax lol...

Let me know what your favorite part is!

For the record, I felt really weird about writing the last part lol.. I tried to make it not creepy, haha.. I hope it turned out alright :)

Comment! Fan! Vote! :D

This chapter is dedicated to Catluver2121 because she was the only one who commented for the contest lol :)

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