ONE MORE CHANCE [Camren Origi...

By moonsun_light0726

3.2K 114 16

Lauren Jauregui, 26yrs of age, now a successful singer, one of the best in the music industry. She had a best... More

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
Not an update BUT a new story update

Part 4

298 10 1
By moonsun_light0726

"THE skin of Ms Cabello is somewhat okay now, if you want, Ms Jauregui, you can apply this to her skin twice a day so the scar will not be visible it helps her skin too not to irritate."

I accept the small tube and I nodded, "does it mean that she can bathe now? She loves her hygiene, you know."

"Yes, you can bathe her."

"How is she doc?"

"She's stable, she took a great and deep wound that's why we put her into coma so she can recover fast."

"What about her seizure?"

"That we couldn't explain because it never happened for the past month, it looks like that man tried his very hardest to kill Ms Cabello."

I nodded, "I will not let them, thank you doc, just tell me anything."

"Of course, Ms Jauregui," and briefly shook his hand, "I leave now."

I nodded at him and he left the room.

I stared at the bath supply that her skin needed, it was not fully heal, mom left some of her underwear that was in the bag. I read the description of the small tube carefully then I began my work, changing Camila. My family will come later and it's already 7am so I still have time, the visitors are allowed at 8am. I locked the door and close the blinds.

I moved to Camila and remove the white sheets and there it was, some of her burn scars, it was in her hands and to her feet too, everywhere.

"Don't worry Camz, I will still love you whatever you are," I assured her, "uhm—Camz?" and I blush, "I'm going to remove your gown okay? Uhm it's-it'll be hard not to look you know, so let me?" and I sighed, "okay," then I began to entangle the gown out of her body, I gulped after removing her gown, "you're making me hard you know, the pants I'm wearing began to tighten," then I took the wash bin and began to damp the cloth with some medicines on the water and slowly damp it into her now sensitive skin.

Camila became thin, I fully saw the burn scars, most of her front body was covered in it but my love for her never fall out, my love for her never fades, I know that now. Before, after seeing her, in a misunderstanding way, embracing my younger brother, my judgment got clouded, I thought I never lover her anymore, it was just, my love for her is just sleeping because of the jealousy I felt and confusion.

"I'm trying myself not to pin you in this bed, Camz," and I chuckled.

After it I put some medicine on her burn scars then I said, "do you still remember the time we talk when we get old and wrinkled? I'm doing it right now, Camz, I win," and I smiled, "I will say it again, I'm going to take care of you," and I sang, "I wanna grow old with you," and I smiled then I leaned in and kiss her lips, "I love you and I'm going to wait for you, how long it takes, okay? You're stuck with me, sweetheart," and I smiled.

I become closer to the twins, I've got to play with them and my family let me while Dinah is giving me death glares and I just let her, I deserve that.

"It doesn't mean that you're here, taking care of Chancho and everything, I will forgive you," and shook her head, "no."

"I know and I understand, just continue doing it, Camz is so lucky to have you."

"It's good that we're clear," and left.

I nodded then I heard Normani said.

"Don't worry Laur, she'll come along."

"I am not expecting anything Mani, I actually understand, I mess up big time so I will not complain."

"Okay then, have faith."

"Of course."


"Did someone wash her up?" Clara asked.

All of them shook their head and I'm not so they turn their heads on me.


"Did you wash her up?"

"I am, I have a go from the doctor and...," I stop because the medicine will be enough for tomorrow, "shit, I'm gonna go I need to buy her medicine for tomorrow," I took the prescription meds from the table and I quickly left the room.

I sighed once I stepped out of the room then I heard giggling and I looked down and saw the twins.

"You're blushing..." Camille said.

Lance nodded so I hid my cheeks with my palm and it made them laugh.

"Do you want to come with me?" and the twins nodded at me.


Lance on my left, his tiny hand is holding mine and medicines on his other hand while Camille is in my arms, clinging to my neck when we went back to Camila's room. I frowned when I saw my family outside, my heart beats faster and my thoughts were on Camila immediately, did something happen on her? All of their heads turn from me so I put down Camille and I saw Dinah advancing towards me, she was mad. What happened?

"You fucker!"

Before Dinah advanced towards me, Chris stopped her from advancing further.

"What have I done wrong?"

"Where did you take them?!"


"This is what I'm trying to explain to them, sis, they will not listen," Chris said, "DJ just calm down."

"I took them on the ground floor, we bought medicine, they followed me," I explain, still calm.

"See?" and Chris sighed, "how many times I've told you, Lance approached me with Camille in his hands and ask my permission if they can go with Lauren, I said yes, why not?" "Are you okay?" Chris asked me.

"Yeah, I'm fine, thanks," "why will you think of me that way? That I will took them with me and never return?" and I shook my head, "I mess up and I intend to make up to them that includes Camila," and I return to the room.

"Lao-ren," Lance called and approached me and handed the medicine bag.

I smiled at him, "thanks, buddy," and I ruffled his hair then I let the twins entered the room and I followed.


"Mommy's colour lights up," Camille said to me.



"Well, your mommy is a natural beauty that's why."

"Do you love our mommy?" Lance asked.

"Yes, I love her," and I looked up to Camila and smiled, "I love her so much."

"Can we call you, Mama?"

I tightened my jaw because I really want them to call me Mama but of course it was Camila's decision, "I really want to but let's wait for mommy's decision, is that okay?"

"Mommy, approve," Camille said.


"Yes, I dream of her last night."

"Me too and she said that it tickles her when you put medicine on her burn scars," Lance agreed.

I smiled because I really tease her when I got to her ticklish spot, "it's up to you both, I will not really mind."


The twins embraced me tight and my tears fell, reciprocating their embrace.

"Don't cry."

I smiled at Camille's sweet gesture, she just wipe my tears, "don't worry, Camille, can you tell mommy to come back to us?"

"She will, soon."

"Okay then, that's good news for Mama."


I wipe my tears then answered, "Mom, what is it?" I asked then she entered the room.

"We're very sorry for accusing you."

I shook my head, "there's no need, actually, I understand, really, I can't fault you."

It's clear to me that they don't trust me yet and that's okay, I can't fault them. I broke their trust once and it's hard to get another from them.

"Still, we're sorry."

"It's okay."


I woke up from my sleep that night when I felt my phone vibrated just on top of the bed. It's late so I'm alone with Camila, the twins and my family just left. I opened my eyes and looked up to Camila, she's fine so I grab my phone and answer it.


"It's Ally."

"Hey, Alz, what's up?"

"Check your social media, one of your fans saw you in the hospital with kids, they began to think who's those twins because they saw that they're look alike and you're close to them, they even think that it was yours."

"It is really mine, why, what do you want me to do? I still want Camila's permission, I will not decide without her when it comes to our twins."

"I understand, but you need to address it."

"Not now, Ally, I will not deny that they're my twins, I will not put caption that they're my niece and nephew, that's a big no."

"You still need to address it."

"Or not, it will eventually die down, let them, I already said that I will update and I'm taking a break, they can't force me to update and answer their questions, the rumours."

"Lauren, are you thinking what I'm thinking?"

"I still think about it, Ally, I'm sorry, okay? Please understand me."

"It's up to you but I will give you a heads up, Simon will not like it, you know him."

"Fuck him," and I sighed, "thanks, Alz." And the call ended.

This is not going to be easy, I know the label especially Simon, the gold digger asshole, they will not give in and I'm sure the paparazzi will create rumours that is not true, this is the reason why I don't want to expose the kids without Camila's permission but I need to tell my family about this first, just in case, so I texted my mom and extend it to Dinah and Normani, also my friends, Vero and Alexa.

While texting I heard a groan, I quickly shot up, stood and quickly approached Camila's bed and it was her groan that I heard so I calm her down.

"It's okay, Camz, I will not drag our twins, I promise," and I press my forehead to hers, "focus on healing sweetheart, the twins needs you, I need you, okay? I'm just here, I will not leave again, not anymore," and I kiss her and caress her hair.


The morning comes and we quickly discuss the possible rumours that will surface in any moment now and I want them to hear it from me first and not make assumptions quickly. I thank God because they all agree.

"So, we assign security."

"Yes and don't think about the money."

"We need to think of that," Dinah butted in.

I looked at her not saying anything letting her to continue.

"Once those brainless idiots come up here and pay your security they can sneak inside, or create stories."

"What's your suggestion?"

"I'll stand as a guard outside, I will let you inside to watch Chancho."

"What about your work?"

"Don't worry Laur, I can handle our dance studio, we both own a dance studio, I can handle it," Normani said.

I nodded, "okay, it's Dinah and I in the evening," and I stop when I notice someone on my peripheral vision so I looked up, he froze when he met my gaze and I saw him quickly ran away so I quickly followed that person, he was about to turn back but it's too late for him, I cornered him already.


I heard my brother's voice and I didn't break my gaze to the man.

"What's wrong?"

"Where's your phone?" I quickly asked the man.

"I-I d-don't have it...?"

"Don't make me dumb, I saw you taking pictures to us."

"What?" Chris said in disbelief and looked at to the man.

"Where the fuck is your phone?" I asked again, this time my voice is high, mad.

The man took his phone with shaking hands and handed it.

I accept it with a snap and open it, browse his gallery and there it was, the recent one, I press longer and deleted the picture, "what's your name?"


"Your ID?"

The man name Austin took his wallet with same manners.

"Don't think that you can sue me, I notify the police about this matters and you fucking papz is not exempted, remember this, once this picture is out of the sites I will fucking sue you, the company you worked for and I will not stop until you're behind bars," and someone took the phone and I saw Chris opening the back of the phone and took out its memory card chip then handed it back to the man.

"W-What are you going to do?"

"My sis just said, don't make us dumb, I know you will just retrieve it later so why not take the memory card right? This memory will stay with us until my sis decided when, you hear me? If you will still continue you can be added on the list of the suspects, we're taking precautions here, kid."

"Fucking leave, try to invite some papz here and I will break your memory card chip."

And he quickly left, phone in his hand.

Once Austin left, I saw Chris break the memory into pieces, he just shrugged.

"Just in case."

And I nodded.

It's decided, Dinah and I will take the nights, acting as security.

On the inside, I even asked for wind wall so I will not need to close the blinds in the morning so Camila can still receive an amount of sunlight, knowing papz they will surely use their long scopes just to capture what's inside Camila's room, what is happening inside and I can't take the risk.

I started making songs too and as always making Camila my inspiration and I did a lot, one of these days I will sang it for her.

If I bored inside I will talk to Dinah just like this one.

"Hey," and I saw her nod, "I know you didn't trust me enough and I understand but thank you, thank you for being at Camila's side, I owe you one."

"Well, thank you too for not pressing me."

"Of course not, I'm taking time remember?"

"What are you gonna do if Camila will not accept you?"

"I kind of expected that actually," and she looked at me, didn't believe what I said, "I messed up and I hurt her, but she can't rid of me easily because I will surely back from the very beginning and—it's okay if she couldn't love me anymore, I will understand."

"There's this man, named Shawn Mendes, who showed interest towards her."

"That's okay, as long as he's a good man."

Dinah shook her head, "he's not, so I didn't let him visit, he's a psychopath, a manipulative asshole, just like your slut."


"There's this one time, he asked Chancho out, he even said that she can left the kids with your parents' house so they can go out."


"Yeah, I punched him and threatened him not to come near Chancho again and it seems he did distance himself, after the incident happened, he sneaked out to visit her, he probably saw Chancho's face and never come back."

"What an asshole, loving only Camila for her face not her personality," and I shook my head, "he must not come back, I will not doubt to push him from this floor."

"Good then."

And I will not expect for Dinah to warm up to me again then I remember what Mani said that she'll come around and I'm hoping for that because she's really a good friend that need to keep by your side.

Every night I sing a song for Camila, if not one it's two songs every night and I waited patiently.

The letters that my parents send to me I read every single one of it while watching Camila.

From time to time too my parents will report to me what happened to the case and it'll be on 3rd hearing after that the verdict. It turns out that aside from Chuck there's another man involved with the bitch, why not, I can't attain to speak her name any more so yeah bitch, it fits her. She was thinner than the last time I saw her when I decided to attend the 3rd hearing and Dinah is on watch with Camila. I'm still mad at her and there's no way I can forgive her too, she ruined me, my life, almost destroy my future. It turns out too that she's not really pregnant, another lie she made, she can't be pregnant anymore because she undergoes a surgery to remove her uterus because she hated kids. Fucking bitch. How can I fall for her? Oh yeah, because I'm messed at that moment, emotionally stress and she took advantage of it. I told my parents to tell me again if the verdict of them is guilty and a life sentence prison, with no parole or bail.

And the bed, well I asked the hospital staff to move it on the other side closer to Camila's bed, I wanted to be close to Camila, to hold her hand and from time to time I will play with her fingers like we always do before we sleep. And it marks 4mos and 2weeks of Camila's stay in the hospital.


I stirred from my sleep then I opened my eyes then I saw my family with shock expression that makes me frown.

"What?" and I saw Dinah pointing to my hand so I followed and my eyes widened because Camila is holding my hand, clutching my fingers to hers, "doctor."

Chris quickly left to call for the doctor.


"Whatever you're doing with her, just continue because she's more responsive now, she can hear you too but let's not hurry her because she's still recovering," the doctor explained after checking her, "there's still open wounds inside her body so she still can't move, sooner or later she'll be awake, I will change her medication and the ointment that I give you Ms Jauregui continue to damp it into her burn skin, it helps."

"Yes, doctor, thank you."

And the doctor left.

We felt giddy after the doctor left, practically embracing each other.

"See mama?" Lance said.

I nodded at him and I looked up, confused eyes staring at me.

It was Camille who explained, "mommy said it's okay, we can call Lao-ren, Mama."

And they nodded in agreement. One person left and it was Dinah and I understand.




"I know you will not approve, I will still let Camila made her decision, it's still her decision."

"I must say that you're improving but that's not enough."

"I know, Dinah, I know."

"If she may forgive you and give you another chance and you hurt her again, I swear Jauregui, I will chop off your jewels."

And I nodded, "okay, I will let you."



And so I did, every night I sing a song for her, play with her hands and fell asleep. 4mos and 3weeks, my parents told me the good news, the suspects was sentenced in life imprisonment, with no chance of parole, even bail, there's none and they will be sent to the national penitentiary for the rest of their lives.

"Fuck you, Vero, you already know the password to that fucking condo, I just want you to get my stuff there, that's all and sent it here to Miami please."

I decided to sell my condo in LA and let Vero handle it.

"I hope you will give me a share."

I rolled my eyes, "I will not mind, okay, fine, 60% good on you?"

"Yay! That's what I want it."

And I sighed, "thanks, Vero, say hi to Alexa for me, thanks again."

"Bitch, you better come back here in LA."

"Let's see."

"Fine, give my kisses to Camila."

"Kisses? No."

"You're annoying, fine bitch, ciao."

And the call ended.

"That's Vero, sweetheart, Alexa's fiancée, you probably know Alexa, I owe her one, they said they will get married this year," and I rolled up my sleeve to begin the half bath of Camila, "they got engage last year," and I sat at her bed then began damping the wet cloth on her body, slowly and lightly, I lifted her hand and kiss her knuckles and went back to what I'm doing, I even teased her by tracing slowly to her sensitive spot and when I did that the heart monitor beeps, yep she likes that and I chuckled, "wow, I'm such a gentleman, you know why? I can still control myself, look at my crotch you make me hard, you always did that," and I chuckled then I began to sing the song I wrote during our anniversary while I now put ointment on her burn skin when I heard her moan, "Camz, you owe me now," and I chuckled, "you're really are beautiful sweetheart," and I kiss her lips and rub my nose to hers then kiss her forehead, "I love you," and I began to change her gown and move back the white sheet covering her body then went back to my routine.

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