The Halaal Way

By herphcerh9600

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She was an average muslimah but she had a weakness. She had a strong desire, yet her heart was weak. She fo... More



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By herphcerh9600

It was narrated that Abu Hurayrah said: I heard the Messenger of Allah (blessings and peace of Allah be upon him) say: “All of my ummah will be fine except those who commit sin openly, and it is part of committing sin openly for a man to do something at night, then in the morning when his Lord has concealed him he says: O So and so, I did such and such last night, when his Lord had concealed him all night, but in the morning he discloses that which Allah had concealed for him.”
Narrated by al-Bukhaari (5721) and Muslim (2990).

The morning was cool, unlike how the weather had been hot in the past few days. The trees swayed their leaves and branches in rhythm with the slow breeze that was blowing and Nihlah watched as the flowers in the garden did the same. It was past 11am in the morning and the weather was still very cool.

She closed her eyes for a while as the cool breeze gently washed over her face. She hugged her left arm and gently caressed it as she felt the tiny hairs on her arm stand on edge. She was wearing a sleeveless long gown and the cool breeze that came in contact with her skin was giving her goosebumps. It's been a while since she had a cool weekend like this.

She opened her eyes and slowly walked back to her room to wear a boyfriend jacket over her dress. The goosebumps were becoming intense. She stood in front of the mirror as she wore a cap over her hair. She stared at her reflection and let out a deep breath. She had lost some weight. She had no idea she had become so attached to Kamal that withdrawing from him was taking a hard toll on her. She was finding it difficult to cope.

It's been eleven days since she started her fast and in those eleven days, she tried her possible best to avoid her husband. She had bumped into him only twice in one week, and that was around midnight when she had woken up to get some water to drink. However, Kamal had knocked on her door every blessed day. When she opened the door in the first two days and he told her he only came to check on her, she stopped responding to his knocks. She would hear him knock and she would pretend not to hear and after a while, he would send her a text message.

I came to check on you. Hope you're doing fine?

She had read the message and had simply tapped the back button on her screen without typing him a reply. She wouldn't lie that the message had no effect on her. In fact, it had taken all the strength in her to resist typing him a reply. That simple message of his gave her an overwhelming feeling. She felt the care in his message. But then, the Kamal in her notes was always like that. She didn't want to start phone chatting with him when she was yet to completely stop the note chatting they were doing. That would make her troubles double and she wasn't ready to go mad. Not yet.

She pushed away Kamal's thoughts and walked to the kitchen to prepare lunch. She was not fasting today. She passed by the dining table and as usual, the food was untouched. She cleared the table and gave the food to the gateman’s wife. She then proceeded to prepare lunch.

She settled for something simple, boiled Irish potatoes with sauce mixed with shredded chicken. She already had the shredded chicken frozen so all she had to do was to peel the Irish, boil it and make the sauce.

Meanwhile, Kamal who had left home since around 7am was in the midst of his friends. Once in a while, the four of them come together on weekends and partake in all sorts of exercises. After the exercises, one of them would host them for breakfast and they would spend some time before they all head to their respective homes. Today was one of such days and Kaybee was their host. They had finished eating and were discussing random stuffs. Moh was sitting on a one seater cushion with his legs sprawled across the arm of the cushion. Kaybee was lying on the floor with his legs crossed on the two seater cushion while Hamid sat beside Kaybee's legs on the cushion. Kamal, who was deep in thought was seated on the other one seater cushion with his legs folded on the cushion, his elbow resting on the arm of the cushion and his palm holding the weight of his head. The thoughts of two people filled his head. One was his wife, the other was his girlfriend.

Talking about Sumayyah, the last time he spoke with her was the day she told him she needed some space. As she demanded, he had not called her up till now. He was waiting for her call and already, he was running out of patience. It’s been over one week and if what that gateman told him was true, then her wedding would happen in just a few days time. He thought of all the good memories they shared, all the breakfast they had, all the outings and shoppings and all the fun they had. He thought of her sweet smiles, her funny jokes and all the sweet times she told him 'I love you'.

Kamal felt a lump in his throat as the thoughts of how she had changed flooded his mind. He felt a pain in his chest with each sad memory he remembered. What did he do to deserve this from her? If she wasn't interested in him any longer, why did she not simply ask for a breakup instead of hurting him like this?

“Kamal!” The sound of his name startled him, dragging him out of his thoughts. He looked at his three friends and all their eyes were fixed on him.

“Didn't you hear us? We said we must go to your house today” It was Moh and Kamal let a small smile spread across his lips. Then he stood up.

“Let's go” He said and the three friends exchanged a meaningful look before getting on their feet. One look and they knew something was wrong with him. They knew the emotional situation of their friend so they didn't ask any questions. They just trailed behind him and trooped into his car.

After about twenty five minutes drive, Kamal was parking his car in front of his house. They all alighted and Kamal led the way while they trailed after him.

When he entered, he met an empty living room but with the aroma that filled the house, he knew she was in the kitchen. He ushered them in and went straight to the kitchen. Because of the earpiece that was plugged in her ears, she didn't hear the sound of him opening the door and the murmurs of his friends, not to talk of his footsteps as he approached her.

“Gotcha!” He said as he wrapped his arms around her from behind and she literally jumped up, letting out a small scream.

“Hey calm down, it's me" He said holding her in place and she tilted her head a bit to catch a glimpse of him. She relaxed when she saw that truly, it was him. She released a deep breath.

“Don't scare me like this again. You almost gave me a heart attack” She said as she picked up the banana that fell off from her hand when he scared her.

“Sorry" He said simply as he rested his chin on her shoulder.
Nihlah froze in her position when she felt his chin on her shoulder. She felt her heartbeat increase and for a moment, she forgot how to peel a banana. She wanted to allow herself to feel his warmth, something she had yearned for all this while she avoided him. But then, reality hit her. Moments like this with Kamal were short lived and they always left her yearning for more.

“Your chin is heavy” She said in an attempt to make him release her from his hold and Kamal only chuckled. She was finding a way of shooing him.

“Why are you avoiding me Nehlah?” He asked not shifting a bit from his position.

‘To keep my sanity in check’ She wanted to say, but she couldn't. She wished she could open up her heart for him. Anytime she thought of doing that, she changed her mind because she didn't want him to love her out of pity, she wanted him to fall in love with her naturally, and love her for who she is.

“Why didn’t you announce your presence?” She asked instead, diverting the topic.

Kamal smiled.  

“If I had done that, you would have found a way of escaping” Kamal said and Nihlah smiled. He was right. She would have avoided meeting with him at all cost.

A peaceful silence engulfed them as Kamal snuggled his face in the crook of her neck. A mixture of sweet scents welcomed his nostrils and he snuggled deeper, making her flinch in her position. It's been just a few days since he last saw her but it felt like a decade. She was like a magnetic field and he was a pole in that field. There was that attraction and force that was always pulling him towards her, beyond his resistive capacity. There was this peaceful feeling he felt anytime he held her. He would admit it, that anytime he was with her, he forgot about Sumayyah.

He didn't know what it was and why it was like that, but right now, all he felt was a swarm of emotions that penetrated every cell in his body. Even if he didn't want to admit, he knew that his wife had a power over him and her avoiding him in these few days, had an effect on him.

“I have missed you Nehlah” Kamal blurted out of the blue and her breath hitched for a moment. Those words melted her heart and she couldn't help but think. Did he really mean it? Or was he just toiling with her emotions? Again, she reminded herself. This moment is short-lived and she might not even experience the feeling again.

“I... I want to check the food" She said dropping the banana she had been unable to peel since he came in. Kamal lifted up his chin from her shoulder and gently unwrapped his hand from her waist.
She quickly walked up to the cooker and opened the pot which she had placed on low heat and was sure that even in the next five minutes, the sauce would not burn.
She stirred the contents of the pot and all that while, Kamal had been staring at her. Ever since she started her fast, she stopped wearing revealing clothes. Though he hardly ever set his eyes on her, he always anticipated to see so much skin anytime he did. Today was no exception because she was wearing a long gown with a jacket on top of it and honestly, he felt a bit disappointed.

‘Stop being a pervert’ His subconscious scolded and he scratched the nape of his neck. When he saw that she was done checking the food, he walked up to her and held her hands.

“Come with me" He said and before she could argue, he gently dragged her out of the kitchen to the living room. He was going to introduce her to his friends.

Nihlah only followed him, not having the slightest idea where he was taking her to. Immediately they reached the living room, she froze in her position. Who were these men, and why will her husband bring her to them?

“Okay guys, this is my wife Nehlah and Nehlah, these are my friends” Kamal said with a smile moving his gaze from his wife to his friends.

“That is Hamid, Moh and Kaybee” He said pointing at each one of them as he called their names.

Nihlah held her breath for some seconds. Now she understood who they were. She looked at her clothes and she fell a lump in her throat. Her gown was long, but it was tight, accentuating every curve in her body and the fact that some other men apart from her husband were staring at her right now, made her angry. If he had told her that his friends were here, she'd have simply worn a hijab over her dress. She would have gladly welcomed them. But right now, she felt so embarrassed that she couldn't even lift up her head to look at them. She felt so angry that she wanted to scream aloud.

There was an awkward silence as Kamal's friends stared at his wife. They would admit that she was an epitome of beauty. Kamal cleared his throat when he noticed that they hadn't said a word since she came and all they did was stare at her.

“You were hell bent on coming to see her and now that she's here, you can't even say hi” Kamal scolded jokingly.

“Pardon our manners please" Hamid spoke.

“It's nice meeting you" He added and the remaining two friends nodded their heads in acknowledgement.

Nihlah couldn't talk, she could not even nod her head. She wasn't looking at them but she knew all eyes were on her. She could feel their piercing gaze. And all this was happening in front of her husband, yet he said nothing. Was he not jealous?

'We only get jealous over things we love'
Her subconscious stated and Nihlah felt her eyes well up with tears. She withdrew her hand from his hold which he released reluctantly and hurried to her room. Kamal glanced at her briefly before returning his gaze to his friends. His lips held a big smile.

“She's shy" He said still smiling.

“Man, she's hot!” Moh said and Hamid hit him with his elbow.

“Must you always say what you see...”

Nihlah didn't hear the remaining part of their conversation as she locked the door of her room behind her. She leaned on the door and slowly glided down to the floor.

Anger and pain were all she felt as she let out the emotions through her eyes.

She's hot.

That statement reverberated in her ears and each time it did, she felt like screaming. How could he shamelessly look at someone else's wife and even have the guts to compliment her? And what even annoyed her most was that she had never received a compliment close to that from her husband, but another man who was just seeing her for the first time said such words and that too, in the presence of her husband... She let out a small scream as more tears ran down her cheeks.

Even if he didn't love her, she didn't deserve this from him. For someone who covered herself completely when going out, the least he could do for her was to protect her privacy but he ended up revealing it, that too in her own home. If there was a statement that she would use to describe what she was feeling at the moment, then it would be that, she felt humiliated.

Meanwhile, Kamal drove his friends back to Kaybee’s house and after picking up their cars, they all returned to their respective homes. He drove to the company from Kaybee's house to pick an important document from his office but ended up doing a little work. By the time he arrived home, it was past 4pm. It's been a while since he spent most of his weekend time outside and he felt very tired. He dropped the file he was holding on the couch and he looked towards the dining area.

As usual, the dining table was well laid and he stopped by to peep into the food warmers to see what she cooked. From the aroma from few hours ago, he anticipated that the food will taste nice. He salivated at the sight of the food so he quickly closed the food warmer and headed for the refrigerator instead. He had a smoothie to take.
He opened the refrigerator and to his surprise, there was no cup of smoothie for him. He looked at the spot again as if not to believe his eyes. He tapped the spot and it was empty. There was no cup of smoothie and there was no note. He was surprised. This was the first time that his cup of smoothie was missing and he was finding it hard to believe. What happened? Did she fall ill after he left?

He literally ran to her room when the thought of her not being okay crossed his mind. As usual, the door was locked. He knocked and knocked and knocked but there was no response. He began to search for her.

He checked his room and the guest room but she was not there.

“Nehlah!” He yelled her name as he walked out of the house and moved towards the parking lot.  

“Nehlah!” He yelled again now moving towards the garden. He was about to yell her name for the third time when he spotted her sitting on a prayer mat in the midst of flowers. She wore a long hijab with her knees curled up to her chest and her arms hugging her knees. Her chin was placed on her knees and she didn't make any effort to look at him even when he was standing a few feet across from her. She was just staring into space.

“Nehlah" He called softly as he approached her. She didn't blink, neither did she lift up her eyes to look at him. She didn't make an effort to respond to his call either. It was as if she had suddenly become deaf and dump.

Kamal, who was still very surprised at her behaviour slowly sat in front of her. Immediately he sat in front of her, she turned her face away from his view.

“What is wrong Nehlah? Are you okay?” He asked as he extended his hand to hold her arm and she flinched at his touch.

“Leave me alone please" She said in a voice that was a little above a whisper, putting down her arms and shifting back a bit.

Kamal was at lost of words to say. She was behaving strangely and it was bothering him. What could have happened in less than four hours that he was away? He was worried.

“Talk to me Nehlah. Did anything happen?” Kamal asked, his voice laced with worry.

“Just leave me alone please” She whispered, her voice now shaky. Kamal didn't miss it and he moved his face to the direction she had turned her face earlier on and he saw some tears moving down her cheeks.

“You're crying?” He asked, surprise evident in his voice. She didn't respond to his question, she never intended to. But she wished he would just leave her alone for now.

“What is wrong Nehlah?” Kamal asked again when a minute passed and she didn't say anything. Nihlah breathed as she turned her face to look at him.

“Can you please just leave me alone?” She whispered looking at him straight in the eye. Kamal held her gaze for a while. He tried to read her looks but he couldn't. One thing was crystal clear though, something was wrong with her.  

“I... I can't leave you alone”

“Ya Allah...” She breathed as she shut her eyes tight. Why was Kamal stubborn? Why was he always stubborn?

She opened her eyes and gently, she stood on her feet. Without bothering to wear her shoe which was close to where Kamal sat, she began to take slow steps towards the entrance. Kamal followed her movement with his eyes until she entered the house.
It was when she was out of sight that he realized he was supposed to follow her. He stood up and hurried after her. He saw her walking towards her room and he knew that once she entered, she was going to close the door. He doubled his steps and caught the door knob just when she was about to close it. She glared at him but her glare didn't affect him a bit. It was unlike her to behave like this and that was why he was bothered.

“What...” He began but she cut him off.

“Kamal please leave me alone. I don't want to talk to you" She said looking anywhere else but him. Kamal's jaw literally dropped. Something was obviously wrong and she didn't want to tell. If persuading her to tell him wouldn't work, then he'll do it the other way round. He'll irk her.


“Because I don't want to”

“That's not a reason"

“It is enough reason for me so please...”

“You can't just refuse to talk to someone just like that, except if that person has done something wrong to offend you" He said and she looked at him.

“That's what you think”

“No, it's the truth”

“God...” Nihlah let out a frustrated sigh. She was beginning to loose her patience.

“Leave my room please”

“I'm sorry but I won't”

“God...” Nihlah breathed as she released the door knob and turned, massaging her temple as she walked deeper into her room. Kamal went in after her.

“Are you okay?”

“Obviously not" She said still massaging her temple. Her head was beginning to ache her.

“Then tell me the problem”

“I don't want to" She said and Kamal could tell that she was getting angry from the tone of her voice.

“Are you angry?” He asked as he took a step closer to her.


“With whom?” He asked taking another step closer.

“I don't want to tell"

He took another step closer.

“Is it me?”

“Stop talking" She folded her arm across her chest.

“Are you mad at me?” He asked as he stood just behind her.

“Yes I am mad at you”

“Then tell me what I did wrong"

“I don't want to”

“I insist"

“Fine!” and she turned to face him. She didn't expect to see him so close but she was too angry to mind the closeness.

“Why didn't you tell me you were taking me to see your friends?” She asked looking him straight in the eye.

At first, Kamal lost his words. All he did was look into her eyes. Those beautiful almond eyes that always seem to trap him held nothing but rage in them. The innocence and warmth that always held him captive whenever he stared at her was gone. But this look in her eyes, it was intimidating, yet it had a power over him. He loved it even more.
The rage in her eyes, coupled with the confidence with which she reprimanded him, made her look like a fierce lioness. In a way, she was cute.

“I... I just wanted to surprise you" He finally found his words when a minute passed and she didn't take her eyes off him, giving him that look that told him she was not going to repeat herself.

“Surprise? I was wearing only this for God's sake...” She took off her hijab, revealing the gown she wore in the morning.

“... Only this and you let them see me like this. They are not my mahrams and it is improper for them to see me like this. If you had told me, I'd have just covered up properly. I cover myself fully when going out because nobody out there deserves to see my nakedness. Now what is the use of my covering outside if someone apart from you can see me like this inside my house? And even have the guts to say, she's hot? In your own presence? Do you know what that means?...” and the tears began to fall freely from her eyes.
She wanted to continue talking but the words were stuck in her mouth and the urge to cry was becoming irresistible.

All that while she talked, Kamal only stared at her. Honestly it felt awkward when his friends stared at her the way they did and that was why he cleared his throat at that time to ease the tension in the atmosphere. But then, he didn't think her dressing was indecent. All his friends' wives dressed in a similar manner anytime they visited so it was a normal thing to him. But seeing how angry she was at the moment, he didn't think there was need for any explanation so he simply apologized.

“I'm sorry"

“Sorry? Sorry will not make it right. It will not erase the image from their memories. I’ll be naked even with my hijab in front of them because anytime they see me, this is how they'll picture me..." She said pointing at herself and her dress.


“... And these people are your friends for God's sake. You're going to be together forever,  meaning there's no way I'll ever escape meeting them. Now I have lost my respect, my worth, my...”

Nihlah could not complete her statement because she was forced to keep quiet.

He kissed her.

At first, she didn't understand what was happening. The sensation that came with his lips meeting hers was heavenly, slowly getting rid of the anger in her.

He let go of her lips, allowing both of them to breathe in some air. He gently closed his eyes and placing his forehead on hers, he murmured,

“I'm sorry”

Nihlah breathed, trying to regain her composure. He was the one who kissed her, but it felt like he drained all her energy through the kiss. She felt weak.

“Go away Kamal" She whispered.

Kamal opened his eyes to look at her. Her eyes were closed, and some tears were rolling down her cheeks. He gently wiped away her tears with his thumb and without saying a word, he turned around and took his leave.

He closed the door to his room behind him and leaned on the door. He closed his eyes as he thought of what just happened. What was wrong with him? What was she doing to him?
She was scolding him and all that while she talked, he was staring at the movement of her lips. He was listening to whatever she was saying, but he didn't know whether he was able to pick anything from her statements. Instead of listening to her words, he was feeling the emotions that came with her words.
Feeling the pain and disappointment that came with each word she said and looking at the movement of her lips as they let out the words, he felt he couldn't take it any longer. There was need to make her keep quiet and the only way to do it was to seal their lips, which he did.

He still didn't see any reason why she should be this angry. She wasn't even wearing all those skimpy clothes she used to wear before now. It was a long gown so she was completely covered. But even at that, he didn't want to see her in the mood that she was so he's going to do whatever it takes to apologize to her.

His mind drifted back to the kiss they shared and he subconsciously touched his lips.

“Now she's going to think I took advantage of her when all I wanted was for her to keep quiet”

He muttered to himself as he let out a deep breath. He knew he had become something else in the past few days. He was emotionally unstable, he knew it. He had lost his bearing, his direction and he knew it. Things were going wrong and he knew it. What he didn't know, was how to make things right with his wife, his life... And everything.


“Yasmeen one more place and we're done” Khadijah said in a stern voice and Yasmeen nodded slightly pouting her lips. She knew her mum was the wrong person for this outing but did she have a choice? No. Now she didn't get to see a variety to choose from and her mum was already complaining.

“How can you not find a suitable abaya in over eight stalls? Toh I'm tired. One more shop and if you don't pick any, we're going back home" Her mum ranted and Yasmeen breathed.

“Yes mum” She said and looked out the window, hoping she'll set her eyes on another abaya shop. In her, she prayed she would be able to settle on one or two abayas else, her mum would continue her endless ranting.

Wondering why she had to get an abaya? Well, her dad promised to get her anything she wanted if she passed her WAEC and guess what? She did not only pass, she passed in flying colours. She had five As and four Bs. When her dad asked her what she wanted, she had to think.
She had a phone, a tablet and a laptop so she didn't need any gadget. Her wardrobe was filled to the brim so she didn't need any clothes either. She had lots of shoes and bags so they were out of it. After much thought, she realized that she didn't have a luxury abaya. She told him she wanted one and he said she could make it two if she wanted. It would have been more exciting if he was the one who took her out but thanks to the nature of his job, he was always not at home so she was left with no choice but to go out with her mum. Now just two hours and she was complaining already.
She let out a deep breath.

Just as she was about to take her eyes off the window, her eyes landed on a mannequin wearing a beautiful abaya on the third floor of a huge building. Bature's Home of Abayas. She read the name and her heart leapt in joy.

“Mum stop! There's another shop over there” She said tapping her mother's laps gently and her mum slowed down. Yasmeen beamed as her mum parked in front of the huge building. If that place was truly a home of abayas, then she was sure she would get a nice one to pick.

They alighted from the car and took the stairs up to the third floor. They located the shop and they were welcomed by Saleemah, Nihlah's secretary. Yasmeen’s jaw dropped at the sight before her. Now she was sure this was the place for her.

“Good morning Ma'am. Welcome to Bature's Home of Abayas” Saleemah greeted Khadijah with a smile.

“You're welcome young Ma'am” She smiled at Yasmeen.

“Thank you” The mother and daughter smiled back.

“Would you like to buy casual or luxury abayas?” Saleemah asked.

“Luxury abayas please” Yasmeen said and Saleemah acknowledged it with a nod.

“This way please” and she led them to the part of the shop that had luxury abayas. Yasmeen literally jumped in excitement when she spotted a variety of them. Khadijah too was so impressed that she began to look for one for herself.

Meanwhile, Nihlah just came out of her office together with some customers and after walking them out, she came back and sat on one of the waiting chairs.

“Saleemah how is it going this morning?” She asked and Saleemah smiled.

“Very fine Ma. We just got two customers that are checking the luxury section”

Nihlah nodded with a smile. Luxury abaya purchase meant big money and the thought always brought a smile to her face.

Just then, Yasmeen walked towards them holding an abaya, admiring the abaya as she walked.

“Please can I get a smaller size of this one?” She looked up and her eyes met Nihlah's. Her eyes widened.

“Aunt Nihlah?” She called, her voice full of surprise.
Since the dinner that day at her grandparent's house, she hadn't seen her again. In fact, if she had her way, she wouldn't have loved to meet her again but she was her uncle’s wife, so that was impossible.

“Yasmeen” Nihlah smiled standing on her feet. She took few steps towards her and she held out her hand.

“Assalam alaikum. How're you?”

“Wa alaikum salam” Yasmeen responded holding Nihlah's hand and giving her a half smile.

“I'm fine" She added as she released Nihlah's hand. Her heart was already beating faster than normal and now, she was eager to leave this place. She still had a feeling Nihlah caught her red handed that day and she was scared she would say something to her mum about it.

“You came here alone?” Nihlah asked and Yasmeen shook her head.

“Mum is inside” She said and kept mum. Nihlah observed her and she noticed that there was a change in her demeanour. The excitement with which she came to ask for the smaller size of the abaya she was holding was gone. She could see fear in her eyes and she already knew why.
She smiled.

“They're the two customers I just told you about. Guess you know each other already” Saleemah chirped in and Nihlah nodded with a smile.

“She's my niece in-law if there's a term like that in English” Nihlah said and both of them chuckled. Then she turned to Yasmeen.

“You want that abaya?” She asked.

“Yes but this one is too big for me”

“Let me see the size” Nihlah said reaching out for the abaya and Yasmeen gave it to her.

“This is size 58” She said after checking the size and Yasmeen only looked at her. She had no idea why she was here but since she was attending to her, she assumed she worked here.

“I think your size will be 56. Come on, let's go and check” Nihlah held her hand and Yasmeen was a bit surprised. She was not acting like someone who had caught her doing something wrong sometime back. Or could it be that she was just over thinking things? Could it be that she didn't see anything that day?
Yasmeen pushed away these thoughts as they approached her mum and only prayed that her latest assumption was what was right-that Nihlah didn't see anything that day. With this thought in mind, she relaxed.

“Assalam alaikum” Nihlah beamed as she approached her sister in-law. Khadijah answered the salaam and was surprised when her eyes landed on a smiling Nihlah.

“Honeymoon is finally over. We get to see your face now” Khadijah teased with a smile and Nihlah only ducked down her head, though she was smiling. If only she knew...

“How're are you?” Khadijah asked.

“I'm fine alhamdulillah”

“And Kamal?”

“He's fine”

“I hope he is taking good care of you” Khadijah asked and Nihlah could only smile. That was the best answer to that question.

“I just saw Yasmeen and she told me you're here” Nihlah said.

“Don’t mind Yasmeen. We left home since 10am and we've been moving around Abuja looking for an abaya for her. We've been to eight different shops and Yasmeen didn't see anyone she likes. This is the ninth shop” Khadijah ranted and Nihlah chuckled lightly.

“She said she wants a luxury abaya and I have told her. If she doesn't pick one in this shop, then that is the end for her because from here, I am going home”

“I think she has seen one already. She likes this one but we'll have to look for a smaller size for her” Nihlah said showing her the abaya she was holding.

“You work here kenan” Khadijah said and Nihlah nodded with a smile.

“That's good. I have picked one too. I like this one” Khadijah showed her an abaya and Nihlah took a look.

“It's beautiful” She complimented and Khadijah nodded.

“How much is it?”

“The price tag is attached” Nihlah said and Khadijah took a look. 55k.

“Can I pay to the other lady while you check for Yasmeen’s size?” Khadijah asked.

“Yes please” Nihlah responded and Khadijah walked ahead.

Nihlah held Yasmeen's hand and led them to another part of the shop where there were different sizes of that particular abaya design. Nihlah searched through but she couldn't find the size for Yasmeen.

“Arrrhhhm I think size 56 is finished” She said when she had spent over five minutes searching.

Yasmeen slumped her shoulders. Just when she thought she had found an abaya to go home with.

“So what do I do now?” Yasmeen asked and from the tone of her voice, Nihlah knew she was disappointed.

“I can place an order for your size, we'll be expecting a new delivery in five days time. I can even show you some other new designs that you can choose from”

“Really?” Yasmeen's eyes lit and Nihlah smiled.


“But mum won't...”

“Yasmeen please don't stress Aunt Nihlah and let's go home" Yasmeen heard her mum’s voice approaching them. Seconds later, she came in view.

“Have you found her size?” Khadijah asked Nihlah and Nihlah shook her head.

Toh pick another one now. There are lots of them here" She said to Yasmeen.

“And you have to hurry up because you know we'll have to pick Nuwairah from school. It's almost 12:30pm” She added and Yasmeen let out a frustrated sigh. She most likely won't get that abaya today.

“Erhhmmm do you mind leaving her behind? Her uncle will bring her home later in the evening when he returns from work” Nihlah said and Khadijah thought for a while.

“Won't she be a distraction for you?” Khadijah asked and Nihlah chuckled lightly.

“Not at all. She's not a toddler, right Yasmeen?” She looked at Yasmeen and Yasmeen gladly said, yes.

“It's okay. I'll take my leave then” Khadijah said and after bidding Nihlah farewell and warning Yasmeen to behave herself, she left.

Yasmeen smiled inwardly as her mum left. Now she had enough time to look for an abaya of her choice.

Nihlah held Yasmeen's hand and walked them to her office. She showed Yasmeen to the chair in front of her desk and Yasmeen took the seat. Nihlah went ahead to get her something to drink from the refrigerator.

“Have a drink" Nihlah said as she handed her a cup of chilled Maltina.

“Thank you” Yasmeen said as she took the cup from her.
Yasmeen looked around the office as she sipped her drink and she admired it. It was not heavily decorated, but she liked it.

“Is this your office?” Yasmeen asked and Nihlah nodded. They passed through a small office that was adjoined to this one so she assumed it should be the office of the lady who attended to them when they came in.

“Where is your boss's office?” She asked and Nihlah smiled.

“This is my boss's office” She said and Yasmeen paused for a moment.

“I don't get it. How can you and your boss share the same office?” She asked just as her eyes landed on the tag that sat in front of Nihlah’s laptop.

N. N Bature, CEO.

She read what was written on the tag.

“What's your boss's name?” Yasmeen asked. Nihlah's smile widened. She didn't know Yasmeen could engage herself in a long conversation like this. She liked how their relationship was moving at a fast pace.

“Nihlah Najeebullah Bature” Nihlah said and Yasmeen froze for a moment, trying to take in the name Nihlah just mentioned. Was her name not Nihlah? Then it clicked!

“You own this place???!” Yasmeen asked with wide eyes and Nihlah chuckled at her expression. She nodded.

“Oh my God! And you told mum you work here?”

“It wasn't a lie. I do work here" Nihlah smiled and Yasmeen leaned in her seat nodding her head.

“That's right. You're your own boss” And Nihlah laughed.
This Yasmeen was different from the Yasmeen she met the day they had dinner at Kamal's home. Judging from the Yasmeen she met that day, she didn't expect to have a conversation of more than two sentences with her but seeing this part of her, she fell in love with the girl. Though she had harboured the intention of finding a way to get close to her since that day, she didn't know how she was going to do it. She had anticipated it would not be easy, but things are turning out differently now. She bet they would make pretty good friends.

“Let's get you the best luxury abaya" Nihlah said as she opened her laptop and Yasmeen grinned. Surprisingly, she was comfortable with her and she thought. Maybe she had found that one person that she could feel at home with. She loved Nihlah already.

Two hours passed and Yasmeen and Nihlah were seated in Nihlah's car, ready to go home. Yasmeen had chosen three abayas and she couldn't help but feel giddy anytime she imagined herself in those abayas. They'll reach her in five days time hopefully and she was looking forward to receiving them.

“Care for a snack before we get home? You must be hungry I guess” Nihlah said as she drove out of the parking lot.

“Not really. But I don't say no to snacks, especially if it's cake” Yasmeen said causing Nihlah to smile. She wasn't the only cake lover.

“I have some at home” Nihlah said and Yasmeen grinned. She was having all the things she wanted so maybe today was going to be a good day after all.  

The remaining drive home was silent with Yasmeen glancing through her phone and Nihlah paying attention to the road. Fifteen minutes elapsed and Nihlah was parking in front of her home. The duo alighted and after Nihlah opened the door, they walked in.
Yasmeen went straight to the glass wall and admired the small garden. She looked around the house and her lips held a beautiful smile.

“I love this place. It's beautiful and... Cute”

“Thank you" Nihlah smiled.

“Feel at home” She added before walking to the kitchen. She brought out the cake from the refrigerator and after cutting a big slice for Yasmeen, she placed it together with a fork on a plate and headed towards the living room.

“Here" Nihlah handed it to her and she squealed in excitement. It was a chocolate cake and her love for chocolate cakes was out of this world. Without even bothering to sit down, she cut a small piece of cake with the fork.

“Fluffy” She said as she picked the piece of cake and sent it to her mouth.

“Mmmmmm... Yummy!” and Nihlah laughed at Yasmeen's expression.

“Aunt Nihlah did you bake this?” Yasmeen asked as she chewed her cake and Nihlah nodded.

“Your recipe... Teach me your recipe” She said as she mouthed another piece of cake.

“Please... Now” She added and Nihlah laughed again.

“Alright. Let’s get changed and set to work”

“But I don't have extra clothes here"

“I could spare a shirt and trouser”

“Your trouser will be too long for me” Yasmeen said with a bit of exaggeration and Nihlah chuckled.

“Come on, I think I'm just two inches taller than you. Now come” Nihlah held her other hand and led her to the guest room.

“There's all you need to freshen up. Let me get you what to wear"

Yasmeen nodded and Nihlah walked back to her room. She glanced through her closet and picked out a shirt and a short palazzo trouser for her. After giving the clothes to Yasmeen, she came back to her room to wash off the stress.
Ten minutes later, she was dressed in a long palazzo trouser and a shirt. She walked to the living room and found Yasmeen sitting on the couch, smiling as she pressed her phone.

“What's with that smile?” Nihlah said and Yasmeen looked up still smiling.

“I just posted a picture of me standing in front of this glass wall and my friends are asking when I flew out of the country” She chuckled.

“Just exaggerating the beauty of this place you know” She added. Nihlah only smiled. She had been there once, she was once a teenager so she could relate.

“Okay up!” Nihlah clapped her hands.

“We gotta finish baking and cooking before uncle Kamal returns from work”

“Urghhh! I almost forgot I'm supposed to return home” Yasmeen pouted as she stood up.

They headed for the kitchen and Nihlah brought out two aprons. She handed one to Yasmeen and Yasmeen chuckled as she wore it.

“Mind sharing?” Nihlah asked as she wore her own apron.

“Can I hug you?” Yasmeen asked instead and Nihlah raised her brows, surprised at her question. Yasmeen took Nihlah's silence as a yes so she took a step forward and hugged her.

“I like you Aunt Nihlah” She said with a smile. Yasmeen couldn't believe that statement came out from her mouth. She seldom talked, and expressing herself through speech was one of the most difficult things for her to do. She always bottled up her emotions and always endured the pain that came with whatever situation she was passing through. Not that she didn't want to share her problems, she wanted to, but she didn't know how; or maybe she didn't trust the people around her enough to share her problems with them. Her mum always called her mai zurfin ciki.

But with Nihlah, she felt different. She didn't want to associate with her at first, because she was thinking she would expose her secret if at all she saw anything that day. But after spending few hours with her, she fell in love with her. There was something about her that made her feel at ease with her. She was pretty and she had a unique way of doing things. From the way she dressed, to the way she talked, the way she did her things, everything about her was cute; even the way she gave her the apron was cute and that was why she chuckled.

“I like you too Yasmeen. Will you be my friend?” Nihlah smiled and Yasmeen broke the hug, a wide smile plastered on her lips.

“Can you be friends with a small girl like me?” Yasmeen asked now grinning and Nihlah laughed.

“Of course" Nihlah held out her pinky finger and Yasmeen laughed heartily. She gave Nihlah her pinky finger and both of them smiled.

“We'll get to know each other better while we work" Nihlah said and Yasmeen nodded. She brought out the flour, measured the desired quantity and gave it to Yasmeen to sift it. She then went to the fridge to bring out the eggs.

Her eyes subconsciously fell on the spot where she normally placed Kamal's smoothies and there were some notes there. Twenty four hours had passed since she last made him a smoothie. Since he kissed her.
She shook her head, not wanting to think about the kiss and reached for the notes. There were five of them. She read them. Three of the notes had 'I'm sorry' written on them. On the fourth one, he wrote:

I understand that you're upset and I'm sorry okay? I didn't mean to hurt you or disrespect you. Please write me a reply.

Nihlah sighed as she looked at the fifth note. It read:

If you're punishing me Nehlah, then be rest assured that I have learnt my lesson. You're avoiding me, you're not writing anything to me and you don't want to accept my apology. I’m not even worried that you're not feeding me smoothies anymore. All I want is a reply from you, even if it's just a smiley... Please

And Nihlah released a slow deep breath. What was Kamal doing to her? Why was he playing with her feelings? Who would read this note and say they were not having a lover's quarrel? This Kamal, the one in her notes, it was this Kamal that was making her loose her mind. He sounded desperate in the last note, yearning for her attention.

She was not angry with him, she had calmed down since after the incidence. She just avoided him to make him think she was still angry with him. She didn't know whether he knew what he did was wrong, or whether he was just apologizing to make her feel better; but she wanted him to understand that even if it was a mistake, it was a huge one and that was why she refused to make him smoothies.

She read the last note again and dropped back the notes to where she picked them from. If really he was desperate, then let him do something about it. She wanted to stay sane but all he wanted to do, was to rob her of her sanity.
She felt the urge to write him a reply, but she resisted it and chose to ignore him. Maybe it was time to find out whether the love she felt for the Kamal in her notes would ever come to reality.

“I'm done" Yasmeen's voice jerked her out of her thoughts. She picked up the eggs and gently closed the refrigerator.

“Alright. Get the mixer from the second shelf in the store. The store is over there” Nihlah instructed as she dropped the eggs in a bowl and Yasmeen nodded, following the direction Nihlah's hand pointed at. Nihlah then brought out two sachets of butter and measured out the desired quantity of sugar.

Yasmeen brought the mixer and Nihlah emptied one sachet of butter in the bowl. She then added the sugar and gave it to Yasmeen. She then went back to the fridge to get some perishables. She would just cook white rice and stew with coleslaw. She thought as she got all she needed.

“So where did you get your recipe?” Yasmeen asked as she put the mixer on low speed.

“My mum taught me”

“Really? Your mum bakes?” Yasmeen asked and Nihlah smiled as the memories of her childhood came rushing back.

“She used to, when I was a kid”

“So you've been baking since you were a kid?”

“Errrrr yes, since I was ten”

“Wow! And here my mum thinks I'm wasting my time on baking” Yasmeen said with a small laugh.

“I love baking" Nihlah said as she put the sliced tomatoes, onions and pepper into the blender.

“Me too. But mum says I'm focusing more on baking than cooking so literally, she doesn't allow me to bake as much as I want. She feels I don't know how to cook”

“Then prove her wrong” Nihlah said and Yasmeen puffed out air.

“She has not given me the chance yet. Once I start, she comes and take over. She says she wants to see how I'll survive through uni if I don't know how to cook”

Nihlah laughed.

“Is it that you don't know how to cook at all?” Nihlah asked and Yasmeen rolled her eyes.

“Of course not! It's just mum... You won't get it” Yasmeen sighed. Nihlah nodded in understanding and decided to drop the talk there.

“How old are you?” Nihlah asked changing the topic.


“Uhmmm. So why didn't you go to school today?” Nihlah asked glancing briefly at her.

“Because I'm done” Yasmeen grinned and Nihlah raised her brows.

“Really? Done with school at fifteen? That's impressive” She was now smiling.

“Yeah, thank you. I'm just waiting for admission now”

“Which university?”

“ABU Zaria”

“What course?”

“Medicine and surgery”

“Masha Allah. We're going to have a doc in the house”

“Yesssssssssss!” Yasmeen smiled.

“Say in shaa Allah”

“In shaa Allah, in shaa Allah. Oh God! I can't imagine not studying medicine and surgery. I'm going to die. IN SHAA ALLAH” she said the last part loudly and both of them laughed.

“I wish you were my sister. Your siblings must be so lucky to have you" Yasmeen said sincerely. Nihlah smiled.

“You can make me one since I don't have any siblings”

“You're an only child?!” Yasmeen exclaimed and the way she did it caused Nihlah to chuckle.  

“Don't I look like one?” She asked and Yasmeen shook her head.

“How does it feel like? Growing up alone?” Yasmeen asked and Nihlah began to tell her about her childhood. The memories of her childhood were so sweet that she found joy in sharing them.

Like that, they continued to chat as they worked. They were so engrossed in what they were doing that they didn't hear Kamal's salaam as he came in. He went straight to the kitchen when he heard two voices. He knew one voice belonged to his wife, who was the other person? He was surprised to see that the other person was Yasmeen. How did she get here?

He stood by the door of the kitchen and stared at them as a small smile formed on his lips. His wife and niece looked cute and adorable working together like that. He stared at Nihlah for a while, taking in her features.
She was always avoiding him, but the last twenty four hours felt like hell. He himself was surprised as to why he wanted so badly to see her after the kiss in her room. Maybe because he felt she was still angry with him.

He had dropped her some notes and he wasn't sure if she had read them, let alone write him a reply. The first three notes he dropped last night were still there when he dropped another one this morning. He had come back home to pick a document he forgot around noon and he saw that the notes were still there. He had dropped another one hoping in him that she would at least write him a reply.
Somehow, her silence was pure torture for him and it was beginning to become unbearable. He'll check out later in the night and if there's no reply, then he'll find a way of talking to her. He made up his mind to do that.

He cleared his throat and the sound startled them, making them scream “aaaaaaaaaahhh!”
They turned around only to see him laughing at them. They sighed of relief seeing that it was him.

“Uncle Kamal you scared us" Yasmeen pouted turning around to face him completely. He began to take slow steps into the kitchen.

“I only cleared my throat, that was all" He said as he approached her. Nihlah was standing close to her but she was backing him. She was grating some carrots meant for the coleslaw.

“We didn't even know when you came in” Yasmeen added.

“You were both carried away that I could steal you away if I wanted” He said and Yasmeen smiled.

“That's if we allow you. How was work?”

“Fine. Did your mum bring you here?” He asked and Yasmeen shook her head. Then she went ahead to tell him how she got here.

“...So Aunt Nihlah told mum that you'll take me home later" She completed her explanation.

All that while he talked and listened to Yasmeen, his gaze was fixed on Nihlah and Yasmeen noticed it. She smiled in her. Nihlah had not said anything since her uncle came and she guessed she was shy because she, Yasmeen was present. She smiled again. It was cute but she guessed they needed some space. Just then, the call to Asr prayer came.

“Time for prayers. I'll be right back” She said and hurried out of the kitchen.
Immediately Yasmeen left, Nihlah dropped the carrot and grater with the intention of leaving the kitchen too. She had taken two steps away from him when she felt him hold her wrist.

“Nehlah” and she couldn't move. She closed her eyes for a while to enjoy the feeling that came with him calling her name like that. He took just one step and he was standing right in front of her. She opened her eyes, but she refused to look at him.

“Nehlah...” He called her name again but he didn't know what else to say. There was something he was feeling at the moment but he didn't know what it was. It felt like a strong force pulling him towards her. He wanted to do something, probably hug her or even kiss her again, but he didn't have the courage.

“I want to go and pray” She said when a minute passed and he had not said anything after calling her name.

“We'll drop Yasmeen at home after maghrib” He said and she slowly lifted up her eyes to look at him.

“We?” She asked holding his gaze for a while. Kamal breathed as he looked into her eyes. It felt like he hadn't stared into her eyes in decades.

“Yes, you're coming with me” and with that said, he released her wrist and headed for his room.
He ran his hand over his hair as he locked the door behind him.

“What is wrong with you Kamal? What is wrong with you?” He breathed as he leaned on the door behind him. If he hadn't left that very moment, then he was sure he would have lost it. Those eyes, there was something about those eyes...

“Merciful Lord...” He breathed and loosened his tie. Then he walked to the bathroom. He needed to pray to get his mind off her for a while and so he did.

Soon, it was time for Yasmeen to go home. Of course she was holding the cake they had baked with all the care in the world. Nihlah said she could have all of it and she had hugged the life out of her when she said that. Yasmeen settled in the back seat while Nihlah occupied the front seat. The drive to Yasmeen's home was quiet and it took them thirty long minutes to arrive. When they arrived, they all alighted and he was surprised to not find his sister’s car parked in the parking lot. They walked towards the entrance and before they could knock, Idris, Yasmeen's immediate brother opened the door. He saw them coming through the window. They trooped in.

“Big Sis” Idris grinned immediately his eyes landed on the cake Yasmeen was holding and she glared at him.

“Don't even think about it"She said and he scrunched up his nose at her walking ahead.

“Uncle Kamal good evening” Idris greeted and Kamal shook his hands.

Baba nah na kaina! (My very own father!)” and Idris smiled. He was named after his maternal grandfather and so his two uncles and aunty loved him a lot.

Da nah na kaina! (My very own son!)” Idris responded in the same manner and Nihlah chuckled. He greeted her too and they exchanged pleasantries.

“Where's your mum?” Kamal asked.

“She went to get something from Shoprite”

“Where's Bilal and Nuwairah?”

“Bilal is sleeping and Mummy's handbag is with her” He said and Kamal laughed.

“So Nuwairah is mummy's handbag”

“Hhhmmmm. Uncle Kamal if you see the way she was crying koh, you'll think we will slaughter her immediately mummy leaves this house” and Kamal laughed again.

“Anyway, tell her we came" He said and stood up. Nihlah did the same. They bid Yasmeen and her brother farewell and got into the car.

Silence engulfed them as Kamal set the car in motion. He wanted to start a conversation but he didn't know how to go about it, and so the drive continued like that. Nihlah looked at him when she saw that instead of taking the route home, he was taking the route somewhere else. He smiled as he saw her look at him from the corner of his eyes.

“I'm craving for cold stone ice cream” He said and glanced at her briefly before moving his eyes back to the road.

It was after he mentioned coldstone that she realized they were actually heading towards that place. A smile escaped her lips and she was glad that her face was covered so he couldn't see the smile. It felt like they were going on a date. Even though it was not like that, it still felt good.

Kamal didn't know why he was doing what he was doing but after praying Asr, he made up his mind to begin to follow his heart and that, he was doing now. It was the first step to making things right.

He pulled up in front of the building and turned off the ignition.

“Let's go in” He said but to his surprise, she shook her head .

“I'll wait for you here” She said for the first time since they left home.

“Are you sure?” He asked and she simply nodded. Then he got off the car. He walked in and went ahead to place his order.

While he waited, he moved his gaze round the building, staring randomly at people until his gaze caught the sight of a figure. He was too familiar with that figure that he would be able to identify her even from behind. She was walking with a man by her side and the man held her by the waist. They were walking out of the building.
On reflex, Kamal began to follow them. Immediately they went out, they walked towards the back of the building. Kamal went after them and he immediately wished he hadn't because what he saw left him dumbstruck, unable to move from the spot.

Assalam alaikum everyone!
How're you all doing? 😃

Guess how long this chapter is 😁
10,000plus words. Shebi I try?

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